Javelin and Laffey are having lunch at the place where they met Ayanami.

Laffey eats lunch without problems, but Javelin doesn't eat due to depression.

Javelin: I worry if she's okay.

Laffey: Her? Ah, I think her name is Ayanami.

Javelin: Ayanami-chan, huh. Will we have to fight her?


¿??: ¡Ouch!

In that they heard someone fall to the ground, when they look in the direction of the fall, they see La Kasami on the ground.

Javelin: Are you okay?

Me: Ouch yeah I'm fine I just tripped over a rock.

The Kasami stands up and walks towards them.

Javelin: That's bad, your knee is bleeding.

Me: Oh, I didn't realize, it's true.

La Kasami sees that her knee is scraped and bleeding, La Kasami takes out a bandage and many things and treats her wound by herself.

Me: It's done.

Javelin: (Unexpectedly she is autonomous)

Me: Having lunch or having a snack before dinner?

Javelin: I know it's a little late, but we're just having lunch, we finished our repairs.

Me: I see, I am patrolling the base, I was ordered to look for any spy in the surroundings.

Laffey: By the way, aren't you hurt?

Me: Oh no, luckily I'm not injured or damaged so I don't have anything to repair, yesterday I was helping Cleveland with the repairs.

Laffey: I see, that's good to hear.

Javelin: I understand. Do you want to eat with us?

Me: Oh, sorry, I'm working, but if you want we can eat together for dinner.

Javelin: (Happy) Yatta!

The Kasami continues walking in her patrol car.


An American fleet was deployed to station in Pearl Harbor, this fleet is led by Hornet the younger sister of Enterprise.

Hornet: Hamman, you're way ahead of the game!

Outside the formation, there is a destroyer breaking the formation, this is Hamman.

Hamman: There is no time to lose! The base could be in trouble and we have to help!

Helena: Excuse me, but we have already received the report that the enemy has been repelled and the base is undergoing repairs.

Hamman: We have to speed up!

Hamman speeds up and causes a shower of water that soaks the girls behind her.

Northampton: Yes she has been energetic since yesterday.

Long Island: This ghost is already on edge.

Arizona: Ghosts never get tired, so get your ass up or I'll kick you.

Long Island: That's exploitation!

Arizona: No one cares about you, since you became a Hikikomori.

Hornet: Well, you brought it on yourself too, that's why no one believes you or takes your opinions into account.

Long: (Sad) Ungh, no one loves me.

Hornet: If you want to have that life you had before, you should be hard-working and sociable like before.

Long: Urusaiiiiii!

Arizona: Changing the subject, I heard your sister did it.

Northampton: Sister? Enterprise is your sister?

Hornet: (proud sigh) Hahaha, it's a mess being the little sister of a legend.

Hamman: What's with that idle chat you're having in the back?

Hamman is very furious at the very slow pace of this fleet.

Long: Remember there are a lot of slow paced ships in this fleet, we are not like you who are a destroyer that can sail at 35 knots!

Hornet: Well, Hamman is kind of right, we're going a little slower than we should, we should pick up the speed.


In that Helena detects something ahead.

Helena: I have contact to the front! There are two aircraft carriers!

Hornet: Tch, looks like we were a little slow.

Helena: Mass production ships are confirmed, there are 30 backup ships and the girls panic, no matter how weak the enemy is, it's 32 vs 6.

Long: What will we do leader?

Hornet: Let's run away!

Long: We can't!

Hornet: ¡Shimataaaaaaa!

Helena: Sending SOS! It is the fifth division of the empire

Hornet: Thank you.


On the deck of the Shokaku, she is lamenting Akagi's orders.

Shokaku: Oh woe is me, being bullied by our evil sempai. Don't you think so?

Zuikaku: Focus on the mission, sister. If we finish this mission safely, we will be able to prove to our Senpai that we are as good as they are.

Shokaku: Oh, you're such a direct girl that I can't help but help you, don't worry your older sister has your back.

Zuikaku: (Excited) Yes! If you are here I have nothing to fear!

In that Zuikaku draws her sword and her ship burns in fire to summon her rigging.


Wales talks to La Kasami.

Wales: How was it?

Me: I haven't found any spies in the base, it seems they all left when the empire declared war on us.

Wales: Wow, how simple, it is seen that our nation is the best country in the technology of espionage.


The door opens alongside and London walks into the room.

London: It's serious!

Me: I have a bad feeling.

Wales: What's up?

London: Eagle Union's main fleet is under attack! They have been ambushed by the empire and several siren ships!

Wales: What is the condition?

London: If we don't help, the fleet will be annihilated in a matter of minutes.

The girls were shocked by the news.

Me: How many are the enemy.

London: According to Helena's report, there are 32.

Me: Wales, we must deploy a relief fleet as soon as possible.

Wales: But who?

???: I will go.

Me: Enterprise?

Enterprise: Yes, that fleet is led by my younger sister, I am also a high mobility aircraft carrier, I am the right one for the mission.

