Eugen's cannons fired at Edinburg who is in a state of shock.


Eugen: (Shocked) What?

Out of nowhere an 11-year-old girl had deflected Eugen's shots using two military knives.

Eugen: Who are you brat?

In that the girl smiles, she was wearing a military uniform of the United States Army.

???: I am the person who will lead you to your downfall.

The girl unholsters a Beretta 92 FS pistol and fires, the 9mm bullet transforms into a 127mm projectile and the projectile grazes Eugen by millimeters.

Eugen: Was that a warning shot?

???: Of course not, I hit what I aimed for.

Eugen seeing her rig realized that her radar and fire control were destroyed.

Eugen: you destroyed my radar and fire control!?

Z1: Don't worry leader, we'll take care of it.

Z23: Z1, be careful, that girl has a very dangerous aura.

Z1: Don't worry, let's just take her down as fast as possible, she's just a light cruiser, remember our joint tactic can take down heavy cruisers.

????: I think you're making a mistake, I'm not a cruiser, I'm a destroyer.

...... (Awkward silence)

Z1: HAHAHAHA, Then you won't stand a chance against us.

Z23: (sigh of relief) Look destroyer, if you don't know how to count, it's a 6 vs 1 match, the girls behind you can't fight.

Edinburg: Please run away, they are very strong.

Burke: My name is Arleigh Burke, I am an Arleigh Burke-class destroyer and during my first years of service, I was considered the most dangerous destroyer in the world.

Z1: You are more than a braggart, I will give you such a powerful blow to take away how arrogant you are.

Burke: Come and try it, I'll wait for you.

Arleigh gets into a combat stance as she focuses her vision on Z1 who is speaking to Arleigh.

Z1: You sure have guts! If you were an ally I'd ask you out!

Burke: And if you were a very handsome man I would call the police.

While Z1 was distracting Burke, Z23 changed her position and got into Burke's blind spot and then fired torpedoes at Burke and at the same time Z1 fired a surprise shot, Burke just dodged Z1's attack and then using the CIWS system fired at Z1. torpedoes from Z23, this fact surprised the two destroyers.

Z1: (Shock) Our attack had no effect?

Burke: You are stupid, I have the shield of the god Zeus, your attacks will not be able to reach me.

Z1: What are you talking about? You are just a destroyer era, you just say stupid things.

Burke: I'm not talking bullshit, you can attack me all you want, but you'll never catch me.


In that an F-18 flies over near the Red Axis fleet and allied ships.

Burke: (Surprise) Is it an F-18? What is this plane doing here?

In that Arleigh uses the IFF signals to identify the F-18 and she is shocked.

Burke: Is it a plane from the USS Enterprise?

Hipper: You let your guard down!

In that Arleigh focuses her attention on Hipper who started shooting at her.

Arleigh just dodge Hipper's attacks, behind her Z23 and Z1 fire their torpedoes, Arleigh using her CIWS intercepts all the torpedoes since she realized that these torpedoes are magnetic, so if she uses a countermeasure against torpedoes, these they would be ineffective against these torpedoes.

Arleigh's action greatly surprises Hipper, Z1 and Z23. In the distance Eugen observes everything also somewhat amazed, on the other hand Edinburg pays no attention as she treats Sheffield's wounds.

Eugen: Z1 and Z23, stand back, I'll take care of her.

Burke: huh? So the leader is coming for me.

In that Eugen fires her cannons in manual mode, Arleigh dodges and deflects the projectiles fired by Prinz Eugen, after firing two waves she stops and no longer fires.


I'm in a state of shock you could say, while reaching Cleveland, one of my planes managed to eliminate a fleet of siren that got in the way of Belfast and Cleveland, now one of my planes was able to identify a kansen from my world, that ship's IFF identifies it as USS Arleigh Burke.

Me: This is amazing, (Smiles) This is getting more and more interesting.

So I sped up more to meet up with my comrade once more.

After sailing for a while I was able to catch up with Belfast and Cleveland.

Cleveland: So you managed to beat Takao and Atago.

Me: (sarcastic tone) No, no, I've been defeated.

