Chapter 1: Let ue set sail

It was a nice sunnynday within a city where we see many people walking by and going out of their own business while we see our main protagonist within a book store and buying some war ship books within a book store with the owner who was scanning off the books asked Y/n with a small smile.

Store owner: (smile) See your interest with war ship huh?

Y/n: (smile) Yeah, their just interesting ships and their history is pretty interesting as well.

Store owner: (smile) Agree. A lot of those ships serve in many battles over the years. Wish they wee still around till this day.

Y/n: (smile) Yeah same.

After the owner was done he load the books into a plastic bag and hands it to Y/n.

Store owner: (smile) Take care young man.

Y/n: (smile) You too sir.

Then he left the store and walk through the city with a bag of war ship books on him as he decided to find a good spot to read one of them before he head him.

Ever since Y/n was a kid, he was interested with war ships and their history. He have many models of war ships on shelfs around his room to show he likes war ships but the most prize he had is the Navy Enterprise war ship.

It was given by his grandfather who was a navy officer during World War two and give him the Enterprise model as a gift to him which is one of his precious models he ever have.

Soon he finds a good spot which is a bench and behind it was a large dock with a large ocean also behind him as well while he pull out one book and open it up and start to read through it. He gets to the page of the Enterprise and how it works and how it come to it's end.

Y/n: (thought) Never knew Enterprise is one tough war ship. Survive many battles and close calls until it was destroyed in 1969. Man if that war ship would stay around for a little longer then it would be cool to see it. But that was years ago and i have to time travel back to seenit before it's destruction.

He sigh to himself while he close his book and lend back his head to the sky and wonder if there is a war to see any of those famous war ships in somewhere and somehow.

Before he could think anymore he heard what sounded like a wheel making a sharp turn and making a noise that cost him to look over to see a fast car travelling along the road in top speed.

Y/n: (thought) That car looks nice but I think it's illegal to drive that in that spee-

Then he see a little girl rushing ahead from her mother and crossing the road but not knowing the car is going to ran over her and it looks like the car is not slowing down.

Y/n: Oh shit!

Y/n sprint over while leaving his books at the bench and rushes towards the little girl as he enter the street. He sees the car was almost gonna ran her but in slow moment he grabs the little girl and throws her back to the cross walk and she lends safe but he looks in front of him to see the car was at him.

He thinks this is gonna hurt a lot and shut his eyes and get ready for the impact and then all he feel his the impact of the car and him landing hard onto the ground floor and when he reopen his eyes he only see darkness.

He feel like he was floating off the ground. He looks around to see anyone but no sign or anyone and realised himself.

Y/n: I'm I dead?! I mean, I'm a teenager and I have so much to live for. Damn, guess this is it then. I'm dead. Still if i mean dead then this means this is the after life then. If that so, is there a gate to heaven or hell so I can go through or something?

Just then a light appears behind him snd he turns to see a light that is shape like a door which Y/n thinks that entrance will lead him to heaven.

Y/n: Guess that's it then. Well goodbye world, guess I rest now I've just saved a little girls life.

He swam towards the portal and then he gose through the portal and thinks he will rest in heaven now.


Y/n fell and land hard onto the metal floor that hurt the back of his head a little. He slowly sat up while rubbing the back of his head and looks around to see he was not in heaven but rather in what looked like a military like lab.

Y/n: Wait.....Where the heck I'm I?

He slowly stand up and looked around to see no one here. He turn to where he came from and see what looked like a Hugh tech device that doesn't look human like.

Y/n: What is this machine? Was I....brought back to life with this thing?

???: You could say that.

He quickly turn to see a military captain along with two soldiers behind him as the three walk up to Y/n and the captain bows to him.

Itachi: (smile) Allow me to introduce myself, my name is Captain Itachi Oni of the military army.

Y/n: (surprised) Wow so your the people that brought me back to life?

Itachi: Well not exactly.

Y/n: Huh?

Itachi: The machine we pull you out is siren technology. It allows us to bring something who died from another world to this world and any injuries or broken bones that were there is now gone.

Y/n: Really? Whoa guess no wonder I don't feel any pain or any broken bones.......Wait......DID YOU SAY YOU PULL ME TO MY WORLD TI THIS WORLD?!

