Assembling the Force 1
Ladon's POV
About 3 days after Me and Enterprise's secret vacation,we returned to base to enter the next phase of the war with the Sirens,with Azur Lane finally reunited into one faction,we could finally fight at full force but the one problem was,that our minor factions were still isolated,we had 2 Dragon Empery girls but we needed everyone here to fight the Sirens and push them back for good
right now,I was in the Academy's meeting room with Enterprise as we were both the newly appointed leaders of Eagle Union,along with the other faction leaders and despite the fact,that we were all united again,the problem we faced was,that the tension between everyone was still a bit high
Q.E:we are not going to barge in there without a plan
Bismarck:if it is the fastest way to get to everyone,I say we should,we've waited long enough for Ladon and Enterprise to get back from their little vacation,we can't wait any longer
Nagato:she does have a point Q.E,by now,the Siren have most likely recovered from the battle with the Orochi
Enterprise:we can't risk the safety of everyone just because,we haven't had anything to do,be rational about this
Bismarck:I am being rational about this and it's as Ladon has said,we need the fastest way to get to the minor factions,and THIS IS the fastest way
Q.E:are you really,that willing to put your girls into danger,just so your goals can be accomplished
Bismarck:do not compare the mighty Iron Blood to you frail Royal Navy,we do not succumb in even a single fight,we fight to the last shell
Ladon:your mighty Iron Blood let it's ego get the better of it,and where did that end you with
Ladon:that's what I thought,we need the fastest way but we can't risk the safety our forces,Wisdom Cubes,don't grow on trees,so your second chance in this form is your last,so I want you to keep that,close in your mind
Nagato:then,what do you suggest we do
Q.E:yes,what do you have in mind
Ladon:we divide and conquer,all faction leaders will go to a minor faction and talk with their leader and bring them back here,we'll all bring a medium sized escort force with us for protection
Enterprise:I assume,when you say we,you mean all of us,except you
Ladon:precisely,I'll go to Iris Libre and have a talk with Richelieu,to bring the Iris Libre to the base,Enterprise,you'll go to Vichya Dominion,bring Laffey with you,so she can talk with Jean Bart
Enterprise:why do I need Laffey with Me
Ladon:I have some history with Jean Bart,long story short,she had a fight with Laffey during a visit to their base and she lost-,..........miserably
Nagato:how does a destroyer like Laffey beat a Battleship such a Jean Bart
Ladon:go ask Yamato,that question,I'm sure she can give a explanation-,...........from experience of course
Enterprise:alright then
Ladon:Q.E,you'll go to the Northern Parliament and talk to Sovetskaya Soyuz
Q.E:why send us to such a cold climate,we would be much more suited in going to the Dragon Empery
Ladon:the Royal Navy doesn't have any real ties with Sardegna Empire or Dragon Empery and both Iron Blood and Sakura Empire,don't have the best relations with them,so options are thinner
Q.E:*sigh*very well then,I'll have my fleet prepare for the cold climate
Ladon:thank you,so Bismarck,you'll lead Iron Blood to Sardegna Empire and bring them back to base with Littorio while Nagato will lead Sakura Empire to talk with Yat Sen,in Dragon Empery
Bismarck:very well then
Nagato:what do you propose we do,should we encounter any Sirens along the way
Ladon:we do need to bring them back quickly but as much as possible,avoid any unnecessary battles,we shouldn't waste any resources on damages that can be avoided,fight if you have
Enterprise:alright then,let's assemble our escorts and sail out,immediately
We all left the meeting room as I went with Enterprise to the Eagle Union side of the base,due to the large amount of people on the base now,all the factions were separated by areas,so everyone knew,which place was what and which faction owned it,this also meant,that we needed a central area for all the girls of the factions so the Academy would be the combined HQ for all factions while each faction area would have it's own main building,where all the girls could get missions,assignments and general purpose things
Enterprise:are you sure,your going to be alright,going to Iris Libre on your own
Ladon:don't worry,I'll be fine,it's a quick trip for Me,get there,talk to Richelieu,escort them back,a simple errand
Enterprise:right but you should at least take a few people with you,even if they "slow you down"
Ladon:your worrying a bit much,I'll be fine on my own,we'll go get the minor factions,then come back,nothing to worry about
Enterprise:alright but be careful,you don't know,what's out there
