Chapter 11: Operation: Storm island (Arc 5 final)
The wind begins to pick up all of a sudden as the wind blown away the base camp. The wind quickly pick up speed and soon things were blown away. Tents were flying, vehicles slowly shifted and panic erupted.
Enterprise and Belfast came out of the planning room and see all of it going on. It was chaos as they watched and then Enterprise back out orders.
Enterprise: Get everything stuck in and don't let anything blown away!
The soldiers go around and doing that and then Y/n, Javelin, Laffey and Unicorn arrive back with the island native people.
The soldiers tale the people to somewhere safe while Yn walks up to Enterprise and Belfast.
Enterprise: They must have activated the weapon.
Y/n: Yeah but their defenses are gone so we can storm in before they can do any damage.
Belfast: Agree. This is our final chance to destroy this weapon once and for all.
Enterprise: Agree. Let's gather our forces and get ready for battle.
Y/n: (node) Right.
(Hours later)
We see the Sakura's weapon on and a storm is slowly forming. We see the Sakura soldiers trying their best to get their defences online but it doesn't seem to work.
We see a large army of Sakura soldiers have the path to their base blocked and they were waiting for the enemy forces to arrive.
After a bit of waiting a flare was shot out from the sky follow by a cry as Y/n's soldiers begin to charge towards the Sakura Empires blockade.
Sakura soldier: Enemy forces!
They begin to open fire at them , taking out a few but some find cover and return fire. The large battle began as bullets flies back. The Sakura soldiers take behind sandbags and poke out to fire back.
A few grenades were thrown towards each other and he grenades goes off. One grenade from the Sakura soldier landed near a soldier but then Y/n quickly picks it up and throws it back.
Y/n: Push forward men! Keep fighting!
Y/n charge forward and deploy his shield to block the incoming bullets by the Sakura soldiers. He keeps going until he gets close and then he leaps up and drops four grenades within the trenches where some Sakura soldiers were and seconds later they go off.
Y/n lands on his feet and looks up to see most aiming their weapons at him. He then draws out two swords and then he dashes over and begins cutting them down.
A few more came and one was abiut to fire his rocket launcher but then Enterprise fires her bow and took out a hand full of the Sakura soldiers.
She then continue firing her bow at the rest while Y/n keeps going. That was until a tank drove up in front of him and then fired.
He immediately dodges and then swap his twin swords to his rocket launcher amd fired at the tank. Landing a hit and leaving a hole which he leaps over, lands onto the tank and pull a grenade.
He then poke his head inside of the tank and pass the grenade to the driver while he tells him.
Y/n: Here's a gift.
He leaps away and soon the tanks blows up. Bullets flies by so he pull out his minigun and begins gunning down the Sakura soldiers.
Y/n: Their blockade is clear! Push forward!
His men cheered as they follow Y/n as they enter the base. They begin to clear out all the Sakura soldiers while the storms gets even more worse.
Y/n noticed this and then he use his rocket launcher to blow open the door into the base and then he turn to Enterprise and tells her.
Y/n: Plant some explosions around the weapon. I'll take care of Oshan.
Enterprise: Right!
Y/n goes in with 10 of his soldiers as they storm inside the base while Enterprise and Belfast help out the rest to clear out the Sakura soldiers.
Y/n's soldiers begin to plant explosions around the weapon while the battle continues outside. While inside we see Sakura's Soldiers at the hallway holding back Y/n and his men.
However Y/n charges forward and cuts them down with his twin swords. One Sakura soldier launches towards Y/nnbut he pull out his shotgun and blast him away.
Y/n: (smirk) Taste shell sucker.
We cut to Oshan and Bismarck inside of Oshan's office as the place shook and they can hear gunfire at the other side od the door.
Sakura soldier: (radio) Sir! They are pushing through! We can't hold them off much longer!
Oshan: (angry) Do your job and protect me! Useless!
Bismarck: Oshan, its over. We lost. We should evacuate right away.
Oshan: Indeed.......but I will not allow them to go freely.
He then pushes a button and a wall on their right opene and Bismarck is shocked to see a nuke armed and ready to detonate.
Bismarck: (shocked) Are you mad! This would kill everyone!
Oshan: Exactly! If I can't win! No one will!
Bismarck: Your twisted and insane!
Oshan:......So what? What are you gonna do....bitch.
He then pull out his pistol and fire at Bismarck. Her eyes widen in shock as she then collapse to thr ground and begin to cough out blood while she bleed.
