A Decisive Battle
Ladon's POV
I felt the cold air around Me,passing right by Me as I slept but something was wrong,I couldn't feel anything,my eyes,shot open as I quickly look around,there was nothing around,no life,no noise,no nothing,I was in some kind of void,completely empty of anything,I tried to rub my hands together,only to realize,that I was phazing through myself,I couldn't even touch my own body as I floated in this infinite abyss of darkness,I remained in the void for some time as I tried of thinking of ways to get out,I then a felt a shift in my surroundings as I quickly look around again,I was now,standing over sea with my rig on,the ocean around Me was littered by the large amounts of destroyed,siren production models and bodies of dead,humanoid sirens,it was everywhere,as far as the eyes can see,I looked around again as I heard footsteps,behind Me,I immediately turned around and put my guard up as I saw a woman,piling up the dead bodies of the sirens,she looked like Enterprise with her white hair and purple eyes but her hair was much shorter,she wore the same clothes as Enterprise but without the gold trimming and she wore her jacket,more like a cape with its end being torn
she carried the body of a dead siren as she added it to the pile,said pile was massive,probably having hundreds or even thousands of dead sirens and she was just adding more,she brought 4 more bodies as I just watched her pile them up too,then she added another,then stopped,she stood there,completely still,not moving a single muscle,until she turned her head and looked at Me,her eyes,devoid of life and emotion,stared at Me as she faced Me
???:so,you are here
Ladon:I guess,I am
???:and why have you come here
Ladon:I was hoping to get that answer from you,seeing as your probably the one,that brought Me here
???:so,you are as sharp as I thought you were
Ladon:I've been in scenario's like this before,so it's easy to piece things together,now,mind telling Me,where we are
???:where we are?,we are in the mind of my host
Ladon:the mind of your host?,and who is your host
???:I'll leave you,to figure that out,on your own
Ladon:well,nothing new there,so why did you bring Me here,I doubt it was so,you simply had someone to talk too
???:intuitive,as expected,I brought you here to give you a warning
Ladon:sounds more like a threat to Me
???:it's because it is,stay away from my host
Ladon:hard to stay away from someone,if you don't know,who they are
???:should you not heed my warning,I will not hesitate,to take over her again
Ladon(mind):take over her again?,does she mean-
Ladon:I see now,your the one,causing these problems for Enterprise
???:I am merely,accomplishing my goals,nothing more,she is my vessel and I shall use her to destroy the sirens
Ladon:is that so,well then-
I could feel the bloodlust in Me,swirling like a typhoon,a black aura is slowly spreading out as I felt power flow through my entire body,it seemed to go unnoticed by the white haired woman as I smiled at her,with my eyes showing a glowing blood red color,that had anger,fury and rage
Ladon:what makes you think,your in any position to tell Me,to back away from the person I care about
her eyes widen as her once emotionless,expression was very quickly filled with fear,her pupils were shaking,her entire body was shaking,out of pure fear as the black aura around continued to spread,swirling around Me like a vortex of pure darkness
Ladon:do you think,that you can bring Me here and threaten Me,then assume you can get away with it,well you clearly mistaken Miss
???:w--w-what the hell are you
Ladon:Me?,I am the very thing that Ladon,tends to keeped chained,I am the opposite of everything he does,I am the embodiment of all his negativity,I am the purest essence of his destruction and carnage
she was completely terrified,she was now,visibly shaking from fear and fear alone,the black aura had practically become a wall of pure energy and it kept spreading
???:y-your his Alter
AN:A.Ladon will mean Alter Ladon
A.Ladon:oh did it take you that long to figure it out,I thought you would have been quicker to realize,what a disappointment,I have heard of you from the ones I have slaughtered in the past,they referred to you as Code G,it didn't make sense to Me,why you were named that,not even my host could make sense of it but now the pieces have lined up,your the Alter of the ghost herself
Code G:so I am
A.Ladon:the Alter of the ghost,here,quivering before my mere presence,I thought an Enterprise of the Original Dimension,would have proven to be more than this
Code G:how do you-
