Akagi and Kaga are on a cliff surrounded by the sea.
Kaga: Akagi, we are ready to proceed with the operation.
Akagi: Tora, tora, tora, right?
Kago: Huh?
Akagi: Kaga, what do you think battle is? What is the purpose of war?
Kaga: I don't know, is it defending your ideals?
Akagi: No, the battle is to hurt, the battle is to be hurt, the battle is a mutual exchange of pain.
In that Akagi sits behind Kaga.
Akagi: Through pain we express our love for each other.
Nt: Akagi came out masochistic.
In that Kaga stands up while she maintains an expressionless expression.
Kaga: Sister, excuse me for my rudeness, but I don't understand your philosophy, I only destroy my enemies, nothing more.
In that Kaga lights several of her scrolls, Akagi on the other hand summons a black mental cube and the weather begins to worsen and several siren warships begin to emerge from the mist.
Akagi: Let's get the fucking shit together! (Fires a Nambu Type 94)
Author: Hey that never happened!
Akaki: I'm sorry.
Kaga: Stepsister please...
In that Kaga lights several of her scrolls, Akagi on the other hand summons a black mental cube and the weather begins to worsen and several siren warships begin to emerge from the mist.
Akagi: Well, let our war begin.
In that I see that the horizon begins to cloud.
Me: Storm?
That was impossible, I had checked the weather system and it had reported zero clouds and a calm day, I checked the weather system once more, but it was the same.
Me: Is it broken?
I went outside and felt the sea breeze with my body and I didn't feel that special breeze that gave the beginning of a storm, so that storm is provoked, but who? China? Not that it is impossible, Dragon Empery is the communist China of this world and it is a very poor country due to the invasion of the siren, the Sakura empire for a time helped Dragon Empery, but the Sakura empire had its problems so now they couldn't help the Dragon Empery anymore.
I looked at my radar and got scared, I felt very stupid for not seeing the radar first, there were countless planes flying towards the base, one would not have to be a military man to realize that it is an attack.
Me: [This is Long Beach, we're under attack! Siren planes approaching the base!]
London: [REALLY?]
Me: [Yes, the siren attack us]
London: [In that case I'll go report it to Wales]
London would take over, so I got the weapons systems up and running, load mention of my 127mm guns and CIWS. Then I summon my rigging.
Wales, Cleveland and Illustrious were talking quietly in the office, at which point London bursts into the office.
London: It's serious! The siren attack us!
Wales: What did you say? The sirens? Quick turn on the war alarm! This is not a simulacrum!
London: Understood!
In that Cleveland runs to the window and she sees the enemy planes attacking the base, many explosions reverberate in the base, Cleveland sees Long Beach is shooting down the enemy planes, she is alone.
Cleveland: She needs help!
Cleveland runs off.
Cleveland runs off and when she reaches the port a siren plane shoots at her, but her machine gun sweep misses and hits the ground.
Cleveland: Cleveland! Knight of the seas...
As her ship begins to glow, Cleveland then jumps off the dock into the sea.
Then her ship fragments into hundreds of cubes and they start outfitting her, a siren plane makes a sharp turn and points at her.
Cleveland: Fire!
Cleveland's cannons fire and hit the Plane knocking it down instantly.
Cleveland: What do you think of the ultimate weapon to combat siren?
A siren plane locks its ASMs on Cleveland and fires.
Cleveland is covered in smoke, but when she comes out she is unharmed from that attack and she counters with her cannons and she knocks her down instantly.
Cleveland: It's us, with the power of warships embedded in our bodies.
You can see that all the girls on the base join the fight, Cleveland opened fire again and shoots down another siren plane, Javelin shoots with Laffey which also shoots down two siren planes.
It's a very unnatural sound on the battlefield, it's the sound of two M61 Vulcan cannons firing, these are the Long Beach CIWS that manage to shoot down enemy planes 100% effectively, but because Long Beach doesn't have the Aegis combat system, there are planes that escape her, Long Beach also uses its 127 mm guns.
At that the planes begin to withdraw.
