Meanwhile with the main fleet of Azur Lane.

The two carriers of the fifth division somehow managed to defeat Hornet's fleet.

(NT: I ​​really don't understand how two aircraft carriers could defeat a fleet composed of: 2 aircraft carriers, two cruisers, a battleship and a destroyer.)

The only warship that can still fight is Hornet, now Hornet is mercilessly bombed by Zuikaku and Shokaku fighter-bombers.

Shokaku: (Playing flute) This is a melody to guide lost souls to the afterlife.

Hornet: (joking tone) No thanks, I want to live.

Zuikaku: You let your guard down!

In that Zuikaku appears in Hornet's blind spot and now she attacks Hornet.

Hornet: (realizes the danger) Damn!

Hornet was not going to be able to dodge Zuikaku's sword so she resigned herself to losing.


Zuikaku: Nani !?

In that Zuikaku stops attacking Hornet and repels all the bullets that were destined against her.


In that appear 10 Corsair from Enterprise, these planes had attacked Zuikaku.

Zuikaku: Those planes? There is no doubt, it is her.

Hornet sees her older sister recklessly approaching the front line of battle.

Hornet: (Happy) Ne-chan!

Enterprise: I'll take care of it, get out of here.

Hornet: Yes!

Enterprise keeps firing arrows to shoot down the enemy bombers, then Enterprise deploys several interceptors and bombers.

Zuikaku watches excitedly as the best warrior of the Eagle Union makes her appearance.

Zuikaku: That's exciting. HAAAAAAA!

Zuikaku goes all out and Enterprise blocks Zuikaku's incoming attack with her bow.


The impact of those two weapons causes sparks and lightning.

Zuikaku: (Excited) Finally a worthy opponent! Our battle will be legendaryeeeeee!


Zuikaku's sword slips after Enterprise puts some of her strength into repelling Zuikaku.

Zuikaku: (Smiles) This will be a duel!

Enterprise: (Sigh) (Whisper) An imperialist talking like the Royal Navy girls?

Zuikaku: (Disgusted) What did that sigh of yours come about?

Enterprise: No, it's nothing, I'm just going to ask you to get out of here for good or else...

Zuikaku: (mocking tone) What are you going to do to me?

Enterprise: I'll make you the star of a funeral. Want to die?

Zuikaku: Hehehehe, we're going to test if you can kill me, then I'm going to kick your brain cells to see if your arrogance goes away.

Elsewhere Hornet retreats.

Carolina: HORNET!

In that Hornet seeing Carolina's fleet, she is very happy.

Hornet: Carolina! Thanks for helping us!

In that Hornet stumbles, but is grabbed by Carolina.

Carolina: Atlanta, please summon your ship to take them to the infirmary.

Atlanta: Ok!

Atlanta summons her ship and all injured kansen are taken to the Atlanta cruiser's infirmary.


Without a doubt Enterprise CV-6 worries me a lot, for that reason I have sent Maverick-kun to watch over her, I have given him orders not to intervene if he does not see danger, but if things get too bad, he will have to intervene to avoid the worst outcome.

Cleveland: Are you sure the Iron Blood fleet is here?

Me: Yes, on my radars I can pick them up. They are not very far, if things go as planned, there will be no problems.

Cleveland: I understand.

Me: Ranger, I want you to send your planes to coordinates ***** and bomb the enemy.

Ranger: Okay.

In that Ranger deploys her bombers and escorts to the designated coordinates.

Cleveland: Why don't you deploy your planes?

Me: That's for fun.

Cleveland: Fun?

Me: Yes, one of my priorities is to have fun while fighting.

Cleveland: (Bland look) I hope nothing goes wrong for wanting to have fun.

Me: That's just me, I have fun whenever I can, even if it's in war, I always have fun.

Ranger: Didn't doing those things get you in trouble with the military police?

Me: 5 arrests, 3 trials and once in prison.

Ranger: Uwuaa, you sure do have your life history screwed up.

Cleveland: And why did you go to prison?

Me: It happened one morning on January 14, I was blamed for causing an accident on my flight deck. (Sad tone) 27 sailors lost their lives and 314 were injured, it was a great tragedy. The high command held me responsible for that accident because the people who died were in my flight squad, therefore, if they were my subordinates, they are my responsibility, that happened.

Cleveland: (Sad) I'm sorry to hear that.

Me: Yes, I also regret that day. (Smile) But let's not talk about my past, we have to repel the enemy and have fun. Ranger, I need a report on the heading of your planes.

Ranger: But you already know where they are through your radars.

Me: It's just formalities, just do it.

Ranger: I understand, they are flying heading 1-5-2, speed 450 km/h.

Me: Got it, alter course to 1-5-3, to attack the enemy, the Iron Blood fleet is approaching to attack the allied fleet, we must stop it now.

Ranger: Okay.


In the sky Ranger planes approach Iron Blood's fleet, Iron Blood is not expecting an Eagle Union attack and they think Eagle Union's support fleet is rescuing their friends, but what Eugen didn't take into account account is that there is another Eagle Union fleet that is marrying its fleet.

TO BE CONTINUE.....................................

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