A.Ladon:how hard do you think it is to kill a total 2,800 Sirens,until they tell you,everything they know,because it only took Me 2 hours
she seemed even more frightened as her pupils had shrunk,she was still shaking uncontrollably as she faced Me
A.Ladon:you brought Me here,expecting to threaten Me about staying away from the woman my host loves,then expect to leave without a scratch-
I disappeared as I went up behind her with my sword at her neck
A.Ladon:your clearly delusional,then
she was now completely still,her body was shaking a lot,tears were forming in her eyes as she held her breath,
Ladon:that's enough
A.Ladon:are you sure
I put my sword away as she fell to her knees,as breathed in and out,heavily,I looked at her as she kneeled as she took in air as a result for holding her breath in
Code G:what the hell are you
Ladon:you already know the answer to that and my Alter has told you,what he is,so your question is just a repeat
Code G:how do you have so much power
Ladon:I was made as a weapon,we all were but I saw through that little window of being called a weapon,I knew,we were all more than that,it was my motivation for a long time,the thought of fighting for myself and the freedom of being,just a weapon,then I gained a Sister and I swore,I would give her a peaceful life,she could live in and it made Me push forward,now I have Enterprise,the person I love,the person,I want to help,I want to give her the same peaceful life,I promised Sis,so she can break away from the lie of being just a weapon,all of these,things are what make Me,continue living,they are what make Me strong
Code G:I don't understand
Ladon:I know,what you've been through,Code G,you've been fighting the sirens across the universe,taking the Enterprise of those universes as your host,trying to aid them against the sirens,you need to understand,your not the only one in this fight,there are others,protecting their own worlds against the sirens,you don't have to fight alone
Code G:if I do not interfere,those worlds will,share the same fate as mine
Ladon:you don't know that,you can't say,that a world will have the same outcome,just because,your world suffered,each world has it's protector,to make sure,everyone is safe,your interference is causing problems
Code G:if I do not step in,everyone will slowly die,I've seen it over and over again,one after another,they all slowly die by the hands of the sirens
Ladon:your wrong,has it never crossed your mind,that you are the problem,your the reason,everyone is slowly dying,your the reason,that those worlds are sharing the same fate,it is because of your actions,that your host is charging into battles and getting themselves killed,your the reason history keeps repeating,your repeating YOUR actions,which in turn,repeats the same outcome,every time,
she seemed,taken aback by from,what I had said as it seemed my hunch was right,she had never thought of herself as the problem,she stared at Me as I stood in front of her,she was still,kneeling on the water as she looked down
Code G:then,what am I supposed to do
Ladon:it's time for you to step down,it's time for you to rest,your fight has been finished for a long time,so let the people of this world do the rest and leave Enterprise alone,she's been through a lot because of you
Code G:alright then but remember this,there will be a battle today,bigger than any fight you've had,do not lose,no matter what
Ladon:don't worry,I wasn't granted my title of "King of the sea" for nothing
the world around us,then started to shatter as cracks in the sky appeared,next thing I knew,I found myself in the endless void again,I then felt sleepy as I closed my eyes and let myself float in the abyss
Short Timeskip brought to you by Alterprise and Enterprise,fighting over Ladon
In the real world
I slowly opened my eyes as I saw the rays of light,coming through my window,I tried sitting up but couldn't I felt,I already knew why as I took off the extra weight,then sat up,I adjusted my vision as look to my side and see Sis,sound asleep on my bed as I realize,I was holding her arm,I placed her arm,on the bed as I pat her head,she seemed to like it as she gained a small smile,I then saw her furrow her eyebrow as she slowly opened her eyes
Ladon:good morning Sis,did you sleep well
Laffey:Laffey slept well
Ladon;alright,I'm going to the cafeteria,you coming
