Today I wake up early like every day, no, today I woke up a little late, yesterday I stayed up late because I was preparing a report after the rescue mission, it's been 1 day since we anchored at the base, I walked I went to the closet and dressed in casual clothes, a white T-shirt, navy blue shorts and sneakers.

Today is my day off so I can dress however I want, so I go out and find Enterprise and Belfast.

Me: Good morning.

Belfast: Good morning.

Enterprise: Good morning.

Me: where are you going?

Belfast: To the dining room.

We arrive at the dining room and the atmosphere is as lively as ever.

We approach the counter and stand in line, after a while we get to the counter and Nevada serves us breakfast.

To Enterprise's misfortune, Nevada serves Enterprise more food since thanks to Enterprise the Red Axis fleet quickly retreated.

In reality, Enterprise is so powerful that there are rumors that in the past she alone has killed an Arbiter class siren, in this world it is said that to defeat an Arbiter class siren it takes 3 carrier attack fleet, I don't know if that's true or not, but I think they are no match for even an air battleship from the magic empire of my world.

After thinking that we sat down at a table near a window.

Enterprise: This is a lot.

Belfast: Ara, aren't you going to eat?

Enterprise: It's a lot of food, this far exceeds the amount I always eat.

Me: In that case, do you want us to help you?

Enterprise: If it's not too much trouble, I need your help.

Me: Ok, in that case I'll take the toast and the salad.

Belfast: Ara, are you a vegan?

Me: No, I only have problems with the seasoning in the barbecue that is very strong for my stomach, apart from that I can eat meat.

Enterprise: Your stomach is too weak.

Me: It's not that, what happens is that the food is not as refined as I need it to be.

A class with La Erdo:

La Erdo: The food is like the fuel of the kansen, in the case of the naturally invoked kansen they use special food that supplies the fuel they use, due to the Japanese technology in the engines of the Kasami, the Kasami uses a refined fuel of the 21st century, but nowadays the fuel that she uses is fuel that was used in 1940 and therefore the engine suffers a lot and that is the explanation why she constantly has problems with meals, for that reason Kasami eats soft food to avoid indigestion.

End of class with La Erdo.

So we continue to eat, after breakfast, we walk around the academy facilities, we head towards the R&D labs, but it's still early so we kill time walking around the academy.

In that Repulse greets us energetically.

Repulse: Hey girls, how are you?

Enterprise/Me: We're fine, thanks.

Repulse runs off, this upsets her older sister for which she yells at Repulse.

Renown: Repulse, don't run in the halls!

Cleveland: OI! Enterprise! La Kasami!

In that Cleveland calls us, so we approach her, in that behind Cleveland there are several girls.

Cleveland: It's true that you've never met my sisters.

Enterprise: Yes, never.

Cleveland: My sisters arrived last night. Introduce yourselves.

The girls began to introduce themselves one by one.

Columbia: I'm Columbia, cruiser number two of the Cleveland class.

Montpelier: Cruiser number three of the Cleveland class, I am Montpelier. Thank you for taking care of Aneki.

Denver: I'm Denver, cruiser number four of the Cleveland class, nice to meet you.

Enterprise: Yes, it's a pleasure to meet all of you.

Me: My name is La Kasami, La Kasami-class battleship.

Denver: I had never heard of you, where do you come from?

Enterprise: The Kasami does not belong to any faction or country.

Columbia: How's that?

Enterprise: She seems to be a kansen from another world, she seems to have been attacked by something and ended up here.

Cleveland: We are currently looking for a method of how to return her to her world.

Montpelier: I understand, it's a bit sad to be away from home all this time, isn't it?

Me: (Uncomfortable laugh) Yes, but I'm used to it, it's sad since my sisters will surely be worried about me.

Cleveland: Do you have sisters?

Me: Yes, they are La Erdo and La Gauge. They are two splendid battleships.

In that I show a photo where the two battleships appear.

Enterprise: Are those your little sisters' ships?

Me: Yeah.

Cleveland: But they look so different from you, how is it possible that they are your sisters even though they look nothing alike?

Me: That's because I'm the only ship that was remodeled.

Cleveland: Remodeled?

