Chapter 2. A request The Lord of The Sith must accept

Following the short yet tense engagement with the Sakura Empire, Darth Vader, now on Enterprise's ship, arrives at the Azur Lane base.

Time: ---

Location: Docks, Main Azur Lane base

Name: Darth Vader, A.K.A. Lord Vader

**seagull noises**

**breathing noises**

Enterprise's Thoughts: He is motionless...he may have a painful past, that would explain why he is so motionless.

Darth Vader: *standing on the edge of Enterprise's flight deck (bow end)* .....

Cleveland: He is motionless, I wonder if something bothers him?

Narrator Erich: His cape flutters in the breeze as he stands on Enterprise's bow. Looking at the base as they approach it. Soon, they dock.

Enterprise: *walks to up Vader* .....**soft tone** Darth Vader?

**breathing noises**

Darth Vader: *turns around* ...

Enterprise: *same tone* We are here.

Darth Vader: *nods* Then please, guide me, since I know nothing about this, base.

Enterprise: Of course. Follow me please.

Narrator Tengo: Meanwhile, on the docks.

King George V: Good, you have all returned. Did you find the source of the signal?

Cleveland: Yes.

King George V: What was the source of it?

Javelin: U-Um, hehe, it was a person.

King George V: I see...may I speak with the person?

Laffey: zzz

Cleveland: *rubbing the back of her head* Yeah..about that...

King George V: What?

Narrator Erich: She looks at Enterprise's ship and then sees the person, dressed in all black, with a black cape, a black helmet, black mask, and black gloves.

King George V's Thoughts: Who is that? They don't look like they are from this world...

Enterprise: This way.

**breathing noises**

Darth Vader: Understood. *follows Enterprise*

Narrator Erich: They stop in front of King George V.

**breathing noises**

King George V's Thoughts: ...interesting...I can already feel his power...

King George V: I am King George V, lead ship of the King George V-class battleship.

**breathing noises**

Darth Vader: ...I am, Lord of The Sith, Darth Vader, or also, Lord Vader.

King George V: Nice to meet you Lord Vader. Javelin, please go inform her majesty.

Javelin: Hai.

King George V: Please feel free to explore the base, Lord Vader, Enterprise, can you please keep Lord Vader company?

Enterprise: O-Of course.

King George V: Thank you, I must see her majesty now. Good day. *leaves*

**breathing noises**

Darth Vader: .....

Enterprise: Shall we?

Darth Vader: *nods* Yes. Lead the way, please.

Narrator Tengo: Enterprise gives a tour of the base. Meanwhile, King George V is with her majesty.

King George V: *enters* Your majesty.

Queen Elizabeth: Ah, you've finally arrived King George V. *sips a cup of tea* Please, have a seat.

King George V: Hai.

Narrator Erich: She sits in front of Queen Elizabeth.

Queen Elizabeth: So, is it true, that the source of signal was a person?

King George V: Hai. What is also interesting is that the person is a male, judging from the tone this person speaks with.

Queen Elizabeth: A he?

King George V: Hai.

Queen Elizabeth: What is his name?

King George V: I asked him that, he replied with "I am Lord of The Sith, Darth Vader, or also, Lord Vader."

Queen Elizabeth: Lord of The Sith? What is that?

King George V: I am not sure your majesty. We would have to ask him that.

Javelin: He also, has a strange power.

King George V: What?

Queen Elizabeth: What do you mean Javelin?

Javelin: As Cleveland was about to killed by Takao, she suddenly rised into the air, with her hands on her throat, choking. Then we found out it was Darth Vader. He had his right arm extended towards Takao, and his right hand in a position of grabbing.

Queen Elizabeth: Nani?!

Javelin: He also threw her at Atago. When Akagi tried to attack him, he used a sword, but it was like a laser, for the blade. He sliced the bullets with ease, and then lifted Akagi out of the water with this unknown force with ease.

King George V: What?!?!

Queen Elizabeth: ....what is this force you speak of?

Javelin: He calls it "The Force".

King George V: Hmm...we call use his 'power' to help us defeat the Sirens.

Queen Elizabeth: I agree. I summon him.

King George V: Javelin, go find him and bring him here.

Javelin: H-Hai! *leaves*

Narrator Tengo: Javelin leaves to go find Darth Vader. Meanwhile, with Enterprise.

Enterprise: These are the shops.

**breathing noises**

Darth Vader's Thoughts: ....this world is....far more...beautiful...than the world, I once lived in...

Darth Vader: I see...carry on.

Enterprise: Hai.

Narrator Erich: A lot of the girls that see Vader are surprised, due to his appearance.

Baltimore: Wow.

Helena: Huh? W-Who is that?

Honolulu: I don't know Helena...

Darth Vader's Thoughts: ...Why am I not seeing any males? Only females...

