Ladon's POV
I walking through the base,trying to find Sis or something to do,I saw a bunch of shipgirls along with Sis and Hornet,some playing volleyball,one of them had a camera and was snapping pictures,a girl with white hair with cat ears was wearing a swimsuit was covering up,to protect herself from the picture taking girl
AN:tsun alert
they were all having a good day,a girl with purple,I think her name was Javelin,was carrying a lot of stuff,she had a picnic basket,an umbrella,a blanket,some bottles,she looked like she was having a hard time carrying all of it,he was asking for help from Sis but knowing how my Sister is,she's not going to help,Javelin put all of the thing she was carrying,down on the sand as I walk over to all of them
Ladon:hey Sis
they turn around to see Me,approaching them
Hornet:oh,your approaching us Ladon
Ladon:heh,I can't have a good time at the beach with out getting closer,now can I
Hornet,then come as close as you like
I took her up on the offer as I sit down next to Sis,the sun was high in the sky and the weather was perfect,suddenly,I heard someone yell at Me,I turn around to see,that white haired girl again,now that I was closer,I noticed that she actually had cat ears
Ladon:my god you are loud,do you have to shout
Hornet:sorry about Hammann,she's just like that
Ladon:god,even Sims is more tolerable than her
Hammann:wait,you know my Sister
Ladon:I've sortied with her,we helped out in bringing supplies to a coastal base
Hammann:she never told Me,that she sortied with someone like you
Ladon:well she definitely told Me about you and I really didn't expect you to be this loud
Hammann:that's just how I am,idiot
Ladon:Hornet,is she one of those annoying kid types that extremely obnoxious and annoying,I think they were called tsundere's in the Sakura Empire
Hornet:you got the bullseye
Hammann:hey,who's side are you on here
Hornet:his,because he's right
Hammann:I don't like this
Ladon:don't always expect life to go the way you want it to
Hammann:hmph,you don't know anything,I bet I could beat you,even if I'm only a destroyer
Ladon:so your a destroyer,if you want to fight,then this should be a even fight,I'm a destroyer,so you think you can beat Me
Hammann:I don't think so,I know I can
I stand up and summon my rigging and jump onto the water,then I turn back to Hammann
Ladon:if your so confident,then step up,you might be eating your words after this tho
Hammann:I don't even have to break a sweat
she summons her rigging and jumps onto the water,she went on the opposite side as Me and git ready,I unsheathed my sword and took a stance as we prepared for battle
One short and one sided fight later
After the fight,Hammann was totaled,her rig wasn't wrecked to bad but I did do quite the number on her,we sailed back to land as I sat back down next to Sis,Hammann was out of breath and seemed to be a bit wobbly
Hammann:how could I lose so easily
Ladon:that's what you get for being overconfident
Hammann:who and what are you anyway
Ladon:well the names Ladon a Benson Sub class and Laffey's Brother
Laffey:Brother is Brother
Hammann:he's not serious,right Hornet
Hornet:afraid not,what he says is true
Hammann:your kidding right
Hornet:were not kidding
Ladon:can't accept the fact that I'm a male
Hammann:how do you expect Me to,no records say anything about you anywhere
Ladon:I was kept a secret from everyone,apart from those,I was tasked to help,so it makes sense,that there are no records about Me
Hornet:I still can't believe that you scuttled yourself
Ladon:it had to be done,it was my last option
Hammann:he scuttled himself,why
Ladon:that's something in the past,I had to make sure that the files I had were kept away from the enemy
Ladon:you know Hammann,you should make that your usual behavior,people will like it better
Hammann:huh,what are you saying
Ladon:people like it better when a persons just plain ol nice,it gives them a better view of the person
Hammann:I-I see
Suddenly Laffey hugged from behind,putting Me into a lock
Laffey:Laffey wants Brother to stay here
Ladon:I'm not going anywhere Sis,calm down
Laffey:no,Laffey wants Brother to stay here
Hornet:what's gotten into her
Laffey:Laffey knows,Brother likes to sneak away when no one's looking,then he gets into trouble
Hammann:what kind of trouble
Laffey:he goes on sorties on his own
Hornet:are you kidding Me,that's dangerous
Hammann:that's irresponsible,that's what
Ladon:girls,calm down,I've done sorties alone most of my life,so I'm use to it,I rarely sortie with others,so going out alone is no big deal to Me
Hornet:still,it's dangerous to go alone
Ladon:I've had to fight the sirens,alone,most of the time,I know the dangers but it never stopped Me from fighting at full force
Laffey:Brother has to stop going alone
Ladon:Sis,I'll be fine
Laffey:no,Brother has to stop going alone
Ladon:*sigh*fine,I'll stop going alone but there are time that I will have to go alone,it's unavoidable
Laffey:if Brother does less,then it's fine with Laffey
Ladon:alright then
We stayed at the beach for the entirety of the day,I told the girls about some of my sorties,I told them about my achievements and some stuff I did and do,during sorties,at one point we had to save a girl with red hair,apparently her name was San Diego and she was getting chased by a shark so we killed it