Cleveland: Was that sarcasm?

Me: Yes, if I had been defeated, do you think I would be here?

Belfast: Cleveland, I think you should think before you speak.

Me: Anyway, my plane has already arrived at the scene, but I can't shoot, since I don't have a clear objective, but luckily, it seems that an ally from my world is here and has already rescued Edinburg.

Belfast: Really?

Me: Hm.

We approached the place that is a very narrow and closed alley, it did not surprise me that my planes cannot do anything here, in my past life I was a pilot who did many crazy things, one of my crazy things was flying inside a tunnel with my F-14D while escaping from 5 North Korean MIG-29s, that was a battle impossible to forget.

As crazy as I was, not even I would dare take a flight in this place.

Returning to the main topic, my friend Burke is fighting against the Red Axis fleet, she is very powerful for the German girls, that is very obvious, they are fighting against an opponent who has the divine shield of Zeus, the shield called Aegis.

Then my friend goes on the attack and her first victim is Hipper, who is easily disarmed, then followed by Z1 and Z23 who couldn't do anything when they received two shots from the 127 mm cannon and both were knocked out, only Eugen remains, she is very angry about what happened.

Eugen: I would have preferred not to use this, but you leave me no choice.

Burke: What will you do?

Eugene: Girls!

More kansen from the Iron Blood came out of the building, I could see battleships, aircraft carriers and some cruisers.

Me: There are more ships than expected.

Belfast: Yes, Eugen came very prepared this time. However, we also made our preparations.

In that the Iron Blood girls notice us and also Arleigh Burke looks at me with a smile on her face.

Eugen: I'm giving you a chance to surrender since you Azur Lane were too slow, you're surrounded, your fleet is being pushed back, it's only a matter of time before you're defeated.

Me: Really?

Eugen: Yes, by the way, your aircraft carrier from Eagle Union, you do look a lot like Gray Ghost, you are someone interesting, you have to come with us.

Me: Was that a request, an invitation or an order?

Eugen: That was an order, after all, you have nothing to demand, you lost, if you refuse, it may not guarantee the safety of your comrades.

Me: Was that a threat?

Eugen: Yes.

Me: This is weird.

Eugen: What's weird?

Me: Even though you threaten me, I don't feel threatened.

Eugen: Fufufu, then soon you will feel threatened.

Me: All helicopters take off.

At that time, all the attack helicopters that were waiting for takeoff took off from my deck, these helicopters are Apache and they had AGM Hell Fire missiles loaded.

Eugen: (shocked) Those are rotary-wing planes! How is it possible that you have several of those planes!?

Me: Everything is possible for me.

Eugene: It doesn't matter! We have anti-aircraft guns! I can shoot down your pathetic rotary wing planes!

Me: Hey Eugen, to spill the glass of water, why don't you look back and then keep talking?

At that all the girls look back and freeze at what they see.


The enemy is fighting back, the empire had brought more ship than Azur Lane imagined and we are being pushed back, the siren ships in mass production fire on the azur lane fleet causing the allied fleet to retreat at times, at this time Repulse had suffered damage to the port hull and Oklahoma suffered damage to the secondary guns, the rest of the ships had only minor damage.

Allen: Take this you fat whores!

Allen fired her torpedoes at long distances, Allen had made the corresponding measurements to have the maximum possible success in the enemy fleet


The target ships shook and splashes of water rose near the siren ships and then began to sink.

Fusou: Hmm, no doubt this attack was carried out by a submarine, look for it!

The destroyers, listening to Fusou's orders, jumped into the sea and turned on their sonars in active mode to find the enemy submarine, but as much as they searched for it, they could not find it.

Kisaragi: I can't find it.

Hibiki: I can't find it.

Harutsuki: My sonars don't detect the submarine.


Kisaragi: (Scream of fear) Hiiii!

Yukikaze: (Annoyed) Whatever! Take this damn!

Yukikaze started to drop various depth charges in random places, however, Allen is not a submarine, she is a destroyer that fired several torpedoes at long distances.

