??: Hey! Hey! WAKE UP!

Me: Huh?

In that I open my eyes and see an iceberg in front of me.

Hornet: (Panic) Wake up or we're going to crash!

Quickly pull the stick and the plane yaws to the right and the plane's belly brushes against the Iceberg.

Me: what happened?

Hornet: We were fighting in another dimension against the imperial fleet and then we're in this cold place! I don't know what's up! I can't process what happened either!

Me: I am fine! But calm down!

After a good time we were able to calm down, without a doubt I had never fought in this type of situation in my life, having an isekai and then fighting in another dimension, that without a doubt was a double prize and very stimulating for me, but that was very dangerous .

As I flew I could see the main fleet.

Me: There is the allied fleet.

Hornet: I see it.

Me: Shall we scout the enemy position?

Hornet: I think it's a good idea.

So I grabbed the lever and maneuvered to search for the enemy fleet.


In the Azur Lane fleet the girls do a damage count and treat the girls' injuries.

London: Yes, when the special combat zone fell, it has caused this place to be very unstable.

Hood: It was all done by the sirens?

Wales: The empire's Orochi project and that mysterious power of Enterprise, I have a hunch that this is all related.

QE: To foil the Siren's plans, we must not allow the empire to escape.

While both the carriers Hornet and Enterprise CVN-65 are stranded without their owners, the Eagle Union girls are perched on the flight deck of the USS Enterprise CVN-65, they see the gap in space.

Denver: Aneki, what is that?

Cleveland: I don't know, by the way, where is Hornet and Enty-chan?

Helen: I don't know.

Elsewhere, fierce combat ensues.


A siren cruiser sinks due to that explosion, in front of that cruiser Belfast was the one that shot and sank that cruiser and she is somewhat disconcerted by the latest events.

Elsewhere, Laffey and Javelin are on patrol to ensure the enemy hasn't infiltrated their borders.

Laffey: (drowsily) AAACHHUU! How cold!

Javelin: It would be better to finish this patrol, I'm freezing too.

Laffey: I wish I had a coat.

In that the wind intensifies and they see someone behind a mist and when it clears they find themselves face to face with Ayanami.

Javelin: Ayanami-chan.

Ayanami has some confrontations on her mind, so she forced herself to abide by her imperial code and fired a warning shot, this projectile landing 1 meter to the right of Javelin and Laffey.

Ayanami: Why? Why don't they stand up and fight?

Laffey: Like I told you before, we want to be friends.

Javelin: That's right, we want to be friends.

Ayanami: Are you stupid? We are enemies!

Laffey: I don't care.

Ayanami: Of course I do! You will be treated as a traitor! We are weapons! Our duty is to fight!

Javelin: You're wrong! We are more than just weapons!

Laffey: Watch out!

Laffey pushes Javelin and a second later a 12cm projectile passes by and hits the sea, in that Yuudachi, Yukikaze and Shigure appear.

Yuudachi: (Doing somersaults) Don't bother Ayanami!

Yukikaze: (Fires her cannon) NANODA!

Javelin: Wait, we don't want to fight!


Multiple projectiles hit within inches of Javelin and Laffey.

Yukikaze: Do you think we'll fall for something that simple?

Shigure: (grabs Ayanami) What the hell are you doing? Let's go!

Yukikaze: (Laughs while navigating in reverse) Ha ha, we'll figure this out later!

Yuudachi: Next time you'll end up with a lot of broken bones!

In that Javelin tries to chase them, but Yukikaze fires dissuasive shots and this when hitting the water unbalances Javelin who falls on her back.

Laffey: (worried) Javelin.

In that, before Javelin loses her balance, she is grabbed by Belfast.

Belfast: Are you okay?

Javelin: Yes, I'm fine.

Belfast: Come on let's get out fast, this place is dangerous, the spatial distortion is getting worse.

The girls nodded and left that place.


In the battleship Yamashiro in the bow Kaga is lying unconscious and Yamashiro takes care of her, in that Kaga regained consciousness and gets up so suddenly that it scares Yamashiro who falls on her back.

Kaga: (Altered) NE-SAMA!

Zuikaku: (Approaches) Kaga-sempai! You are badly injured, please rest.

Kaga: (Confused) Fifth division? What happened? I remember she was fighting with Gray Ghost.... And... I see.... Ne-sama Where is Akagi-nesama?

Zuikaku: She ....

Behind their backs they were all talking about what had happened.

Shokaku: God, Zuikaku, why do you pay so much attention to Kaga?