we spent the day chatting and telling stories about our life and sorties,I had learned that Sis had quite the grudge against a certain Sakuran,which was a bit surprising,since Sis never really cared about grudges and past happenings
the Sakuran was apparently the one who had originally sunk her as a ship,I tried to think of who sunk her but I couldn't remember,so I dropped the thought as our story telling continued until noon but was cut short as the rain started to come in
we rushed back towards the academy to get inside while covering ourselves,to protect us from the rain as I ran with Sis,Javelin and Unicorn,who had joined us a little while ago,Sis shook off the water from her hair as the spray got us a little wet annoyed until I noticed Unicorns plushie was moving on it's own,it shook off the water from itself and got us even more wet with drizzle,I stared at the plushie with questions,that I doubt I would get answers to
we ran through the rain again until we made it inside as when we got in,I saw that we were in a decently sized room,there were 4 couches around a table that had some board games,there was a bookshelf next to the couches,filled with an assortment of books,to the left was a hallway the led into,what appeared to be a cafeteria,in front of us was an entrance to another hallway that led to some closed rooms and next to the entrance was some stairs that led upwardI assumed that it led to the girls dorms,on the right led to another hallway that was also lined with closed rooms,
we sat down as I saw Hornet,scrubbing down Hammann with a towel to dry her off,I took a breather as the girls did the same as I thought to myself,that I should probably changes clothes but most of my extra clothes are in my ship
the girls stood up and went up the stairs,assuming that they were going to get dressed out of their wet clothing as I stayed behind on the couches and closed my eyes,thinking about today,I had saved Hornets task force,thought Elizabeth a lesson and spent some time with Sis,today was great,overall
suddenly,I saw Enterprise and Belfast along with Cleveland come from the hallway on the right with worried expressions on their face as they looked like they were hurrying to get to somewhere
Ladon:you girls alright,you look like your in a rush
Enterprise:we are,we need a destroyer to come with us
Hornet:why,what happened
Belfast:we picked up a distress signal, over a mile,north of the base
Ladon:I'll go
Cleveland:good,let's not waste time
We all nod and head out the door,we rush through the rain,towards the docks,we summon our rigging and speed towards the distress signal,after a while of sailing,the rain was showing,no sign of letting up
if anything,it was getting stronger but despite that,we sped through and headed towards the distress signal,it was after a few minutes we had reached the area did my radar act up as I picked up about 50 red dots on my radar
I told the girls,so we could be ready for the fight,then we saw it,there were production models everywhere,some of them were already sunk but through the the wreckages,I saw a ship that wasn't a Siren production model,I couldn't make out who's ship it was but I was sure it was one of ours
Ladon:I can see a ship,it doesn't look like a production model
Enterprise:that must be it
Ladon:lets get this over with
Enterprise launched her planes as we speed over to the SOS sending ship,we fought through the productions models while also seeing the carnage of battle,who ever this was,they put up one heck of a fight
Enterprise's planes sunk more of the production models with her plane's bombs while I fired my cannons as my shells pierce through 5 production models,before exploding on 2 more,I saw the girls with faces of awe on them as I snap them out of their trance since we had a ship to find and save save
we made it to the ship I saw as we boarded it,we looked around,then I saw 2 girls,1 of them was hurt while the other was protecting her,I approached the 2 to see if they were alright as it looked like the girl who was relatively fine was incredibly worried about the condition of the other
???1:stay away from us
Ladon:calm down,we got your distress signal,were here to rescue you
???1:I-I see,oh thank god
Ladon:are you ok
???1:I'm fine but my sister is-
???2:Ping hai,please just get out of here
Ping hai:no I'm not leaving you Ning hai
The 2 girls were quite similar in appearance,the one named Ning hai had black hair and purple eyes while Ping hai had brown hair and orange eyes,they both wore qipaos with colors the same color as their eyes with white fur jackets over it,
Ladon:alright,show Me your sisters injury
I stepped up to the 2 as Ping hai moved away a bit,Ning hai moved her hand as it showed her wound,it was pretty deep
Ladon:this is only going to hurt a little
I place my hand over the wound as my palm glowed green,the girls watched in awe from what I was doing,the wound slowly healed as it eventually closed
Ladon:ok,that should stop it for now,but you'll need to get some medical help back at base
Enterprise:we can bring her to Vestal
Ladon:Vestal is at the base
Enterprise:she arrived only today
Cleveland:Ladon how did you do that