In another place, Zuikaku and her sister followed the trail of the Corsairs until they found the aircraft carrier that owned those planes and when they found her they had an unpleasant surprise, Enterprise did not come out of the thick fog, Hornet the litle sister, came out of that thick fog. 

Zuikaku saw this very furious and Shokaku didn't know how to react, after all they had just been trolled by Enty and Hornet.

Zuikaku: (Furious) That unfortunate played me.

Hornet: Hehehehe, looks like you found the wrong ship. But if you want us to come to blows, let's fight.

Shokaku: (realizes something) If Hornet is here, then... Impossible!


Me: Hey Eugen, to spill the glass of water, why don't you look back and then keep talking?

At that all the girls look back and freeze at what they see.

Eugen pays attention to me and looks where I point and what Eugen sees makes all her blood freeze with fear, Eugen could see Enterprise on top of a ruined building, because the sun is in favor of Enterprise, the scene is very imposing and very epic.

Enterprise: Wow, now I understand what kind of person you are Belfast, you are a soft hearted girl.

Enterprise points bow and arrow at Prinz Eugen, Eugen can't help but be intimidated by Enterprise.

Eugen: (Somewhat intimidated) Ungh, Enterprise. (If only Tirpitz or Bismark were there)

In that Z23 who has just regained consciousness tries to grab her main cannon, but Enterprise looks at her with a murderous look making Z23 freeze in fear, Eugen can't do anything anymore, she thought to use the card up August's sleeve, but she's not as skilled as Enterprise, so it wouldn't do her any good to have a better carrier than Enterprise if August doesn't master her rigging 100%.

Eugen: We withdraw.

Z1: What?

Eugen: She is very powerful, this time we have lost.

Z1 began to tremble with rage and helplessness and then the entire Iron Blood fleet began to retreat, Belfast heading towards Edinburg to treat Sheffield's wounds.

I approached my friend Arleigh.

Me: Hi Arleigh, I didn't think I'd see you here.

Burke: Hello Commander, how have you been after your retirement and decommissioning?

Listening to what my friend said, I looked around me, luckily no one had paid attention to what my friend said.

Me: (Whisper) Hey friend, I want to tell you this.

Then I told Arleigh everything that had happened to me (Except that I am the admiral of the United States and that I had reincarnated in USS Enterprise CVN-65)) and told her to create an alibi similar to mine, after all, no I think no one believes the story of a ship that was dismantled and reincarnated in another world.


In a place on the island Ayanami holds her sword and the blade of the sword is 2 cm from cutting Laffey's neck, Ayanami is very furious at what happened, her enemy looked at her without fear and did nothing to defend herself.

Ayanami: Why? Why don't you want to fight!?

Laffey: I don't want to fight you.

At that Laffey raises her hand as if to grab Ayanami's hand, but Ayanami walks away and goes on guard.

Ayanami: But we're enemies!

Laffey: I don't care, be my friend please.

Javelin: (Thoughtful) (Oh, I see, I want to be her friend too.)

Ayanami becomes very thoughtful, after several minutes that seemed like hours, Ayanami hits Laffey's hand to reject Laffey's friendship proposal and then Ayanami leaves at full speed.

Wales: [To all allied ships, the rescue operation is complete, all ships please assemble to retreat to base.]

Javelin: Ayanami-chan ...


It had been several days since we returned from that rescue mission, it had been several days since my friend Arleigh Burke officially joined the Azur Lane alliance and now she had already gotten used to this base with a retro style, although she was upset that there is no internet to play.

In this world the internet does exist, but it is only used to exchange information with allied bases, it is not for fun or entertainment.

I woke up in high spirits today to work out, so I dressed in a workout outfit to run a marathon this morning.

After looking at myself in the mirror I left the room.


Belfast enters Enterprise's room and she opens the curtains causing Enterprise t0o wake up, Enterprise looks at Belfas half sleepy.

Belfast: Good morning Enterprise.

Enterprise: Good morning.

Enterprise gets out of bed and then gets dressed, Belfast helping her out a bit.

Enterprise: (It seems that I am a high class woman)

She means that Enterprise now has a personal maid thanks to the Loli Queen Elizabeth.

Belfast: Breakfast is ready.