Cleveland: Enemy planes retreat?
Me: Don't let your guard down, a second wave is coming.
Cleveland: I understand.
In that the environment is altered by a shower of cherry petals.
???: Yes, we were created to fight against the siren, but because of the difference in politics, the four powers of the world were divided into two factions.
???2: One of them is limited to using the power created by humans to fight against the siren, Union and Royal.
???: The other faction is...
In that in the swirl of petals two aircraft carriers are shown and on the bow it has the cherry tree emblem.
Cleveland: (Bewildered) That emblem.
Me: Are those ships from the Sakura Empire?
Cleveland: Yes, there is no doubt, they are the aircraft carriers of the first division.
A shot change shows Akagi and Kaga.
Akagi: And the other one is the one that uses siren technology to defeat siren, Iron Blood and the Sakura empire.
The Zero planes took off and formed in a circle of the imperial fleet, all the girls of Azur Lane are scared or angry by this fact, some of them knew that the Zeros are considered unbeatable except for Enterprise, she is the only one who can fight at the level of the Zeros.
Akagi: First division, Akagi.
Kaga: First division, Kaga.
Kaga/ Akagi: Behold and tremble!
Me: (Is this a WWII parody?)
Our protagonist did not know anything about this world yet, but if someone attacks you, you know the intention of the other.
All the ships started to fire their cannons, Long Beach on the other hand also fires their cannons, but it focuses on the planes that intend to bomb the base and also those that want to bomb it.
A barrage of zero machine guns aimed at a group of real destroyers and the destroyers luckily dodge, Long Beach fires her cannon and shoots the plane down.
Cygnet: Thank you.
Me: You're welcome and don't get distracted.
Javelin: There is no end.
Laffey: We could have problems.
Multiple Zero planes are shot down by Spitfire.
Cleveland: Interceptors?
The interceptors are from Unicorn.
Unicorn: Don't bother my friends!
Her unicorn lights up and grows to life size and Unicorn mounts her and flies away.
Me: (Shock) Am I dreaming? Did the Unicorn plushie turn into a real unicorn?
Unicorn deploys other interceptors and they chase Kaga's planes down.
Kaga: So she's an aircraft carrier? That skinny little body isn't even good for me as an appetizer, but prey is prey.
Kaga takes the mask from her and it lights up and disappears, her aircraft carrier glows and a white 9-tailed fox is shown.
Me: (Shock) Really? Kaga could do that? What's this!? An Final Fantasy!?
Cleveland: (Shock) EEEEEHHHHHHH?
Kaga: I'm going to devour you!
Unicorn, now seeing herself as a target, tries to flee, Kaga's fox unfolds her track and takes off other Zeros, replacing those shot down.
Javelin: I won't let you do it!
Me: Javelin! Take care of your blind spot! Engage CIWS!
5 Torpedoes were traveling towards Javelin, but Long Beach intercepts them.
Javelin: Huh?
Me: (sigh) Watch your blind spots!
Ayanami appears in front of them.
Me: (Shocked) Ayanami?
Ayanami: You came very close to discovering me, but it was lucky you didn't.
Me: (Tch I knew something was wrong. I think she was half asleep when I ran into her)
Ayanami: I didn't think you could intercept my torpedoes, it's the first time someone has done that.
Javelin: Are you the enemy?
Ayanami: Unfortunately, yes, we are enemies.
Ayanami: (Reloads her torpedoes) I'm an upgraded Fubuki-class destroyer, IJN Ayanami.
Ayanami draws her sword and attacks towards Long Beach.
Me: Hey, wait!
Long Beach at the last moment draws her military knives and stops Ayanami's sword.
Ayanami: Taste the power of the demon!
Me: Hey why are you attacking me if you have others to attack?
Ayanami: You're strong and I know you'll become a nuisance to Red Axis's plans, to avoid those situations, I'm going to eliminate you now, don't take this badly, but it's nothing personal.
Me: I understand you, it's work, so I won't hold a grudge against you, but answer me this, who planned this attack?
Ayanami: I really don't know, I only take orders from Akagi-san and Kaga-san.