Itachi: (smile) Indeed. The device can transport people to this world but only one can come to this world. Once that is done the device deactivates and no way we can't pull anyone else out to another world even getting you back to your own world.

Y/n: (shocked) So that means I'm stuck here forever?

Itachi: I afraid so but I'm glad we picked the right person when we pull you out from your world.

Y/n: Um why is that?

Itachi: (smile) Because we want you as our general of the military forces.



Itachi: Is ther something wrong sir?

Y/n: (shocked) Well one I'm 19! And do you think ranking me to general is a bit too quick!?

Itachi: I understand your reasoning but we have no choice. We need a general to save this world.

Y/n: Save this world?

Itachi: Please follow me and I'll explain.

Y/n follows Itachi and his soldiers as they exit out of thr room and walk through the halls of the large ship. Y/n walk pass a fre more soldiers who give him a salute to show respect to the general even though they just saw him and how would they know he is the general.

Itachi: Do you remember I said siren technology?

Y/n: Yeah, I think so?

Itachi: Well many years ago there was a group of high tech aliens which we call them sirens. They destroyed many ships and spread fear to us humans. But a group of females managed to create a technology to combat against the sirens and push them back. This technology allows them to be attached parts of their own war ships and use those parts for combat.

Y/n: So like making war ship parts such as cannons and missiles like weapons to them?

Itachi: (smile) That's correct. Once the sirens where all defeated they decided to work together to combat the sirens if they ever return. Now we are heading to a meeting and they are pretty excited to meet you sir.

Y/n: Me? Do they even know me?

Itachi: No but I told them our general is one of the cleverness Generals across the sea and they will get to like him once they meet him.

Y/n: So you pull me out of my world, immediately promote me to general just so you won't look like your lying.

Itachi: Well.....maybe.

Y/n sighs to himself but then again, it would be cool to meet them and maybe get to know them more. They walk to a room and they enter and Y/n was amazed to see lots of clothes hung in fancy like closet as he walks in and looks around.

Y/n: (surprised) Wow this is actually pretty cool.

Itachi: (smile) Indeed. Your clothes is on that chair over there, get change soon sir, we be arriving soon.

Once that he close the door to let Y/n change. He looks over to see the clothes he was talking about and walks over to it and picks it up.

Y/n: (surprised) Wow!

He decided to put it on and so he did. Once that he walks up to a mirror and look at himself and he looks pretty cool with his Generals uniform .

Y/n: (surprised) Okay, I gonna say, this is awesome! It fits perfectly and kinda like the Cape. Still looks so cool.

Then he hear what sounded like a horn meaning they have arrived to their location. He exit out of the room and find a circular window and walks up to it and see the island and the ship docking to the dock as they made it to land.

(Short while later)

Y/n walks down the steps of the ship and behind him was Itachi as they touch down to the dock and looks around and was amazed to see many war ships which looked amazing to see in person.

Y/n: (surprised) Wow there is so many ships here!

Itachi: (smile) Indeed sir, I looks like we maybe the last one here.

Y/n: Looks like it.

???: Wow so your must  be the general?

Y/n looks over to see two women walk up to Y/n and Itachi with one was amazed to meet Y/n in person.

Y/n: Um yeah that's right, names Y/n L/n nice to meet you.

Hood: (smile) Same to you general. My name is Hood of the royal navy.

Cleveland: (smirk) And my name is Cleveland of the Eagle Union.

Y/n: (thought) Wait, those names are war ships?

Cleveland: (smile) Anyways its nice to meet you Y/n. Is this your first time coming to Eagle Union territory.

Y/n: Yep. So what is the Eagle Union?

Cleveland: (smirk) One of the best nations around and one of the tough once.

Hood: (smile) So shall we meet up with the rest at the meeting hall?

Cleveland: Oh that's right, I forgot. Het see you there Y/n!

Y/n: (smile) Same here.

The two walk off and once they were out of site Y/n asked Itachi.

Y/n: So why is their names based of war ships?

Itachi: Oh I forgot to mention that haven't I? Well, their war ships are parts of one of the famous war ships from your world. There is many users of war ships that us named by their own.

Y/n: That's cool.

Itachi: Come, we should not be late.

Y/n: Right, let's go.