Javelin: E-Enterprise!

Enterprise: Hmm? Y-Yes Javelin?

Javelin: *panting* H-Her majesty wishes to see him.

Enterprise: Oh, okay.

Darth Vader: ...

Enterprise: Her majesty wants to see you.

Darth Vader: Understood, lead the way.

Enterprise: Hai.

Narrator Erich: He follows Enterprise.

Time skip brought to you by the Author being "Ara Ara'd" by Mutsu

Enterprise: We are here.

**breathing noises**

Darth Vader: Okay.

Narrator Tengo: Enterprise opens the door and they walk in. In front of them are the Royal Navy's finest. Queen Elizabeth is on the throne, with Warspite to her left, and King George V to her right. They walk up to her and then stop.

Enterprise: *bows*

Darth Vader: *kneels*

Queen Elizabeth's Thoughts: He knows to kneel before a Queen? Interesting...

Queen Elizabeth: I am Queen Elizabeth, lead of the Queen Elizabeth-class battleship, and Queen of the Royal Navy.

Darth Vader: Lord of The Sith, Darth Vader, or also, Lord Vader.

Queen Elizabeth: What is, Lord of The Sith?

Darth Vader: An ancient monastic, and kraterocratic cultist organization of supernaturally, gifted Force-wielders, driven by a machiavellian agenda of galactic domination, and revenge against their arch-rivals, the Jedi Order.

Queen Elizabeth: ._. Okay. Well then, I amuse you wonder why I have summoned you?

**breathing noises**

Darth Vader: Yes, your majesty.

Queen Elizabeth: I have a question, and also a request, for you, Lord Vader.

Darth Vader: ... continue.

Queen Elizabeth: I was told about your 'power'. What is this power?

Darth Vader: "The Force". It is a mysterious energy field, created by life, that binds the galaxy together.

Queen Elizabeth: I see. Understood. I have a request for you.

Darth Vader: Which is?

Queen Elizabeth: Would you like to join us? To defeat the Sirens?

Darth Vader: ...Sirens?

Queen Elizabeth: They are from a different world. They have conducted an onslaught on Humanity directly. We are the last of Humanity. Recently, the Sakura Empire, with the Iron Blood, left our alliance and declared war on us. They then attacked us. They us Siren technology. Such as jets and lasers.

Darth Vader's Thoughts: ....this...I have a second chance...another chance, to do good...

**breathing noises**

Darth Vader: ....I accept, your request.

Queen Elizabeth: Good. You two are dismissed.

Enterprise: *bows* Understood your majesty.

Darth Vader: *kneels*

Narrator Tengo: He stands and then leaves with Enterprise.

Warspite: ...I could feel his wrath.

Queen Elizabeth: I could as well Warspite. Though, his delay to speak, worries me. He may have a troublesome past, that could be used against him.

King George V: I think you are onto something, your majesty. But we should wait. We should gain his trust first. Then ask him, if he is okay.

Queen Elizabeth: Good idea, King George V.

Meanwhile, with Enterprise and Darth Vader

**breathing noises**

Narrator Erich: The sun now sets, as the two walk.

Enterprise: It is rather late. I should return to my dorm.

Darth Vader: I still, don't have one.

Enterprise: I can have Belfast get one for you?

Darth Vader: ...I would, appreciate that, please.

Enterprise: Follow me then please.

Darth Vader: Understood.

Narrator Tengo: He follows Enterprise to the dorms. They arrive and see a girl, in a maid uniform, none other than Belfast her self.

Enterprise: Belfast?

Belfast: Hmm? *looks at her* Oh, hello Enterprise. It is rather late. **sees Vader** Who is this?

Darth Vader: I am Lord of The Sith, Darth Vader, or also, Lord Vader.

Enterprise: He needs a dorm, since he is new.

Belfast: I can have that done, though it will be ready tomorrow. He can stay with you until then, if that is okay.

Enterprise's Thoughts: ...this feels, embarrassing. But in order to have an ally, we must gain their trust.

Enterprise: I don't see why not, if it is okay with you, Darth Vader?

**breathing noises**

Darth Vader: ...I must accept it, because I have no where else to rest.

Enterprise: Okay. Follow me then.

Belfast: Good night you two.

Enterprise: Good night Belfast.

Narrator Tengo: They arrive at Enterprise's dorm and enter it.

Enterprise: *closes the door*

Darth Vader's Thoughts: ...why are they so nice to me? ....Do they not know, what I have done?....I guess I am in a different world...I should still hide my name and face...just in case I am wrong...

Enterprise: Well, this is it.

Darth Vader: Understood.

**breathing noises**

Enterprise: I will be getting rest. See you in the morning, Darth Vader.

Darth Vader: ...understood Enterprise.

Narrator Erich: Enterprise soon falls asleep. Vader soon follows as well.


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