OVA 3: Prank Chaos

[1 week after Y/N promised Unicorn.]

It bright day on Azur Lane island. But unknowingly to everyone, it's about to erupt into chaos.

Time-11:26am. Y/N is in his office working on paperwork, reports, etc with Oklahoma, Yamashiro, and Z23.

Y/N: *writing* Ok so how many were there when you guys fought me?

Z23: A lot. 50 ships I believe.

Y/N: Ok.

Yamashiro: These reports are done Y/N, nya.

Y/N: Good, thanks. Put them in that file rig by there and place them in the cabinet.

Yamashiro: Ok *goes and does that*

Oklahoma: *looking at reports* *sighs* There's another 6 reports of Ark Royal v. destroys again.

Y/N: If she doesn't stop I swear I'm ganna let her drift off in the Pacific.

Z23: Ya, one of those is mine. She was stalking me again.

Y/N: *sighs* You have permission to fire at will if she does again.

Oklahoma: Won't that hurt her?

Y/N: Don't worry. I think a carrier can take a hit from a destroyer.

Yamashiro: *comes back* I put those up Y/N.

Y/N: Good. If you, and Nimi, want you guys can go take a break. We're almost done for today.

Z23: Sure, thanks Y/N. I think I'm ganna go read.

Yamashiro: Thanks Y/N. I'm ganna go to my dorm.

Y/N: Ok. Bye you two.

Z23 & Yamashiro: Bye Y/N, love you.

Y/N: Love you guys to.

The two leave and Oklahoma and Y/N continue.

Oklahoma: A lot of things happened over the span of a month.

Y/N: Yup. Us moving, the major party, and me promising Unicorn.

Oklahoma: *giggles* You were questioned by everyone.

Y/N: *sighs* Don't remind me. I had some people questioning Unicorn is I did something wrong.

Oklahoma: Hehe. *looks at a paper*...Ummm Y/N.

Y/N: Yes?

Oklahoma: *hands him the paper* Look at this.

Y/N: *reads it* Who bought 25 crates of Vodka and 25 German Beer!?

Oklahoma: I don't know. Maybe one of the Northern Parliament ships? And I don't know who for the Iron Blood one.

Y/N: Grr. I'm ganna gonna call Bismarck and Prinz Eugen.

Oklahoma: Ok. I'll go talk to Sovietsky about it. *leaves*

Y/N: Okay. *calls Bismarck*

A figure was secretly watching.

???: The plan is working great. It's ganna be a fun day.

????: Yes, let's go see another reaction.

???: Yes, let's go.

With Yamashiro, who's walking to her dorm.

Yamashiro: Nya, the sun feels great today. Maybe Y/N could take me to the beach for our date later this month. *blushes* Hehehe nya! I can't wait.

As Yamashiro walked into the enterence of the dorm into the lobby, she saw Akashi mopping.

Yamashiro: Morning Akashi, nya!

Akashi: Morning. *still mopping*

Yamashiro: What happened now, nya?

Akashi: I switched Queen Elizabeth's tea with beer.

Yamashiro: What kind?

Akashi: I forgot the name, but it's cucumber mixed with vodka.

Yamashiro: Eww, nya.

Akashi: Ya, and this is my punishment.

???: Akashi.

Akashi: *scared* Nya!?

It's Purifiur, who came from the hallway.

Purifiur: Talking again huh?

Akashi: No, she-

Purifiur: Welp, now your going to paint the rest of Laffey's ship.

Akashi: No please nya!

Yamashiro: Please Purifiur. I was the one who talked to her. It's not her fault.

Purifiur: *sighs* Okay, I'll let you off this time. Let's go out here and talk for a bit about what to do Akashi. *walks outside*

Akashi: Yes, Purifiur. Thanks Yamashiro. *leaves*

Yamashiro: *sighs* I hope I helped her a bit. Waah-!

Yamashiro starts walking to her dorm, but she slips and fell with a THUD.

Yamashiro: Ouchieee! *gets up and rubs her butt* That hurt, nya.

She steadily walks to her dorm.

Yamashiro: *rubs her lower back* Im gonna feel that later, nya.

She opens the door when.....a bucket of water fell on her. She was soaked from head to toe.

Yamashiro: NYAAAA!! *slups and falls* Oww!

Then a bucket fell on her head.

Then someone heard what happened.

???: Oh my, Yamashiro what happened!?

