Chapter 4: Rescue within the eyes of the storm
We see the sun about to set down as we see Y/n flag ship being docked as his soldiers were loading the supplies into the ship while we see Y/n within his fancy private quarters as he watch the sun setting down in the distance which he thinks it's beautiful while the door behind him open and Cleveland enter and was amazed about his room while Y/n turn to face her.
Y/n: (smile) Hey Cleveland, what brings you here?
Cleveland: (smile) Just came by to see you but first, whoa you have a fancy room. Guess that make sense since you have a large military army and fleet.
Y/n: (smile) I know that feeling when Itachi show me around. But anyways, come in and make yourself like home while I make us some drinks.
Cleveland smiled and look around while Y/n walks over and pour some drinks for him and Cleveland as she sat near the window while Y/n walks over and hand her a drink and sat across from her as he take a sip of his drink.
Y/n: (smile) What a nice afternoon we have here.
Cleveland: (smile) Yeah but I believe there will be a storm coming so this beauty may not last.
Y/n: That sucks. Say any news about the Sakura empire or their moves to strike back at us?
Cleveland: Things have been quiet but hey, we can scout ahead and see what we can find.
Y/n: Way ahead of ya. I've sent a few fighters to scout ahead before the storm arrive. They should be back soon.
Cleveland: Let's hope they have some news for us.
Y/n: Agree. What about Wales and the rest? How are they doing?
Cleveland: Pretty good but I feel that Enterprise wants to go out there and battle.
Y/n: Yeah I've noticed. She even doesn't seem to trust me.
Cleveland: (smile) Give her time, maybe she'll warm up to you and the rest of your crew.
Y/n: Let's hope so. We need to work together in order to stop the Sakura empire before they gain the upper hand.
Cleveland: Agree but we can figure something out, just just know it.
Y/n: (smile) Yeah, same here.
After they finish their drinks they exit out of the room and walk through the halls when Itachi came around the corner and turn to see them.
Itachi: (smile) Ah Y/n and Lady Cleveland nice to bump into you both.
Cleveland: (smile) Cleveland is fine but same here.
Itachi: (smile) Of course. Y/n, Wales would like to see you with the rest at the meeting room.
Y/n: (smile) Guess I'll heard there before the rain starts.
Itachi: I believe it's a wise choice sir.
Cleveland: (smile) Cool. I'm gonna go and take a spar bath with the other girls. See you later Y/n!
Y/n: (smile) Same here.
Cleveland runs off while her heart skip a beat a bit to have a nice conversation while Y/n and Itachi head off to the meeting before the rain start. But when they were just walking near the beach it started the rain so Itachi hands another umbrella for Y/n which he thanked and the two walk near the beach.
Then Y/n stop and look over to see Enterprise standing at the beach just letting the rain pour all over her so Y/n walks over to her and move the umbrella over him and Enterprise while she turn to see him standing next to him.
Y/n: (smile) You alright. Don't want you to end up getting a cold.
Enterprise just looks back to the ocean as the two stand there for a bit when Enterprise ask him.
Enterprise: Why do you care about me so much?
Y/n: Because we're friends and we're fighting the same enemy. Look I know you don't trust me but I trust you.
Enterprise: Why?
Y/n: (smile) Because your one of the strongest person I have ever met and the one who never holds back for anything. You just need to take things slow and relax a bit instead of just go rushing in and nearly get yourself hurt.
Enterprise: I'll be fine.
Y/n: (smirk) What ever you say. Still it ain't that bad to enjoy something in life and slow things down right?
He then hands her his umbrella which surprised Enterprise as she take it and once that Y/n smile and walk over to Itachi and get underneath his umbrella as the two head off while Enterprise stood there and wonder what Y/n told her as she stare out of the ocean while the rain poured down.
Within the meeting room we see Y/n, Itachi, Wales, illustrious, Elizabeth and Belfast within the room while the rain pours down making a light tapping sound as Elizabeth looks over to Y/n and ask.
Elizabeth: So your must be this general I heard about huh. I was suspected more.
Wales: We need to discussed our plans to combat against the Sakura empire and their new allies.
Illustrius: I agree but knowing how strong their commanders are, we have no clue how we can stand a chance.
Y/n: Well if they have the sirens as their new allies then what about we have our own allies but bigger.
Belfast: So you suggesting form allies with other factions across the world?
Y/n: Yeah. If we form more allies in our cost, maybe Eric can get the upper hand.
Wales: That is a possibility but we have no idea if they even want to work for us and we haveno idea if the Sakura empire have already done that.
