In that several Dauntless bomber planes appear and bomb the siren ships.

Puri: (shocked) What? And where did those planes come from?

All the girls turned around and were shocked when they saw Enterprise, they all thought that Enterprise would not fight in this battle, but it seems that even the sirens are wrong.

Puri: (shocked) Enterprise? What is she doing here?

Enterprise: (Furious) SIRENNNNNNNNNNNNN!

Puri: (Never mind, that means more fun for me) ENTERPRISEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!

Puri and Enterprise fired at each other, Enterprise miraculously dodged Puri's attack, but Puri was unable to dodge Enterprise's attack, Enterprise's attack managed to significantly damage Puri.

Enterprise: Tch, that wretch survived.

All: (How strong is that siren?)

Puri: (crazy laugh) Hahahahahaha! What fun this was, but it's too bad, I have to go since I'm running late for a wedding. I'll be waiting for you at the final stage of the game!

At that Puri starts shooting randomly, the girls avoid all of Puri's attacks, but Puri's shots also destroyed the siren's mass production ships, the Azur Lane girls didn't know how to react to Puri's actions. Puri, in a distraction, Puri opens a portal and escapes.

Sheffield: (Intrigued) Why did she shoot her allies?

Enterprise: I have no idea.

In that they also see that the siren fleet begins to open portals to be able to withdraw.

Enterprise: That's a very tricky technique, where are the mods when i need them?

Belfast: Enterprise-sama, this is real life, not a video game.

Enterprise: Oh, sorry, it's gone.

Edinburg: The siren got away with the black cube, what are we going to do?

Enterprise: Let's go back to base, prepare a fleet to deploy to the empire, I have a bad premonition.

The girls agree with Enterprise's reasoning, Enterprise is unpleasant and pessimistic, but that doesn't take away from the fact that she is the commander of the Eagle Union, that's why she can give the right orders at the right time.

Belfast: So you came to save us.

Enterprise: Look who's talking, the girl who lectures me from time to time and she's the one who does the complete opposite.

Belfast: Hehehe.

Enterprise: It wasn't a compliment.

Belfast: (Sarcasm) I felt like a princess being protected by a knight in shining armor.

Enterprise: (uncomfortable) Cut that, it's not my style. (Sigh) I still have to apologize to my daughter.

Belfast: Guess it.

Enterprise: (Depression) I'm a bad mother, I made my daughter cry. Will she still be very upset with me? After all I said very cruel words to her.


Time passes and the fleet returns to base.

Enterprise: (Looks at Cleveland) Where's my daughter?

Cleveland: Enty? I think she's helping with the repairs, she's where San Diego anchors.

Enterprise: Thank you.

Enterprise heads to where the San Diego ship is and she sees Enty doing some welding to close the gaps in the cruiser's hull.

Enterprise: Daughter!

At that Enty stops welding and focuses her attention on Enterprise.

Me: Oh how are you? What's the matter?

Enterprise: (bows) I want to apologize for everything I said to you this morning! I said some really horrible things about you!

In that Enty hugs her mother affectionately.

Me: I really apologize for everything I said to you too, I really let my feelings take control and hit you, I know it was wrong, so I forgive you.

Enterprise: Yes. Thank you.

At that Enterprise smiled casually, Enterprise needed to feel family love again.


In the Kaga shipyard, ignoring Nagato's orders, she herself decided to activate Orochi without caring that the project is finished, Kaga began with the preparations.

While Kaga was making preparations, Prinz Eugen infiltrated the shipyard to see if he could steal the plans for the Orochi.

Eugen: I'm sorry, Sakura Empire, but I'll take Orochi's blueprints, hmm?

In that Eugen sees something on the cover of Orochi.

Eugen: Is that Kaga?

Kaga: Ne-sama, here I come. Orochi activate!

In that Orochi is activated causing a slight tremor, the dry dock floods with seawater.

Eugen: (Shock) This is wrong, I have to get out of here before all this collapses.

Eugen started running to get out of this place.

Outside, the entire island of the empire began to tremble taking some Kansen by surprise, Nagato looked out the window of the imperial palace somewhat upset.

Nagato: That stupid, I should have confined her.

Kawakaze: What shall we do, Your Majesty?

Nagato: Quick, summon the high-ranking kansen, quick!

Kawakaze: Yes, your majesty!

Kawakaze runs out, at the port of the empire, Takao and Zuikaku run along the dock, while everyone is alert because this tremor is not normal.