Ladon:it'll be fine,if anything comes up,I've got Justice and Antenna to back Me up,besides,I'm more worried about,what Yorktown will do to Me,when she finds out,what we did,during our vacation
Enterprise:are you saying you didn't enjoy 3 times a week
Ladon;woah,calm down,there Enty,you were enjoying most of it,and don't talk about such things in public,kids are everywhere in this base,since Sakura Empire,moved in
???:talk about what and did what 3 times a week
Ladon:AAAAAAAHHHHHH,Jesus Christ,Yorktown,don't randomly pop up out nowhere like that
Enterprise:big sis
Yorktown:sorry,I couldn't help but over hear your conversation-
Enterprise:I was just looking for you,do you mind coming with Me to Vichya Dominion
Yorktown:hmmm,I don't see why not but I would like to know-
Ladon:great,you should go find Laffey next,she might be in her room with Benson and Bailey or having a picnic with Javelin,Ayanami,Nimi and Unicorn on the hillside,that they like so much
Enterprise:alright,thanks Ladon
Ladon:no worries
Yorktown:ok but can you tell Me-
Ladon:I'm heading out,it might take a while for Iris Libre to pack,so I'm going to get the head start
Enterprise:ok then,stay safe
Ladon:you too,Love
I separated from the 2 as I waved a goodbye at Enterprise as I rounded the corner at the end of the hallways as I prayed for Enterprise safety,not from the Sirens but from Yorktown
Enterprise:so sis,we still need to go find Hornet
Yorktown:hmm,yes but before we do,mind telling Me,what happended,during your vacations
Yorktown:*puts hand on Enty's shoulder*did he continue the bloodline
Enterprise:uhhh-,you see-,we
Yorktown:did he
???:oh hey Big Sis,what are you 2 doing
Enterprise:oh Hornet,perfect timing,do you mind coming to Vichya Dominion with Me and Big Sis
Hornet:Vichya Dominion?,sure why not
Enterprise:great,we still have to find Laffey and assemble the rest of the escort,so get's get going
Yorktown(mind):I'll find out sooner or later
Timeskip brought to you by Me,finally updating this story again
I was now surfing on the ocean after getting Justice and Antenna from my room and narrowly escaping one of Roon's attempts of making Me her's,I was sailing towards Iris Libre,like how we planned it as I was going at nearly top speed,I had encountered a few Sirens a long the ways but they weren't anything new in particular,just small fleets,though the number of Siren in Iris Libre was a bit concerning as there seem to be a lot of small to medium sized fleets on the outskirts and borders of the Iris Libre waters,which made Me wonder,if the Sirens were going to target the minor factions while they were still isolated
I shook off the thought as I ran into another Siren fleet,it was another small group of Sirens,so I blew through them with a single salvo,the number of ships in a fleet were at least 2-3 ships,which wasn't anything special but the amount of fleets in the area was incredibly concerning,it raised the question of,why was Iris Libre not doing anything about these fleets,even though,they were small in separate numbers,if they were to form into one big group,it could become a serious threat
Though I,once again,shook off the thought as the base of the Iris Libre was in sight,it was a large island with multiple buildings across the island,banners of a yellow cross were placed beautifully across the buildings,the port had a few ships,docked and anchored,there were artillery batteries,placed on outlying islands and the main building,at the venter if the entire base,stood tall like a medieval castle,I could even see a large church to the side,it was just as big as the main building it self
I sped up and went closer but immediately had to dodge to the side as I evaded a volley of shells,coming straight towards Me,I look to my shooter and see a woman with blonde hair and blue eyes,she wore a white top with a white dress over it,she had shoulderless sleeves with metal gloves,she had blue-green crystal pins,keeping her dress attached and had armor going down her waist with a sword in her right hand
With her was a small girl,who also had blonde hair and blue eyes,she had a white dress,that covered,the front of her body while the sides were exposed,she had a frilly blue skirt and had a long red cape on her shoulders with a sword in hand
They both looked at Me as they seemed to be trying to confirm if they hit Me or not,unfortunately for them,they had no chance of hitting Me,I already knew,who they were from first glance as I stood up straight and face them while the the tall one,aimed at Me and prepared to fire again
Ladon:woah calm down,friendly here
???1:how do we know,your not some Siren,impersonating a close friend of ours
???2:indeed,finish him off Jeanne,to make sure,we are not infiltrated
Ladon:calm down,Le Triomphant,Jeanne D'arc,it's Me,Ladon
Jeanne:Liar,though our prayers would have been answered,the chances of his revival are unlikely