Yamashiro: Whos there?

???: It's us...

Ping hai: Ping hai.

Ning hai: And Ning hai.

Yamashiro: Can you get this off my head, nya?

Ping hai: Sure. *with Ning hai, gets the bucket off her head* There we go.

Yamashiro: *crying a bit* T-Thanks.

Ning hai: What happened to you?

Yamashiro: *sniffles* I got doused with water! What do you mean "what happened?"!

Ning hai: Ok Ok, sorry. *helps her up*

Yamashiro: Sorry about that.

Ning hai: Your fine.

Ping hai: *looking at the bucket* It was a prank. No wonder this door was open slightly.

Yamashiro: I'm gonna change.

Ning hai: Ok. Well continue inspecting.

Yamashiro: Okay. *walks over to her closet to change*

TWO figures were watching from a far.

???: Mission complete.

????: Yup. Who's next?

We now go over to Z23, who at the library inspecting books.

Z23: Hmm, what should I read today? Ah! Here we go. Defensive manual. *mind: Now I can increase my skill more. Now I'll be able to dodge Hipper's torpedoes.*

Z23 walks over to the receptionist.

Z23: Hello, Nagato. *hands her the book*

Nagato: Hello, Zed. Checking out another book? *scans it*

Z23: Yup.

Nagato: Good. *hands it back* Have a good day.

Z23: You too. Bye.

Nagato: Bye.

Nimi leaves the library. When she gets out side, she sees Hood and Wales running.

Wales: Come on Hood hurry.

Hood: It's easy for you to do, since you don't have a dress.

Wales: Come on, they need us at the dorm. *runs faster*

Hood: Please stop complaining! *follows*

Z23: What's going on?

She then sees Cleveland running.

Z23: Hey! Cleveland!

Cleveland: *slows down* Yes?

Z23: What's going on?

Cleveland: Something happened at the dorms. Apparently, Yamashiro was pranked. We're heading over there to investigate.

Z23: I see. Good luck.

Cleveland: Thanks cya. *runs off* Wait up guys!

Z23: Hope she's alright. *walks off*

Nimi walks to along the path near the beach.

Z23: Now, where is a place to read. *sees someone* Oh, it's Purifiur.

Purifiur was sitting on a bench.

Purifiur: Hello Zed.

Z23: Mind if I sit with you?

Purifiur: *grabs her and hugs her* Of course you can!

Z23: Ack! Purifiur....your crushing me!

Purifiur: *let's go* Hehe, sorry. I'm just taking a break.

Z23: *sits next to her* Your fine, and from what?

Purifiur: Well, Akashi was in trouble for switching Queen chop board's tea with Cucumber beer.

Z23: *nearly throws up* Eww. That doesn't taste good. So, where is she?

Purifiur: I lost her. I took her outside of the dorms to talk to her and she ran away. I didn't notice at first cause she was behind me.

Z23: The dorms? Yamashiro just got pranked over there.

Purifiur: I heard. I wonder who did it? Couldn't have been the slime ball, she was mopping all morning. Grr, she's mopping the entire cafeteria with a rag when I find her!

Z23: I don't know who, but I feel like someone from the Eagle Union or Sakura Empire did it. I just have this hunch.

Purifiur: *glares* Pretty bold of if you to assume someone did it, huh?

Z23: *starts freaking out* What? No no, I didn't do it I swear.

Purifiur: Pffft hahaha, I'm just messing with ya. I know that your to short to do anything like that.

Z23: It's not my fault I'm a destroyer! *starts hitting her*

Purifiur: Hehe, no wonder Y/N likes you.

Z23: *blushes* Huh?!

Purifiur: Haha! *stands up* Well I'm off to find that little green cat. Cya.

Z23: *blushing a bit* C-Cya. *calms down* Why me? I'll just start reading now. *starts reading*

What she doesn't know is that a cannon, from behind her in a bush, is aiming right at her.


With Prinz Eugen, a few seconds earlier.

Prinz Eugen: *stretches* I've got to lay off the donuts.

She places a hand on her chest.

Prinz Eugen: I must have picked up at least 4 poun-


Prinz Eugen: What was that?! *sees a smoke stack* What happened?

She takes off running towards the smoke. Soon, she gets there and sees Z23 face down.


Prinz Eugen: Oh my! Zed! *runs to her* You ok?

Z23: *shocked* What......happened?

