Testing and Yamato is found

Near the docks stands a man, the same man that saved a girl named Graf Spee. He stands up tall and stern, with his up high in pride. Then, a girl comes up to him.


???: **walks up to the man** Excuse me?

The man turns around and sees a girl wearing a blue cap, Iron cross armbands, the same on her ankles, white gloves, red shoes, blue ruby eyes, and light blonde hair. The man maintains his cold expression.

Hindenburg: **turns around** Ja?

???: I am Z-23, Lord Bismarck has requested to see you in meeting 23. Your friend is also there waiting for your arrival.

Hindenburg: Understood Z-23. Lead z way.


Admiral Hipper: Huh? I don't remember someone with that outfit being built. Are you even going to react?

???: **maintaining her cold and strict expression**............

Prinz Eugen: Hmm, maybe see doesn't like you Schwester.

Admiral Hipper: Huh? I could careless about what she likes and doesn't like.

Prinz Eugen: I am quiet impressed of this actually. Able to maintain that expression and not move while being yelled at and insulted.

Admiral Hipper: What are we waiting for!?

Bismarck: Her Kommandant.

Prinz Eugen: Oh, and who may be this Kommandant of hers?

Bismarck: That I can't answer, requested by her Kommandant's own will.

Admiral Hipper: This Kommandant is probably nothing but an idiot as you are.

???: Says the one the scuttled herself?


Author: Nein!!! **having another stroke**

Admiral Hipper: WHAT DID YOU SAY!?

???: Shall I say it aloud? Very well then, SAYS THE ONE THAT SCUTTLED HERSELF!!!


Author: **still having a stroke** "F"

Admiral Hipper: GRRRRRRRRRRR!

Hindenburg: I thought you were a girl, not a dog.


Author: **still having a dam stroke**


???: I outta rip your heart of your chest and eat it!

Admiral Hipper: What!?

Bismarck: Hipper, enough!

Admiral Hipper: Understood Lord Bismarck.

She sits back down while the girl remains standing.


**knock knock knock**

Bismarck: Come in!

Z-23 opens the door and they walk into the room.

**door closing**

Z-23: **nods her head**

Bismarck: Thank you Nimi, now, this is S.M.S. Hind.

Hindenburg: Call me Hind for short please.

Fatherland: I am S.M.S. Fatherland, lead ship of the Fatherland-class pocket-battleships. Call me Erika for code name please.

???: I am Admiral Hipper.

???: I am Prinz Eugen, Schwester of Hipper, call me Eugen for short.

???: I am Deutschland, older Schwester of Graf Spee.

???: I am Z-46, call me Z-46 for short. Since I don't have a name.

???: I am Lord Tirpitz, Schwester of Lord Bismarck. Call me Lord Tirpitz only.

???: I am Graf Zeppelin, call me Graf for short please.

Bismarck: Now, we would like to know where you two came from.

Hindenburg: We would rather.....not talk about it too much. Fresh in our minds. It saw our crew and fellow ships in our fleet die in honor against the Sirens.

Tirpitz: Wait, do you mean that there are more of your friends here?!

Hindenburg: Yes, we are missing a heavy aircraft carrier and a Super Carrier. We are also missing a battlecruiser and another Super Battleship.

Deutschland: What do you mean by "Super Battleship" and "Super Carrier"?

Hindenburg: Classified.

Deutschland: Understood.

Bismarck: Hmm....what if we help you two? Help you two find your lost friends?

Hindenburg: **thinking**

A. They could be anywhere

B. We could use sonar to try and find them

C. What's the catch.

Hindenburg: What's the catch?

Bismarck: You will have to help us defeat the Sirens if we help you.

Fatherland: **nods her head**

Hindenburg: Very well then, we here by accept your offer Bismarck.

Bismarck: Understood Hind. We will first send you two out to the Sakura Empire, since they have requested for help. After testing both if you separately.

Hindenburg: Then let z testing begin ja?

Bismarck: Very well then.

Time skip brought to you by the Author helping Graf Spee drink some water due to her wounds

The man and his friend are now at a testing field.

