On the deck of a Renown-class Battlecruiser, Repulse is on the deck of her warship.
Repulse: (Smacks her cheeks gently) Well, I must be precise. Preparations for combat!
Norfolk: Dictating coordinates! Elevation 23°, rotation 70° to port, angle correction 15° to starboard!
Repulse's turrets start to aim at the coordinates dictated by Norfolk and when the turrets are ready to fire Repulse just gives the command to fire.
Repulse: ¡Neratee! ¡POW!
Repulse's cannons roar as it sends various projectiles towards the empire fleet.
Wales's guns also open fire.
Oklahoma: FIRE!
The Oklahoma cannons also fire and so all the ships in Azur Lane start firing at the Sakura Empire fleet.
The Sakura empire saw this serenely, they didn't care if the mass production siren fleet was destroyed.
Fusou: Azur Lane made their move.
In the fleet of the Sakura Empire, the siren ships were destroyed one by one.
Fusou: Counterattack!
The ships of the Sakura empire also began to return the attack, it was an exchange of fire which this spectacle was worthy of an old naval action movie.
On the Fusou ship that is far away from the front line of fire, the girls calmly watch.
Takao: This is definitely a distraction.
Atago: They want to use the mist and chaos to rescue their friends.
Takao: We can't trust the Iron Blood forces... Ayanami! We move.
Ayanami: I understand.
Fusou: Even if they are a decoy fleet, we can't ignore it...
Shokaku: We'll take care of them in close range combat.
Zuikaku: If Gray Ghost is there... (Loud tone) This time I'll win without fail!
Takao: I understand, I put it to you.
In that the girls of the empire jump into the sea while invoking their rig and start sailing.
Now we sail away from the combat, in the distance I could hear sounds of cannons, luckily my E-2Cs are able to see everything and transmit the information in real time to me and the allied fleet, this mission required the use of the greatest capacity of information that is why I deployed the 4 E-2C that I have since it is a mission in which we infiltrate an island, in a few words I do not want to risk an ambush by the enemy or some siren.
Cleveland: Are you sure this is Enty here?
Me: Yes, if we entered where we had planned, it is likely that the enemy would have ambushed us.
Belfast: Why do you say it like you know everything?
Me: Why? Because I am an aircraft carrier and I have several reconnaissance aircraft over our heads, I have detected the Takao class cruisers in the intercept of the front, a diversion must be made.
Cleveland/Belfast: Ok.
We turned at the next intercept to avoid the Japanese heavy cruisers.
Me: Laffey, Javelin, please check on that avenue.
Laffey: Ok.
Javelin: Understood.
Laffey and Javelin alter their courses and head down the avenue I'm pointing at.
I saw the radar and the buildings in this ghost town interfere with the readings, I certainly can't trust the radar.
Me: As expected, I can only rely on reconnaissance from the air, although there are also places that the E-2C's radars can't pick up.
The city in ruins is very large and also, the streets that are flooded where we navigate are very narrow and large, the E-2C radars can only have clear readings on the main avenues of the streets.
Me: Launching F-18.
From my mini rig deck 5 F-18's take off to investigate what's ahead as I can't trust early warning planes.
In that I have lost contact with Takao's fleet that is inside the island.
In that I see something blurry in my blind spot and reflexively I focus on that thing and I see a woman with a white dress, the dress simulates the uniform of the Japanese imperial navy, without a doubt this girl is from the Sakura empire, she sees me with killer eyes, but that doesn't intimidate me at all, after all, when I was young I was held captive by the Vietcom and was tortured in the worst possible ways.
Yo: Takao?
Takao draws her sword and I draw my two knives and block Takao's sword.
The impact of our weapons makes sparks fly, Takao is a little surprised.
Cleveland: (Concerned) Enty!?
I'll be fine! Go where the Sheffield fleet is!
Cleveland: But!
Me: Get out of here! I'll take!
Belfast: Cleveland, let Enty take care of those two, we need to rescue the spies.
Cleveland: (Giving in) Okay.
Cleveland and Belfast come forward but Atago tries to hunt them down so I fire my CIWS at Atago, Atago jumps back and the 20mm bullets hit the sea in front of Atago. Then Takao launches a vertical slash with her sword and I block it with one of my knives.
Takao: Not bad, you just stopped my sword, it's the first time someone managed to block my sword in a surprise attack.
Me: I must also congratulate you brat, it's the first time in many years that someone has managed to numb my arm in a single attack.
I put strength into my right arm and repel Takao's attack, this makes her back 6 meters.
