Two destroyers return to port, in that they summon their ships and anchor them in the port, these two kansen land on the dock.

Javelin: (sighing) Good thing most of our teammates aren't too damaged, right Laffey?

In that Javelin sees that Laffey is lying on the floor.

Javelin: (worried) Laffey!? You are well!?

In that Laffey looks at Javelin with a very sleepy face.

Laffey: Yeah, I'm just really sleepy, I need my special drink.

In that Laffey takes an oxy cola out of her pocket and starts drinking it, in that Wales, Illustrious and Unicorn appear.

Unicorn: Girls, are you okay?

Javelin: Yeah, we're good. By the way, Unicorn, are you okay? You did take a direct hit from Kaga's attack after all.

Unicorn: If I'm okay, only my deck was damaged.

Javelin: That's good to hear, I hope you can repair that damage fast.

Unicorn: YES.

Wales: You guys did a great job helping us.

Javelin: Thanks, it was nothing.

Illustrious: Okay, then I need you to do a damage control report on your ships, then you can rest.

Javelin: But...

Wales: Rest is also the duty of a soldier.

Wales and Illustrious walk away from Javelin and Laffey.

Wales: I guess it's time to focus on the meeting with Enty-san.


Now I was summoned to the command office to talk, well it was logical, since I appeared out of nowhere and helped Azur Lane in repelling the Red Axis attack.

Wales: Well, let's start the meeting, to start Enterprise CVN-65, I would like to thank you for helping us in repelling the enemy attack.

Me: It was nothing, just doing my job.

Wales: Yes, without a doubt your performance was very good, without a doubt you left me speechless when you humiliated Akagi when she was declaring war on us.

Me: She deserved it, she did something bad and she deserved punishment.

Illustrious: Yeah, but I think you went a little overboard with that.

Me: What's wrong with that? She attacked a peaceful base, she declared war on them in the midst of a global crisis, how could she even declare war on us? The siren should have the priority to be eliminated.

Cleveland: You're right, without a doubt, what the Sakura and Iron Blood empire did is silly, declaring war on us at this point is like saying that they are betraying humanity.

Me: Yes, surely the sirens are behind all this, surely the sirens have deceived the Sakura and Iron Blood empire.

Wales: (Doubtful) By the way Enty-san, how do you know so much about sirens?

Me: As you know I come from an alternate universe to yours, my world is also at war with the sirens, while they were on a mission the sirens ambushed my fleet, during the confrontation my fleet achieved a victory, so the sirens used a new weapon against my fleet which something went very wrong and the enemy weapon exploded and then started to suck everything that was nearby including my fleet, I did everything possible to save my comrades which I did, but I couldn't get rid of that force and it ended up absorbing me, when I realized I was here and you know the rest of the story.

Wales: Hmmm, no doubt it's something sirens would do, no doubt it must be very hard for you to be away from your companions and friends.

Me: Hmm, I'll definitely miss them a lot.

Illustrious: Well, changing the subject, what was that plane you used against the first division of the Sakura empire?

Me: As I told you before, it's an F-14 Maverick plane.

Wales: Was it your eagle?

Me: Yup, it was my eagle, he is very strong and good at maneuvering, I can rely on him for long range attacks and commanding my air force.

Wales: (interested) What else?

Me: I have F-18 Super Hornets, I also have Seahawk and Sea King helicopters.

Cleveland: Helicopters? What are those?

Me: Rotary-wing aircraft.

Cleveland: Rotary-wing aircraft? I think those planes are only possessed by Iron Blood?

Wales: Indeed, we cannot manufacture those planes.

Me: You are wrong, those planes were built and manufactured by my country, my nation that I have served with great loyalty is called the United States of America.

Cleveland: In a nutshell that nation is?

Me: (bland look) I think you should know by now, I'm USS Enterprise, what nation in this world uses the USS and has a ship by the name of Enterprise?

Cleveland: Oh, I didn't realize, sorry.

After that we laughed a lot, without a doubt this helped a lot to relax the atmosphere generated by this imperial attack a few hours ago, after that we talked about some trivial things which some of these topics were about my private life or some anecdotes of my past life, but I only answered the questions that didn't bother me too much.


The meeting is over, without a doubt this left me mentally exhausted, it had been a long time since I had this type of conversation.

Wales: Well, it was nice talking to you Enty-san, so welcome to Azur Lane base, I look forward to working with you.

Me: Yes, the pleasure is mine.

Then we shook hands to seal our diplomatic relationship.

Wales: Cleveland, please guide our guest around the base.

Cleveland: (smiling) Yes, it will be my pleasure.

Then Cleveland motions for me to follow her, so I say goodbye to Illustrious and Wales and head out after Cleveland.

Cleveland: You are very impressive Enty-san, your ship is very big, I think it is 300 meters long.

Me: 343 meters to be more exact.

Cleveland: Same thing.

After that Cleveland guided me through the Azur Lane base, during the trip Cleveland introduced me to many kansen of the Eagle Union and Royal Navy faction, when they heard my name the kansen were very confused so I explained the reasons and somehow they understood me, then the tour of the base ended in the dormitories.

Cleveland: Well, here ends the base tour guide, because the base is quite large there are many bedrooms available, here is the key to your bedroom.

Cleveland hands me a key.

Me: Thanks, By the way, is this bedroom not shared?

Cleveland: No, it's a personal room, use it however you see fit.

Me: thanks.

Cleveland: In that case, I'm leaving, I have to do some repairs to my ship.

Me: Hm, good luck.

Cleveland says goodbye and I also say goodbye to her, I used the key to open the door and enter the room, upon entering I realized that the room has a British style which does not match the room design which I am used to, but since I was very tired I didn't pay much attention, I undressed and then I threw myself on the bed and fell asleep in a matter of seconds.

TO BE CONTINUE..........................

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