Shokaku: What's going on?

Kako: I don't know, but it could be a siren fleet or Azur Lane.

In that they all see something that chills their blood, they could see that from the shadow of the island a gigantic warship appeared, it is a ship that easily exceeds in size any ship built in real life, it is even longer than the Oil Tanker Knock Nevis that has a length of 458 m.

Takao: (Shocked) What is that?

Atago: (Shock) Is that... Orochi?

In that the girls see Kaga climbed on the fore deck of the Orochi.

Shokaku: (Furious) I knew there was something dirty here! I knew it and no one believed me!

Zuikaku: (Shock) Is that Kaga?

Takao: Unfortunately yes.

In the Orochi deck, Kaga has a brief flashback.

In the Flashback we can see Amagi walking through the streets of the empire while keeping a very refreshing smile, in that Amagi realizes that Naka and Mutsuki are running.

Magi: What's up?

Mutsuki: This is bad...

Naka: Kaga and Akagi fought again, we have tried to separate them, but it is impossible for us.

Amagi: (sigh) God, these girls


The emergency meeting had been called, Soryuu, Hiryuu, Takao, Fusou, Kongou, Shokaku, Kawakaze, Mutsu and Nagato participate in this meeting.

Shokaku: As I said before, the situation is very bad, in the first place, we shouldn't have bet on something we didn't know anything about.

Nagato: Hm, I think so too, but I think I got carried away by my greed.

Fusou: I think you weren't the only one who thought that way, I think we all get carried away by the desire for power.

Nagato: Well, we can't cry over spilled milk, now we have to find a way to intercept Orochi's fleet.

Fusou: My scout planes were able to locate Orochi's fleet, currently Ryuuhou's planes are observing them from a long distance, Orochi is currently escorted by 3 cruisers, 5 destroyers and 5 mass production siren carriers.

Nagato: I see, what ships are available to sail now?

Kongou: Currently the second carrier division, the fifth carrier division, the sixth destroyer division, the Nishimura fleet and the Iron Blood division stationed in the empire can set sail.

Nagato: I see, then get out immediately.

All: Understood!

The impromptu session ended and the girls prepared to set sail immediately, at which point Kawakaze approached Nagato.

Nagato: What's up?

Kawakaze: (Whisper) Your Majesty, we have received an interesting message from Azur Lane.

Nagato: (Intrigued) ¿Ohhh?

On the deck of the Orochi Kaga is standing on the bow as if she is hypnotized by something or someone, on the stern of the Orochi, Observer and Tester converse.

Tester: We've already beaten the empire's patrol, although I must say they were confused enough to stop us, (looks at Orochi) Finally, ...Although I must admit it's quite a unique design.

Observer: The combats have to be more dramatic, they are the manifestations of the will, it is the will that drives them to continue advancing.

Tester: The things you say are too sentimental and hard to process.

In that a portal opens and Purifier appears.

Puri: Hehehe, I bet you her head is full of her own ego.

Observer: Ara? What a hurtful comment from you.

Puri: Well, I don't care, but this is yours.

Puri throws the black mind cube at Observer and she catches it.

Observer: Thank you. Well let's start with the fun.

Tester: I would like to see the data that I will collect in this war event.

Observer performs a chant in the siren language and the black mental cube begins to glow with an intense purple light, the cube enters the Orochi activating it at 100%.

Observer: Let's see the condition.

Observer enters Orochi's AI to see Orochi's condition.

Observer: Well, Orochi's systems are 100% working.

Puri: (Cheerful tone) Come on, let's party then.

On the foredeck Kaga covers herself to protect herself from the light that blinds her, when the light goes out, she could see Akagi in shock.

Kaga: (Shock) Ne-sama? Akagi-nesama!

Kaga runs to hug Akagi.

Kaga: You were fine.

Akagi: Yes, this was the will of the heavens, look Kaga, this is the power of Orochi, the true power to protect the empire.

In that Kaga saw "something" that she does not know, "that something" has the appearance of a giant rocket like a space rocket, this rocket is an intercontinental missile loaded with a nuclear warhead, but for Kaga this knowledge is totally unknown, only a Modern age person can recognize this weapon just by seeing it.


The missile took off from the aft deck of the Orochi and flew in an unknown direction.