Laffey and Javelin were sailing at high speeds, however, Laffey stops and motions for Javelin to stop, Javelin seeing her stops too and both girls are on their guard.
Javelin: I can definitely sense a presence.
In that of the mist a girl that Javelin and Laffey knew very well is shown, the girl standing in front of them, is Ayanami.
Javelin: (Hesitant tone) Ayanami.
Ayanami can only look at her, Ayanami has a very gloomy expression and is very confused, she doesn't know what to do so she hardens her resolve putting her responsibility as the main directive first.
Ayanami: (It's nothing personal, but forgive me, it's my job)
Ayanami after plucking up her courage, she draws her sword and goes on guard, Laffey and Javelin also go on guard.
With the Azur Lane fleet acting as a decoy, the firing continues and damages the Imperial fleet more, but the damage is only to the mass production Siren fleet, Wales and Enterprise had given orders not to damage the Imperial Kansen too much. , so the allied fleet was not targeting the kansen of the Sakura empire.
A sound of multiple aircraft engines echoed through the sky, Oklahoma seeing it gives a radio alert.
Oklahoma: [Enemy aircraft on approach!]
Sandy: [Initiating anti-aircraft countermeasures!]
Helena: [Help you San Diego!]
The sky began to fill with explosions from anti-aircraft fire, these shots managed to destroy Zuikaku and Shokaku's planes, Zuikaku and Shokaku are levitating while dodging Helena and San Diego's shots.
Zuikaku: Not bad brat.
Shokaku is somewhat surprised, but does not lose concentration, Shokaku deploys more planes to attack the Azur Lane fleet, on the other hand, Zuikaku recklessly charges against the enemy, after the fifth division evaded all the anti-aircraft fire from the light cruisers, they land in the sea and look in all directions.
Zuikaku: Where are you Gray Ghost?
In that Zuikaku using her warrior instinct sails at maximum speed towards a direction and Shokaku follows her.
Two columns of water rise near Shokaku and Zuikaku leaving them somewhat wet.
Zuikaku: (Annoyed) (MOOOOO! I just washed my dress!)
Facing the fifth division were Suffolk and Norfolk.
Suffolk: The enemy is powerful, so we cannot hold back.
Norfolk: I will give my all in this fight.
In that the two cruisers fired, but Zuikaku deflected all the projectiles with her sword in mockery, in the second salvo, Zuikaku and Shokaku dodge them, Zuikaku and Shokaku approach the two royal cruisers and...
Zuikaku and Shokaku using their swords hit the sea causing a huge wave to hit the two cruisers soaking them with sea water as the 5th carrier division moves away, Shokaku can't help but taunt the two British girls a bit.
Shokaku: ~Sorry~ ~But we don't have time to play with you~
Suffolk: (depressed) They humiliated us.
Norfolk: (embarrassed) My clothes turned transparent, oh no.
In the skies, Imperial planes did some damage to the Azur Lane ships.
Oklahoma: Where are our planes!? What are our aircraft carriers doing!?
San Diego: I have no idea! But what else? Keep shooting!
Helena: Don't worry! My radar picks up the cavalry!
In that Eagle Union planes make their appearance while shooting at the imperial planes.
This surprise attack shoots down multiple Imperial planes, no doubt surprising Zuikaku a bit.
Zuikaku: Interceptors? Those planes? That design! There is no doubt, Gray Ghost is here!
Zuikaku abruptly alters her course and heads towards the place where the Eagle Union interceptors came from.
Shokaku: Zuikaku!
Shokaku follows her little sister due to Zuikaku being very impulsive and having to cover her blind spots.
Returning with our main character, she is in a 2 vs 1 fight
Takao: (Looks at Enty) Wow, looks like you're either brave or stupid.
Atago: Yes, well you have to admit that the girl has guts.
Me: Girl? If you don't know I'm much older than you young lady.
Atago: Ara? It seems we have someone who speaks like Lady Mikasa.
Takao: Yes, it seems that in other factions there are kansen who speak like grandmothers. (Focuses on the fight) Well, now we're going to fight.
Atago: But if you want, you can give up, what do you say grandma? If you give up I will reward you with my hugs and massages.
Me: (Undeterred) I'd like the massage after all I feel like my shoulder hurts a bit and my muscles are really tight, but I'm afraid I can't accept your offer. I will fight against you.
Takao: (Sigh) Yes you are a fool, a carrier must fight with her escorts and a carrier fights at long distances using the advantage of its aircraft, you are currently at a disadvantage: both tactically, strategically and numerically.