Prinz Eugen: I don't know. I just got here. It looks like someone fired at you.

Then, more people showed up.

Bismarck: Hey! What happened!?

Oklahoma: You two ok?!

Prinz Eugen: I'm fine, but Z23 here is in shock.

Oklahoma: I'll go get Vestal! *leaves*

Bismarck: What's going on today?

Prinz Eugen: What do you mean?

Bismarck: Someone order 50 creates of beer and vodka, Yamashiro was doused in water, and now this. It feels like-

Prinz Eugen: Someone is pulling a mass prank?

Bismarck: Something like that.

Prinz Eugen: *looks at Z23* What's going on?

Soon, Vestal gets there. And, with Eugen, takes her to the infirmary.

From a ways away.

???: That's was the funniest thing I've seen. *animal ears twitch*

????: I know. Who's the next one?

???: *grins* Queen Chess Board.

With Queen Elizabeth, who is with Warspite, Belfast, Illustrious, Unicorn, and Formidable who are walking to the docks.

Q. Elizabeth: So have you guys heard what happened to that girl in the Sakura faction?

Warspite: Yamashiro? Yes, she apparently pranked. We don't know how yet.

Formidable: Your Majesty, I do hope you can remember her name as she is one of Y/N's closest lovers.

Illustrious: Sister!

Q. Elizabeth: It's fine Illustrious. She's partially right.


Formidable: Remember, she's not the only one that loves Y/N. *looks at Belfast*

Warspite: Yes, I know there is 1 more. *looks at Belfast*

Illustrious: Yes. *looks at Belfast*

Belfast: Oh really? Who else? Why are you guys- *blushes* N-No your wrong! It's-Its a maids duty to know their masters.

Warspite: *sarcastic* Sure.

Illustrious: Your awfully quiet Unicorn. Is something wrong?

Unicorn: *shakes her head* No. I'm fine. I'm just happy that I was Oni- I mean, Y/N's second promised ship.

Formidable: Yes, now who's ne- wait, did you just say Y/N?

Unicorn: *nods* I want to call him Oni-chan more but I feel like I should call him by his name most of the time.

Illustrious: *smiles* I feel like you should call him Oni-chan more.

Belfast: *clears her blush* So, where are we heading?

Q. Elizabeth: I'm glad you asked Belfast. We are receiving some tea. I had Y/N order it.

Illustrious: What kind?

Q. Elizabeth: Some new ones. Darjeeling, Roseship, and Pekoe.

Warspite: Say, isn't that from Gir-

Belfast: *covers Warspite's mouth* Wrong anime Warspite.

Illustrious: Well, I'm sure I'll enjoy this tea.

Unicorn: Ummm, Onee-chan.

Illustrious: Yes, Unicorn?

Unicorn: *points to the ship* Look. Is that the yea?

Illustrious: Oh my! Your Majesty, look!

They all look and see the tea crates floating in the water.

Q. Elizabeth: The tea!

Belfast: What happened?!

Unicorn: *runs up to the edge of the dock*

Illustrious: Unicorn, be careful!

Unicorn: There's a note in a bottle here. *walks back and hands it to Illustrious*

Illustrious: What does it say? *opens the bottle and reads the note*

Belfast: What does it say?

Illustrious: *hands it to Queen Elizabeth* You might wanna read this.

Q. Elizabeth: Hmm? *takes it* Ok then it says...

   Dear Queen Elizabeth

This is what you get for attacking us. Hope you enjoy the parting gift, Queen of Flat Chests.

                                        Prinz Eugen
Q. Elizabeth: *stunned* Q-Queen...of.....Flat....Chests?

Warspite: There's something on the back.

P.s. And isn't it sad how a small carrier is bigger than you and the grand old lady.

Warspite: Why that Iron Blood, no good, fat, top heavy, beer loving, name calling, heavy cruiser!

Belfast: Hold on a second. What if it's not from Prinz Eugen?

Q. Elizabeth: Bel! Did you not hear what the letter said!? We're going to complain to Y/N. Let's go! *runs off*

Formidable: Oh boy. *follows*

Everyone starts heading to
Y/N's office.

Illustrious: Let's go Unicorn. *walks with the rest*

Unicorn: Yes. Wait...*looks around* U-chan? U-chan!? *sees U-chan walking through the bushes* U-chan! *follows U-chan*

Near by.

???: Are you sure about this?

????: I don't wanna do it either, but she said we have to.