For precautions due to an attack by the empire, Azur Lane left a small division of submarines patrolling this area, the one in charge of this patrol is Dace, an Eagle Union submarine.


In that, Dace's sonar began to hear something that disconcerted her since for her this sound is from an explosion, but the sound is very different from that of a conventional explosion.

Dave: What is this? hmm?

In that she sees a large current of water that approaches her and not being able to avoid it, Dace is dragged several kilometers backwards, she in a panic decides to emerge since she had lost control of her rigging, when she emerges she is somewhat upset.

Dace: What the hell was this? Hey? Why is dark?

Dace's fury turned to confusion, after all it's 1230 hours, but it's dark.


A thunderous sound hits her causing her to look in the direction of the sound of the explosion and she sees it, sees an absurdly large explosion, despite being hundreds of miles away, she can see the explosion.

Dace: (Shock) What the hell is that? This is very bad, if this weapon is from Red Axis our organization can be annihilated.

Dace quickly snaps a photo of the explosion and quickly decides to get back to base as quickly as possible.


It had been 3 weeks since the siren called Purifier attacked the base, we still haven't set sail because 80% of the kansen were still under repair and the repairs were further delayed due to the siren severely damaging the kansen that were in perfect condition. state, as you can see the situation sucks, and now we are in a very important meeting.

Wales: (Very worried) First of all, I want to pass this file on to you, please take a look at these photos.

Wales left a briefcase on the table and Cleveland was the first to look at the photos, at first Cleveland was serious, but then her face paled and she broke out in a cold sweat that attracted her sisters' curiosity.

Denver: What's up sister?

Cleveland: (terrified) What is this? This destructive magnitude!

Wales: Yes, this is what this meeting is about, about this attack that was carried out against the Philippines.

Me: Philippines? But that island is uninhabited. Was it the sirens?

QE: (Drinking tea) I guess it's to make fun of us.

Me: Cleveland, pass me the photos.

Cleveland nods and hands me the photos while her hands shake with fear, I don't know what's in the photos, so I started looking at them, seeing them scared me and now I understand why Cleveland was terrified, in the photo I could see an explosion of an atomic bomb.

Me: (terrified) This? This is...? How...?

I couldn't understand, I had studied that Albert Einstein of this world died at the beginning of the siren war, so it's impossible for the atomic bomb to exist in the first place, besides this weapon is in the hands of Red Axis.


Enterprise: What's up daughter? You seem to know this weapon.

Me: (coming back to reality) Huh? Well, let's say I know this weapon.

Hood: The situation we are in is critical, any information you know would be very useful to us now.

Me: Well, in my world this weapon is very common among the most powerful nations, the name of this weapon is "Atomic Bomb" this explosive of mass destruction has the capacity to destroy an entire city without leaving any survivors.

The girls looked at me with a gloomy expression, they knew that the situation is very bad.

Enterprise: Weapon range?

Me: I don't know, after all we are talking about a weapon that was built in this world so I don't know.

Wales: I understand.

Helena: I don't know if this case is related to this, but before the island is vaporized, but a large battleship was reported leaving the Sakura empire.

Helena puts a picture of this ship on the table.

Me: (shock) This ship?

Sheffield: Yes, this ship is the same one Edinburg and I saw at the secret shipyard.

Hood: (Looking at the photo) So this is Orochi, what a terrifying ship.

Wales: According to intelligence, Orochi seriously damaged the empire's port, this is a very unexpected event for us, but it is also a very low blow for the empire.

Illustrious: So in the end the siren fooled all of us, both Azur Lane and Red Axis.

Enterprise: (Walks to a window) No, we haven't done anything yet, we haven't achieved anything, we are forced to destroy all the siren's plans, we can't allow the siren to get away with it.

Belfast: You are right Enterprise, this is not just a problem for Azur Lane, Orochi is a global threat.

QE: Don't worry, I've moved my chips, we always clean up the humiliation we get, so do we, the Royal Navy.

Hornet: And we do it by fighting back.

Enterprise: We must fight once more, but not to destroy the enemy, it is to protect the future and the life of all living beings. Good! Prepare to set sail and intercept the enemy!

All: Understood!

So I went to the docks to start my preparations, on the way I met Burke, so I gave her instructions that she prepare Tomahawk missiles and SM-2 AND SM-3 missiles since the enemy possibly has intercontinental missiles, she nods and all the girls who will participate in this decisive match prepared to set sail.

TO BE CONTINUE.................................

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