Enterprise: Yes, come on.

Enterprise leaves her room while Belfast walks behind her, when they arrive they can see that the dining room is almost full, the girls chat happily over breakfast.

Enterprise walks over to the counter where Nevada is once again serving food.

Enterprise: (Looking at Nevada with some consternation) Hey, don't you think that's a lot?

Nevada: Don't be modest, I owe you one for Oklahoma, after all, you saved her life.

Enterprise: But those planes were from Hornet.

Nevada: But you handled it, right?

Enterprise could not contradict Nevada so she had no choice but to accept the food.

Arizona: Good morning Enterprise.

Enterprise: Good morning.

Enterprise walks over to one of the unoccupied tables and she sits down, Belfast walks up to where Enterprise is and starts pouring tea.

Enterprise: Why don't you sit next to me?

Belfast: I have my duties as a maid, plus sitting next to my teacher at breakfast is disrespectful.

Enterprise: I'm giving you my consent, plus I'm not able to finish all this, can you help me eat this?

Belfast: In that case I will join.


I got to the dining room somewhat sweaty, I dry myself with a towel.

Burke: Commander, you sure have been sweating a lot.

Me: Yes, I've done 5 laps around the base.

Burke: You do have a lot of energy for a 53-year-old ship.

Me: Being 53 years old is young, being old is if I'm the same age as the Iowa class battleships.

Burke: 80 years?

Me: I do.

Hornet: Good morning my dear niece! Good morning Arleigh-chan!

Me/Burke: Good morning.

Vestal: Good morning.

Me/Burke: Good morning Vestal.

Then we queued to be served our food, luckily there weren't many kansen in line, then Vestal looks in a direction and she then smiles a little.

Me: What's up Vestal?

Vestal: Look Enty, your mother is eating in the dining room accompanied by someone.

Hornet: Yeah, I haven't eaten with Ne-chan in a long time.

Vestal: Thanks to you, your mother has changed and is returning to being the old Enterprise.

Me: What was my mother like before Yorktown was hurt?

Vestal: She was identical to you, both in appearance and personality.

Me: (sigh) Wow, so she was like me, did she do some crazy or dangerous stunts?

Vestal: Yes, she did many dangerous things, once I was injured while we were doing humanitarian aid on the ground and Enterprise took me and she recklessly took off into a forest and then she flew into a tunnel, yes those were the worst minutes i have lived in all my life.

Me: (Giggles) What a coincidence, I've done those things too.

Hornet: (motioned) I didn't expect less from my niece, it looks like you have Ne-chan's blood running in your veins.

Burke: (I don't remember any of my leader's pilots doing that? .... Wait! Is that Saber-01? Saber-01 was the best pilot the USS Enterprise CVN-65 had , that pilot was one of the pilots loved by the air force and the navy, as well as the most hated pilot by the generals and admiral of the armed forces, did the leader talk about the exploits of that lucky bastard?)

After talking with the girls we sat at another table near the table where my mother eats and spy on my mother's movements, of course Belfast noticed us, but she didn't do anything.


At the Enterprise base near Belfast they head to the base's R&D on the way Repulse gives them a very informal greeting.

Repulse: Hello! Enterprise How's life treating you?

Enterprise: (informal greeting) Hello, you treat me very well.

Then Repulse runs off.

Renown: (annoyed scream) Hey Repulse! Do not run!

After walking, Cleveland spreads the word to them.

Cleveland: ¡Oye! ¡Enterprise!

Seeing her, Enterprise smiles and raises her hand in return and walks towards Cleveland.

Enterprise: Me Cleveland! How are you?

Cleveland: Hello Enterprise, this is my sisters.

In that 3 girls appear and introduce themselves.

Columbia: (Very cheerful tone) I'm Columbia, second in the Cleveland class, it's nice to meet you.

Montpelier: (Emotional tone) I'm Montpelier, third in the Cleveland class, I appreciate you helping Aneki.

Denver: (forceful tone) I'm Denver, fourth in class Cleveland, it's an honor to meet a hero.