Y/n: If that's the case then I suggest we take control of islands around the world. That way if this place is captured by them, we can move to a new and better base and think of plans there.
Elizabeth: Do you honestly think we can stand a chance against a large army?!
Y/n: Well yeah. There is many times a small force defeated a large and powerful enemy.
Itachi: You all haveno fear. As long Y/n have plans to take care the Sakura empire and their forces, surely we can win.
Elizabeth: I hope so.
Illutrius: (smile) Well I have complete faith that we can win and I know Y/n will will us in our fight.
Belfast: (smile) I agree.
Wales: Same.
Elizabeth: (sigh) I suppose I haveno choice. Already then, I'll support your plans and see how it will turn out in the end.
Y/n: (smile) No worries. We can do this, I know we can.
The meeting ends and we see Y/n with Belfast as they walk through the halls with Itachi behind them as Belfast glance out of thw window to look at the stork outside.
Belfast: So much for a nice night.
Y/n: (smile) Yeah but good thing we're in there and not out there taking a hard shower with our clothes on.
Belfast: (giggle) I agree, it be ashame if our clothes were to get wet.
Y/n: (smile) Yeah agree. So how is Enterprise doing?
Belfast: (smile) Alright for now but I have a feeling she will go out as soon there is trouble.
Y/n: See what you mean. But I don't blame her, I'm sometimes risk my own life to do something like saving a life.
Belfast: (smile) Indeed and you are very brave because of it. I deeply respect your bravery and strong will to never give up.
Y/n: (smile) Not a type of guy to give up, even if our odds are against us.
Belfast: (smile) Agree. Say, if you are ever free you and I should spend some time together. Just you and me.
Y/n: (little blush) R-R-Really? I-I mean I like to I'm just-
She then pit her finger over his lip which she smiled and the remove her finger from Y/n and giggle once more before she walk away but not before saying.
Belfast: (smile) Unfortunately I mist go but I'll see you and hope we can spent some time together once your free.
Y/n: (little blush) Y-Yeah same here.
Itachi walks next to Y/n and ask Y/n.
Itachi: Shall I remind you about your date with Belfast once your free.
Y/n: (blush) Wow what do you mean by a date man?!
Itachi: My apologies, I thought she wants to go on a date with you once your free.
Y/n: (little blush) W-Well it's more like a "Day out" really.
Itachi: So dose that mean all the girls may want to ask you out on a "Day out" once you are free.
Y/n: Yeah I guess so and yeah, but that as a reminder will ya.
Itachi: Yes sir.
Y/n:......Wait...what was that you say earlier about-
Male pilot: General! General!
They turn to see their pilot rushing over to them and once he gets to them he salute the two and tell them.
Male pilot: We spotted what looks like a battle zone. There was wracked ships floating over the water as we speak.
Itachi: What kind of ships are they?
Male pilot: We believe the ships were from the Dragon empery along with several sirens ships. It looked like a brutal battle.
Y/n: Right. Order the crew to get ready to depart, we're heading there to see if there are any survivors.
Male pilot: You sure sir? That storm is pretty heavy and might flip the ship.
Y/n: I won't let any survivors to die within the storm. I refuse that to happen.
Male pilot: Yes sir!
The pilot runs off while Y/h qnd Itachi node to each other and they heaf out to head to that location and see if they can find any survivors.
(Hours later)
We see Y/n's flag ship along with his fleet travelling through the ocean while the storm continues as we see Itachi and Y/n within the cockpit with the crew on the controls. Y/n and Itachi watch through the window and radar until the radar made a beep and soon a fremore beeps as they see something in the distance.
They see a siren ship ahead which the crew was ready their cannons but Y/n raises his fist, signalling them to hold fire which they did. They get closer and closer and see damaged siren ships everywhere along with dragon empery ships with some already sunk into the ocean.
Y/n: Itachi have my men ready and we go and check at the dragon emperys ships for any survivors.
Itachi: Yes sir, be safe out there.
He nodes and exit out of cockpit and minutes later we see five helicopters flying towards the battle zone with Y/n wearing his battle armor and rifle in hand as the five helicopters split off to search at the five remaining ships as they throw down rope and they slide down onto the deck and they secure the five remaining ships from the dragon empery's.
After a long while esch teams call out clear to the empty ships which Y/n believes everyone was gone but one soldier on the ship he was on calls out.
Male soldier: Found two survivors!
Y/n walks over at the back of the deck and once there he see two girls with one of them unconscious while the other glare at them as Y/n stsp forward and took off his helmet and bend down to them.
