Chapter 10: Operation: Storm island (Arc 4)
It is the dead of night in the middle of the forest as we can hear distant explosions and gunfire as we see Y/n appearing on top of a hill as he kneel down and aim down his sniper rifle attached to a silencer at the barrel as he looks through the scope of his rifle to see a gate blocking their way.
Seeing this he lower his rifle and he slide down the hill and moves slowly through the forest until he made it to the gate. At the gate were six Sakura Empire soldiers at the gate.
They are standing guard as Y/n sees anyway to get inside. He moves around the fence and soon come across a fence that looked damaged. He walks over to the fence and rip off the fence. He throws it aside and stood there and wait for the rest to show up.
Then he felt a tap behind him and he quickly turn only to see Unicron which he breaths a sigh of relief.
Y/n: (whisper) Jesus you scared me.
Unicron: (whisper) I'm sorry.
Y/n: (whisper) Oh no that's alright. Hey where is Javelin and Laffey?
Then they hear a groan as they turn to the forest and sees Javelin coming out of the forest with a sleeping Laffey on her back as Javelin carried her all away to Y/n snd Unicron.
Javelin: Laffey please wake....up!
She then falls with Laffey lay on top of Javelin and then she woke up. Soon after the four of them walk through a empty landscape until they come across a large tower which they thought at first but then they realise when they get close was not a towe but rather a cannon.
The cannon was pointing at the sky and below was a large army of soldiers with heavy weapons and armor vehicles which the three girls gete nervous.
Javelin: I have a bad feeling about this.
Y/n: Maybe but we have to do this. Now we just have to get to the control room and hack into the cannons.
Laffey: Look.
Laffey point across and they see a large base so they make their way there. They walk around the circular canyon, trying their best not to draw any attention and soon they arrive at the base.
They get behind some rocks and look over to see soldiers blocking their way inside.
Javelin: How do we can get in without alarting the guards?
Y/n: We need to distract them somehow.
Y/n looks around and soon sees a small generator around the corner of the base. He pulls out his silencer sniper rifle, takes aim ans shoots at the generator which sparks out and it shut off the light above the soldiers.
A few were sent out to investigate while some stay here and guard. Y/n sees this and begins taking them out with his rifle. He take out the far back soldiers, then the middle snd lastly the last few at the front.
He took them out without any one of them alarting anything.
Javelin: (smile) Good shot.
Y/n smiles with a nod and the four make their way over to the door and sees they needed a keycard to get inside. Y/n digs into one of the soldiers bodies one by one while dumbing them into a bin until he find a key card.
He use the key card and the door opens and they head inside. Javelin is sent out to take out security which she did very quickly snd quietly as she shut off the security system as all cameras are offline.
She leaves the room as Y/n gives her a high five and they make their way through the base. They journey through the halls until they hear working and quickly they all hide within a small crimped storage closest as two soldier walk over and then stop in front of the door and begin talking.
We then see the four being squeezed with Y/n somehow in the middle ad he can feel their massive breast around him which he blushes very deeply and so as the girls.
Then the two soldiers finally leave and as soon they are gone all four came out of the closest and keep going. They soon reach a door to the control room and Y/n open the door and enter inside.
They see no one is in the room so they rush over the controls and Y/n uses his wrist of his armor to hack into the system.
Javelin: Look at the size of that weapon. You think this is the weather weapon?
Y/n: Must be. According to this, they use some kind of ancient technology to power the weapon and have it to control the weather. They based this weapon on the sirens many years ago.
Unicron: You mean they are using siren technology to make a weather weapon?
Y/n: Seems like it.
Javelin: But how would they get siren technology?
Y/n: Not sure. Let me focus......and done. Let's get out of here.
???: Who are you?
They immediately turn to see Bismarck which she immediately raised her hand to show that she is no threat.
Bismarck: Wait! I'm not going to harm you four. Your here to destroy our weapon?
Y/n: Well sorta but we're not telling you.
Bismarck: I understand but can you do one more thing. Please.
They look at each other and then they listen as she explain.
Bismarck: Oshan who is in charge of this is going to use the native people who live on this island as a meat shield for your army. He's going allow innocent peoples to die in order to achieve victory.
Javelin: (shocked) That's horrible!
Y/n: If anything he's committing a war crime.