Le Triomphant:agreed,you are most definitely an impostor
Ladon:would an impostor have this-
I pulled out a white and gold cross,attached to a golden chain,it swung in my hand as the 2 girls look at it in shock
Jeanne:the Iris Libre's vintage cross
Le Triomphant:how do you have that cross
Ladon:this particular cross was made in a quantity of 3 as they were the first 3 crosses made by the Iris Orthodoxy before the whole war,split Iris Libre and Vichya Dominion,one cross belonged to the Cardinal of Iris Libre,another belonged to the leader of the Templar Knights of Vichya Dominion and the last one was given to fellow from outside the 2 factions,and that fellow was-
Jeanne:Ladon,a destroyer of Eagle Union,the strongest warship to ever sail these sea and protector of mankind
the 2 looked at Me with utter shock as I smiled at them,I put the cross back into my jacket and started to walk towards the 2 as I spread my arms out,the 2 quickly reciprocated the act as they rushed Me and went in for a hug
Le Triomphant:it really is you,I can't believe it,we thought you were dead
Ladon:I was but my Sister was able to bring Me back up
Jeanne:we should let everyone know immediately,especially the Cardinal,everyone will be so pleased and relieved to hear your return
Ladon:calm down there,little saint,you need to remember,that not everyone from Iris Libre knows,who I am,so there will be some confusion when we get there
Le Triomphant:a minor detail,that can easily be fixed,everyone knows you as a naval legend who sunk in battle,introducing you,will not be much of a problem
Ladon:I see,then let's get going,time is of the essence if my predictions is right,then we should get on the move
Jeanne:alright,let's go
we broke from the hug and sailed out,towards the Iris Libre base,it wasn't to far so it was a quick surf,towards the docks,when we got there,we jumped on to land as the 2 summoned their ships into port as I just unsummoned my rig but didn't summon my ship,Jeanne and Le Triomphant led Me through the base as they brought Me to the church,apparently,today was very special as today was the day,that all of Iris Libre would gather at the bases,church and pray for all the strife and hardships,they've endured will be rewarded by the all mighty god,they all worship
Jeanne opened the doors to the church as it revealed the interior of the massive church,long benches were lined up in a mass amount of rows,giant chandeliers,hanged from the ceiling,giving light to almost the entire room,stained glass windows depicted the story of the son of the god, they worshipped as it showed the son's struggle and hardship in his life in the world
at the very front of the church,there were multiple people,kneeling down with their heads down as they remained silent,one of them,had seemed to realize our presence as she broke her focus and turned her head to us,she had blonde hair and almost red colored eyes,she wore a white dress with a black piece above it,which extended down to her legs,she had shoulderless sleeves and a crown on her head and had a book in her hand
she looked towards us with curiosity,but soon changed to shock as she loudly gasped,catching the attention of the girls,that were near her,those girls,then turned their attention to us as they were all gained surprised and curious faces,the girls who looked,like they were wondering,who I was,were 2 girls with purple hair with one wearing glasses while the other wore a monocle and a blonde
the ones who were surprised were 2 blondes with blue eyes,one had a sword,holstered on her waist and wore a white dress with a short coat above it while the other wore a much more revealing dress
AN:sorry,I couldn't find any real fanrt for her so this is the best that I could do,and I kid you not when I say,EVERY SINGLE FANART OF HER IS LEWD,THEIR ALL LEWD,SHE HAS NOTHING BUT LEWD FANART
I looked at the woman who first looked at us as she stared at Me with utter shock,she snapped out of her dazed state as she cleared her throat and then faced Le Triomphant and Jeanne
???:Jeanne'd Arc,Le Triomphant
Le Triomphant:Cardinal
???1:who is this,you've brought with you on such a holy day
???2:it's a male
???3:what's a male human doing here
???4:is it a Siren
Ladon:calm on Richelieu,I come back after 2 years of being dead and the first thing I hear from you is doubt,that doesn't sound like the faithful believer of god I knew,is it
Richelieu:I don't know,who you are Sir,you claim to know Me and claim to have come back from death yet death is an inevitable event,that cannot be reversed
Ladon:then how come,we warship,walk this earth for the second time but with human bodies
Richelieu was once again surprised as the others gained the same expression of shock on their faces
???3:how does a human know about this information\
???2:he must be a Siren,he has to be
Le Triomphant:he's not a Siren