The two walk off while in the dar distance we see two female women standing on a stone rock while behind them was fig but red glows suddenly lights up within the fog.


We see Itachi and Y/n are in a nice building where the meeting is being in and the two enter the room and was met with Cleveland ane Hood once again but this time there was another woken wearing all white dress with a large hat as she turns yo see them.

???: (smile) Oh my, I seems that the general of the military faction has arrived.

Itachi: (smile) Indeed Ma'am, my nameie Captain Itachi Oni and this is General Y/n L/n.

Y/n: (smile) Hey.

Illustrious: (smile) How nice to meet you. My name is Illustrious the Royal navy, it is nice to meet you.

She winkded at him which made Y/n blush a little and nod back to her.

Hood: Now everyone is gathered, we can begin talking about the problem in hand.

Illustrious: That's right.

Y/n: Wait what problem is it? Is it about the sirens?

Hood: No. It's the about the Sakura empire.

Itachi: That's right. They are planning to make their moves here.

Hood: Correct.

Y/n doesn't know what they were talking about so he lend over to Itachi and whisper.

Y/n: (whisper) Wait I'm confused. What is the Sakura empire?

Itachi: (whisper) They are one of the nations within this world. Instead of teaming up with Eagle Union, they decided to turn against them and declare war against them.

Y/n: (whisper) Guess that make sense.

Illustrious: If they are making their first moves here then we must be prepare for their attack.

Hood: Agree. If only Enterprise would be here, she'll know what to do.

Y/n: (surprised) Wait? Enterprise?

Cleveland: (smile) Yep. She is a legend and took part of the siren war years ago. She is one tough girl and her ship is one tough cookie as well.

Y/n: (thought) Wow so I'm finally gonna see the Enterprise for the first time. Still I wonder where she might be.

Hood: But for now we need to be ready for an incoming attack.

Y/n: Sorry to break this conversation but may I think of the way to prepare of an attack?

Hood: Sure, what is your idea?

Y/n: Well we may not know how many ships the Sakura empire may sent and judging by where they may come they may have to attack the dock and blow up our ships.

Hood: That's right. They may target our war ships so they will have the upper hand.

Illustrious: (smile) So what is your suggestion?

Y/n: Well, we can try make a defence around the front of the island. The bigger ships will be at the back as artillery while the medium and small ships will be at front by stay close to the large ships and give the large war ships covering fire. It may sound risky but judging how many ships we have in store it might as well work.

Itachi smiles while he nods while th Illustrious also smiles and sees Y/n not only cute but smart while Cleveland was surprised by this plan and Hood thinks about it and she broke the silence by saying.

Hood: It might work.

Cleveland: (smile) I'll say let's give it a try!

Illustrious: (smile) I agree.

Hood: (smile) Very well then. We contacted our crew to get to positions and get their guards up. And Y/n?

Y/n: Yes ma'am?

Hood: (smile) I think your gonna save a lot of lives with your plans. Thank you.

Y/n: (smile) Sure no problem Hood.

(A while later)

The war ships gets into positions as Y/n and Itachi look on in the distance and see the ships getting into line while Itachi says to Y/n.

Itachi: (smile) You did an excellent work sir. Now the Sakura empire have no chance of getting through us.

Y/n: (smile) Thanks. So that must be our capital ship right there?

He points over to a large ship that is getting into position with Itachi nods to him.

Itachi: (smile) Indeed sir, huge isn't it?

Y/n: (smile) I'll say.

Itachi: Well i should head down there and see the situation. I leave you be sir.

Y/n: (smile) Alright Itachi, see you there.

Itachi give him a salute and then walks off and once he was gone he looks at the veiw and can't help but feel kinda relaxed here and thinks to himself.

Y/n: (thought) Gonna say this world ain't that bad. Actually it seems pretty normal and sure of the names like Illustrious and Hood are.....odd but I can't get any weirder then that.

Then he felt what felt like someone tugging his leg and look down to see a loving stuffed Unicorn hugging his leg.

Y/n: (thought) Yeah. I may jinxed that one.

He picks up the stuffed Unicorn and look at it and see it is alive for real.

Y/n: (surprised) Wow this is crazy. Wonder where did you come from?

???: Excuse us!

He looks over to see three women rush over to Y/n snd once that one women asked.