Wales: Okay.

Me: I'm going too, I can sail at 32 knots.

Javelin/Laffey: We're also on board, battleships and aircraft carriers need escorts.

Cleveland: Me too, cruisers like us are indispensable in the escort.

Wales: Who else?

The girls who did not volunteer averted their gazes, it seemed that they would not be able to deploy due to serious damage due to the previous surprise attack.

Wales: Well, in that case, spread out and rescue the Hornet fleet!

All: Okay!


The rescue fleet fanned out and headed to the location of the Hornet fleet.

However, Enterprise is going very fast and it is very obvious that her boilers were overloading from the pressure exerted.

Me: Calm down friend! You're going too fast!

Enterprise: Hornet is my sister, I can't leave her, just like that, we must get there as quickly as possible.

Me: What if you spread out your planes and use it to attack from long distances?

Enterprise: Eh?

Me: No "Huh?"! Deploy your planes to search for the enemy and attack them!

Enterprise: But that uses a lot of fuel.

Me: Just do it!

Enterprise reluctantly deploys her planes and they fly in the direction of Hornet's fleet.


The Hornet fleet fell against the enemy fleet of 32 ships.

However, Hornet's fleet managed to reduce the enemy fleet by 10 ships, an amazing achievement, but they ran out of ammunition and therefore were forced to dodge all of Zuikaku and Shokaku's attacks, the other ships were just shooting if the Hornet fleet tried to escape.

Shokaku: (Playing the flute) This is a nice melody to guide souls to the afterlife.

Hornet is only limited in dodging all attacks from both carriers.

Hornet: I don't like to be defensive, but I don't have any more planes!

Zuikaku: (making a frontal attack) Got you!

Zuikaku attacks Hornet in her blind spot and she can no longer do anything to avoid the attack.

Hornet: Damn.


Zuikaku: Nani?

In that several Corsair planes appear and shoot at Zuikaku and she luckily avoids all the shots.

Shokaku: Now what?

In that they appear Enterprise shooting arrows that transform into fighter planes and gain air superiority.


In that the remaining siren ships sink due to the Enterprise escort taking care of them quickly before they counterattack.

Hornet: Sister!

Enterprise: I buy you time! Long!

Hornet: Thanks!

Hornet retreats while Enterprise acts as decoy.

Me: Since when do aircraft carriers serve as decoys? (Usually a destroyer or light cruiser would draw enemy fire)

Cleveland: Hornet! Here!

Hornet sails towards us while Javelin and Laffey bring up the rest of the Hornet fleet members.

Hornet: Right on time, I thought I was going to die.

Meanwhile Zuikaku sees that Enterprise has arrived on the scene and she gets excited so she makes a frontal attack on her, Enterprise sees her and blocks Zuikaku's sword with her bow.

Zuikaku: Eagle Union's Strongest Ship! I challenge you to a duel!

Enterprise: Ditto, luckiest ship in the empire!

Zuikaku: Our battle will be legendary!

Enterprise puts up some force and repels Zuikaku's attack.

With our lead.

Me: Who is hurt to help?

Long: Me, my leg is hurt.

Me: Yes, I'm coming...


A slight radar jam sounds on La Kasami's radar.

Eugen: ¡Fire!

In that Eugen shoots against the rescue fleet, our protagonist as she detected it in time, she stops and draws her sword cutting all the projectiles that Eugen fired. The Allied fleet was not injured by this ambush.

Cleveland: Now what?

Me: The Iron Blood fleet.

Cleveland: Tch, what we were missing.

Eugen: Guten Morgen Azur Lane, Sakura Empire, bitte stehlen Sie nicht den ganzen Spaß. (Good morning Azur Lane, Sakura Empire, please don't steal all the fun.)

Me: It's already more than 1200 hours.

Eugen: So you cut all my projectiles that I fired at them, you must be a very powerful warrior.

Me: I am more than what you can see.

In that I see a girl come out at the front of the enemy formation, I can see that Iron Blood came with 10 mass-produced siren heavy cruisers as escorts.

Eugen: I can leave it in your hands, right?

Z23: Leave it to me.

Z23: (Readies his weapons) I'm Z23 (retrofit) from Iron Blood, you guys are going down here.

Next to her appears Ayanami, I think it's that girl who attacked Javelin in the previous attack on the base.

Javelin: Ayanami-chan.

Me: Girls, I'll take care of them, so go away.

Cleveland: But what about you.

Me: I am very strong, I will not fall easily.

Cleveland: But.

Me: Get out of here! We have wounds here, we can't involve them!

Cleveland: Ok.

The girls started to walk away.

Z23: So you will be bait to prevent your friends from being captured.

Me: The priority of the majority comes before the minority.


At the Azur Lane base, the girls are impatient for the outcome, the girls don't move because of damage and because they can't leave the base unprotected in case an unexpected attack occurs.


At that the command office phone rings and Wales answers it.