Bismarck: We will start now, I am sure you two know how this works. The first test will be accuracy. Shot the targets.

Hindenburg: Understood. Please raise the first at 15,000 yards.

Z-23: Eh! **looks at Bismarck**

Bismarck: **nods her head**

Z-23: **nods her head** Raising the first target at 15,000 yards. **pulls a lever**

Hindenburg: Do you want me to use HE or AP?

Bismarck: AP!

Hindenburg: **aiming** Good, because that is loaded.

Hindenburg's Thoughts


End of Hindenburg's Thoughts




Hindenburg: 16 inch guns take 16 inch shells ja?

Author: IDK

Z-23: Raising the next target at 17,000 yards. **pulls a lever**



Z-23: Nailed it again!

Bismarck: Try 30,000 yards Nimi.

Z-23: Understood Lord Bismarck. Raising next target at 30,000 yards! **pulls a lever**


Deutschland he doesn't stand a chance now. How can he hit it?

Graf Zeppelin: Hmm? He might just be perfect for my plan.

Prinz Eugen: You never change ja?


The man hits it dead center again.


After the man finishes his accuracy test, they move onto AA.

Bismarck: This will test your AA batteries. Give him everything you have Graf.

She hops onto the water and deploys her riggin.

Graf Zeppelin: Down as many as possible.

Hindenburg: **whispering** Down them all ja?

She launches her planes and then they attack him.

Hindenburg: FIRE!

His AA and AAA batteries come to life and open fire. But he saves the rocket batteries.


He dodges the incoming bombs with ease. He shoots down almost all of the planes.


Fatherland: **shaking** He is going to get hurt! Calm down me, it's just testing. If she hurts him badly, then I am going to rip her apart one sheet of metal at a time!!!

She watches as her Kommandant shoots down the planes two by two. Then, a plane gets the upper hand is about to attack him.

Hindenburg: NEIN!

**rocket launching noise**


Everyone (minus Fatherland): EH! WHAT WAS THAT!?


Bismarck: WHAT DID YOU USE!?!

Hindenburg: A missile. Close quarters to long range. I have several ja?

Graf Zeppelin: He is more powerful than I thought.


Prinz Eugen: My, have we seen everything has yet? **mumbles** I will make you mine.


Bismarck: **reading your results out loud**

A+ for accuracy

A+ for AA and AAA

A+ for radar

A+ for firepower

A+ for speed

A+ for armor

Bismarck: You even outdid FDG's results!

Hindenburg: Good, then that means that none of you will betray me or my friend. Fatherland, you're next!

She hops onto the water as her Kommandant watches. He know her strengths and weaknesses.

Bismarck: First up is accuracy.

Author: Fatherland carries six main batteries, pretend they are in two x two turrets. They are the same as Admiral Hipper's.

Fatherland: Understood.

Hindenburg: Raise the first at about 5 miles away.

Z-23: U-Understood. **pulls a lever** First target is 5 miles away. Fire when ready-cut off.


**gun shot echoing**

She nails the first target with ease.

Z-23: Impressive. **pulls a lever** Next one is about 7 miles.

Fatherland: **aiming**


**gun shot echoing**

Z-23: **pulls a lever** Next target is about 15 miles away.


**gun shot echoing**

Bismarck: She is hitting them with ease.

Hindenburg: Raise the next target at about 20.8 miles. Her max range is that number.

Z-23: Understood. **pulls another lever** Final target, sitting at about 20.8 miles roughly.

She aims longer this time.


She nails in through the center once again.

Bismarck: Next is AA. Graf?

Graf Zeppelin: **shakes her head** Hind shot down all my planes. Sweety, please help mommy.

A girl that looks just like Graf jumps onto the water, but she is smaller.

Graf Zeppelin: This is my daughter Zeppy. Shoot down as many planes as possible.

Fatherland: Understood!

Zeppy: **launches her planes** Attack!