???: Sorry if Unicorn friend bothered you.

Y/n: Oh no it's alright. Actually it's pretty cute.

He hands it back to them where they handed back to a girl who huged it and seeing her made Y/n blush and she look at him with a cute smile and said.

Unicorn: (smile) Thank you kind sir. My name is Unicorn, it is niceto meet you.

Y/n: (blush) N-N-Nice to meet you, names Y/n.

Y/n: (thought) Damn why is she just so cute!

Javelin: (smile) Nice to meet you. My name is Javelin, it's very nice to meet you.

Laffey: And I am Laffey, hello.

She then drink her soda which Y/n have a feeling she might gonna do that a lot.

Javelin: Wait you must be General that Cleveland told us about right?

Y/n: (smile) Yeah, that's me.

Javelin: We apologise for not knowing you at first!

Unicorn: (nervous) Y-Yes very sorry sir.

Y/n: Hey it's alright, I mean this is the first time we met so no need to apologise.

Javelin: Guess that's true.

Y/n look Iver to see Laffey on the floor which he asked with a little worry on him.

Y/n: Is she....alright?

Javelin: (smile) Oh I'm sorry, she dose that so no need to worry.

Y/n: (smile) Oh alright, at least she is okay, I'm happy.

Then Unicorn's pet since something and suddenly they hear sirens whidh made Laffey wake up while Y/n and Javelin looks at the distance and they see what looked like war ships coming out of the fog and heading towards them.

Y/n: What the heck are those?!

Javelin: (shocked) Those are siren ships!

Y/n: (shocked) Seriously?!

Itachi: General!

Then Itachi rushes over to them and once there and catches his breath he said.

Itachi: The sirens are attacking!

Y/n: We kinda see that.

Itachi: Follow me, we mist get into battle stations.

Y/n: Alright.

(Short while later)

Siren Fighters fly over head as they drop bombs onto war ships while the ships open fire at the Fighters and the siren ships ahead of them and continues firing at them.

We then cut to Y/n and Itachi within thr Bridge of their capital ship and Y/n sees the siren war ships moving towards their blockade.

Itachi: What is the plan general?

Y/n: Let me think.

He thinks of something while he stare at the siren war ships  and knows there have to be a flag ship that is leading them into battle.

Y/n: Get all of our jet Fighters to target those siren ships and destroy as much as they can until we find the flag ship. Destroyed their flag ship then they will have no choice but to fall back.

Itachi: Good idea sir.

Then their jet Fighters were launched out of their hangers and push back the siren Fighters and managed to blow up a few sirens war ships while Y/n see Cleveland and the rest of the girls standing on water with parts of their war ships on them.

Y/n was surprised by this but he stay forced and one of his crew says to them.

Male crew: Sir, we have receiving a transmission.

Itachi: Put I on screen.

Then the screen opens up to see two women staring at the two with one of them said.

???: (transmission) My My looks like we found someone who is in charge of this fight.

Y/n: And who may I be speaking to?

Kage: (transmission) My name is Kage of the Sakura Empire.

Akagi: (transmission) And I am her sister, Akagi. Nice to meet you cutie.

Y/n blushes a little while Itachi asked them.

Itachi: Why have you join sides with the sirens?

Akagi: (transmission) Why else Captain? We want to be one of the most powerful nation around and we'll do anything to complete it.

Itachi: (anger) What you two are doing is treason against your own kind!

Kage: (transmission) That is true but they were once our enemy.

Akagi: (transmission) But now they are our allies. Well we leave you here but never worry, we have someone you two can have fun. Bye bye.

Then the transmission ends and suddenly there was explosions in the distance follow by the crew calling out.

Male crew: Sir, we are detected Sakura general out there!

Y/n: Can you show us him?

The crew puts it on screen and they see a armoured powered general fighting off San Diego, Albacore, Bluegill and Dace and managed to take them all out by himself and looks around to take down more war ships.

Y/n: (shocked) Wow who's that guy?!

Itachi: I know him. His name is Commander Jona of the Sakura Empire. A powerful general ane feared by all.

Y/n: Damn.

His eyes widen when he see Jona spotted Unicorn flying in air and he wave his hand to the air and all of his Fighters start to attack Unicorn which she looked scared and he knows he must help her and stood up and said.