Me: I don't give a damn, since you guys are strong and as long as I can take on opponents like you, I'll never waste my chances on fighting. Let's go! attack me!
Takao understood her enemy's intentions, so out of respect, she accepts Enty's challenge.
Takao: It seems that you have fought a lot, so I Takao will face you with all my power.
Atago: Hmm, it seems that my sister is taking everything seriously, so I will too, I apologize, but you will fight in a 2 vs 1.
Me: (Smiling) Like I said before I don't mind, it will be much more interesting that way.
Takao: (Smiles) Wow, it looks like you're actually a very brave person.
Takao and Atago charged at the same time, Enty holstering her pistol and unsheathing her other knife to block Takao and Atago's swords, surprising them.
Atago: (Shock) (I block it?)
Takao: (Excited) (I like this, finally a worthy opponent) OUR BATTLE WILL BE LEGENDARY! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!
Atago and Takao started throwing multiple sword combos and Enty blocks all of Atago and Takao's rapiers.
Multiple metal on metal sounds are ringing around the place, even though Atago and Takao were attacking Enty at the same time, they weren't able to hit Enty, then Atago launches a vertical slash and Takao launches a horizontal slash at Enty, but Enty blocks Atago and Takao's attack without difficulty.
Me: (Very excited) (That's it! More! Give me more fun! Give me more fun!)
Our protagonist is very ecstatic with the pleasure of feeling the emotion of a real combat where she puts her life at risk, Takao and Atago begin to feel somewhat disturbed as their enemy smiles while having a pleasant expression while dodging and repelling her attacks.
Takao/Atago: (Disturbed) (This girl is a masochist!?)
Takao: (More than a masochist, I think she's a battle pervert)
Takao and Atago kept attacking Enty, but Enty didn't take damage since Takao and Atago couldn't land a hit on Enty, Takao in her desperation, she fires her cannons, but Enty dodges the attack and by doing so Atago was placed in the trajectory of the projectile fired by Takao.
Takao: (worried) Atago!
Me: (stare without feeling) You should pay attention to your surroundings.
Takao: (Furious) Damn!
Me: Cool your head, don't get upset.
Takao recklessly attacks Enty.
Me: Having a boiling head creates openings in your defense which I can take advantage of.
In a quick move, Enty easily disarms Takao and then using martial arts throws Takao against a wall, Takao hits the wall hard, she coughs with a lot of saliva as the blow took all the air out of her lungs.
Atago seeing all this, she panicked, she felt that she and her sister had underestimated their enemy, because she was panicked, she didn't realize that her enemy approached her.
Me: Don't get distracted!
Enty in seconds approached Atago and threw a spinning kick, Atago being distracted receives the kick in the abdomen and she also flies away, Atago lands on her back in the sea, then Atago sits up and sees that her sword is in her hand no this.
Atago: (Where is my sword?)
In that a Katana falls from the sky and sticks in a rubble of a building near Enty, Enty seeing Atago's sword, Enty grabs it by the hilt and pulls it out, Enty makes some maneuvers with Atago's sword and then looks the blade being a bit surprised, after all, for Enty, it's the first time she has grasped and seen a Japanese Katana.
Me: (amazed) So this is a Katana, this is the first time I've held one.
In that Enty saw that a large piece of cement flies in her direction at a speed equivalent to a cannon projectile, Enty using Atago's sword splits the piece of cement in half, the two pieces of cement hit a building behind Enty and then collapses.
Atago: Takao!
The kansen who threw that piece of cement was Takao, Takao is a little hurt.
Takao: (Excited) Wow, you're so strong, I didn't think you could block my surprise attack.
Me: Hm, that was very obvious coming from you, now I will give you an order which you must obey, you know very well that you will not be able to defeat me, I want you to withdraw, train more and then come find me.
Takao: (doubts) Why do you tell us that? Shouldn't you kill or capture us now?
Me: If I do that, I'm limiting your abilities, if I let you escape, you can get stronger and challenge me in the future and maybe you can defeat me.
Atago: Why are you doing this!? You are digging your own grave!
Me: (eyes sparkle) I just want to face strong opponents!
Takao/Atago: (As we thought, she's a fighting pervert)
Takao: (sigh) In that case, I'll take your mercy and we'll retreat this time, I'll admit I lost this time, next time I'll beat you.
Me: (smiling) That's right, see you later.
Takao and Atago leave without lowering their guard, they still don't trust Enty's words.