Ladon:I'll tell you another time,for now,we should get out of here,we need to get these 2 back to base
I summon my ship and carry Ning hai onto it,the girls follow suite and board my ship,I told all of them to grab onto the railings or onto anything,they do so as I put my ship into full speed,I turn around while sailing to see the girls,all holding on for their dear life
I slightly chuckle as I focus on sailing again as we soon made it back to base where we all quickly dock as we all jump onto dry land,Enterprise looked sick and Belfast looked like she was holding back from throwing up,Cleveland,seemed fine for the most part and Ning hai was nauseous,after they got their composure,Enterprise led us towards Vestal
she brought us to a separate part of the academy as it looked like a emergency room,there we saw Vestal,checking on a clipboard,a girl with purple hair and blue eyes and wearing a nurses outfit
we called her attention as she went wide eye,probably from what I was holding,we went up to her in hurry as she approached us
Vestal:Ladon?,I thought you were sunk,how are you here
Ladon:I'll tell you that later but she needs help
Vestal:q-quick,put her on the bed
I place Ping hai on the bed as Vestal starts checking her vitals,we all decided to exit the room,apart from Ning hai,so Vestal could work,we walked back into the Academies common room,to see Laffey,Javelin and Unicorn in onesies,sitting on the couches,they turned to us as they stood up and approached us
Ladon:hey sis
Javelin:where did you all go
Cleveland:sorry for taking your Brother so suddenly Laffey,we needed a destroyer
Unicorn:for what
Enterprise:we had received a distress signal and needed a Destroyer to complete the escort
Javelin:did you find the person that sent the signal
Ladon:we did,their not fatally wounded and their getting treated by Vestal now
Javelin:hopefully their ok
Ladon:they will be,don't worry
Cleveland:hey,you still have to tell us how you healed that wound,Ladon
Ladon:it's just one of my abilities,I can heal wounds by using some of my energy,the bigger or more the wounds,the more energy I need to heal it
Belfast:that is quite impressive
Ladon:I never really used it much since I went on solo sorties,most of the time,in the past,I only ever used it when the ship I escorted got damaged
Enterprise(mind):I wonder if he could heal,Yorktown
Ladon:Enterprise,I already know,what your thinking about and unfortunately,healing someone and helping a crippled person is different,so,no I cannot help Yorktown,only time can help,for now
Enterprise:I see
she looked down with a bit of sadness but there was not much I could do,it was the cold truth of it
Cleveland:well,it's getting pretty late,so I'm going to bed
Enterprise:I'm going to do the same
the 2 went up the stairs and back to their rooms,Belfast left to go do her duties as a Royal maid,apparently,they do rounds around the base before they sleep,Javelin and Unicorn,then went up the stairs as well,leaving Me and sis left
Laffey:where is Brother going to sleep
Ladon:I don't know,didn't really think about it
Laffey:Brother can stay in Laffey's room
Ladon:*rubs her head*sorry sis,you know I can't be doing that,it'll raise red flags,why don't you you go back to your room and get some rest while I figure out where I'm going to sleep,ok
she then went up the stairs to head back to her room,I thought of where I could sleep,I could go around and ask if I could share the room for the night but I don't want to cause trouble for people at this time
I could sleep in my ship,I do have my own room there but having to climb back up here in the morning would be a hassle,I could go look for a tree and climb up it and sleep there,it wasn't as bad as I thought it would be,the first time I did it but sleeping in the rain isn't really a good idea,then again,this couch was pretty comfortable,so sleeping here wasn't bad idea considering I don't really have my own room in this building
ultimately,I decided to sleep in the academies common room,I laid down on the couch and got comfortable as I close my eyes and slowly drift asleep
Timeskip brought to you by Vestal,asking Ladon for a gun,to use for reasons while Enterprise is sweating a lot
I slowly woke up as I turn to see the sun's rays,coming through the glass that was near the door,I then realize that I had a blanket over Me,something I didn't have,when I went to sleep last night,I got up and stretched as I adjusted my vision
I neatly folded the blanket and placed it on the couch and then headed to the cafeteria,it was empty,no one was inside,I looked at the counter and saw the kitchen on the other side,I entered the kitchen and looked around until I found some coffee packets
I took to 1 and grabbed a mug,I filled the mug with hot water and poured in the coffee powder as I took a spoon and mixed the powder with the hot water,after doing so,I went to the sink and cleaned the spoon and dried it,then placed it back,where I got it from asI took my coffee and took a big sip
getting that surge of energy for the day,then I heard the door to the kitchen open,I saw a woman with brownish-blonde hair and brown eyes,she wore a white tube dress with a long brown and red skirt
???:who are yo-,wait,your that new ship that saved the base,your name is Ladon,right?
