Chapter 24: Epilogue
It's been two months since Y/N was confessed to by those girls. And since then, him, his fleet, and other country's navies have pushed the Siren all the way back. The last Siren ship fired it's gun, and the world was freed from Sirens, meanwhile Y/N was getting more girls in the process. After a month, he had almost every girl, except for 5.
At Azur Lane island, everyone is celebrating their victory. Right now, everyone is outside having a picnic.
Y/N: *ahem* Can I have everyones attention please?
Everyone looked at Y/N.
Y/N: First, I want to thank all of you. For staying with me, helping me and the world, and for saving it to. Secondly, since we are celebrating. I've decided to have something done. Oklahoma, can you go get the papers? There in a box in the cafeteria.
Oklahoma: Sure. *leaves*
Y/N: Also, I have something to say after we get the final five ships.
Everyone started mumbling and talking about it.
Y/N: Finally, we are having a certain heavy metal band coming there. And we are having other commanders there.
Yamashiro: Nya? More commanders?
Y/N: Yup. They'll be 'there' around 5:00pm. Right now its..*checks watch* 2:00pm. We have a stage re-
San Diego: Stage!?!?
Everyone: Uh-Oh.
Y/N: I'll see about it San Diego. But if they say no, then you can do it after.
San Diego: Yay!
Y/N: *sees Oklahoma* Here, I'll take half. Help me hand them out. *takes half of the papers*
Oklahoma: Thanks. *starts handing them out*
Bismarck: What is this?
Y/N: *handing them out* Well, while me and Okie were looking around the island. We found an abandoned pirate shipwreck. And we found a map, containing hidden stuff.
Oklahoma: *handing them out* We have been going over the map, managed to make print outs. And please, don't mess them up.
Y/N: *handing out* Hey Okie, when are the new ships soppost to be here?
Okie: At 2:10.
Y/N: Ok. Hey Bismarck, can you hand these out?
Bismarck: *puts her paper in her pocket* Sure. *gets up, and takes the papers from Y/N*
Y/N: Make sure everyone gets one. Bye. *leaves*
Bismarck: Ok, and bye. *starts handing them out*
As soon as Y/N gets to the docks, he sees the ship pulling up.
Y/N: *gets to the boat* Ok, let's see who we got.
The first girl steps off.
???: Ke Ke Ke. If you were able to find me then you are also a user of the force, no? Im...
York: York, the magic wielding York-class heavy cruisers.
Y/N: *mind: She's like Rikka from Chunnibio.* H-Hey York. So, what magic can you wield?
York: Don't lie to me sorcerer. You'll steal all of it. *puts her hand near her eye* Don't make me use-Huh?
Y/N: What is it?
York: Have you seen my eye patch?
Y/N: *sees it* Is that it on your wrist?
York: Ah, Yes. *puts it on* Thanks. Now were was I?
Y/N: Please stand over here.
York: *walks over* Hmm what was I going to say?
Y/N: *giggles* She's a special ship, huh? Next please.
???: People used to call me 'Lucky Lou'. Don't you think this is your lucky day, commander? Im...
St. Louis: St. Louis, and I'm happy to be here.
Y/N: Ah, welcome St. Louis. Proud to have you.
St. Louis: Aren't you just a sweet one. I'll stand over here. *walks over to York*
York: Was it Voodoo? I'm pretty sure it was Voodoo.
Y/N: Wasn't Voodoo. Next please.
???: Brooklyn-class ship. My name is...
Honolulu: Honolulu.
Y/N: *mind: Her eyes are red. Contact things?*
Honolulu: Hey listen....could you stop staring at me like that? *tries to covers her chest* It's not their this big cause I wanted them to be...
Y/N: Ah, umm sorry. I was actually looking at your eyes. I don't think I seen someone with red eyes, except for Akagi and Laffey.
Honolulu: *blushes* Eh?
Y/N: You ok?
Honolulu: Y-Y-Ya. It's just, I thought you were looking at my chest.