Ohsan: You think I'll be dumb enough to not figure out you allow the enemy to free the native people and allow the enemy to shut down our defenses? You really a fool, aren't you?
Bismarck: Your horrible. When the Sakura Empire finds out abouts this, they will-
Ohsan: (smirk) They will see me as a hero. A hero who sacrifice his life to protect our empire.....while a traitor plans to blow this island and kill a lot of people. They will only see me as a hero, as for you?
He then stomp his foot onto her stomach and she begins to let out moans of pain as Ohsan looks down at her and tells her.
Ohsan: (smirk) They will see you as a villain. Perhaps you deserve to die here, along with us.
He then move his pistol towards Bismarck's head as she sees this and then she shut her eyes.
Ohsan: (smirk) Say goodbye.
Suddenly the door was blown up and Ohsan turn and within a second Y/n rush in and slice off Ohsans arm where he is holding the pistol.
He collapse to the ground with his arm bleeding. He looks over to the nuke and was about to say the activation cods when Y/n kicks him in the face, knocking him out.
Soon Y/n's soldiers came in and Y/n turn to Bismarck and rushes over to her.
Y/n: You okay?
Bismarck: Y-Yes I am. Thank you.
He node with a smile then hears a loud explosion and turn to the window to see the weapon being destroyed as it collapse onto the ground.
Outside after the Sakura soldiers sees this they immediately drop their weapons and surrendered to Y/n's soldiers. His men begins to cheer as the weapon is destroyed.
Itachi: (radio) General! Did you win?
Y/n: Yep! We won. Operation: Storm island is a success. Victory is ours.
(Hours later)
At shore we see the Sakura soldiers being taking to their ship so they will be thrown in prison. Ohsan gets dragged within a boat as he then clear at Y/n while he is taking to the ship.
Y/n watch and then the native people of the island approaches Y/n.
Native person: Thank you for freeing our island. We shall not forget this.
Y/n: (smile) We'll make sure your island will be protected in case the Sakura empire would to return.
They were extremely grateful and thanked him once more. We then see Enterprise looking at Y/n and the Belfast came up to her.
Belfast: Your starting to like him do you?
Enterprise: What do you mean by that?
Belfast: (giggle) I think you know what I am.
Enterprise: (little blush) Let's just pack up and leave.
Enterprise walks away while Belfast just simply smile as they all begin to pack everything up and soon board their ships.
They set sail back home so they can celebrate their victory while taking their prisoners to their cells so they will locked up for their crimes.
At the Sakura Empire's main base we see Chiasa, Riku, Kaga, and Akagi gathered together after they heard about Ohsan's capture.
Kaga: I can't believe they capture Ohsan. Y/n is good.
Akagi: (smirk) Very good.
Chiasa: It just shows how much of a threat he is. What should we do?
Riku: We needed to be carful in case we are every capture. All we know they could be interrogating him for information.
Chiasa: I never really like him. He was annoying.
Riku: And insane.
Sakura soldier: Sirs!
Then a Sakura soldier came in and walks over and shows them a recording.
Sakura soldier: This was sent to us. I think it's from Y/n and his allies.
Riku: Play it.
The soldier clicks the button and then Y/n's voice spoke.
Y/n: (recording) This is Y/n L/n, if you are nearing this then good. Listen to this message. Ohsan has committed a war crime and created a weapon that would have kill many lives. I want to tell you this will not be acceptable. We have Ohsan captive and he will be trailed for his crimes. If you dare to harm innocents lives again.....then we will take the your home island.
The message ends and they stood there for a moment while Kage breaks the silence.
Kaga: What now?
Riku: We gather our forces and come up with a plan. There are other projects we can work on and they are not as crazy as Ohsan's.
Chiasa: Yes.
Riku: We should hold back of any attacks and let their guards down. Once their guard is down....we will strike.
Chiasa: (smirk) If we do that then they may gain suspicious. How's about we sent a few ships so it will not seem suspicious.
Riku: Good idea.
Kaga: I'll go out and fight Y/n.
Riku: No. You and Akagi must stay here. When the time is right, we'll sent you two out. Is that clear?
Kaga: Yes sir.
Akagi: (smile) Come on sis! Let's take a bath together~
Kaga: Please shut up.
The two leave the room and once they are gone both Riku and Chiasa talk about something else before the two left and go theie separate ways.
To be continued.............................................
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