Hiryuu laughs at this fact.

Soryuu: Kaga, Akagi has not been found.

Hyuuga: Soryuu, the rest have already gathered, if they haven't been found, then...

Fuso: So, Gray Ghost ...

Soryuu: It's too early to give up.

Ise: We can't, since we don't have time.

Soryuu: This place is not stable and dangerous, we also have other problems, the siren ships do not respond to us and azur lane must be looking for us to ambush us, also they are now more and we are less, we are at an abysmal disadvantage in quantity.

Fuso: Is that why we lost the black cube?

Shokaku: Also, don't you think the Orochi project?

Hiryuu: Shokaku?

Shokaku: (Thoughtful) The black cube, the control of the siren ships, was not explained to us in detail.

Hiryuu: Shokaku?

Shokaku: And that about Akagi, where did I get all this power that she has now? Doesn't she have some dark secret? The elders of the first division (Looks at Kaga) What are they hiding from us?

In that Kaga gets upset and gets up with great difficulty.

Kago: what? What have you said? Say it again!

Zuikaku: (Tries to stop) Kaga-Sempai! Take it easy!

Soryuu: (Fixes her glasses) I declare We end the search for Akagi and all ships withdraw to the empire!

Kaga: (Pulls out of Zuikaku's grasp) That's unacceptable! Akagi is our flagship! It is impossible for us to leave her behind! Plus I'm second in command!

Soryuu: If as you said, we have lost the flagship, it is logical that you succeeded her in command, but your mental and physical state are not adequate to command a fleet, therefore, I succeed the command of Akagi and the most logical thing is that we retreat, we are at a disadvantage and if we are attacked by Azur Lane, it will be impossible for us to escape.

Kaga: Hey! Don't talk stupid!

Shokaku: Kaga-sempai, I agree with Soryuu, I don't think they are fit to lead the fleet.

Kaga: What are you saying!

Soryuu: It is decided, I will not allow more comrades to be injured. (Looks at Shokaku) Spread the word, we're backing out.

Shokaku: Roger.

Shokaku turns on her radio and gives the orders.

Kaga: Tch.

Soryuu: I don't care what you think.

Soryuu walks away with her trusted subordinates leaving Kaga very irritated, if Zuikaku wasn't holding her back, she would have pounced on Soryuu a long time ago.

Soryuu: To all ships we set sail!

Kako: Reporting! The Azur Lane fleet has already located us and is heading towards our location.

Soryuu: So we were very slow, prepare to intercept! Keep an eye out for enemy aircraft!

All: Yes!


In that, an F-14 flies over the imperial fleet.

Me: [Enemy fleet detected!]

Hornet: [Corrdenadas*****] [They leave after seeing us]

Me: Hornet! Hold on tight! The enemy will soon attack us!

Hornet: ¡Ok!

Our protagonist will try to do the crazy maneuver of Umidori.

Our protagonist does a backflip and then she speeds towards the Imperial fleet.

Soryuu: Is she going to attack us despite the disadvantage?

Zuikaku: She really is a showoff, this will cost you dearly.

Zuikaku launches 5 planes against Enty's F-14, but Enty speeds up more making it impossible to attack the F-14, Enty maneuvers and fires 3 AGM missiles at Ise and Fusou.


Because these missiles are anti-tank, the missiles did not sink battleships, but did damage them.


Helena: Girls, we have located the position of the enemy, Enty-san and Hornet found them.

Wales: I get it. Those two do have the guts to fly their planes in this kind of unsettled weather.

Cleveland: Yeah, but do we have to?

Wales: It's inevitable, currently Enty is fighting alone with Hornet, besides they are playing with gasoline, siren technology is dangerous. If they escape, the situation will go from bad to worse.

Cleveland: There is no choice, this is war.


They all see that the F-14 keeps attacking again and again at close range, The carriers tried to attack Enty, but the first generation planes couldn't do anything and were shot down easily.

Hiryuu: Looks like they won't let us escape.

Soryuu: We currently lack the power to repel the enemy.

Hiryuu: Sister, please command this retreat. I'll take care of dealing with them.

Zuikaku: That's nothing, we'll do it.

Shokaku: Huh? What are you saying?

Hiryuu: There's no way they'd let my Kohai do that!

Shokaku: This has nothing to do with that.

Zuikaku: Shokaku-nee, I really understand how Kaga feels. I think I would break too if I lost my older sister.

Shokaku understands what Zuikaku says.

Shokaku: Don't worry, your sister always supports you.