???: But it's Unicorn.

????: I know. But we have to do this, or else she'll expose us.

???: I'm sorry Unicorn.

Once the group gets to his office, they see many people around them. [Note: It took them 30 minutes.]

Q. Elizabeth: What's going on?

Warspite: I don't know. *sees Bismarck* Excuse me Bismarck!

Bismarck: I will get your claim here in a bit. *struggles to get through the crowd*

Belfast: *sees Kaga* Excuse me Kaga. What's going on?

Kaga: Well, for me and my sister, someone put up a fake Y/N model over a pit. My sister ran towards it and fell in the hole. She's currently at the infirmary with some others.

Warspite: I see. Well someone threw all the tea in the water over near port C2. Do you know what happened to everyone else?

Wales: *comes up* I know some. I've been to a few scenes already. Z23 was shot at with a blank but it had a black smoke screen. Yamashiro had water dumped on her. Enterprise has her clothes switched with her sisters. Akashi's store was trashed. And Victorious's outfits were put in the washer, they shrunk.

Then Hood came in.

Hood: I know two more. Tirpitz's dorm was gassed again. And the 3 other starters had their picnic ruined by a gigantic wave, while they were on a ridge.

Formidable: Someone or something is playing pranks on everyone. And they could be hiding in plain sight. This day is getting weirder and weirder.

Prinz Eugen: *from behind* Tell me about it.

Formidable: Wah! Oh Eugen. Why are you bent down like that?

Prinz Eugen: Cause of this.

She turns around to show a small chair around her bottom.

Wales: What happened?

Prinz Eugen: *blushing* Well. After I helped take Z23 to the infirmary. I went to the beach to think for a bit. And I got a beach chair and, when I found a spot, I was about to sit but was stopped by Akashi running, she was yelling something like "I'm sorry!". And I thought nothing of it and went to sit down, but the chair somehow shrunk and I sat in a small chair.

Hood: Why didn't you take it off?

Prinz Eugen: About that. *tries to push it off* Grr! *doesn't come off* Its stuck.

???: Hah! That what you get sis!

Prinz Eugen: Shut it ping pong table.

Hipper: Come on sister. Didn't they tell you not to take a set with ya? Pff hahaha!

Prinz Eugen: That joke had as much funniness as your chest. There is none!

Hipper: Take a seat why don't you. Oh wait, I see you brought your own. *starts recording her* I'm gonna save this for a long time.

Prinz Eugen: Why yo-

Wales: Enough! Let's get her out Hood. Formidable can you help?

Formidable: I was just enjoying the joke attacks but sure. Give me your hands Stuc-en.

Prinz Eugen: Don't call me that. *gives Formidable her hands*

Hood: We'll grab the leg of the chair and pull. Ready Wales?

Wales: Yup. 3...2..1 Pull! *pulls the chair* Mmm!

Hood: Kay. *pulls to*

Formidable: *pulls Eugen* What's wrong Eugen, to many donuts?

Prinz Eugen: As soon as I'm free, im ganna sent you into the stratosphere.

Hipper: *on the phone* Yes, how much for a dog door? Ok, deal. Have it delivered next Thursday. Thanks bye. *hangs up*

Soon, Eugen pops free.

Prinz Eugen: Ow! *runs her hips* That hurt. Thanks guys. Flat board, I'll ask you now. What's wit the dog door?

Hipper: Oh, that's just the first call. I'm just gonna keep that a little secret.

Prinz Eugen: I'll find out later, now. What do we do?

Warspite: If you guys are done, the window to Y/N's room is opening.

Everyone surrounds Y/N's window and start asking questions and asking for a report.

Y/N: Hey guys!

Everyone: *still talking*

Y/N: Guys!

Everyone: *still talking*

Y/N: *looks at Oklahoma* Fire a blank out the window.

Oklahoma does that and everyone stops talking.

Y/N: Thank you. Let me come out there. *closes the window* My gosh.

Oklahoma: What is going on?

Bismarck: *opens the door* Someone is pulling pranks on people.

Y/N: Well let's go and see if we can figure out.

The trio head outside where they are surrounded by most of the island.

Bismarck: *keeping them from
Y/N* Hold on! Get back!

Oklahoma: *doing the same* Hey step back! Clear a way!

Y/N: Grrr! *pulls out his pistol* Listen! *fires a blank* 

Everyone stops moving and talking.