Bismarck: He doesn't care as long he wins the battle and the war. His actions is going too far and those people are going to die. I know we are enemies but have to free them before it is to late. I beg of you.
Y/n:......If what you are saying is true then of course. We will help them.
Bismarck: Th-Thank you. I leave you all be. I'll tell no one.
Y/n: (smile) Thanks. We really appreciate.
Bismarck blushes a bit and then goes to leave. Once she is gone Y/n gets into the control systems and finds where the native people are at.
Y/n: Looks like we have to go deeper to the base.
Unicron: What if it is a trap?
Javelin: Bismarck seems like a type who doesn't lie.
Laffey: The sooner we get this done, the sooner I go to sleep.
Y/n: Right. Let's go girls.
(Short while later)
At the lower floors we see the holding cell of the base. We see the native people inside of their cells as soldiers are seen patrolling the cell. We cut to the bridge of the cell as we see officers at the control doing their work.
Then the doors open and the first officer turn and he immediately raised his hand as Y/n walk in while aiming his rifle at him as the other officers turn and see Y/n.
Two soldiers draw their weapons at Y/n when Javelin took out one while Laffet throws a can at the other as the two gets knocked out.
Y/n: Okay listen up! Open all the cells and we will leave you be! Do it!
They immediately do it as all the cells begin to open which confused the soldiers. Before they can be anything the native people let out a battle cry and attack the soldiers. They toss them off of balconies or beaten them up as they took their weapons and begun their escape.
Y/n: Good now get out of here.
The officers ran out of the room in a hurry and once that the four leave the room and meet up withthe native people as one who is the leader approaches Y/n.
Native people leader: You saved us. Thank you.
Y/n: (smile) No problem. Listen up everyone! We're going to head to the hanger where the vehicles are being stored. Once there we take out the guards, take the vehicles and drive out of here. Come on! Let's charge to victory!
They all cheered as they race through the hallways and soon Y/n kicks open the door and they rush out. They open fire at the Sakura Empire soldiers which they immediately return fire.
A fire fight happens as bullets fly by as the Sakura Empire soldiers get shot. Y/n gets in front as he deployed a energy shield to protect the native people while he fire his rifle with his other hand.
The girls also help as they summon parts of their ship and then fire their cannons and blowing up the soldiers. They keep pushing until they reach the vehicles and they all get inside.
Y/n and the girls get inside one and Y/n takes the lead as he drives off follow by the rest. Alarms begins to blurr out as Sakura Empire soldiers are now on high alart now. They try blocking their exits but Y/n simply punch through as he keeps driving.
Unicron: We're almost out!
They keep punching through while driving through the tunnel until they made it outside only to at first being blocked by Sakura Empire soldiers as they were about the shoot when suddenly there was a explosion as the cannons begin to fire on the Sakura Empire forces and blowing them away.
Javelin: (smile) Looks like your plan worked!
Y/n: (smile) Yep. Time to get out of here!
He and the others drive off as the cannons shoot out any Sakura Empire soldiers they find. Helicopter came in only to be shot down and crash as they soon escape the canyon and drive along the dirt road.
It was chaos within the Sakura empire base as the soldiers have no choice but to take out the cannons but as soon they did the intruders were gone.
Y/n breaks through the gate follow by the native people as they escape into the forest and make their way back to base as their mission was a success.
Destroyed vehicles and injured or dead Sakura Empire soldiers are seen all around as Oshan arrived to see all the mess. Rage starts to boil him as the Sakura Empire Captain rushed over and give him a report.
Sakura Empire Captain: Sir the cannons suddenly turned on us and the prisoners have escape along with the intruders. We lost multiple soldiers, vehicles and some air support. We don't stand a chance of a up coming attack.
Oshan:.......Ready the weapon.
Sakura Empire Captain: But its no-
Oshan: I GIVE YOU AN ORDER! Activate the weapon right now or else!
With fear he comply as he headed off while the weather weapon begins to activate as sparks of electricity is seen and soon a electricity beam came out of the cannon and fired into the sky. Rumbling thunder is heard and the wind begins to get stronger as Oshan looks at the beam and says in a rage like tone.
Oshan: I will not accept defeat. I will win....even by means destroying this entire island!
To be continued.........................................
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