Hiryuu: (sigh) I understand, but don't go overboard, we just need you to buy time and if you can't contain them, I want you to run away as fast as possible.

Zuikaku / Shokaku: Ok!

Meanwhile with our protagonist.

Me: Okay, let's take another pass.

Hornet: Yes.

Our protagonist presses the trigger.

[no ammo]

Me: What, no ammo? Why?

Hornet: Niece, is your ship inside you or not?

Me: I think not, after taking off, my ship was absorbed by light.

Hornet: We can only resupply our planes if we have our planes close to our ship, since we don't have our ships inside our bodies, we can't resupply.

Me: Really? I didn't know, not until now. Whatever! Let's go back!

Pull the lever to return to the main fleet.

On the other side Prince of Wales had already positioned herself to attack and fired.

At the front of the formation Zuikaku and Shokaku had offered to act as bait who, seeing Wales's attack, dodged without problems.

PoW: I dodge it.

In that Zuikaku launches a counterattack and Wales dodges it by jumping towards another pillar.

While this fight is taking place there are two women observing the slaughter in the front row, they are Observer, Tester.

Tester: Humanity always entertains us, it seems like a series of suspense, they hate war, but they want to fight, what is this paradox?

Observer: Your wishes are like a mirror that reflects your true intentions. What do you think, Tester?

Tester: Well, if the plans are accelerated, I won't have any complaints, if the ship we designed turns out as planned, we won't have to fear Azur Lane anymore, by the way, what do you do with that garbage?

Observer: What do you say? She can still serve us.

The cutscene shows an injured and unconscious Akagi being carried by the Observer with her tentacles.

Observer: Also, thanks to all of them, the cube was fed faster than planned, so we can activate it as quickly as possible.

Tester: Oh? I see, she will wake up earlier than stipulated.

Elsewhere, multiple Zero planes fly in to attack Wales and Zuikaku uses a melee approach, but Wales's back-to-back secondaries keep her from getting close.

Zuikaku: Damn, I'll raise the level.

Shokaku: Zuikaku! The main fleet has already escaped!

Zuikaku: Then it only remains for us to withdraw.

Zuikaku throws her amulets and they hit the water raising multiple columns of water that cover it and zuikaku sneaks up to escape, but Wales was not going to let her escape and using her super-honed instincts she shoots something that, if she hits, but Zuikaku dodges them at the last minute, Shokaku launches his Zero fighter-bombers to attack and create a gap to escape which one of them is hit by an anti-aircraft shell but is not shot down and continues to fight and fires her machine guns at San Diego.

San Diego (Loses her balance): WAAAA!

In that Zuikaku sees an opportunity and makes a sign with her eyes and Shokaku understands and they launch their attacks against the sea to create a screen of confusion and both enter that alley.

Zuikaku: It won't be long now and we'll escape.

Shokaku: Right.

Me: You won't escape!

Enty appears sailing at full speed to reach the fifth division.

Zuikaku: Damn it! The copy of Enterprise is following us!

Zuikaku deploys her planes, but they are easily shot down by the CIWS.

Zuikaku: Tch, the enemy's anti-aircraft defenses are good.

Me: Damn, they're leaving me behind. For something they were the fastest ships among the aircraft carriers of the second world war. (I had heard rumors that Zuikaku had achieved a record of 35 knots)

In that the fifth division comes out to a clearing and they see Enterprise.

Zuikaku: (shock)  Gray Ghost?

Enterprise's eyes are yellow again, Zuikaku prepares to defend herself, but instead of Enterprise attacking them using the bow, an indefinite number of bombers appear behind an Iceberg and attack the fifth division, it was an attack without any kind of mercy, it was as if Enterprise wanted to slaughter Zuikaku and Shokaku.

Shokaku ends up shielding Zuikaku and Shokaku ends up badly injured and unconscious, the girls of Azur Lane watch in shock at Enterprise's sinister actions.

Zuikaku launches an attack at Enterprise and the attack manages to hit Enterprise, however Enterprise does not take any damage.

Zuikaku: (shock) Impossible, that attack should have incapacitated her.

Zuikaku: (On the verge of tears) I'm so sorry, big sister.

Bombers take off from the flight deck of Enterprise to finish off the 5th Division.

Me: what the hell are you doing!? Why did you become a psychopath!?



Enterprise planes were shot down by Enty.

Me: You're not like that! Why are you acting like this!?

Enty faces her mother, Enterprise doesn't answer, on the contrary, she draws her bow.

Me: So that's your answer, are you going to attack your own blood? To your family? Is that what you're going to do?