Y/N: *Chest complex? Probably.* Oh, I wasn't. Don't worry, I won't do anything bad.
Laffey: *from the dock* Her chest is huge!
Z23, Javelin, & Ayanami: Laffey!! *grab her and run off*
Y/N: She's special. Hehe.
Honolulu: *blushing* I-I'll stand over here.
Y/N: Ok. *mind: Embarrassing* Next.
???: My master is a commander?
Y/N: Yes, I guess I am.
???: Dosnt that mean he is a captain of a ship? I don't quite understand, but I will stay her if you don't mind. Oh, I'm...
Bel: Belfast, maid in training. It is a pleasure to serve you, master.
Y/N: Belfast? Wait, are you related to Belfast?
Bel: Technically, I am Belfast. But most people call me Bel, or Little Bel.
Y/N: Ok. Your a maid in training? I'm sure Belfast and Sheffield can help you.
Bel: Ok. Thanks. What are your orders, master?
Author: Hold on a sec. Bel-chan would like to say something to the readers. Go ahead Bel-chan.
Bel: Thanks Author. I would like to say...
Author: If none of y'all follow, I'll have Taihou, Roon, Akagi, Bismarck, etc come after you. And now back to the story. Say Bye, Bel-chan.
Bel: Byyyyeeee!!)
Y/N: For now please stand next to those girls.
Bel: Ok. *walks over to them* Wow! Your bigger that Belfast!
Honolulu: *beat red* Eh!?
Y/N: I'll give her a couple of seconds. She'll either be in space or six feet under. This one is the final one I believe. Next please.
???: Hello milord. I'm part of the Fusou-class, super-dreadnought. My name is...
Fusou: Fusou.
Y/N: Nice to meet you Fusou. I suppose your the sister to Yamashiro?
Fusou: Yes, is she her.
Y/N: Yes, she is. But for now, please stand over there.
Fusou: Yes, milord. *walks over to the rest*
Y/N: *looks at them* I welcome you all here. Please follow me.
The 5: Yes, commander.
Y/N: Please, Y/N Will do.
York: Hmm Ah! Now I remember. I have water magic.
Y/N: Don't you all?
York: Ah! *hits him* Dont do that!
Y/N: *mind: She's not even hitting hard.* S-Sorry. Let's go.
They head back to the picnic area.
Y/N: Please find a spot to sit down. Oklahoma or Bismarck will hand you a peice of paper. Everyone, these are our final girls.
Everyone starts greeting them.
Fusou: Wow! There's a lot of girls here.
Honolulu: Their staring....Their staring.
Y/N: You ok?
St. Louis: She's just self conscious about THESE knockers she has. *starts groping Honolulu*
Honolulu: Ah! S-Stop!
Y/N: *sighs*
Suddenly, a girl with blue hair, started yelling at them.
???: Geez, St. Louis can you stop that!
St Louis: That voice. It sound like-
Honolulu: Helena?
Helena: Yes, it me. St. Louis, stop that.
St Louis: *grins* Jealous?
Helena: *hits her on the head* If you don't stop, I'll hit you.
St Louis: *runs her head* You always say that after.
Honolulu: *hides behind Y/N*
Y/N: *pats her head* *sighs* What am I going to do with y'all?
Oklahoma: *hand's them a peice of paper* Here. You guys will need this.
York: Is this, a summoning paper!?
Y/N: No.
After they receive the paper, they sit down with the others. Y/N explains what they are doing. Meanwhile, Z23 was getting the prize.
Y/N: Now that they got it. I would like to say something else.
Tirpitz: What would that be?
Y/N: We are leaving this island, and we are moving to a different island.
Bismarck: What do you mean were leaving?!
Enterprise: What's wrong with this one?!
Y/N: Calm down! *ahem* There is nothing wrong with this one. It's just that, this is one big island. With not much to do. The next island will be bigger, have stores, multiple buildings , and more.
Oklahoma: That's why we are having this. Oh, and the band and other commanders will be there.