Author: Fatherland carries six 4 cm guns, eight 3.7 cm guns, and seven 2 cm guns. Her rocket batteries consist of 2 x MK 49 Launchers, 21 x RAM anti-shipping, and 16 x Sea Sparrow surface to air missiles. Topped with 2 x 12.7 mm heavy machine guns and 5 x 12.7 mm Hitrole-NT remote controlled heavy machine guns. She also has water cannons.

The planes make their attack run.

Fatherland: OPEN FIRE!!!

**AA and AAA fire**

She also uses her main and secondary batteries as well.


**multiple gun shots echoing**


Zeppy: How is downing my planes with ease!?!?!



The shrapnel bounces harmlessly off her hull. She downs all of the planes with a few scratches on her. After they finish testing, Bismarck reads her results aloud.

Bismarck: **reading the test result out loud**

A+ for firepower

A+ for AA

A+ for radar

A+ for the speed of a pocket-battleship

A+ for armor

A+ for torpedoes

Bismarck: You just outdid Roon's best record of all time.

Time skip brought to you by the Author feeding a wounded Graf Spee

Author: You're welcome Kamerad Forest.

Hindenburg: Did amazing out zhere ja?

Fatherland: T-Thank you Kommandant.


Tsar: HARD BASS!!!!!!!

???: OI!


A girl wearing a white hat, a white coat, with blue eyes, and sliver hair mirages from the fog. 

Tsar: BLYAT!!

Author: Please correct me since Google is b*tch and said no.

???: You're....a male?

Tsar: I am the Tsar! Fourth ship of the Kirov-class battlecruiser.

???: Um....what brings you here to the North?

After explaining everything to her...

???: I am sorry to hear that. My name is Avrora by the way. Could I ask you something, Tsar?

Tsar: Of course you can comrade.

Avrora: Would you like to come with me to the Northern Union?

Tsar: Hmm.....what's in it for me?

Avrora: My friends, a home for the time being, and our Vodka.

Tsar: Vodka! If there is Vodka then count me in comrade!

Avrora: Great follow me.

Tsar transforms into a his Human form and follows her.

Tsar: What else is there in the Northern Union comrade Avrora?

**wind blowing**

Avrora: We don't have very many people there, and no one visits us but the Sirens every now and then comrade Tsar.

Tsar: I must tell this now since we are alone. I am missing my follow comrades I mentioned, I believe that they are somewhere here in this world comrade Avrora.

Avrora: You said one was a Super Carrier and that you two are also Soviets correct comrade?

Tsar: Of course comrade Avrora. If we can unit once again, then we can help everyone defeat the Sirens comrade Avrora.

Avrora: I know, but the problem is finding them.

Tsar: I also explained my weapons to you, the rest of my comrades also have similar weapons.

Avrora: **gulps** The amount of fire power alone is enough to terrify anyone.

Tsar: Don't worry comrade, we are Russian's, we are meant to fight with each other to defeat the enemies of OUR Motherland.

Avrora: You truly are a Russian.


Bismarck: You two will leave to help our ally, the Sakura Empire, with Prinz Eugen, Admiral Hipper, Z-23, and Zeppy. Take care of Zeppy, she be a little reckless sometimes. Graf will never forgive you if she loses Zeppy over there.

Hindenburg: Understood Bismarck. When will we depart?

Bismarck: Tomorrow.

Fatherland: Understood!

They leave and go to sleep in a dorm they have to share.


Yamato: Is that....a girl? Why is she out this far?! I want to be friends, but she could easily be an enemy. Is that another girl as well?

He watches ever so carefully as he hides in the fog and mist. Watching from the bridge.

Fox: **talks in Fox**

Yamato: I know. But there is always a chance that they could be hostile. If they come near me, then I will fire warning shots, then retreat. Wait! Cut the lights, all of them!

All of the lights onboard turn off and silence surrounds him once more.

Yamato: I think I can hear them.


Akagi: Hmm....I if they will send us some back up.

Kaga: They most likely will. We are allies after all.

Akagi: I think you're right dear sister. Hey, is that a ship in the fog?

Kaga: What!? **looks at the fog**

They can just make out a ship hiding in the fog.