Zuikaku seizing the opportunity, she carries her sister and escapes.

In that Enty tries to calculate the trajectory of the arrow using all her radars and shooting controls to illuminate the Sea Sparrow.


In the other second, Enty realizes that Enterprise's arrow is stuck in her shoulder and she is lying in the sea on her back.

Me: Huh? What happened? I couldn't see my mother's attack?

I looked at my wound and it doesn't hurt, I tried to move my left arm, but I couldn't do it, I had lost sensitivity in my arm, this wound had undoubtedly destroyed something in my nervous system, that's why I don't feel pain.

Cleveland: Enty! You are Ok!?

Me: Yes, but I can't feel my left arm.

Cleveland glares at Enterprise.

Cleveland: How dare you attack Enty?

Enterprise in that she wakes up and she sees her daughter injured by her weapon.

Enterprise: (Shock) No, that's not possible, did I just hurt my daughter? That dream came true.


Wales, Cleveland, Belfast and Hornet talk in the office, it had been 7 days since they returned from the mission.

Wales: This is the real problem...

In that Belfast opens the Tech Box and the black mental cube is shown.

Cleveland: (shocked) The cube is brighter.

Belfast: After that battle, the cube has abnormal behaviors, due to Enty-san's hospitalization, our investigations stalled. Because of this problem, we don't know what's going on, but we should assume that something very bad is going to happen.

Wales: Orochi, without a doubt this is a siren plot.

Hornet: This probably all has to do with what happened to my sister.

Wales: How is Enterprise?

Belfast: She is totally fine, she has no injuries and we have not recorded any abnormalities in her rig, but she is very depressed, she has been locked in her room, she has skipped all her meals and she does not want to see anyone.

Wales: So she's like this.

Cleveland: It's a very bad thing, but there's nothing we can do, she doesn't even listen to us, she's worse than before.

Wales: Okay, changing the subject, how's Enty?

Belfast: She is recovering, due to technology incompatibility, Enty's recovery was very slow, she still couldn't feel her left arm.

Wales: This is serious, she is the strongest warrior in Azur Lane and we can't keep her crippled for long.

Cleveland: What about Arleigh Burke?

Wales: Ah, I think she's the escort for Enterprise, but she's equipped with a 127mm cannon and two CIWS, I think she's a very weak person.

Cleveland: Please don't judge a book by its cover.

Wales: Anyway, we need Enterprise to recover psychologically. Can we call a psychologist?

Cleveland: It would take more than 5 months, this is not easy.


At this moment Shokaku (who is very injured) gives a report to Empress Nagato, Nagato is the current ruler of the Sakura empire, although only some kansen know it, for most Nagato is only a very competent Commander with the appearance of a girl .

Shokaku: ...Here ends my report.

Nagato: (sigh) I see, so Akagi didn't come back.

Shokaku: Yes, the operation was a total failure, we lost Akagi the current commander of the operation and Kaga the vice commander was seriously injured, Soryuu is replacing her as the acting commander, also as I mentioned before, the black mental cube is in hands of Azur Lane, the situation is very serious, our resources are at the limit, the repair of all the damaged ships would consume all those resources.

Nagato: I see, Shokaku tell you something.

Shokaku: What would it be?

Nagato: A few moments ago Kaga came to visit me, she insisted endlessly that she wants to continue the Orochi project at all costs, what do you think about it? be honest please.

Shokaku: To be very honest with you, it is very dangerous to continue with this project, we are dealing with a technology that we know nothing about, we are practically playing with "nitroglycerin and fire on a sunny and very hot day".

Nagato: I understand, I don't like to doubt a good friend, but it seems like I have no choice.

In a restaurant in the Sakura empire, the Iron Blood girls talk while having dinner.

Z1: Without a doubt, the situation of the empire is very serious.

Z23: The situation of the empire is in a very dangerous situation, we Iron Bloods shouldn't we make a move?

Eugen: (Mocking tone) ~Ara~ Do you propose that we attack the empire while they are very confused? I didn't think you were so evil.

Z1: Hehehe, you even sounded like a demon king.

Z23: (5 veins of discomfort pop out on her head) Do you want to die? You know very well I didn't mean that.

Eugen: By the way, speaking of which, (Snickering) I've seen you walk very close to Ayanami. Are they dating?

Z23: (blushes) What are you saying?


Z23: (Gets embarrassed) What are they saying?

Eugen: What's wrong with being in love?

Z23: Don't be stupid! Ayanami is a girl and so am I!