Y/n: (smile) No reason to fear. We're here to help, tell us what happened here and what are your names?
Ping: My name is Ping Hai and this is my sister, Ning hai. We were ambushed by Siren ships and we lost eveyething while my sister protected me.
She start to cry while Y/n pet her on the back while he tells her.
Y/n: It's gonna be alright. We get you and your sister to safty okay?
She node while he stood up and turn to his men.
Y/n: Get these two into the helicopter right away.
They node and two help Ping and the unconscious Ning up while Itachi call him through the radio.
Itachi: (radio) Y/n we decided a movement beside you! One siren ships is still functional!
He looks over to see the siren ships glowing red while one cannon turn and aim at the ship they are on.
Y/n: Get everyone off this ship right now! I'll buy some time!
He leaps off the deck and lands onto the water as he distracted the cannon by waving his arms and calling oit to it.
Y/n: Hey! Over here! How about to aim at someone else like me! If you can aim!
The cannon turns to Y/n whichhe moves to get away his line of sight. He pulls out a rocket launcher and fire several rockets at the cannon taking one out. Soon more cannons turn online and turn towards Y/n. Then the cannons fire ad Y/n dodges the blast while he radios in Itachi.
Y/n: Itachi! Sent out fighters to bomb the siren ship!
Itachi: (radio) Yes sir!
Then several fighters came out of the hanger and fire rockets at the siren ship which cost explosions around the ship. The cannons turn their attention towards the fighters and open fire at them and took two fighters out while Y/n pulls out to swords and leaps over to the cannons and slice one cannon while he gose around slicing up tbe cannons except for one as he grab tge barrel of the turn and turn the cannon itself towards the bridge as he peaks over at the target range and said.
Y/n: I dare you to shoot me right now!
He ducked down when the cannon fired and destroyed the bridge as the whole ship blow up while Y/n runs along the siren ship while a Helicopter reach to him as left side door open as he leap inside the helicopter and once that they fly away while the siren ship blow up sky high while all forces return back to the fleet with Ping and Ning with them.
(Short while later)
Y/n enter the sick bay where he sees Ping with ning as ning just woken up which Ping was relief to see her sister alright while they looks over as Y/n walk up to them.
Y/n: (smile) Glad that you two are safe.
Ping: (smile) Yeah all thanks to you. Thank you for rescuing us.
Ning: (smile) Same. We don't know what to do if your fleet haven't arrive to save us.
Y/n: (smile) It's no problem. So tell me, why were those siren ships attack you?
Ping: Because we have important information that we just discovered about the Sakura empires factory.
Y/n: Factory?
Ping: Yes. They have a secret factory on a island and they have making more siren ships to maximise their army so they have enough to attack.
Y/n: That sounds bad. However if that factory is destroyed then they will lose their whole new fleet.
Ning: Yes but it's impossible to get through. It's run by Commander Rin. A smart but brutal Commander. He'll never let anything enter, even by means using his own fleet as suicide bombers.
Y/n: I see. So the only way to get to the factory is by getting pass his fleet.
Ping: Yeah so I don't think we don't stand a chance if we go out there.
Y/n: (smile) Don't worry we'll find a way and thank you for this important information you two. I'm very sorry for your lost.
Ping: (smile) It's no problem and thank you again.
Ning: (smile) Same again.
Y/n: (smile) No problem you two. Get some rest, this is gonna take a long trip to head back home.
The two agree as Y/n walk out of the room and meet up with Itachi who share this important information to Itachi who node while they walk through the halls.
Itachi: Commander Rin. Yes I know that name. He is veiwed as one hard commander to try to break. He's very good defending important territory and qill not break his line until his enemies run away.
Y/n: So this will be harder for us to get pass his defensive.
Itachi: Indeed. What's your plan?
Y/n: I need to think about but for now let's head home. I feel like taking a spar bath after this.
Itachi: Agree sir. At least you can spend some time with the other girls there.
Y/n: Yeah guess that will be fun to......wait is there a male spar bath room?
Y/n: (chuckle) That's a joke right. You can't be serious about there is only the women spar bath within the world right.......right?
Itachi just walks off while Y/n wants to know if he was joking but he gets a feeling he is not as they sail back home and be out of the storm before it will get even worse. In the distances we see a ship watching them along with General Riku watching the fleet leave as he find it interesting and order his ship to leave the area and so it did as they sail off back home to report this to the rest of the Generals of the Sakura empire.
To be continued.......................
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