Enterprise: (Blushes and laughs) Ha, ha, ha, please without so many formalities, I'm a bit embarrassed (serene) Well, I'm Enterprise, Yorktown class aircraft carrier, nice to meet you too.

Cleveland: (She seems to be starting to recapture her old cool and happy spark)

Montpelier/Denver/Columbia: Nice to meet you.

Cleveland: (laughs) I'm so proud of my little sisters.

Montpelier: No, we are nothing compared to Aneki.

Denver: You are number 1 after all.

Cleveland: (slightly embarrassed) Hey! I already told you not to say such things!

Enterprise: (Giggle) I see you get along very well.

Cleveland: (Giggle) Yeah, we're really close after all. (She calms down) By the way, how did that cube go?

Belfast: Yeah, that's what Enterprise and I were going to see.

Cleveland: Can I join you?

Enterprise: Yes, we were looking for you after all.

Cleveland: I understand. (Looks at her little sisters) Excuse me, but your older sister has to work.

Columbia: No problem, Aniki.

Montpelier: Yes, no problem Big brother.

Denver: Yes Oni-chan! Hit the job hard!

Cleveland: (blushes a lot) Ahhh! How many times do I have to tell you not to call me that!?

Denver: But you're cool!

Enterprise: Hurry up or we'll leave you behind.

Cleveland: Oh yeah, I'm leaving!

Denver/Columbia/Montpelier: Yes!

Then Cleveland, Enterprise and Belfast headed to the R&D room, when they arrived and entered the girls they were already there.

Wales: Well, I think we're all here now.

Wales motions to Sheffield and she leaves a Tech Box on the table and then it opens revealing a black mental cube.

Enterprise: (Shock) It's a black mental cube.

Everyone present was also surprised.

Wales: It is the ultimate weapon of the Sakura empire using siren technology.

Cleveland: could we use them to override the command of their siren ships?

Akashi: Orochi is the one commanding those ships and the cube is for support or that's what Akagi said at the conference.

Wales: A massive ship called the Orochi, so that's what they built?

Vestal: I wonder how Orochi and this cube are related?

Akashi: I don't know, I'm not a high-ranking military man, just a technician in charge of repairs and logistics.

Wales: What we can deduce from this is that a siren facilitated this and that the government of the empire works for the siren.

Belfast: So that means the entire empire is being fooled by the siren.

Wales: By the way, Belfast, do we know anything about the group of spies in Iron Blood?

Belfast: What we know about them is that Dido has discovered many irregularities in Iron Blood, but they still don't know anything.

Wales: Do you think we should ask Enty for help?

Enterprise: ¿Enty?

Cleveland: She's free today.

Belfast: Indeed, she has a day off today.

Enterprise: What are you going to ask my daughter for help with?

Wales: We need help analyzing the cube, Enty has technologically advanced apparatus than ours, we've just been analyzing this thing for over 2 weeks and we haven't made any progress.

Enterprise: Hmm, you're right. That thing is a mystery, mysteriously mysterious.

In that Enterprise sees something strange in the cube and then she was teleported to another place or so she thinks.

Enterprise: (Shock) What!? Where I am!?

Enterprise looks around and she is standing on the sea, the sea is covered with fire and wreckage, in that she looks down and she sees her reflection, but her reflection totally transforms into another girl very identical to her, this woman has ragged and dirty clothes, plus her hair is short and battered, what puzzled Enterprise is that the woman's face is identical to hers.

Belfast: Enterprise!

Enterprise: Eh!

Belfast: What's up?

Enterprise notices that she is in the conference room and all the girls present are looking at Enterprise.

Enterprise: Oh, sorry, I've lost myself in thought, it's okay.

Enterprise was thoughtful at what she just saw.

Enterprise: (Was it an illusion?)


At one of the stalls Akagi and Kaga are looking at hair ornaments, Akagi picks up an ornament and hands it to Kaga.

Kaga: But sister, I don't think it will suit me.

Akagi: Just try it on.

Kaga pays attention and tries it on.

Akagi: You see, it suits you.

Kaga: (embarrassed) Sister, it would look much better on you.

Akagi: Of course not, see? You look good, the blue color suits you.