Z1: (Masculine tone) If you wish, I can give you advice on how to flirt with a girl.

Hipper: (gets upset) Eugen! Z1! This is serious! If we don't do something, the empire will surely be in danger.

Eugen: (Calms down) Hmmm, I don't know.

Hipper: What was that?

Eugen: Let me think, Hipper, let me touch your butt to think better.

Hipper: HAAAAAAA!? What the hell are you thinking pervert?

Eugen: Come on just let me touch you!

Hipper just holds on while her little sister touches her.

Eugen: Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm.

Hipper: (somewhat embarrassed) Are you done yet?

Eugen: HMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM. Sister, I think you've put padding in your butt.

Hipper: ....


Z1: (Not knowing how to react) ...

Z23: (Not knowing how to react) ...

Hipper at supersonic speed had grabbed the table and smashed it on Prinz Eugen's head. Now Eugen was lying on the floor unconscious while foaming from her mouth.

Z23: (Concerned) Will she be alright?

Hipper: (Furious) She's fine! At best she'll just have total amnesia! (Giggle) Hehehe, now I can make my sister a decent little sister.

Hipper picks up an unconscious Eugen and carries her like a princess and carries her off to Z1 and Z23's shock.

Z23: Hey Z1, do me a favor.

Z1: Do you want me to help you pick up women?

Z23: No, remind me not to make Hipper mad.

Z1: I will, but also remind me.

Z23: Thank you.


At the base everyone relaxed, because all the girls were stressed from the previous combat, Wales ordered the girls who participated in the previous operation a day of rest.

In the royal gardens the Royal Navy girls play GOLF.


It was Queen Elizabeth's bat hitting the ball, it was a perfect shot that got full points.

Sheffield: Nice shot.

Warspite: I expected no less from my sister.

The next to play was Hood, Hood also manages to tie Elizabeth, but Elizabeth is not upset at all, because she is tired of all the games ending in a tie.

QE: (Philosophical mode) What are sirens?

Warspite: Excuse me sister?

QE: They are our enemies, but what exactly are they looking for? Where do they come from? There are many questions that we cannot answer, our technology advanced drastically since one of them gave us knowledge, but also one of them started hostilities out of nowhere, without a doubt they are a race that we cannot give our common sense to understand.

Warspite: I thought the siren tried to exterminate humanity.

QE: If that was the case, they would not have let humanity develop the kansen, but they did not attack the scientific bases where the kansen were developed, but they did attack all the military bases in the world destroying them completely. If their plan was to exterminate humanity, they would have attacked the scientific bases first instead of the military ones, without engineers, scientists and technicians, the military would have been left without weapons developers.

Warspite: Oh, I get it.

QE: To decipher this unanswered crossroads it is necessary to analyze the black mental cube thoroughly.


At night the girls are gathered in the dining room, our protagonist is gathered with her friends.

Cleveland: Are you feeling better now?

Me: Yes, I was tired of the hospital food, but I still can't move my arm.

Burke: Don't worry Commander, but I'm still very upset about leaving me to guard the base.

Me: I needed you as a base guard in case the enemy decided to attack the base.

Essex: I understand, but that was scary, right? What happened to my senpai?

Cleveland: We don't know yet, the tests all came back positive, she wasn't crazy or didn't have a personality disorder. However, she was scary, she had a terrifying appearance.

Glowworm: ¡OUCH!

A destructive cry of pain due to the fact that she had cut herself with the knife while cooking.

Glowworm: Ugh, dammit, I cut myself.

Ark: Are you alright!?

Ark Royal had appeared in front of Glowworm out of nowhere, Ark Royal had a Lolicon expression.

Ark: It's a very deep cut! Don't worry this Onesan will face...!

To interrupt Ark Royal's words, Essex had reduced Ark Royal to the ground.

Essex: That's how I wanted to grab you, you damn degenerate pig, the UN already fell on you.

Essex takes Ark Royal to the cells, Ark Royal was dragged while she denies the charges, without a doubt it was a very comical scene to see, the last I heard of her was that she was crucified naked again in the academy courtyard.


In this secret shipyard Kaga is looking at the hull of the Orochi, next to her is Observer talking to her.

Observer: Orochi awakens using the energy of several wills fused in her hull, Orochi has everything, she has traveled through several dimensions obtaining wills to use as fuel.

Kaga: Wills?

Observer: That's right, Akagi's will is also in Orochi, you shouldn't make your sister's effort be truncated.

Kaga: Yes, that's why I...

TO BE CONTINUED..................................................

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