Kaga: I-I-It's huge! Bigger than any ship we have, even the mass produced ships!!!

Akagi: Lets go say hello, maybe they are lost?


Yamato: **gasps** They found me!!!

Yamato's Thoughts

Fire a warning shot!

End of Yamato's Thoughts



???: MY EARS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!




???: WHO IS THERE!?!?!

Yamato: U-Um......what should I say?

Fox: **talks in Fox**

Yamato: Good idea.


Yamato: Um, I apologize for the sudden shelling from my guns. But y-you were sailing towards my ship without warning. I don't know if you are hostile or not because you didn't say anything and started to sail at me.

Akagi: That little voice, it's sweet. Who are you?

Yamato: I-I-I am I.J.N. Yamato, pride of the Imperial Japanese Navy and the Emperor.

Kaga: Yamato of the Imperial Japanese Navy? Isn't he one of our gods?

Akagi: Yes, he has come in ship form. How exciting dear sister?

Kaga: **clears her throat** We apologize for sailing at you without warning Mr. Yamato.

Yamato: I accept your apology.

Akagi: Could you come out of the mist? So we can talk face to face?

Fox: **talks in Fox**

Yamato: Are you sure?

Fox: **talks in Fox**

Yamato: **gulps** H-Here goes everything I guess. U-Um, o-okay. Just give me a second?

Kaga: Huh?

The ship goes deeper into the fog and then comes out of the fog.

Akagi: NANI!!!


Akagi: That ship is huge. **looks at the flag** Hmm...it's flying a flag with a white background with sixteen red strips and a large red dot on it.

Kaga: Those guns. What caliber are they?

Then, a boy with nine white fox tails, white hair, and blue eyes peaks over the side from the bridge.

Yamato: Um, h-hello?

Akagi: Oh my, hello. Why are you out here by yourself?

Ten minutes of explaining later...

Kaga: We're sorry to hear that.

Akagi: Why don't you come with us? We might be able to help you find you friends.

Yamato: Um, o-okay.

Kaga: Follow us.

He follows the foxes to the their base as they at full speed, but he plays his cards and keeps the fact that he can sail faster than both of them a secret.

Akagi: He is quiet cute dear sister.

Kaga: I will have to admit that one Akagi-nee-san. Lets just hope that this will convince Lady Nagato.

Akagi: Oh of course it will dear sister, if both of us agree that he is cute, then I am sure that Lady Nagato will think the same. But she would try her best to hide it. I know that his face will instantly get her.

Kaga: I agree with you Akagi-nee-san.

Yamato: **petting his fox**

Akagi: Oh, you have a fox? I didn't know you carried passengers.

Yamato: U-Um, he is my friend. He keeps me company w-when I am a-alone.

Fox: **talks in Fox**

Akagi: **giggles** How adorable?

Kaga: We are approaching the harbor.

Yamato: U-Um, w-where will I dock? I don't think you have a dock that is large enough for my ship.

Akagi: **gasps** Oh my, I didn't think about that. I am we can have something done. Although it is very late, you should dock near us. Just so we can watch you. Sabotage of course.

Yamato: U-Understood.

His tails fluff up in fear.

Akagi: No need to be frightened Yamato, you are safe now.

Yamato: U-Understood.

They summon their ship forms and then board Yamato's ship.

Akagi: W-Where did he go?!

Kaga: I think he went to the bridge Akagi-nee-san.

They explore the ship and finally find a way to the bridge. They climb into the bridge and then see him again.

Yamato: **curled up into a ball and asleep**

Fox: **curled up into a ball and asleep on Yamato's side**

Akagi: Fuuuuuuuuuuuu~how cute?!

Kaga: I don't think he has slept very well for a while. We should take him to his bed onboard. It is easier to watch him and his ship at one time rather than separate times.

Akagi: Good idea dear sister.

They take him and his Fox down to the personal cabin.

Yamato: **nestles in Akagi's arms**

Fox: **nestles in Kaga's arms**

Kaga: This is strange, but also enjoyable.

Akagi: Agreed dear sister.

To be continued...

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