Akagi buys the ornament before Kaga refuses, Kaga, unable to refuse, just smiles.

In lane 5 Mutsuki class destroyers run.

Mikazuki: I want to eat Takoyaki, the pasta ones with extra beans.

Minazuki: Let's go quickly or they'll end up running out.

Behind the group the destroyer Uzuki cannot keep up with them.

Uzuki: Wait! Wait! Don't leave me behind!

The destroyers keep running, and they run into the first carrier division, which Akagi jumps to the side to avoid, the 5 destroyers run past at high speeds, Uzuki trips and loses her balance and falls to the floor face down and through the door. inertia her head hits Kaga's foot, Kaga looks at her a bit confused, Uzuki gets up and looks up and sees Kaga's face and gets scared.

Kaga: Hi, are you alright? Running is very dangerous.

Uzuki: (Shaking in terror) Uh... No-- What should I do?

The group of Mutsuki-class destroyers, realizing that their little sister wasn't coming, decided to look for her and see her next to Kaga, Mikazuki steps forward and bows apologetically.

Mikazuki: Excuse me, we're actually sorry.

Minazuki: We didn't do it on purpose.

Fumizuki: Oh? Something happened?

Kisaragi: (Worried) Please don't eat it!

Kaga: Wait! I'm not upset or anything.

Due to her serious and cold face Kaga had inadvertently scared the destroyers.

??: (Feigning bravery) DON'T MAKE ME USE P-KO!

Another Mutsuki-class destroyer joins the group, while her voice is very authoritative, you can see her trembling in fear.

Akari: ~Ara~ Kaga it's wrong for you to make a girl cry.

Kaga looks at her very confused.

Kaga: Sister?

Mutsuki approaches Kaga.

Mutsuki: Excuse me, on behalf of my little sisters I apologize, you can have my sweets, but don't get mad.

Akaki: Oh? So we'll take this.

Akagi takes 2 lollipops from Mutsuki and hands one to Kaga, then pats Mutsuki's head while smiling motherly.

Akagi: I guess you can forgive them now, right?

Kaga: Ok.

Then the girls run off, as they are late for lunch.

Kaga: My God, even though I told them not to run.

Akagi: (wistful expression) Tell me Kaga, don't you wish you could stay together?

Kaga: Sister?

Kaga thinks about her sister's thoughts.


In the box of her room, Kaga drinks her sake alone thinking about her sister's words, without knocking on the door, Prinz Eugen enters her room without permission.

Prinz Eugen: ~Ara~ so cute, it must be Akagi's taste, right?

Kaga: You're not welcome, get out.

Prinz Eugen: Come on, let me join you, even if it's just a drink.

Kaga: Thank you very much, but you'll ruin the taste for me.

Prinz Eugen: As antisocial as ever, changing the subject, They took the bucket, don't you care? What are they up to?

Kaga: It's none of your business.

While Kaga takes her drink without her consent, Prinz Eugen sits next to her and speaks in her ear with his usual sensual voice.

Prinz Eugen: Are you sure that you are pursuing the same goal?

Kaga is annoyed at these actions by Eugen and uses force to push Prinz Eugen away.

Kaga: (Annoyed) That's enough!

Prinz Eugen: One-sided love can hurt from time to time, Guten Nach, sleep well.

Prinz Eugen gets up and walks towards the door while Kaga looks at her very furious.

Elsewhere on one of the rooftops Akagi looks out towards the sea with a wistful and hopeful expression.

Akagi: Soon, soon we will see each other again Sister Amagi.

A strong wind hits her along with several cherry blossom petals.


I looked around, I was walking while wearing very casual clothes.

Today is my day off, a day where I can relax as much as I want, so I decided to walk around, I walked satisfactorily, but something had to ruin my rest, I felt that unpleasant look piercing my neck again, at first I thought he was a stalker but there is no man on this base so I dismissed that idea quickly so another kansen is the one watching me so I hypothesized which Eagle Union or Royal Navy has sent a spy to monitor my movements.

Me: Today is hunting night.