I stood up from my bed as Sis rubbed her eyes,trying to readjust her vision,I took my jacket,that was on the chair,near my desk as I put it on,I waited for Sis as she got up and yawned,we then,exited my room as we made our way downstairs and into the cafeteria,when we got there,we saw it,be moderately packed with people,which was normal as the time was around 6:30 in the morning,we went to the counter and got our food from Nevada as we looked for a table,then I saw Hornet,waving at us as she motioned us to sit with at her table with Enterprise and Yorktown,we went over and sat with them as we started to eat
Hornet:morning Ladon,Laffey
Ladon:good morning,any new for today
Yorktown:nothing as of late,these 2 have been telling Me about your little currency pile up
Ladon:ah,that well,it did grow in the span of 2 years,I haven't even checked,how much money is in the bank
the girls glared at Me as I had,somewhat flexed the amount of money I had,I just quieted down and ate as the girls spoke up again
Enterprise:anyway,has anything happened with the black wisdom
Yorktown:Amazon and Pennsylvania have said,that it has been acting up
Ladon:and I assume,you think,it's related to what happened with Enterprise,during the battle in the mirror sea
Hornet:it's logical but we can't be sure
Enterprise,seemed silent as she continued to eat her breakfast,at first I thought,it was because of the topic,we were discussing but she seemed to be forcing herself to stay quiet,which then,made Me think back to last night,she was most likely still a bit embarrased about it and was trying to keep quiet about it from everyone,I don't blame her as it is kind of,embarrasing to openly talk about a confession,let alone,it being,infront of the person you confessed to
Ladon:say,Enterprise,weren't you banned from the cafeteria
Enterprise:oh,the ban was only for yesterday
Ladon:huh,I thought Belfast,would have made it longer
Yorktown:awww,look at you 2 getting all close and flirting
Hornet:hehe,look like Sis is falling
Enterprise:you too
Ladon(min):these 3 really do get along
Laffey:Laffey know,Enterprise,likes Brother
Ladon:well,this was one way to start the day
Yorktown:hehe,calm down,Enterprise,we're only teasing
Hornet:yah,chill out
Ladon:I agree,it's all fun games-,............................until they find the truth,right Enterprise
Enterprise blushed as Yorktown and Hornet,looked at Me intently
Yorktown:keeping secrets now,are we
Hornet:what did you 2 do
Enterprise:we didn't do anything
Ladon:yes,we did nothing
Yorktown:then,what are you 2 hiding from us
Ladon:nothing you 2,need to know about,for now
Laffey:Laffey want to know,what Brother is hiding
Ladon:we'll tell you,when we feel like telling you,for now,it remain a secret,known only by us
Hornet:boooo,secrets are boring,if you know something,you share it
Ladon:I'll share it,when she does
I pointed at Enterprise as she was blushing while eating her food,Yorktown and Hornet had their eyes,locked on her as they were pressuring her,to tell them,Sis was doing the same to Me but I didn't care as I chuckle at the scene,we all then,finished our food and left the cafeteria,to just go about our day,Sis,decided to go and look for Javelin,Ayanami and Unicorn,so they can hang out as she left,the Yorktown sisters,went to go spend more time with each other as they left,leaving Me alone,I decided to go to the Academy's classrooms as that was were the Black Wisdom cube was being examined and observed,when I got there,I saw girls going around the area,some being the students,playing around or studying while others being teachers,carrying books or teaching the kids,I went into one of the rooms,labeled B-5 as I saw multiple people inside,inside was a girl with blonde hair and blue eyes,wearing a white shirt and black skirt with a black and red jacket over her shoulders
then there was a woman with brown hair and green eyes,she wore a blue naval uniform and had a small blue cap on her head
they were both examining the Black Mental cube as it laid on a black box on the table,they noticed Me,come in as they both turn their attention to Me
???1:Ladon,why are you here
Ladon:I wanted to see,what was up with the Cube,have you 2 found anything out
???2:not as of late
???1:its energy has been,randomly spiking,sometimes reaching an absurd amount
Ladon:have you done anything with it,Amazon
Amazon:no,Me and Arizona have only been observing,nothing more
Arizona:we don't have a single idea,on why it's acting up
Amazon:do you think,this has something to do with,that secret super weapon,Akashi has told us about
Ladon:what secret super weapon
Arizona:Akashi said,that she saw a massive siren ship,under the Sakura Empire,it matches up with the same thing,Sheffield and Edinburgh have seen,from their descriptions,we concluded,that it's a Battlecarrier of sorts
Ladon(mind):is this what Code G meant,was she talking about this thing