Ladon:yah,if someone is up this early like you and heads to the cafeteria first,then you must be Nevada,the bases cafeteria lady
Nevada:sure am but what are you doing in here
Ladon:just getting some coffee
Nevada:isn't it a little too early for you to be up
Ladon:don't compare Me to others,when it come to waking up in the morning,I had constant missions back then and I was high value target by the sirens,so I had to constantly be on the move,so waking up early was a necessity
Nevada:must have been tough then
Ladon:it was,never had time to stop,I could barely even get contact with sis,only on some occasions,did I ever get to see or even speak to her
Nevada:that's sad,not being able to see family
Ladon:well,I'm here now and I've gotten to spend quite some time with sis already
Nevada:that's nice to hear,I can't imagine,what I would do if I could never see my sister again
Ladon:family is one of if not the most important thing in life,I'd like to get the most out of life with her in it
Nevada:agreed,actually,where did you sleep,I don't think the base has any more rooms for you
Ladon:the common room,I had a blanket on Me but I don't know where it came from since I didn't have it from last night
Nevada:well,whoever did it was nice enough to do it
Nevada:well,I have to get to preparing breakfast for everyone
Ladon:want some help
she told Me what we were preparing for the morning as we got to work,I got the ingredients and Nevada got the utensils and the stuff we needed for cooking,we speed cooked through it and finished in record timing,we had pancakes,rice,fish and chips,bacon,omelets,waffles,sausages and more,after that,Me and Nevada started to eat early,so we took a bit and ate
after our short breakfast,I left the cafeteria and said goodbye to Nevada for now,I decided to roam the base to know it's layout and how to get around,I saw a few girls going around as it was still pretty early for most
I kept walking for a while until I saw Warspite,she was in some sort of training area with her rig on and holding her sword,I looked over to more open waters,to see 8 dummies,floating above water,attached to buoys
she fired her cannons as her shells soared through the sky,her shot hits and pulverizes 3 of the 8 before she fired another salvo and hit 3 more,she then took her sword and quickly dashed at one of the dummies and swung at it,slicing it and buoy in half
she then dashed at the last dummy and swung from the side,also slicing the dummy and the buoy in half,she stood up straight and looked at the targets she destroyed,I decided to head over to her,she noticed Me approach as she turned to Me
Ladon:practice dummies can only get you so far in training you know
Warspite:I know that but it's practical
I summon my rigging and face Warspite with my sword
Ladon:up for a quick spar
Warspite:sure,I don't think I've ever faced off against you
Ladon:but you already know what I can do
Warspite:knowing is different from experiencing
I took off to one side of the field as Warspite goes to the other
Ladon:get ready
Warspite:I've been ready
A brief moment of silence,came between us,then we both,charge at each other at full speed,our swords clash with each other as we lock blades,I aim my cannons at her as she quickly reacts to it,she moves her sword and breaks the lock as she backflips to get some distance,she fires her cannons at Me as I do the same
the shells collide and explode on impact,creating a wall of smoke,that I dash through and fire my cannons in,Warspite,deflected the shots as I slash at her from the side but she blocks it as well,just in time as I sweep her feet,she falls on her back as I quickly aim my cannons at her but she beat Me to it
she quickly aimed her cannons at my head and fired,forcing Me to dodge instead of finishing the fight as I step back while Warspite gets back on her feet and does an overhead slash,I block and route the attack to the side,giving Me an opening for an attack as I kick her in the back,sending her a few meters back
she recovered quickly though and fires at Me as I fire my guns and let the shells collide again and make another smokescreen,I fired through the smoke,clearing it as Warspite lunges at Me,ready for a stab attack,I side step her and grab the back of her jacket before tossing her back a few meters