Y/N: Thats why we want to get everyone. So that we can clear the treasure. There is over 200 treasure here. And who ever finds the most, get the prize.
Z23: *carrying it* Y/N, hurry! I can't hold it much longer.
Y/N: *gets it from her with ease* Hmm? Are you losing your strength?
Prinz Eugen: That would explain why her chest is small. *giggles*
Z23: I'm not afraid to blast you full of holes Eugen.
Y/N: *sighs* Anyways, this is the prize. Some of our original ships will remember this.
The prize what the board, with the name 'Thinker' on it.
Enterprise: That's from our battle that saved Los Angeles.
Bismarck: Really? Speaking of which, Royal Navy ships. I want my insignias back!
Royal Navy girls: Not a chance.
Y/N: Everyone Ready?
Nagato: Wait. *looks around* Where's Akashi?
Everyone: *looks around* Uh-Oh.
Y/N: Everyone go!
Everyone scrambles and run in different directions.
Y/N: Meet back here!!
Oklahoma: Shall we take care of Akashi once they find her.
Y/N: Don't worry. SS know what to do.
3 minutes later.
Y/N: Told ya. I'll give them about 10 minutes and they'll be back.
Around 10 minutes later, everyone is back. Some carrying two, others as many as they can carry.
Y/N: How did it go?
Belfast: Good for the most part. We found Akashi trying to steal from others. And Ark Royal was trying to steal destroyers, instead of trying to find treasure.
Y/N: She'll be paired with Graf Zepplin from now on.
Belfast: Yes, Master.
Y/N: Go ahead and count how many you got. And tell everyone else.
Belfast: Yes, Master. *leaves*
Oklahoma: I'll keep an eye out for anyone who tries to cheat.
Y/N: Ok. *checks his watch* It's 2:31pm. They should have there treasure counted by 2:36.
A few minutes later.
Oklahoma: Everyone is done. *hands him the papers* *whispers: None of the battleships nor carriers got it past 6. And you'll be surprised who won.*
Y/N: *whispers: Feild of vision blocked.* *snickers*
Oklahoma: *hits him* *whispers: They can't help it. Even though you may be right.*
Y/N: *runs his head* Oww. *sees Yamashiro* Why are there bits of wood and leaves in her hair?
Oklahoma: Umm. *whispers: Let's just say, clumsiness and a hole in a tree isnt a good thing to have.*
Y/N: Huh?
Oklahoma: *whispers: She got stuck in a hole in a tree. Apparently, she found one and tried to get it. But got stuck. Lucky, Bismarck, Belast, and Fusou helped her. No one else saw.*
Y/N: Ah, I see. *looks at the paper* Ok, let's announce the winner.
Oklahoma: Yes.
The two head back over the the group, who were sitting down waiting.
Akagi: Let's see who won Kaga.
Kaga: I know it wasn't you.
Amagi: Settle down you two.
Y/N: Ok. I'm sorry, but none of the Carriers nor Battleships won.
Akagi: Dangit.
Kaga: Y/N, can you settle something?
Y/N: As long as it's Quick.
Kaga: Who got more, me or my sister?
Y/N: *looks through the paper* Uhhh, let's see. Kaga, you got 7 and Akagi got...3.
Kaga: Thank you.
Akagi: Hmp.
????: *giggles* I hope your joking about the ones who didn't win.
???: Agreed.
Y/N: Taihou, Roon, do you guys wanna spend another night with Graf Zepplin?
Roon: *rushes back to her spot*
Taihou: Im not scared. They just can't see our love. *giggles*
Y/N: What their about to see is you getting hit.
Taihou: *giggles* You ganna punish me. We can do that in private.
Y/N: *steps over a couple feet* Ready....
Suddenly, all the battleships transformed.
Taihou: What are y'all doing?
Y/N: Aim!
Taihou: Wait what?
Then, the battleships aimed at Taihou.
FDG: I've been waiting for this moment.
Taihou: Wait wait. *heads back to the group*
Y/N: Seize.
The Battleships de-transformed.