Ladon:a Battlecarrier huh,what has Akagi and the sirens been doing
Amazon:if they were to activate such a thing,it would certainly prove to be a massive problem
???3:then why don't we just destroy that damn cube already
I turn around and see a woman with brown hair and brown eyes,she wore a white and red top with blue sleeves and a black skirt,she had black thigh highs and black heels and was holding a book
Ladon:do you think,you can destroy it
???3:hit it with as much firepower as possible,seems simple enough
Ladon:not as easy as you think,Wisdom Cubes can break and shatter into a million pieces but they'll regenerate back into a cube in seconds,so we'd be wasting our time
Amazon:Ark Royal,what are you even doing here
Ark Royal:had nothing better to do,so I'm staying here
Arizona:your waiting for Amazon's class to start aren't you
Ark Royal:well-,uhm
Amazon:your trying to perv on the destroyers again,aren't you
Ark Royal:uhhhh-
Ladon:girls as much as I want to arrest her for perving on children,we're getting side tracked here,we have more pressing matters
Amazon:right,so what do we do with the cube
Ladon:we need to keep it safe,more preferably,locked up,so neither the Sirens or Crimson Axis can get it back
Arizona:alright,we'll tell Q.E and Wales to get a vault built,that way we can-
before Arizona could finish,an explosion,blew up the wall of the room as the force,through us all,on the ground,smoke was everywhere as I readjusted my vision,I heard,gunfire and explosions outside,jet and planes engines roared in the skies as the smoke in the room cleared,I coughed as I looked up to see a siren,floating in the air,holding the black mental cube
???:thanks for keeping this safe for us,Azur Lane
Ladon:hgggnnn,your Purifier,one of the Siren Advisors
Purifier:and I thought you were dead but I guess not
I slowly stood up as coughed again,I looked at Purifier as she smile maniacally at Me
Purifier:well,I'd love to stay and finish you off but I have a deadline right now,so goodbye
she then flew off as I ran out the hole in the wall,I saw Purifier fly off to the ocean as lasers flew through the air,siren production models,were practically at our docks,bombarding the base with lasers,I was still assessing the situation as I saw the girls,rushing to the docks to defend from the attack,after,regaining my bearings,I rushed to the docks,to see all the girls fighting,I put on my rig as I surfed on the waters,I sped past the production models as I went to chase after Purifier,I then realize,that someone was sailing with Me as I turn my head and see Enterprise with her rig on
Ladon:Enterprise,what are you-
Enterprise:I saw you,pass those production models,meaning,you have a different target,so what happened
Ladon:Purifier has the black mental cube,we need to retrieve it,before she gets it back to the other sirens
Enterprise:so,they're making their move
Ladon:I'm not sure but I am sure,that if she gets away,we're going to have a lot more problems
Enterprise:then,lets not waste time
"we" sped up as we chase went in the direction,Purifier had gone to,in the distance,we saw explosions and heard gun fire as stray lasers even whizzed by us,we went even faster as Enterprise,drew her bow,forming an arrow,ready to be fired as neared the explosions,when we got there,we saw,Edinburgh,Belfast,Sheffield and Norfolk,fighting Purifier and lot of production models,Purifier noticed us coming as she smiled in excitement
Purifier:oooooo,looks like Enterprise and Ladon are here
I drew my sword as rush Purifier,Enterprise fired her arrow as I went behind Purifier and batted her,right into the arrow,the collision,made an explosion as I land on the water,I quickly sheathed my sword and drew,both my guns and started unloading my ammunition,into the smoke,Purifier,then came out of the smoke as she fired back with her cannon,I dodged her shot,then dodged more shots as the production models,fired at Me,Belfast and Edinburgh,fired their cannons at Purifier but said Siren flew up and dodged,she fired back with her rig again as the shot hit,near Belfast's feet,Enterprise,then fired more arrows as they became planes,I jumped onto one as it brought Me into the skies,I jumped from,one plane to another as I neared Purifier,I holstered,one of my guns and took out my sword as I jumped at Purifier,she couldn't react fast enough as I batted her down to the water,then fired my gun at her as she gets covered by smoke,one of Enterprise's planes,then caught Me as it brought me back down to the water,I looked at,where Purifier was as the smoke clears,we saw her with very visible damage but her maniacal smile was still,plastered on her face