Y/n: I need to go ans save her! Is there any way I can be in that fight?

Itachi: Actually sir....there is.


Unicorn was hit and was sent falling and splash into the water while Jona laughs while he walks towards her. Unicorn looks at him and was scared as he walks towards her with a engery blade in hand.

Cleveland: Unicorn!

Then Cleveland appears and try to kick him but he dodges it and at the same time grab her leg and lift her up in the air upside upside while Jona looks at her and throws her away.

Cleveland splash onto the water and slowly sat up while Jonw walks in to Unicorn and grabs his sword and said.

Jona: All Hail to the Sakura empire!

Cleveland: Unicorn no!

Jona raised his blade into the air and pulls it down to finish her but then another blade blocks Jona which surprised Unicorn and Cleveland. Then Jona was kicked by an armored person as he stumble back and looks over to see this armored person standing in front of Unicorn with twin red engery blade in hand.

Jona: What the? Who the heck are you? What kind of a fool are you?

Y/n: (smirk) Fool? I'm no fool. Names General Y/n L/n and if your gonna hurt anyone else, you gave to get pass me!

(Epic battle theme start)

Unicorn and Cleveland were shocked to hear it's Y/n and were amazed about his armor while Jona just lunch at him and the two clash blades while Y/n's Fighters and fleet manage to assist the other fleets into battle and giving them a chance to push the Sirens ane Sakura empire back while Y/n and Jona clash blades at each other.

Y/n leaps up and kicks Jone in the chest before he lands onto the ocean and he swipe his leg and kicks Jona on the face that made him stumble back and he was mad now.

Jona: All Fighters! Kill this fool!

His fighter jets foy over him and start to shoot at him but he leaps back and leaps up using his jet pack and stsrt to slice up the jet Fighters as they blow up behind him which shocked everyone who is seeing this.

Y/n lands back to the ocean and he charge at jona and the two continue to clash blades at each other with Jona manage to knock one of his blades out of his hand and was about to stab him but Y/n some how active a engery shield that blocks his attack and Y/n ram his shield at him and he stumble back.

Y/n: Alright that's cool, wonder what else dose this suit have?

Then it summons a machine gun which Y/n grabs and looks at it in amazed.

Y/n: Now this is what I'm talking about!

Jona looks over and Y/n aim his machine gun at him and fires all bullets at him. Jona dodges the in coming bullets that was coming at him while many of the siren ships get blow up by Y/n's machine gun and this weaken them and forces them to fall back. Jona lands onto the ocean and turn to see his fleet is retreating.

Jona: (anger) No! Never retreat you cowards!

Y/n: (smirk) Looks like your out numbered.

Jona turn to him while Cleveland, Unicorn and the rest of the girls with their war ships even Y/n's stand behind him as he open his mask to show him his face and said with a smirk.

Y/n: (smirk) Smart idea is to leave or things might get ugly.

Jona growled in anger and wishes to continue but without his forces, he is out numbered.

Jona: (anger) Mark my worlds General, we will return and this time we be bigger then ever! Mark my worlds General, YOU WILL PAY!

Thne he too fall back and once they were gone everyone cheered of this victory and Itachi smiles seeing he picks out a great General to serve with.

Cleveland: (smile) We did it!

Javelin: (smile) Yeah and it was all thanks to you and your military faction that we won!

Y/n: (smile) Thanks but we won together and that's more important.

Javelin smiles while Laffey noticed something in the distance and said.

Laffey: There is ship out there.

They look at where Laffey is looking at and they think it might be one siren ship but to everyone's shock they see the Enterprise ship heading towards them.

Unicorn: (smile) Yay, it's Enterprise!

Hood: (smile) It looks like it.

Then Y/n noticed a person walking up to the front or the ship and see a women wearing a navy captain like uniform with long white hair. She stood in front of the ship and Y/n asked Javelin.

Y/n: So is that Enterprise?

Javelin: (smile) That's right. She is one of the toughest ships across Azur lane. She is Enterprise.

Y/n: (surprised) Wow.

Y/n turn back to Enterprise and she see Y/n and the two lock eyes at each other with Y/n surprised to see Enterprise for the first time in his life and maybe the two might get along once she arrive at the docks.

To be continued...............

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