Me: (Sad expression) In the past I was defeated and humiliated, my hull ended up totally leaking and my weapons were destroyed, we were a fleet of 62 ships, we were under the command of the most powerful fleet of the time, but the battleship Yama. .. I mean Grade Atlastar totally crushed the world union fleet and I was the only ship that survived that massacre.

In that the girls looked at me somewhat sad.

Me: So my country decided to send me to Japan for a remodelation, and after the remodelation I ended up with this look you know.

Enterprise: Hmmm, I understand, but how is it possible that a battleship can destroy a fleet of 62 ships?

Me: That's easy, in my world the development of technology is very uneven, in the most developed countries they have technology like you, but in the less developed areas they have wooden ships or sailboats like warships, in some countries they don't even they have access to cannons or firearms.

The girls are somewhat incredulous, so I show them some photos and after analyzing them they believe me.

Enterprise: Oh shit! We're late for the R&D meeting!

Me: Ah! It's true!

So we ran to the labs while Cleveland hurriedly says goodbye to her sisters.

Fortunately, we arrived on time for the meeting, we sat in our seats and the meeting began, there is a Tech box on the table.

In that the Tech box opens revealing a black mental cube and that surprises us all.

Enterprise: A black mental cube.

Wales: It is the ultimate weapon of the empire using siren technology.

Cleveland: Can we use this to nullify the Siren's command of the Empire's forces?

Akashi: Orochi is the one that controls the ships, this cube is just an assistant so it's impossible or that's what Akagi told us.

Wales: A massive ship called the Orochi, is that what the empire builds?

Vestal: What is the relationship of Orochi and this cube?

Akashi shakes her head, she doesn't really know anything.

Wales: All we can say is that a siren gave them this cube and that Akagi works for the siren.

Belfast: If everything is true, that means that the empire works for the siren without knowing that they are being deceived by Akagi.

Me: But there is also the possibility that they are aware of what they do, but are blinded by the thirst for power.

Enterprise: On what fundamentals do you base yourself?

Me: It's just a hypothesis, we still don't know the reason because the spies decided to expose themselves ahead of time.

The meeting lasted until the afternoon as they began to discuss various hypotheses.


In the commercial area of ​​the base the girls spend their day off, Akagi and Kaga walk through this place because they have free time and want to take the opportunity to walk and stroll, after walking, they stop at a store.

Akagi shows Kaga various hair ornaments, but she doesn't want one, so Akagi takes an ornament that is shaped like a blue flower and places it in Kaga's hair.

Akagi: See? This looks better on you.

Kaga: (embarrassed) This suits you better.

Akagi: Take a good look in the mirror, you look prettier than before, as I thought, that color plays with your hair.

Kaga thinks and before she can react, Akagi pays for the ornament, Kaga resigns and accepts Akagi's gift, but Kaga is happy for her sister's affection.

Nearby the Mutsuki-class destroyers run because they want to eat something from the nearby restaurant.

Mikazuki: There's a special takoyaki I want to eat at the store.

Mutsuki: Me too!

Kisaragi: I've heard that they're so delicious that they run out fast.

Mutsuki: Let's run faster!

The girls speed up, but they outrun one of them, Uzuki can't keep up so she yells for them to wait for her, but her sisters ignore her.

The first division sees this and they dodge the destroyers running at full speed as if the devil was after them, in that Uzuki trips over the ledge in the road and she falls on her face hitting Kaga's leg, Kaga worries about Uzuki so She checks on Uzuki's condition, luckily she didn't hurt much, she just has a scratch on her head.

Kago: are you alright?

Uzuki seeing Kaga scares her a little.

Kaga: Look your face has a wound, wait a bit.

In that Kaga takes out some Band-Aids and disinfects Uzuki's wound using hydrogen peroxide and then puts the Band-Aid on Uzuki's forehead.

Kaga: That would be all, I hope you don't run again, it's dangerous.

Uzuki nods and she runs to meet her sisters, Kaga sighs as Uzuki just ignored Kaga's warnings.

Kaga: My god, she didn't pay attention to what I said.

Akagi: Fufufufu, this is youth, let them be, like us in the past.

Kaga just laughs wistfully.

Kaga: Yes, in the past we didn't get along at all.

The girls continue their walk.

TO BE CONTINUE................................................. .........

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