Purifier:well,it's been fun Azur Lane but I have to get going,Observer,hates it when her stuff,get delivered late
she stood and started firing randomly as lasers,flew everywhere,hitting all over the place,even the production models,weren't safe,I sped across the battlefield as I rounded everyone up and got them behind Me,I took my sword as I deflected the shots,one by one at rapid speeds,I then saw Purifier,escape through a portal as the lasers cease
Ladon:dammit,she got away
Enterprise:she'll most likely go back to her siren brethren
Belfast:thank you for the assistance,Sir Ladon,Ms.Enterprise
Ladon:no need,to thank us Belfast,were just glad,your all ok
Sheffield:this has become,a lot more problematic,with the sirens,now having the Black Wisdom Cube,back in their possession
Enterprise:yes,it's the key to the Sakura Empire's secret weapon
Ladon:more like,Akagi's secret weapon,Sakura Empire has almost no knowledge of it,meaning,this is all Akagi
Edinburgh:but didn't Lady Enterprise,bring her down at the battle of the mirror sea
Ladon:yes with her down,the project should have slowed down but in retrospect,Kaga is most likely running the entire thing now,so even with Akagi gone,it doesn't change much
Enterprise:one less carrier is still one less carrier,plus Akagi was a high ranking officer of the Sakura Empire,so no matter how you think about it,it was a win for us
Ladon:even so,I highly doubt,even Kaga was heavily,knowledgeable in Akagi's plan so she might start,doing desperate moves,such as launching the project soon
Belfast:perhaps,for now,I believe,we should go back to base,it is still dangerous here
Ladon:let's go then
we all then,sailed back to base,so we could all rest from the sudden attack from the sirens
Short Timeskip brought to you by Yandere Yamashiro sharpening a knife to kill Dido cuz @Attackingoreos forgot to give her daily headpat
Enterprise's POV
we quickly made it back to base as we see,everyone rebuilding and helping around,to fix the damage from the attack,Sheffield and Edinburgh left to go attend their duties while Norfolk,went to go back to her room,Me,Ladon and Belfast,immediately went to the academy's meeting room,where we joined Q.E,Warspite,Illustrious,Hornet,Yorktown,Helena,Cleveland and her sisters,they were all around the table,sitting on the couches and Helena was showing them something on a tablet
Q.E:you 3 are back,good,we have something urgent to discuss
Enterprise:what is it
Wales:please show them,Helena
Helena,turned to us as she held out a tablet in front of us and played a video,it was showing a massive siren ship,bigger than any thing,we've faced before,in the video,it showed a long tubular tower,coming from the massive ships,it looked like one of Iron Bloods,prototype rockets but much more refined and more high tech,the rocket then launched as it flew,up into the air,it slowly came back down as it crashes on an island,it created a massive explosion,that blew up the entire island,nothing was left,even the water was gone as a massive hole in the ocean was slowly filled up by more water,then the video ended as Helena put down the tablet on the table
Enterprise:what was that
Cleveland:that was taken by one of our Subs in the nearby area,while they were patrolling
Warspite:we've concluded,that it's the Sakura Empire's secret weapon,known as the Orochi
Belfast:such devastating power
Q.E:that video was taken,20 minutes ago,around the same time,the siren attack ended,which meant the sirens,did escape with the Black Mental Cube
Hornet:we should act now,the longer we wait the closer that thing get to our doorstep
Yorktown:we cannot be hasty with this Hornet,such actions could be our downfall
Illustrious:Lady Yorktown is right but we must do something quickly or the Orochi could be our undoing
Cleveland:then let's assemble the fleet and move out
Warspite:again,we cannot be hasty with our actions,even if we did bring the whole fleet,we're not sure i we would be able to take down the Orochi
I was listening to everyone talk but I noticed was Ladon was being quiet,I turned to him as I saw him with his hand to his ear,he was turned around and seemed to be listening to something,everyone was still talking about,what we should do,until Ladon turned around and spoke up
Ladon:listen,take half the entire base as the fleet,bring our best combatants and fighters and intercept them,I've been informed,that the Orochi has a large siren escort and that Kaga is on the Orochi with 2 unidentifiable people,move out immediately,we cannot lose time and wait for them to come to us,so we're bringing the fight to them