Y/N: Calm down everyone! We are doing our best to see Who is causing this. Come on out Roon!

Suddenly, Roon appears out of no where.

Roon: Finally.

Y/N: Any news?

Roon: Well, we only one clue. *holds out a price of blackish red hair* This was at the tea boat. It was on a wooden edge.

Y/N: Take it over to Vestal. And have her run it.

Roon: Yes. *disappears*

Y/N: Now, can I have all my secretarys come up here?

Oklahoma and Bismarck start counting them.

Oklahoma: Me, Bismarck, Yamashiro's in infirmary along with Z23.

Bismarck: Prinz Eugen, Takao, Atago, Cleveland, and is that everyone?

Y/N: Wait, Unicorn. Hey where's Unicorn!?

Illustrious: Shes- Unicorn? Unicorn!

Y/N: Enterprise, Zuikaku, start up search planes!

Enterprise: Okay. Let's go Zuikaku. *leaves*

Zuikaku: Yes, Grey Ghost. *follows*

Y/N: Everyone! I need you guys to search for Unicorn! Please help me find her!

Nevada: Illustrious, where was the last you saw her?

Illustrious: Near the tea ship.

Y/N: *takes off that way*

Oklahoma: Y/N! Everyone spread out and head that way! Bismarck let's keep up with Y/N. *runs after Y/N* Y/N!

Bismarck: *follows*

After 10 minutes. Y/N, Oklahoma, and Bismarck reach the area.

Y/N: Unicorn!

Oklahoma: Unicorn!

Bismarck: Where are you!?

Y/N: *sees something* Guys look. These bushes are leaning away from the path. She's this way. You two stay here and notify people to stay. *starts running on the  path*

Oklahoma: Okay!

Bismarck: Be careful!

A few minutes later.

Y/N: *panting* Unicorn! Where are you!

Unicorn: Oni-chan? *sniffles*

Y/N: Unicorn!? Where are you?!

Unicorn: Over here.

Y/N follows her voice and soon...he finds her.

Y/N: Unicorn!

Unicorn: Oni-chaN!

Y/N: *runs to her and hugs her* What happened?

Unicorn: *hugs back* U-chan was lured away so I followed her to get her back. And I found these papers. *sniffles*

Y/N: Papers?

Unicorn: Those ones *points at a few papers*

Y/N: Wait a sec. *looks at Unicorn's face* Have you been tearing up?

Unicorn: *nods*

Y/N: Why?

Unicorn: *points to the papers*

Y/N sets Unicorn down and grabs one of the papers and reads it.

Well, Well, Well. Looks like little miss top heavy has gotten lost. Maybe if your chest wasn't so big, you've would have seen where you were going. Fat, top heavy, idiot.

Y/N: *mind: These feel aren't exactly bad. There just mean comments about her....umm...chest.*

Unicorn: Are they saying something thats truth?

Y/N: *puts the papers in his pocket* No, no, no. There just mean comments. Looks at me. Love yourself for who you are, not what you are. These *points to her chest* has nothing to do with how you act.

Unicorn: Oni-chan. *holds onto U-chan tightly*

Y/N: *picks her up* Now let's get back. Everyone is looking for you.

Unicorn: Kay. Am I in trouble?

Y/N: Possibly not.

The two walk back to where they find everyone waiting.

Unicorn: Onee-chan!

Illustrious: Unicorn!

Y/N sets her down and Unicorn rushes to Illustrious and hugs her.

Illustrious: Thanks Y/N.

Y/N: No problem. *looks at Oklahoma* Assemble the SS and my secretarys. Z23 and Yamashiro should be fine.

Oklahoma: Will do. *leaves*

Y/N: *looks at Bismarck* These were found when I found Unicorn. *hands them to her*

Bismarck: *reads them* This looks like a child wrote it.

Y/N: I know. I have an idea on who it might be. Unicorn, unfortunately, read them. Not her complex is back. I'll need you and anyone else of if your choice help her the day after tomorrow.

Bismarck: Okay.

Y/N: Head back to my office. Everyone should be heading there.

Bismarck: Yes, Y/N. *leaves*

Y/N: *turns to everyone* Listen everyone! I'm going to have something done. Someone wrote notes about Unicorn, and they weren't friendly. If your here now, if you say you did it now I will lightly punish you. Every 30 minutes, you will receive and extra hour of punishment! Everyone you may do what ever you were doing. And please be careful. At 7:30 pm, everyone is to go to their dorms. Is that clear!?