I gave chase as I jumped into the air and performed a downward slash but she blocks it as she had already recovered from the toss,the fight was going nowhere since we seemed to be evenly matched as of the moment
while we fought however,I caught a glimpse of people on land,watching our fight,it included,Q.E,Sis,Wales,Hood,Cleveland,KGV,Enterprise and Hornet,I thought of ending this now before more people show up but I had to think of how
then I got an idea as I fired rounds into the water,making water pillars between Me and Warspite,I dash towards the pillars and jumped towards it,when my foot made contact with the pillar I pushed myself upwards into the air as Warspite,didn't seem to notice Me in the air as she looked around for Me
I land behind her as she turns around but not before I sweep her feet and grab her shoulder and push her down to the water where I quickly place my blade over and across her neck,signaling I had won the spar
I stood up and sheathe my sword as I extended my arm to help Warspite up onto her feet,so we could both go and surf to the other
Ladon:well fought,you weren't half bad
Warspite:you too,you definitely are skilled,a lot of near misses
Ladon:your accuracy definitely is 2nd to none in the Royal Navy,a lot of those shots were very close,
Warspite:still hold the record for longest hit on a moving target
Ladon:yah,for now I think we should head back,we brought in,quite the crowd
We looked over to see everyone who had watched the fight,we sailed back to land and un summoned our rigging,the girls went up to us and started asking questions and praising us for the fight
Q.E:well that was certainly a great display of skill
Wales:indeed,expected from the best fighters of our Alliance
Hood:looks like Ms Warspite will still be holding the title of strongest in the Royal Navy
Ladon:most likely,she's the only one to actually give a challenge this entire week
Warspite:you flatter Me,despite my best efforts,I still lost,you truly are powerful
Hood:I'm glad your on our side
Ladon:solo sortieing makes you have to learn how to adapt to any situation,I figured out a way on how to beat you around your 3rd attack
Warspite:that fast
Ladon:every move in a fight could mean life or death,so you need to think and act fast
Warspite:you've definitely surpassed Enterprise as Eagle Unions strongest
suddenly a girl with blue hair and purple eyes,wearing an earpiece and a white and blue tube dress,ran towards us,she looked out of breath
???:Ms.Prince of Wales
Wales:what's wrong Helena
Helena:I just received a transmission from our spies in the Sakura Empire
Ladon:we have spies in the Sakura Empire
Q.E:yes,I had them sent a few days ago,the maid corps,excels in infiltration and espionage,so I sent 2 of my best maids to do it
Ladon:smart move
Wales:what did they say Helena
Helena:they need immediate reinforcements,they've been found out and are hiding in a large island,their carrying a high value object with them but are surrounded by the Sakura Empire and Iron Blood,whatever their carrying is important to Akagi,
Ladon:can we get a message out to them
Helena:we can
Ladon:tell them to stay hidden and stay safe
Warspite:what are you going to do
Ladon:simple,I'm just following my rule
Ladon:I don't leave allies out in the field,I'm going get them out of there
then sis arrived at the scene
Laffey:Laffey is coming to
Warspite:I'm going too,you'll need the extra firepower
Q.E:you 3 go ahead,we'll form a fleet and catch up
Ladon:alright,who did you send
Q.E:it was Sheffield and Edinburgh
Ladon:alright then,Helena,where are they
Helena:on a large island,due north of the base
Ladon;they give a report on what were facing
Helena:a large portion of Sakura Empire fighters,who seem to be some of the most well trained,a task force from Iron Blood and mass produced Siren ships
Ladon:alright then,send the message and tell them,were on our way
Helena:hold on,their also with a civilian Sakuran who saw the Sakura Empires super weapon
Ladon:ok,Warspite,sis,lets go
we run towards the docks as Laffey and Warspite,jump onto my ship,I turn my hull due north and go to full speed as we head to go save the 2 Royal maids
Author:and that's going to do it for this chapter,hope you all enjoyed reading this,please give some feedback if you have any,hope you look forward to the next one,until next time
Shadowgamer254 out
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