he then turned around and went for the door as I spoke up
Enterprise:wait,where are you going
Ladon:I'm going to pick up some extra firepower,don't wait for Me to get back,take the fleet and link up with Sakura Empire forces and attack the Orochi together
Q.E:wait you want us to link up with the enemy
Ladon:I got a transmission from Zuikaku a few seconds ago,Yamato has been overthrown as Flagship and now Nagato is the Flagship,she has called a truce with Azur Lane,to solve the Orochi problem
Wales:very well
Ladon:good,get ready,this will be a fight,bigger than anything fight you've all had,before
he then rushed out the room as we all left the room to go prepare the fleet for the biggest fight we're going to have
Timeskip brought to you by Me,running out of ideas for Timeskips cuz I can't get the Vestal shooting Enterprise Timeskip out of my head
we were out at sea with half of the entire base with us,the fleet was comprised of the best of the best fighters,Azur Lane had,some of the fleet,broke off to meet with Sakura Empire a few minutes ago as we continue to go towards the Orochi's location
Laffey:Enterprise,where is brother
Javelin:yes,this would be a very good time to have his help
Enterprise:Ladon has gone to get some help,he'll join us,mid battle,so don't worry
Illustrious:the timing for him to leave,could not have been any worse
Warspite;we can't blame him,he has a plan,I just know it,we just have to keep fighting,until he arrives with help
Cleveland:sure but,it would be great to have him support at the very start
Wales:now is not the time to start,thinking about,what we don't have,we should focus on the things we do have and work with it
Enterprise:the goal is simple,bring down the Orochi,no matter the cost
Cleveland:let's hope we brought enough firepower for this op
Warspite,don't worry,I've got something up my sleeve
Wales,and what is it
Warspite,raised her hand slightly as 2 bright lights formed,over her shoulders,the light,then formed into 2 little girls,one had purple hair,blue eyes and had cat ears and a cat tail,it wore a naval uniform with very long sleeves and a very frilly skirt
the other one had pink hair,pink eyes and had cat ears and a cat tail and it wore a very similar outfit to the first one
they stood on Warspites shoulders as they purred slightly
Javelin:it's Lime and Pound,your their caretaker
Warspite:yes,long story short,Ladon helped Me,gain their trust,I've been taking care of them for 3 years now
Wales:does Q.E,know about this
Warspite:no,I'll tell her Sister about this,after the battle
Illustrious:what can they do
Warspite:essentially the same thing as Justice and Antenna but on a weaker scale of 18x more power but they do still give 25x extra power to any Royal Navy Battleship and Cruiser
Enterprise:with Ladon,not being to support Eagle Union with Justice and Antenna,those 2 will definitely give a major advantage
Cleveland:things are looking up already
Wales:Helena,any news or transmission
Helena:a Sakura Empire and Iron Blood task force have intercepted and engaged in combat with the Orochi's fleet
Enterprise:let's hurry this up then
we all sped forward as we neared the area,where the Orochi was,in the distance,we saw a massive siren ship,surrounded by normal sized siren production models and humanoid sirens,we then saw the Sakura Empire and Iron Blood taskforce,that was sent to intercept the sirens,they were struggling against the many humanoid and production model sirens as shells and lasers flew through the sky,all of our carriers,including Me,then launched planes into the air as we begun a massive air attack,as soon as our planes were above the sirens,they dropped their payload as massive amount of bombs,fell from the sky,explosions,covered the battlefield,hitting both Humanoid and production model sirens,alike but the bombs dropping above the Orochi were exploding in the air as they were hitting some kind of shield,we then joined the Sakura Empire and Iron Blood as we see them,exhausted from fighting,we saw Zuikaku,Shoukaku and Prinz Eugen,come over to us
Zuikaku:glad you all could make it
Warspite:under normal circumstances,we might have left you to fight this thing on your own but Ladon might have beheaded us before we could
Eugen:well,I guess,I owe him an apology
Shoukaku:where is he
Enterprise:getting some extra help,he'll join us mid battle
Wales:so,what do we need to know about this thing