San Diego: Tell us already!!
Y/N: Ok, ok. The one who got the most was...
(Thanks for reading. Guess you'll find out next time. As always, I dont own Azur Lane nor Sabaton. Peace out)
Y/N: The winner is Z23, with a surprising 32.
Some congratulated, others groaned a bit, and Laffey slept, having collected 1.
Y/N: Congrats Zed.
Z23: Thanks Y/N.
Y/N: *picks up the board* Lets go and put it on your ship.
Z23: Ok.
Y/N: Nevada, can you bring your tools?
Nevada: Sure. Let's go.
Everyone heads over to the docks, and Z23 gets her ship over to the dock next to Y/N.
Y/N: Ok. *hops on her ship* Where do you want it?
Z23: Right below the window of the control.
Y/N: Ok.
The two walk over, with Nevada behind them.
Y/N: The may be a little heavy, but lift that end up. And we'll nail it in.
Z23: Kay. *grabs one end* Go. *lifts it up*
Y/N: *does the same* Nevada, put the nails in.
Nevada puts the nails in, and holds them. Z23 and Y/N grab the hammers and start hitting them in.
After a few seconds, they bail it in.
Nevada: There we go.
Y/N: *hugs Z23* Congrats.
Z23: *smiles and nods*
The three get back onto the docks.
Y/N: Ok, guys. It's time to pack up. Get everything you have, and put them on y'alls ships. If y'all wanna help each other, then that's fine. Also for the destroyers, if you guys don't have enough room, put them on my ship. Go on and start packing.
Everyone left, leaving Oklahoma and Y/N at the docks.
Y/N: We should do that same.
Oklahoma: Nods.
The two leave and pack up.
While packing up.
Y/N: *opens Okie's door* You almost done?
Oklahoma: Almost. *grabs something off the wall* Remember this?
Y/N: Yes, that the dream catcher I bought for you.
Oklahoma: Yup. *puts it in her box* I'm gonna miss this place.
Y/N: Yes, we have many memories here.
Oklahoma: Yes, from the moment we got here all the way to now. Speaking of which, what are they ganna do to this island after we leave?
Y/N: H.C. wants this island to be a base for new commanders and a training area. They're ganna gonna take down some buildings and make a school.
Oklahoma: I see. Ah, I have an idea!
Y/N: Let's hear it. *mind: Cya in a bit readers.*
After 30 minutes, everyone got there stuff and was ready.
At the docks.
Laffey: Laffey Lacey is ganna gonna miss the island.
Javelin: I am too Laffey.
Enterprise: This island will forever be our true island.
Bismarck: Enterprise is right. Y/N and Oklahoma should be here any second now.
Y/N: We're here.
Oklahoma: Sorry. We were just thinking of something.
Z23: What would that be?
Y/N: We ganna take a picture of everyone.
Ayanami: A picture?
Y/N: Yes. I want every out on the water.
Everyone heads out onto the water, except Y/N.
Y/N: Everyone ready?
Everyone: Yup!
Y/N: Alright everyone say Azur Lane!
Everyone: Azur LANE!
A few hours later, they are nearing the island. Y/N and his harem are on his ship.
Y/N: Hmm. I wonder what the new island is ganna look like?
Bismarck: You don't know what it looks like?
Y/N: No, but I have an idea. I'm ganna take one of my planes and fly over head and take a picture. I'll go by myself.
Oklahoma: Ok. Be safe ok.
His harem: He better.
Y/N: Hehe, I will. Well, see y'all in a bit. *leaves*
A few minutes later, Y/N is on his F-16 flying over the island.
Y/N: Woah! It's huge. *takes a picture* I wonder what it looks like up close. Da, I'll see once everyone gets there. Time to head back.
With the girls.
Bismarck: I wonder what it looks like.
Z23: He did say it a huge island, with a lor of room. So atleast it won't be crowded like the last one.
Prinz Eugen: I hope they have a bar.
Z23: Nein, Nein, Nein, Nein, Nein, Nein, Nein!