I had already tired of that look, at first I could bear it, but I can't bear it anymore, since that unpleasant feeling tripled, so I walked towards a desolate place, and when I turned a corner I stopped, when suddenly I made eye contact with the stalker, so I grabbed her and boxed her against the wall, to my surprise, she is Neptune, the maid that last time I discovered she was following me.

Me: you again?

Neptune: (embarrassed) Yes, it's me.

Since I already found out who she was, so I let go of her, while she is somewhat uncomfortable.

Me: Are you investigating me again?

Neptune: No, this time I was following you of my own free will.

Me: are you stalking me?

Neptune: No, I'm training my spy skills.

Me: Training your spy skills?

Neptune: Yes, the queen ordered me to investigate you at the beginning, she trusted my abilities as a servant in the service of the royal crown, so I trusted myself a lot and unfortunately you discovered me, at that time I got angry with you and for that I apologize corresponding.

I looked at Neptune's face and I could confirm that she's not lying with what she just told me.

Me: I understand, I forgive you.

Neptune: Thank you very much, so I would like to ask you a favor.

Me: What is it?

Neptune: (makes a dogesa) Can I practice with you!?

Me: Ehhh!? What do you mean you want to practice with you!?

Neptune: I mean if I can watch you while I practice my espionage.

Me: Oops, I think you're missing a lot.

Neptune: Eh?

Me: I can perceive your feelings floating in the air, I can also feel your dislikes and smells.

Neptune: (walking away from me somewhat scared) What about my smells!? You are a degenerate!

Me: (Fury) I mean your physical essence! I mean you're easy to spot!

Neptune: (Understanding) Ah, that's what you meant.

Me: You are a bad thought, well, as a reward, you have to accompany me on my day off.

Neptune: Eh?

Me: I mean you have to reward me for ruining my day off, so you have to come with me.

Neptune: In that case I accept.

So I left that lonely alley with Neptune, we walked along the beach and then we arrived at the commercial area near the port and what I saw left me surprised, a few days ago there were only a few stores, but now this place is full of stores, I could even see that Akashi was able to open a store, Akashi's store is the biggest of all, I still don't understand how Akashi was able to build this store from nothing.

Author: A sorcerer did it.

Me: Since when are there so many stores?

Neptune: Oh, this season is here, in the summer season there are always stores like these near the beach, some of the stores are only open in the summer and others are open all year round.

Me: understand.

I could see that the stores are full of kansen who buy what interests them.

I was able to see a flower shop, a Manjuus store, the gigantic Akashi store, the Amazon bookstore, and other stores.

Neptune: What do you think of your mother?

Me: What do I think? I think she is recovering from that trauma. Now she just needs to find a hobby that she can enjoy, but everything is in her time, I can't demand that she find a hobby, it's something she has to discover on her own. (smiles) While I'm glad that Vestal and Cleveland help me make her feel good, it's a good thing that she's getting back that happy spark that she used to have.

Neptune: (smiles) You certainly smile a lot when you talk about your mother.

Me: That's obvious, any daughter feels happy when she talks about her mother.

Neptune: Hmm. By the way, do you want to go to an amazing place?

Me: Hmm?


Javelin is sitting while thinking about Ayanami, behind Javelin is Laffey who helps Javelin clean her ship.

Javelin: (sigh) ...

Laffey: ¿Hm?

Javelin: We're enemies, but I want to be your friend. (Javelin remembers all the times she saw Ayanami) So I don't want to regret it!


In that a jet of water hits Javelin causing her to return to reality, Laffey had used the hose to wet Javelin.

Laffey: Javelin don't slack off.

Javelin: (smiles) You started it! So start counterattack!

Javelin also grabs a hose and begins exchanging fire with water.


Me: (blushing) Is this the place you wanted to show me to?

Neptune: (Proud) That's right, I was one of the workers who participated in the construction of the hot springs.

Me: Orders from the queen?

Neptune: That's right! WAHAHAHAHAHA!

Doing a count, I was dragged by Neptune here, I could see that there are many kansen undressing here.

Me: (This is heaven for a man)

I could see many women in their underwear, damn, it's the first time I see more than one half-naked woman (Except for my body)

Cleveland: Oh, it's you Enty.