Zuikaku:we don't know much but it has a shield,that's protecting it from shelling and bombings,trying to get to it as difficult,with all these escorts in the way and Kaga is on the Orochi with 2 unknown people
Enterprise:right,half our battleships will focus fire on the Orochi,the other half will pick off the siren escorts,carriers will do bombing runs of the entire area,hit anything you can,cruisers form defensive lines in front of our carriers and battleships,and our destroyers will lead a charge and we'll cut a path,right through the middle of the sirens
Everyone:YES MA'AM
every then got into formation as our battleships,opened fire on the enemy,shells,soared through the sky as explosions filled the entire battlefield,planes and jets were having dog fights in the sky,bombs were dropping on production models as we sunk many,our cruisers were downing any planes in their AA's ranges as siren jets,fell into the water,I was with the group,that would push to the Orochi,Laffey,Javelin and Belfast were leading the charge as Me,Zuikaku,Shoukaku,Warspite,KGV,Illustrious,stayed somewhat behind with Eugen and the rest of the Iron Blood and Sakura Empire task force,in front of us,we cut through the sirens,only for them to be replaced by more sirens as portals were bringing in,even more sirens,I then fired many arrows into the air at rapid speed as they all,turned into BTD Destroyers,they all then dropped bombs on the surrounding sirens as massive columns of waters and large explosions,formed near us,we things somewhat settled down,the enemies that were blocking us,were now all in pieces,we continued on towards the Orochi but stopped as we saw something come out of the massive ship,it was another rocket,the same looking one from the video
Zuikaku:what is that thing
Eugen:it looks like a Fritz X but bigger
Siren:this is a weapon just beyond your reach,it defines the ages of naval warfare
the rocket then launched as it flew up into the air and away
Illustrious:where is it going
Wales:I don't know-,wait,don't tell Me,it can hit the base from here
Siren:the art of destroying your enemies from across the ocean,such a glorious sight
I gritted my teeth as I fired an arrow into the air,it turned into a plane as I jump onto it and fly after the rocket,the planes went at max speed as I went after the flying rocket,I couldn't catch up to it as it was too fast,I gritted my teeth in anger as I felt a surge of power flow through Me,I then heard a voice in my head
???:I will lend you my power,this one time,use it wisely
the surge of power grew stronger as i felt the power through my entire body,my eyes became a golden color,like before as my plane was enveloped by a golden energy,it then went unbelievably fast as I caught up to the rocket,after the sudden burst or power,the energy disappeared as my eyes turned back to normal and the energy around my plane,vanished,I drew my bow as an arrow formed on it,I aimed at the rocket,trying to get the trajectory,so I don't miss,when I was about to fire,a laser whizzed by my head,stopping Me from shooting,I look back and see,Purifier,chasing Me,along with 4 flying objects
Purifier:hey there,Enterprise
I fired at her as 4 arrows flew at her with insane speed,she dodged it as the flying objects,started to fire lasers at Me,my plane performed,evasive maneuvers,dodging all the lasers,that were coming at Me,I then fired 4 more arrows as they became planes,they shot at the flying objects as I traded shots with Purifier,this fight was going nowhere,my other 4 planes and the 4 flying objects had taken each other out,leaving Me with Purifier,I decided to ignore her as I turn to the rocket and aimed at it,I was going to fire a shot but I saw Purifier,flying straight at Me,she flew right into my plane as it exploded,sending us both down,we were both falling as Purifier looked at Me with her maniacal smile but I didn't care,I aimed at the rocket and fired as the arrow soared towards it,it hit the rocket as it detonated,causing a massive explosion,just like the one in the video,the explosion drew closer to Me as I felt the heat come closer,I then felt the cold embrace of the oceans water as I slowly sank,I closed my eyes as I fell unconscious
No one's POV
everyone had stopped fighting as they looked at the massive sphere of death in the sky,it was clear to everyone,that no one could survive such a blast,not even Enterprise,they all looked at explosion with sadness as they silently grieved,something then came out of the explosion as it flew through the air,it was Purifier's head,which was still alive,Edinburgh caught her,unknowing what is was,she looked at it and screamed
she tossed Purifier,into the air with all her strength as Purifier,soared through the air again