Prinz Eugen: Ja, Ja, Ja, Ja, Ja, Ja, Ja!!
Takao: English!
Bismarck: Z23 is saying no and Eugen, yes.
Oklahoma: ¿Van a dejar de hablar alemán y empezar a hablar inglés? "Will you two stop speaking German and start speaking English."
Cleveland: What the heck is she saying?! What is she saying, I dont speak Taco Bell!
After she says that, everyone starts laughing.
Oklahoma: Haha. *sees a plane* Hey guys look it's Y/N.
They rush over to the Aircraft deck, and see Y/N land.
Y/N: *hops out of the plane* Phew. Glad I'm out of their.
Prinz Eugen: How is it?
Y/N: Oh the island is huge alright. Wanna see?
Oklahoma: Yes.
Y/N: *pulls out the picture and shows them*
Bismarck: Wow, it's big.
Y/N: That's only part of it. It's much bigger. Speaking of which, we should be nearing it.
After a few minutes, they were all parked at the docks.
Y/N: This place is beautiful.
Prinz Eugen: I like this place.
Everyone meets up.
Y/N: Ok guys, we will meet up on the island in the middle at 4:30. You guys go on an explore.
Nevada: I'm checking out the kitchen! *runs off*
Most of Iron Blood: We're finding a bar! *leaves*
Z23: Of course they are.
Bismarck: *drools* Beer.
Y/N: *sighs* Well, let's go get ready Akashi.
Akashi: Ok nya.
Most of the girls leave to check out the island.
Y/N: To be honest, I hope this island is big enough.
Oklahoma: I hope it will.
Timeskip-5:00pm-Everyone is at the island, that's in the bay.
Y/N and Oklahoma are waiting for the other commanders to arrive.
Y/N: Hey Okie.
Oklahoma: Yes Y/N?
Y/N: Come with me, they are almost here.
Oklahoma: Ok. Where do we meet them?
Y/N: *grins* On the beach.
Oklahoma: I know that grin. What did you do?
Y/N: Let's just say, I'm having them come here like the Allies on D-Day.
Oklahoma: What do yo- Oh. *grins* Are they almost here?
Y/N: Yes. Let's go meet them.
Oklahoma: Ok.
The two walk over to the beach. Where, on arrival, see 2 landing crafts with the commanders and their ships, who are looking a little sick.
Soon, they pull up.
Y/N: Lower the ramp!
The ramp lowers, revealing commanders and ship girls.
Y/N greets them and they walk ahead. Even Sam and Ai were on, and hit him. Then gone ahead. But a few commanders decided to step off.
(Ok. To know who's who, the names of the commander will be before their shipgirls name. Like I'm doing here)
The first person to step off is.
Attackingoreos 's Takeo and Laffey.
Takeo: Y/N, if you do that again. I'm ganna have my Enterprise get you.
Takeo's Laffey: *on Takeo's back* Laffey didn't like that.
Y/N: Sorry about that. I just thought it would be fun for y'all. Also, nice seeing you after a while.
Takeo: Ya. Same here.
Y/N: Laffey loves being on your back. How do you put up with her?
Takeo: After many hours of carrying her, you get used to it.
Y/N: I see. Hmm. *gets his phone* Hey Biscut.
Bismarck: *from the phone* I'm ganna shoot you full of holes when I find you. What?
Y/N: Bring Yama down.
Bismarck: Is he here?
Y/N: Yup.
Bismarck: Ok, I'll send her down. Bye.
Y/N: By Biscuit.
Bismarck: I'm ganna be-
Y/N: *hangs up*
ECL200118 's Erl and Enterprise.
Erl: *steps off the boat with Enterprise* She's ganna get you later ya know.
Y/N: Hey Erl. How have you been?
Erl: Fine, until you decided to drop us off via landing craft.
Y/N: Sorry.
matthbpilot steps off along with Tirpitz.
Noah: Don't apologize. For me it was pretty fun.
Y/N: I bet.