Everyone: Yes!

Y/N: Good. Dismissed!

Timeskip-Y/N heads back to his office, where his Secretarys and the his SS, are waiting.

Y/N: This everyone?

Oklahoma: Does Attackingoreos like Yamashiro? Yes.

Y/N: Good. *looks at Yamashiro and Z23* You two ok?

Yamashiro: Achoo! I'm ok. Just a little cold.

Z23: I'm still a little shaken up.

Y/N: Ok. So I have a theory as to who may be behind this.

Kaga: Who?

Y/N: I believe that the culprits are Akashi, Purifiur, and Akagi-chan.

Enterprise: What do you have to support that?

Y/N: I'm glad you asked Enterprise. 1) Cause Akashi and, or, Purifiur is there just before the prank happens. 2) We found a little neko button near Nimi's scene. And 3) The blackish red hair at the tea ship.

Roon: How can you prove These?

Oklahoma: Well for the first one. Everyone says that these two were present or one was talked about each other before the prank.

Y/N: Once is normal, twice to four is a coincidence. Anything after that is suspicious. But after like ten times its obvious.

Hood: Then what about the second one?

Y/N: A neko button was found behind where Zed was sitting.

Z23: That sleaze ball!

Y/N: Calm down.

Enterprise: And the last one?

Y/N: Well this one is a bit complicated. She's only appears in 3 separate accations. 1) She was spotted heading towards the tea boat. Not much evidence on that. 2) We found a strain of hair on a piece of wood, and it matched Akagi and Akagi-chan's hair. And since Akagi was in the infirmary around this time, it has to he Akagi-chan. 3) The letters against Unicorn were similar to her hand writing.

Kaga: I see. Amagi isn't going to like this.

Takao: So what do we do now? Go and question them?

Bismarck: Nope. We have an idea.

Everyone: Huh?

Some unknown location on the island.

???: I feel bad for doing that.

????: I know.

?????: Silence! You two did well.

???: Are we done?

????: Idiot!

?????: No! You two slaves aren't done yet! We still have the main one. After this one, they'll be forced to hand the island to me. And I will be the ruler of Azur Lane Island! Hahahahaha!

??? & ????: *gulps* 

The next day, 10:59am. Y/N and a few ships are at the docks.

Y/N: Good luck SS and my secretarys.

Oklahoma: Thanks. Well be back before ya know it.

Y/N: Ok, here we go. Platoon Ship A1, launch!

All of the SS ships, and his secretary ships leave the bay.

Y/N: Now than. Time to got do paper work.

Y/N leaves to go back to his office. At his officehe starts on reports and paper work.

Timeskip-1 hour later.

Y/N: Phew. Work is tiring.

*knock* *knock*

???: Hello, nya! Y/N, you in there?

Y/N: Come in.

Akashi: *opens the door* Hi, nya.

Y/N: Hey Akashi. Sorry about you shop.

Akashi: It's fine. So have you got any leads on who may have done this?

Y/N: Unfortunately, no. So what did you need?

Akashi: Oh ya. *hands him a cup*

Y/N: What's this?

Akashi: Its milk. I got it from the cafeteria. I thought you might like it.

Y/N: *mind: I'm ganna regret this.* *drinks it* Mmmft! *spits It out* What the-What was that!?!?

Akashi: What's wrong wrong with it? 

Y/N: Its tastes like vanilla, but way to sweet! *dumps the cup out* What kind of milk was that?!

Akashi: That was a milk beverage, freshly squeezed from another ship?

Y/N: Wah- *goes to a trashcan* Ugggh. *throws up*

Akashi: Nya?

Y/N: Why.....Why would you do that!? And who did you get that from!?

Akashi: *shrugs her shoulders*

Y/N: Now, get her!

Akashi: Nya?

Suddenly, his SS and Secretarys come out of hiding. And surround Akashi.

Akashi: Wait, you guys were gone! How are y'all back, nya!?

Oklahoma: That's us to know.

Bismarck: Now, why are you and Purifiur pulling pranks?

Kaga: And where did you get that *points to the milk* from!?

Akashi: I.....*looks away* I don't know what you talking about, nya.

Enterprise: Oh ya, then why were you and Purifiur seen it was mentioned before every prank?

Akashi: Ummmm, nya. Coincidence. I was only taking a jog.