On another side of the island, Prinz Eugen's fleet had located Sheffield's fleet and Eugen ordered to attack them, now Sheffield and Edinburg are fighting Iron Blood's fleet.
Sheffield: You never get tired of screwing up! Why did you stumble!? Because of you, the Iron Blood fleet located us!
Edinburg: (Firing cannons) I'm so sorry!
Sheffield: Where is Akashi?
Edinburg: It's hidden in a fridge.
The Iron Blood fleet fired left and right against Sheffield and Edinburg, the royal girls were slowly cornered, after all, it is a 6 vs 2 match, Z1 breaks through Sheffield's defense and Z23 sees an opportunity and fires her torpedoes against Sheffield, Sheffield not seeing it receives one of the torpedoes fired at close range, because the torpedo hit at close range, the torpedo did not pierce Sheffield's armor, but if it damaged her enough to knock her unconscious, Edinburg takes to Sheffield and tries to retreat, but at that moment all the Iron Blood ships corner the two British girls.
Eugen: (mocking tone) It's a checkmate, please secure your weapons and surrender.
In a fridge, Akashi watches the Sheffield fleet and Eugen's fleet combat.
Akashi: (Shaking in fear) I don't know if I'll be able to escape from this very bad situation.
In that Köln listens to the murmurs of someone and turns to see, frightened Akashi closes the refrigerator door quickly and hits her hand with the refrigerator door so she lets out a groan of pain which Köln listens to.
Köln: What was that? Eugen, I'll go investigate.
Eugen: Yes, be careful.
Returning with Laffey and Javelin, the two of them fight against Ayanami, Ayanami attacks with all her power, but Javelin and Laffey don't want to fight her, so the two of them dodge all of Ayanami's attacks, Ayanami seeing all this, she begins to get very annoyed by each passing second.
Ayanami: Why don't you fight!?
In that Javelin and Laffey escape and Ayanami chases them, now they navigate a very wide street.
Ayanami: (Furious) Again with the same? I've had enough of this!
Ayanami fires all her torpedoes at point blank range, as the distance to her targets is long range, the torpedoes will have enough time to develop their full speed maximizing impact damage, the torpedoes close the distance with Javelin and Laffey.
The torpedoes detonate at Javelin and Laffey's position, but when the splashes of water subside, it reveals that Javelin and Laffey are unharmed and that the torpedoes had hit a building by blowing a large hole in the wall.
Ayanami: (Annoyed) Why!? Why don't you want to fight!?
Laffey as Javelin don't answer, Laffey then walks towards Ayanami worrying Javelin a lot.
Ayanami in a fit of courage, cruises at high speeds and takes a big jump and prepares a horizontal slash with her sword aimed at Laffey's neck.
SLASH! (Sound of the sword breaking the wind)
With the Belfast fleet, they now have a big problem, they are being attacked by a fleet of low ranking siren that came out of nowhere.
Cleveland: (Firing cannons) Where the fuck did these guys come from?
Belfast: (Anxious and worried) I don't know, but we have to defeat them as quickly as possible.
It had been 15 minutes since they met these siren and Belfast was getting more worried with each passing second and her mind was only thinking of her older sister so she couldn't focus on the fight.
Cleveland: What's up Belfast? You don't look like yourself! You move very slowly and your shots do not hit the enemy!
Belfast: Oh, sorry.
In that several anti-ship missiles hit the siren sinking them in the act, in that they passed 3 F-18 flying low.
Me: [I thought you guys had already rescued the allied spies]
At that a radio transmission reaches Cleveland and Belfast.
Cleveland: [As you see, there was unexpected interference and Belfast is in no condition to fight.]
Me: [I'll buy them time so they can reach the location of the spies, I don't think my planes have the capacity to deal with Iron Blood, these girls are very intelligent, they are fighting in a location that is impossible for me to my planes engage the missile guidance with the Iron Blood fleet.]
Belfast/Cleveland: [I understand]
Eugen: (Mocking tone) It's a checkmate, please secure your weapons and surrender, I'll give you 1 second to do it: 1, 0, ~well since you didn't surrender I'm going to shoot. ~
Eugen's cannons fired at Edinburg who is in a state of shock.
Eugen: (Shocked) What?
Out of nowhere an 11-year-old girl had deflected Eugen's shots using two military knives.
Eugen: Who are you brat?
In that the girl smiles, she was wearing a military uniform of the United States Army.
(Ignore the assault rifle.)
???: I am the person who will lead you to your downfall.
TO BE CONTINUE...........................................
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