Me: Hi Cleveland.

I saw Cleveland in her underwear, she is the typical girl who wears sports underwear.

Me: what's up? Something happened?

Cleveland: Tomorrow Wales wants to talk to you, it's something very important.

Me: okay.

Cleveland: (smiles) Well, in that case, shall we go in?

Me: (uncomfortable) Ok.

I followed Cleveland to the locker room and then I saw the Cleveland sisters ready to go into the hot springs, I went to an empty locker and started to undress.

Cleveland: Wow, sounds like you're the type to wear sports underwear too.

Me: It's true, sports underwear is easier to wear and fits better to the body.

Montpelier: (Looking at Hood) Sugoi, British girls' underwear sure is very provocative.

Denver: Aneki, do real girls wear underwear this sexy?

Cleveland: (blushing) I don't know.

Me: I don't need sleep, I need answers.

Just then I saw Sheffield who stood next to me to undress.

Me: Excuse me.

Sheffield: What's up?

Me: Do you guys in the Royal Navy wear provocative underwear? Do you pay attention to the appearance of your underwear?

Sheffield: I really don't know.

Me: How come you don't know?

Sheffield: I just don't wear underwear.

Me: (hesitations) What? I think I have to clean my ear, could you repeat what you said?

Sheffield: Like I said before, I don't wear underwear.

At that she tries to lift her skirt, but I stop her.

Me: (shocked) What are you doing?

Sheffield: To show you the truth, you didn't seem to believe me.

Me: (blushing) Okay, I believe you, but don't lift your skirt, it's not okay for a woman to lift her skirt.

Sheffield: But we are all women here.

Me: But it looks bad, so don't do it.

After this eventful and somewhat strange conversation, we entered the thermal baths.

Me: First we have to take a bath and then we go inside.

Cleveland: How do you know that?

Me: (I watched some Japanese animes and dramas in my past life, but I can't say that)

Me: I visited a country very identical to the Sakura empire.

Cleveland: You mean in your world?

Me: Yes, that's where I learned some oriental customs.

Cleveland: Sounds interesting, one day I would like to visit the Sakura empire, I had booked my vacation to visit the empire, but the war came and I couldn't visit it.

Sheffield: I can say that it is a very beautiful place.

Me: That's right, Sheffield had been in the empire while doing espionage.

Sheffield: Yes, I had time to visit the hot springs and eat some Takoyaki.

Cleveland: (Envious as she throws a tantrum) How envious.


After bathing we went to the thermal baths and entered and immersed ourselves up to shoulder height.

Sandy: It's bath time!

In that San Diego enters in a wild way and runs towards one of the thermal water pools.

Hamam: Hey! Don't run into the bathroom! It is dangerous!

Sandy then jumps into one of the hot spring pools.

Raleigh: Oh! Wait Sandy! Do not mess...!


In that a large electric shock sounds throughout the room, then sparks and high voltage lightning hit Sandy, then Sandy manages to get out of the pool while trembling from high voltage discharges.

Sandy: it...possible...for (Passes out)?

Me: (shocked) What? What happened!?

Cleveland: It was Eldride.

Me: Eldride? (I think it was the destroyer that participated in the Philadelphia project?)

Denver: Eldride uses high voltage power to function, without it she falls asleep for days.

Me: (calming down) I understand, so that's it.

QE: Thank you so much for coming on this first opening day of these thermal baths built by the Royal Navy!

At that Queen Elizabeth who is enjoying the hot springs, she got up and started to give an opening speech.

QE: Hot springs are not exclusive to the Sakura empire!

Warspite: (clapping hands) I expected nothing less from Your Majesty.

Ark Royal: (nosebleed) How beautiful are the destroyers.


At that the Essex eagle stands on Ark Royal's head.

Essex: That's how I wanted to grab you, you degenerate sow.

In that Essex arrests Ark Royal and takes her away.

Ark Royal: Huh? Hey? I'M INNOCENT!

The last I heard from her was that she was crucified naked in the middle of the academy plaza for 24 hours.

TO BE CONTINUE...............................................

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