They both back off, Ayanami fires the cannons at her and Long Beach casually dodges, then Ayanami does multiple combos with her sword, but is knocked back by Long's knife.
On the other side, Unicorn shot down the planes that were attacking her and launched her torpedo boats to make a counterattack, the fox noticed and fired Anti-Aircraft projectiles from her tail, easily shooting down Unicorn's planes and the fire spread to Unicorn who was She was overwhelmed by the attack that she tried to dodge as much as she could.
Long Beach looks away for a while to check Unicorn's condition.
Ayanami: Fool! You let your guard down!
In that Ayanami using her sword attacks Long Beach, in that Long Beach blocks Ayanami's attack and this leaves Ayanami with broken posture.
I do not! You did it!
Ayanami: (Damn)
Long Beach manages to land a clean punch to Ayanami's abdomen and she is sent flying backwards for several meters.
Ayanami: Cough! That hurts a lot.
Ayanami gets up with some difficulty, but she goes back to her knees, the pain preventing her from being able to do anything.
Me: Well, stay there for a moment.
Javelin: (eyes sparkle) You're amazing!
Javelin's nonchalant attitude infuriated Long Beach a bit.
Me: what the hell are you doing!? Why don't you help Unicorn!?
Javelin: (realizes) Oh! It's true!
Me: Get off! I got this!
Our protagonist pushes Javelin aside, but the inevitable happens.
Unicorn has just been down, the fox approaches Unicorn to finish her off, our protagonist tries to fire her cannon, but at that moment.
In that several siren ships exploded out of nowhere and then an arrow of pale blue light hits the fox knocking her down.
Me: Huh?
Akagi: Nani?
Kaga: (Furious) Who was it that damaged my rig!?
Akagi looks to the position behind her fleet and she sees a carrier sailing along.
Akagi looks to the position behind her fleet and she sees an aircraft carrier sailing along.
Akagi: That aircraft carrier?
Cleveland: (Happy) There is no doubt, she is the most powerful warrior in our nation.
In that of the American aircraft carrier, the planes begin to take off one by one to attack the enemy.
Enterprise: (Whisper) Akagi, you sure do have the balls to attack us during this crisis.
Akagi: There's no question about it, she's Gray Ghost, the big E.
Kaga: I understand sister, so she is the one who attacked me. (Chuckles) So, finally, she's a worthy opponent.
Enterprise: Enterprise in combat!
In that the aircraft carrier Enterprise begins to shine and fragments into mental cubes and then they equip Enterprise.
Enterprise: Come on!
Enterprise goes on the attack, she sails at full speed, the Enterprise bombers approach her and she jumps on top of one of the bombers and now she flies while dodging the enemy's AA shots, without a doubt this type of action is very reckless .
Enterprise planes bombarded the siren capital ships.
Kaga: (Excited) Interesting!
Kaga throws her charms at Enterprise, Kaga's charms transform into interceptor planes, Enterprise counters with her AA guns easily shooting down the enemy planes, so Kaga orders her fox to get up and attack Enterprise, Enterprise doesn't notice. time of the fox's claw, so she leaves the plane, the plane is cut into pieces, Enterprise counters by shooting an arrow, the arrow transforms into two free fall bombs, it was a Head shot, the fox falls into the sea unconscious.
Kaga in a desperate act tries to throw all her amulets and Enterprise doesn't notice.
Enterprise: Damn!
Kaga: You are mine.
When Kaga throws the charms at her, all of Kaga's charms hit the fox further damaging Kaga's rig.
In that sounds the bolt of a sniper rifle being manually locked.
Kaga: (Furious) Damn whore!
Enterprise: Hey Kaga-san, do you forget that I am your opponent?
Kago: Damn.
Enterprise: Owari da.
Enterprise lets go of the rope, Enterprise's arrow hits Kaga's chest severely damaging her.
Kaga: (Recovering) How dare you hurt me like this?
Enterprise: You looked for it yourself.
At that Kaga gets very angry and this time she invokes her rigging, she is now going to fight seriously.