Takeo: Hey Y/N, you got a rigging right?
Y/N: Yes I do. Y'all wanna see?
Noah' Tirpitz: Ja.
Noah: She said Yes.
Y/N: Ok, but I'm not responsible for dry cleaning.
The 3 commanders: Wait what?
Y/N: Texas!
Y/N jumps into the water, and is surrounded by black metal cubes, as he is transformed into a ship boy.
Takeo: Wow. So cool!
Erl: Pretty cool.
Noah: Ya, it's nice.
Y/N: Wanna see it fire?
The 3 commanders: Please No.
Y/N: Just messing with y'all. Texas. *de-transfoms*
Takeo's Laffey: Takeo. *points to someone*
Takeo: Who is it Laffey?
Y/N: Ah, Yamashiro. Welcome.
Yamashiro: *running to them* Sorry it took so long Wahh! *falls* Ouchie!
Y/N: You Ok? *helps her up*
Yamashiro: Yup, I'm fine. So did you need me for something?
Oklahoma: Yes, Takeo is here.
Yamashiro: This is your friend that likes another me right?
Y/N: *nods*
Takeo: Y-Yes. Can I let her?
Y/N: She'll let you.
Takeo: Can I?
Yamashiro: Sure. Go ahead.
While Takeo is patting her head. Y/N starts talking to the other two.
Y/N: Congrates on you two getting girlfriends.
Erl: Thanks.
Noah: Yes, thanks. Tirpitz has been a great change in my life.
Noah's Tirpitz: Thanks Noah.
Erl: Same with Enty here. *pats her head*
Erl' s Enterprise: *blushes* Erl.
Erl: How have you been with your harem?
Y/N: It's been a little tiring. I've been on atleast 7 dates I'm just 2 days while I've has them.
Takeo: Sounds rough.
Y/N: You'll understand later in your story.
Suddenly, a portal opens up. And EarlVincentMartinez steps out.
Earl M.: Flex tape ain't fixing this fourth walk break.
Y/N: *pushes him back* Well stop breaking it even more!
Earm M.: Fine fine. *leaves, and the portal disappears*
Oklahoma: That happened.
Y/N: Ya. Oh I almost forgot. A certain heavy metal band is coming here in 30 minutes.
Noah: Is it?
Erl: Knowing you, it's probably them.
Takeo: Yup.
Y/N: Yup. Hey Okie, can you take the ship girls to the celebration party?
Oklahoma: Sure. Let's go gits.
Takeo's Laffey: Laffey wants to stay with Takeo.
Takeo: Come on Laffey. Y/N, help.
Y/N: Okie.
Oklahoma: On it. *pulls Laffey* Come on Laffey. We have that food you ate in episode 9.
Laffey: *let's go* Okay.
Oklahoma: That was easy.
Takeo: Thanks Oklahoma.
Oklahoma: No problem Takeo. Let's go girls. *leaves*
The 3 girls: Ok. *leaves*
Y/N: Oh, one more thing. After the band plays, we're watching the anime Azur Lane.
Takeo: Really!?
Y/N: Yup. But we're ganna have to watch the last two episodes in sub. Cause who knows when the last two dubbed episodes will come out.
Erl: Sounds great. Have the ship girls watched it?
Y/N: Nope. I plan on having them watch it.
Noah: I wish you luck with Akagi and Kaga.
Y/N: Ya. Thanks.
Erl: And the famous episode 6.
Y/N: *blushes* Maybe I should skip that one.
The 3 commanders: No.
Y/N: Dammit. Well, not my problem if your girls get jealous.
Erl: You have an entire harem so good luck to you.
Noah: Umm guys.
Y/N: Hah, I'm a pure human.
Noah: Guys.
Takeo: I'm mean your technically a Battlecarrier.
Noah: Guys!
Y/N: Ya.
Noah: Umm. Look behind y'all.
They look behind them and see something terrifying.
Taihou: *giggles* Look at all the cute commanders here.
Akagi: I hear them talking about secrets. Not nice to keep away from cute girls.