???4:we can't be sure of that,it could be new Siren technology,that let's them transform into the image of other people
???2:she's right,these Siren are deceitful and full of lies,their arts of deception cannot be taken lightly
Ladon:then how does a Siren have this
I brought out the vintage cross again tossed it to Richelieu,she caught it in her hand as she examined the cross in her hand,her expression of shock,solidified as she knew all to well about the cross
???5:Cardinal,that cross,is it-
???6:is it the real thing
Richelieu:this cross,it's one of the first 3 crosses made for the Iris Orthodoxy,I gave this cross to-
Ladon:Me,USS Ladon of Eagle Union,the strongest ship to sail these seas
???5:I can't believe it
???6:it really is you
???2;the USS Ladon,I thought it was just a story
???4:it was a real thing
Ladon:it's been a while Forbin,Emile Bertin
Forbin:I can't-it's really you
Ladon:we all thought you died
Ladon:I kinda did, but the story get pretty long
Richelieu:our prayer have been answered,god has returned you to us all to help drive the evil away from this world
Ladon:you can say that,I'll give you all details at a later date for now,we have some things to do
Jeanne:yes,what is your reason for the sudden arrival
Ladon:I've come to let you all know,that the war with Crimson Axis is over-
everyone was utterly shocked from my statement as they couldn't believe,wat they had heard
Ladon:the conflict had ended almost a month ago,Azur Lane has reformed into one faction again and all major factions have assembled in Azur Lane's main Pacific base
Richelieu:such knews,the lord has rewarded our efforts in this struggle
Jeanne:then does this mean
Ladon:you won't need to fight the Vichya Dominion anymore,you can reform the Iris Orthodoxy
Emile:this is wonderful
Forbin:we can finally reunite everyone
???3:you'll be able to see Le Malin again,Le Triomphant
Le Triomphant:and I look forward to it
Ladon:you should,for the other reason of coming here,we're assembling everyone,including the minor factions,everyone in one base
Richelieu:I see,and you came to come get us
Ladon:precisely,Iris Libre will have it's own faction area to enjoy,thanks to artificial land expansions but it'll take a bit of time for the manjuu's to finish the work
Richelieu:that is alright,we will look forward to it and we will look forward to reuniting with the Vichya Dominion
Ladon:then you should all go pack your things,I'd like to leave as soon as possible,that way the chances of an ambush would be unlikely
Richelieu:alright,everyone,go and gather your things and meet at the docks,be a fast as possible and don't forget anything important,
Everyone:understood Cardinal
everyone rushed out of the church as they sped towards the main building,I walked with Richelieu and Jeanne as I accompanied them,when we got to the front door, I got a close up view,on how big their main building really was,it might have been bigger,than the Academy on the base
Jeanne and Richelieu went inside as I separated from the 2 and went to the docks so I could wait for everyone there,I looked around the base as I admired the gorgeous surroundings,that could probably only be matched by the elegance of the Royal Navy's architecture,out of all the faction bases I've been to,this one certainly took the cake,when it came to environmental beauty
when I got to the docks,I summoned my rig and hopped onto the water,I looked at the docks as I looked at the line of ships,they had,they didn't have many but they certainly were not to be underestimated as Jeanne,Le Triomphant and Richelieu could deal some heavy damage in short amount of time
but unfortunately,I was snaped out of my thoughts as I tilted my head to dodge a laser shot,that landed in the water,I looked out to the open ocean as I saw a combined fleet of Sirens,they had grouped themselves into one big group and were now blocking our way to the base,I looked at the Iris Libre main building,then to the Sirens as I smiled and drew my sword
Ladon:this should't take to long,they won't notice,what they don't know
Author:and that's going to be it for this chapter guys,sorry if it's not as long as I usually make them,I came to realization,that if I leave a story un-updated for quite sometime,I lose my train of thoughts,regarding the story,so from now on,if I leave a story for too long,I'll make a shorter chapter to jumpstart my train of thought again,also,I haven't been on wattpad as much as I used to because I've been grinding on AL and I've been watching this little cutie's streams
"Shaaaaaaaaark" "a"
yes I am a "chumbud" and a "shrimp",she adorable and has really good content,I've been watchin her so much lately but apart from that little distraction,I hope you all look forward to the next one,until next time
Shadowgamer254 out
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