Wales: This is the base of Azur Lane.

QE: [Long time no see]

Queen Elizabeth is on the other end of the call.

Wales: (Surprised) Your Majesty?

QE: [Your wait is over, me Elizabeth and my noble fleet have arrived]

Wales: Thanks for everything, our allies are under attack.

QE: Of course I'm aware of that, I've already made my move, don't worry.

Wales: Thanks for everything.

QE: Don't worry, it's my duty as queen to protect my subordinates and allies.

On the other side is a maid sailing at high speeds towards the Hornet fleet.

Enterprise keeps fighting Zuikaku, Enterprise keeps shooting one arrow after another and Zuikaku dodges Enterprise's arrows.

Zuikaku: Not on my watch!

In that Zuikaku finds a hole and gets through there managing to get closer to Enterprise, but Enterprise blocks Zuikaku's sword with her bow.

Zuikaku: I'm not done yet!

Zuikaku begins to give several consecutive combos, but Enterprise blocks all the attacks.

Zuikaku: Is that all you have!? Gray Ghost!

Enterprise: No, but thanks for asking.

Enterprise throws a kick, but Zuikaku manages to dodge.

Zuikaku: That was a cheap shot! It's not fair!

Enterprise: "Love is War", in love and war all is fair.

Zuikaku: Whatever!

Zuikaku goes on the attack again and Enterprise again blocks all of Zuikaku's attacks.

Enterprise has some regrets for ignoring La Kasami. In this world, an aircraft carrier uses its planes to attack its rivals at close range in order to save fuel and resources on scouting flights.

NT: As you may know, in the Azur Lane game there is no such thing as pre-emptive airstrike or scouting flight.

In that Enterprise establishes a feint which she stumbles and Zuikaku swallows the feint with all hook and fishing rod.

Shokaku: Zuikaku don't do it!

But it's too late, when Zuikaku realizes Enterprise points her bow at her, Zuikaku has her whole body unprotected because she raised her hands to prepare a downward vertical cut.

Enterprise releases the arrow and Zuikaku is barely able to deflect the arrow, but Enterprise knew that Zuikaku would be able to repel the attack, so the arrow transforms into a fighter plane and attacks Zuikaku by dropping all three bombs.

Zuikaku: Are you crazy!?



Shokaku: (Preocupada) ¡ Zuikaku!

Zuikaku emerges badly injured from the curtain of water caused by the bomb explosions, she runs away as fast as she can, but behind her Enterprise emerges totally unharmed and throws a roundhouse kick at Zuikaku, Zuikaku receives Enterprise's kick because she didn't see it coming and she flies several meters and falls into the sea on her back.

Zuikaku: (Very hurt) What power, it's incredible.

Enterprise stops in front of Zuikaku while aiming his bow at her, Zuikaku struggles to rejoin.

While with our main character:

She waits for her enemy to attack.

Z23 starts off in contention by firing her cannons and she reflects them with her sword.

Me: That was so boring!

Z23: Wait and see!

Z23 continues to fire while our protagonist continues to dodge, then La Kasami fires her 155mm cannons and hits Z23's legs immobilizing her, she falls face down into the sea screaming in pain.

Z23: AAAHHHHH! My stones! My stones!

Eugen: Tch, siren fleet open fire on the enemy!

The siren ships start firing at La Kasami, but there was no situation she couldn't fix.

She just fires her cannons and in a very short time the enemy fleet was sunk, this shocked the Iron Blood girls and Ayanami.

Eugen: How could this have happened?

Modern shells are smaller in caliber, but the performance is much better than those used in WWII, so the damage is higher.

Me: are you still or what?

Eugen: Well, in that case now I will be your opponent.


The explosions caught everyone's attention, as they now watch Enterprise and Zuikaku fight.

In that Several Enterprise planes attack Shokaku, but she manages to dodge them all.

Shokaku: ¡ ZUIKAKU!

Enterprise: I just defeated you once again, don't you think it's time to retire?

Zuikaku: Even if it's a blow.

At that Enterprise fires her arrow, the arrow hits Zuikaku's flight deck rendering it useless.

Zuikaku: Tch.

Enterprise: I just disabled your flight deck, do you stand down?

Zuikaku: This won't stay just like that!

Zuikaku limps off and Shokaku follows her.

Meanwhile with our protagonist.

Me: It's time to end this once and for all.

Eugene: Sounds good to me.

And the exchanges of shots begin, Eugen shoots and La Kasami also shoot with everything.

They reserve nothing and shoot at each other seeking the annihilation of the enemy.

After a while, the Kasami shoots towards a specific point, disabling Eugen's shooting controls, causing Eugen to lose precision when shooting.

Eugen: Damn, my radars were destroyed.

The fight stops momentarily.


Two shots reverberate and fly towards Eugen, Eugen dodges the shots.

In that a maid appears on the battlefield.

Eugen: Ara, I didn't expect to see you here... Belfast.

TO BE CONTINUE.....................................

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