Roon: And I hear something about a famous episode?
Y/N: Guys. Ready?
Takeo: *happy* Yanderes!
Erl: Dangit. Ready.
Noah: Same here.
The 3: Begone THOTS!
But it has no effect.
Y/N: I hope you guys are thinking of what I'm thinking.
When Y/N looks behind him, the 3 were already running.
Y/N: Traitors! *starts running*
After an hour, Y/N and the others are on the stage. Over looking a sea of ship girls and commanders.
Y/N: You guys can go to your ships. They should be with Oklahoma near the front.
Erl: Ok. Cya in a bit. *leaves*
Noah: Cya Y/N. *leaves*
Y/N: Takeo, Laffey is with Yamashiro and Oklahoma. They're over there. *points to where they are*
Takeo: Okay. Thanks Y/N. Cya. *leaves*
Y/N: Cya man. Now time to see if our guests are ready.
Y/N heads back stage.
Y/N: You guys ready?
???: Yes, we are.
????: Thank you for inviting us, and thanks for saving the world.
Y/N: No problem. You don't know how hard it is containing my excitement. *chuckles*
??? & ????: *laughs*
Y/N: I'm ganna head back. Good luck, and I will see you guys in a bit. *leaves*
???: Bye.
????: Cya.
Y/N heads back up front. And meets Oklahoma, who is at the front now, with his 3 commander friends, their ships, and his harem.
Y/N: They'll be ready any moment now.
Erl: Ok.
Y/N: Belfast.
Belfast: *behind the 3 commanders* Yes Master?
Erl: What the heck!?
Noah: Where did you come from?
Y/N: Don't question the logic of Belfast. Anyways, have he SS keep their eyes sharp.
Belfast: Yes Master. *leaves*
Takeo: SS?
Noah: *looks at Y/N* -_- Wanna explain more Y/N?
Y/N: Secret ships. The light are dimming. Here we go.
Joakim Alright Azur Lane!!
People start cheering. As most of the band runs out on stage.
Joakim: We are Sabaton, we play heavy metal!! And this is Ghost DIVISION!!
Fast as the wind
The invasion has begun!
Shaking the ground
With a force of thousand guns!
First in the line of fire!
First into hostile land!
Tanks leading the way!
Leading the way!!
Charging the lines
With a force of a furious storm
Fast as the lightning
Phantoms swarm!
200 miles at nightfall
Taken within a day!
This earning the name
Earing the fame!!
They are the Panzer Elite
Born to compete
Never retreat!!
Ghost Division!
The band had fun, the commanders had fun, and everyone had fun. Takeo's Laffey slept most of the time.
(I dare you to watch the entirety of this.)
After the band gone off to the side, and Y/N went into the stage.
Y/N: Wow. That was awsome. I'm behalf of Azur Lane, Joakim, I would like to thank you and your bandmates.
Joakim: No problem. And we would like to thank you, the commanders, and the entire Azur Lane for protecting us from the Sirens. And so we take our leave. Congrats, and goodnight!
They leaves, and Y/N looks towards the crowd.
Y/N: Ok, we have two more things. This next one, San Diego is ganna sing her song. And after that, we will be watching an anime. And for the ones who think That anime, yes it is. I wish y'all luck with episode 6.
Some commanders laugh, then go quiet after they're ship girls look at them. And the commanders. groan
Y/N: Groan all you want. I have a harem breathing down my neck. And if I die, there will be no more. Lol. But for now, heres San Diego and her song... *hops off the stage*
San Diego: Watashi wa Numba Wan!
Near the end of her song.
San Diego: Always No.1!
Everyone starts clapping and cheering. And Y/N gets back on stage.
Y/N: Always number one Sandy. And now it's time for our final event. Let's watch all the episodes of the anime Azur Lane. Chair will be provided to everyone. I bet y'all are tired of standing.
Commander1: Yes, Please!
Commander2: Who knows how long it's been since we sat down!
Y/N: Ok. I'll get everything set up and can my maids please hand out chairs?