Akagi: Enough Kaga.
Kaga: (Doubts) Sister? I can fight.
Akagi: I know, but we're outnumbered, we were able to take the advantage with a surprise attack, but I think it's time to retreat.
In that several siren ships begin to be destroyed by Swordfish and the bombardment of a battleship.
Kaga seeing this she realizes the situation.
Cleveland: Illustrious, Wales. Yes, you are very late.
Wales: Sorry, my rig wasn't fully repaired yet.
Akagi: (looking at the mental cube) Most of our goals are accomplished here, we're leaving.
Kaga: Yes.
Enterprise points her bow at Kaga.
Enterprise: Where do you think they're going? Surrender right now! This is a war crime!
Akagi: (mocking tone) Ara, ara, look how I'm trembling with fear, what's more I think I just urinated from fear.
Enterprise: (Fury) Stop the antics now! Secure your weapons and surrender!
Enterprise was going to release the arrow from her, but at that moment a scroll hits her hand causing the target to miss.
Enterprise: TCH.
Zuikaku: [Sempai! It's time to retreat!]
On the horizon is the aircraft carrier Zuikaku looking at everything, she was the one who deflected Enterprise's arrow using a scroll.
Akagi: [Yes, it's time to leave]
Akagi and Kaga retreat to a safe place, Enterprise tries to stop them by shooting another arrow, but she feels an intense burning in her hand, when she sees her left hand, she sees that the back of her hand is burned, that was caused by the Zuikaku scroll.
Enterprise: Damn, my hand is burned.
Returning to our protagonist, she sees Ayanami and she flinches a bit in fear.
Me: I would capture you, but you are not useful to me, if you want you can escape.
Ayanami: In that case I'll take your mercy.
Ayanami starts sailing back with her fleet, because she is so sore, she sails with difficulty.
Akagi and Kaga land on Akagi's aircraft carrier and from there she began to give her declaration of war.
Akagi: Azur Lane, consider this a declaration of war...
Akagi/Kaga: KYAAA!
An explosion reverberates on Akagi's flight deck and the two Imperial kansen lose their balance and fall, in which a wing fragment from a Zero aircraft falls on top of Akagi, knocking her unconscious.
Kaga: (Panic) Ne-sama! (Looks furiously at Long Beach) KISAMAAAAAAAAAAA! (Japanese: You damn)
Wales: Hey Long Island, don't you think you went a little too far with this?
Me: A little? I think the enemy should know who they're dealing with..
Our protagonist had fired her 127mm cannon at one of Akagi's planes that was parked on the flight deck as a measure of revenge and to humiliate those two, but she didn't think her treacherous attack had gone far better than expected.
Many girls in Azur Lane started laughing at this, it was undoubtedly a very funny and very unnatural scene in a war.
Kaga: Whatever! We declare the....!
Kaga: (Furious) Let me talk!
Me: (killer look) Get lost and don't come back.
Kaga: (Frightened) Azur Lane consider this a formal declaration of war, we the Sakura empire and Iron Blood will crush your conviction.
In that the vessels begin to be covered by cherry blossom petals.
Kaga: The mighty must protect the world, the will of heaven is with us, we are the crimson alliance, Red Axis.
In that the petals disappear and the imperial fleet disappeared
PoW: They escaped.
Illustrious: And to think that Long Beach managed to chase them away.
PoW: Yes, because her AA fire is exceptional, I never thought that her machine guns and cannons were so accurate.
Illustrious: Yes, if her fire is 100% it is logical that she has few weapons.
PoW: But she still shot down the planes that tried to bomb the base, it's thanks to her that the base didn't take much damage.
They all looked hopefully at their new ally.
Enterprise: (pouting) What about me?
Wales: Well, Enterprise helped us a lot too.
TO BE CONTINUE...........................................
NT: Hello to all readers, in this chapter there may be many errors in the translation because my grammar checker has been automatically correcting my translation and there may be continuity problems or some words in Spanish, if the problem occurs. case I apologize, that's all, see you in the next chapter.
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