Yamashiro: That's not true, nya. I saw you mopping and Purifiur and took you away.

Z23: And Purifiur said she was looking for you just before my prank. *gets close to her* Who fired their guns at me!?

Akashi: Ummm, this is bad.

Y/N: So what do you think guys? Waterboarding? Electric?

Kaga: I say get a few dogs after her.

Oklahoma: I'll get Vestal over to see if we can test the milk.

Y/N: Yes, do that please.

Oklahoma: *leaves the room*

Bismarck: I'm kind of on board with waterboarding.

Takao: I'm with either one.

Alashi: Ok Ok, I'll talk!

Y/N: Good.

Prinz Eugen: Finally.

Akashi confesses to Purifiur and her doing all the pranks but mentions another person in on it.

Y/N: Wait, what!?

Kaga: She's part of this!?

Akashi: *nods*

Oklahoma: Is Purifiur with her?

Akashi: Yes, nya.

Y/N: Let's go pay them a little visit. Shall we?

Akashi takes them to a secret place behind a bush. 

Bismarck: I never knew about this.

Akashi: Through this way.

Everyone enters.

Akashi: I'm back.

Purifiur: What took you so-

Y/N: *covers her mouth* Don't say anything. Just take us to her.

Purifiur: *looks down and nods* Follow us.

Akashi and Purifiur walk ahead for a few seconds.

Akashi: We're back, nya.

?????: Good.

Purifiur: Look behind us.

?????: Come slave. What is i-

Y/N: Hey leader. Or should I say...

Y/N: Akagi-chan.

Akagi-Chan: Wh-Why did you bring them here?

Bismarck: Your through Akagi-chan.

Akagi-Chan: Ummm ah...im out! *starts running*

Kaga: *jumps in front of her* No you don't.

Akagi-Chan: Waah!

Enterprise hops up and helps Kaga refrain her.

Y/N: Bring them out to the cafeteria. Gather everyone up Oklahoma, Yamashiro, and Hood.

Timeskip-Everyone is in the cafeteria. Akagi-Chan, Purifiur, and Akashi are, in handcuffs, standing next to his Secretarys.

Y/N: Attention everyone! These guys were the ones who cause this prank chaos.

Amagi: Akagi-Chan!

Y/N: Now one question. Why did you 3 do this?

Akashi & Purifiur: Ask Akagi-Chan.

Amagi: Akagi-Chan.

Akagi-Chan: I was ganna ganna be the ruler of this island and you all were ganna be my slaves!

Y/N: You are a delusional, small, Akagi wannabe. Now I have a question for you. Why did you do that to Unicorn!?

Akagi-Chan: I have no right to talk to you.

Purifiur: Jealousy of her chest.

Akagi-Chan: Why did you say that!?

Purifiur: Its over anyways.

Y/N: Well Secretarys, have you got the punishment?

Oklahoma: Yes. Go on Bismarck.

Bismarck: Yes. Akashi and Purifiur will clean up all the pranks that they caused. They will apologize to everyone for what they did. Akagi-Chan will be staying with Amagi for haft had a year and will go to Z23's classes for hard punishment. And we more.

Y/N: Good. You guys heard them. Apologize.

Purifiur, Akashi, & Akagi-Chan: Sorry. 

Y/N: Good.

Yamashiro: Finally the pranks are over.

Bismarck: Yes, wouldnt you say sis-...Tripitz? Where's Tirpitz?

Wales: She said she was going back to her dorm. She said it's to hot oitside.

Akashi: Her.....dorm?

Y/N: Akashi.....Pleaae tell me there isn't a prank there.

Purifiur: Akagi-Chan may have put a glitter bomb in there.

Y/N: Uh-Oh.

Bismarck: Okay, everyone please cover your ears.

Everyone does...well most.

Akagi-Chan: What about us!?

Y/N: Can't hear ya.

Purifiur: Uh-Oh.

Off in the distance...




(And that's the end. Thanks for reading. I had a lot of fun making this. As always I don't own Azur Lane nor Sabaton.

Also, remember Hipper's order? Good. Cause let's just say that's ganna be the revenge she needed. Let me know what you guys think.

The next OVA you guys decide. These are the two.




There was a tie. Also, do you guys want...




Put the name of who you want. Like this  [Promise Bismarck] or [Date Z23].

Thanks and have a great day. And as always I don't own Azur Lane nor Sabaton. Peace.)

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