Belfast: You heard Master Y/N, let us hand out the chairs.
Y/N leaves and a huge screen comes down, and ,after a while, Y/N starts the anime.
Enterprise: *from the tv* War...War never changes. Regardless of the era.
Y/N: *heads back over and sits with his harem*
Throughout the rest of the anime, the ship girls looked really exited watching them from the anime. With some questionable moments. Bismarck was a little sad, cause she didn't see her. Oklahoma liked her scenes in episode 5 and not much in 6. Belfast and Enterprise were a little embarrassed. Kaga and Akagi were a little uncomfortable. And Kaga questioned, why don't I have the power to create a wolf/fox? ((Im serious. We see it for only 1 episode. And she never used it again. I'm not complaining)) Everyone agrees on two things. 1) Z23 should have been with the starters. 2) The anime depicted Laffey perfectly.
But when Episode 6 got to the fan service part, all, or most, of the girls either blushed or just stared at their commanders. Let's just say Y/N will be awnsering some questions later. Unicorn both didn't understand and understood. But, she should just be protected.
Everyone was ready for the last episode. Bismarck was still a little sad she hadn't made an appearance. But then...
Y/N: Oc Gansta it, guys?
All the commanders: After the this.
Then this happens.
Everyone starts clapping.
Y/N: *heads over to the computer* Ready for the last video?
Everyone: Yes!
Y/N: Here we go. *plays video*
(Its a pretty good video)
Y/N: *walks over to Okie* Come with me.
Oklahoma: *nods*
The two head to the beach.
Oklahoma: What did you need?
Y/N: Look out there. *points*
Oklahoma: *looks to where he's pointing*
What the two were looking at was a beautiful sunset. A sun that looked like it was sitting in the water. With two planes making a heart.
Oklahoma: Did you make that?
Y/N: I had two of my planes make it. You like it.
Oklahoma: *hugs him* I love it.
Y/N: *hugs back* Texas!
Oklahoma: What?
Y/N transforms and starts bride carrying Oklahoma out towards the sunset.
Oklahoma: What are you doing?
Y/N: *hands her flowers, that are in a circle* Here.
Oklahoma: *hold onto them* What are these for?
Y/N: I want you to be at peace. I want you to let your previous friends to be at peace. Remember, Pearl Harbor and the Flu. You lost so much Okie. I want you to let them know, that your at peace. Stop blaming yourself, let them know.
Oklahoma tears up a bit as Y/N stops. Oklahoma places the flowers down and push them towards the sunset. But she sees something in front of them, only 10 feet away.
Oklahoma: Wait, who is that?
Y/N: I dont see anyone.
Oklahoma squints her eyes and sees her friends and sailors that passed away from the Flu and from Pearl Harbor.
Oklahoma: Tears up. Its them.
Y/N: Are they saying anything?
Sailor1: It wasn't your fault Oklahoma.
Sailor2: We miss you, but please. Live on for us.
Sailor3: Well meet, not now, but sometime in the future.
Sailor4: Make us happy Okie. And remember, it wasn't your fault we passed. We're all glad to have served on and with you.
Oklahoma: *crys a bit* You guys.
Sailor1: We must part now. But remember, well always be with you. Forever.
Sailor3: And that Y/N that he's lucky to have you.
All of the sailors: We love you Okie. *they all turn and disappear while walking towards the sun set*
Oklahoma: *wiping away her tears* Yes, please rest in peace. Sailors of the USS Oklahoma.
Y/N: We should get back.
Oklahoma: Yes, we should. I love you Y/N.
Y/N: I love you too, Oklahoma.
The two kiss, and head back to head back to their friends, their fleet, their rivals, and their comrades.
(This is the final chapter of this series. I didn't know how to end it off. So sorry if it wasn't to your liking. As always I don't own any Azur Lane nor Sabaton. Nither the pictures and videos. Thank you for staying with this story, and as always Peace out.)
Timeskip-Unknown Time Later
???: Mom, Dad?
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