Wales:everyone,we cannot lose hope now,Enterprise protected the base from that rocket,so do not let her sacrifice be in vain,we shall finish,what she started
Eugen:looks like,things are about to get a lot more serious
Everyone continued to fight the sirens,fueled by the sense of vengeance and justice to finish,what Enterprise had started,they continued their onslaught of attacks as the sirens numbers,slowly dwindled,as the fighting continued on,the Orochi,Kaga and 2 unknown people were left,the girls,concentrated their attacks on the Orochi but couldn't break,through it's shield,more production models,then came from more portals as another hundred or so ships came through,pushing the girls back from the Orochi
Cleveland:we won't get anywhere like this
Warspite:our shells,are just bouncing of the shield,we can't break it
Hornet:and these productions models are getting annoying
???:can't you all see,resistance is futile
everyone turned to see Kaga,who jumped onto the water with her rig on and ready to launch planes
Zuikaku:Kaga,stop this madness
Kaga:this is what,Onee-san wanted,so I will continue where she left off
Kaga,through multiple paper crosses at Zuikaku as they became planes,that flew towards the younger crane,she prepared herself to block but the incoming planes were intercepted by other planes as boths sides,collided with each other,Zuikaku,turned around as she saw her Sister come from behind
Shoukaku:please stop Kaga,this is not the way we should continue
Kaga:what could you possibly know about path we should take,the Orochi will secure the future we desire but you all have decided to go against it,so you shall BE DESTROYED
she threw more of her paper crosses,that turned into planes as Shoukaku countered with her own planes,they all collided again,creating a massive explosion in the middle,meanwhile the others were still fighting the sirens as they tried to think off a way to bring down the Orochi's shield,suddenly,another rocket,emerged from the Orochi as it aimed upwards
Wales:another one
Hornet:we don't have to capabilities to stop it
Warspite:we need to try,we can't let that thing,destroy the base
Cleveland:but what are we supposed to do
it seemed the battle was lost but suddenly a blue light,flew through the sky as it flew straight at the Orochi,it flew straight through it's shield and then straight through the Orochi itself,it came out the other side as the blue light became a F4U Corsair(I think that's what it's called),it flew through the sky as everyone looked at it with awe,the Orochi seemingly powered down as the red lining across it disappeared like how a normal production model would,
Zuikaku:that plane but how
Kaga:impossible,you should be dead
Hornet:*tips hat*your really full of surprises
in the distance,a carrier resurfaced from beneath the water as it faced the battlefield,on the carrier was a white haired woman with purple eyes,it was Enterprise,she stood on the end of her carrier as she extended her arm out
her carrier glowed as it formed her rig,her planes formed behind her as she jumped onto one of them,she then flew over to the battlefield as more of her planes formed behind her,making an air attack of 50-60+ planes,she flew over the Orochi as her planes dropped their payload,directly over their target,hitting it directly and doing massive damage but not sinking it,she jumped off her plane and landed on the water as she fired 3 arrows at the Orochi,the arrows transformed into torpedoes as it directly hit the side of the Orochi
the 2 carriers hugged the white haired woman as she hugged back
Yorktown:don't you worry us like that again
Enterprise:yah,sorry sister
everyone then focused their attacks on the Orochi as they hit it all over,causing massive explosions and damage against it,Belfast then took out a watch as she looked at it,then closed it
Belfast:it appears,everything is going as scheduled
Enterprise:what do you mean by-
everyone then turned to the side of the battlefield as they all saw the approaching combined Sakura Empire and Royal Navy fleet,come closer,Nagato and Q.E were leading the charge as everyone was ready for a fight,on the other side from them came the entire Iron Blood fleet,being led by Bismarck as they all charged to the battlefield
Eugen:my,looks like everyone is here
Illustrious:everyone,working together again,what a marvelous sight
Shoukaku:look around you Kaga,there is still a future for the Sakura Empire,we can all work together to achieve it
Kaga:..I-......I-.........,then please,save Akagi nee-sama
Enterprise:I'm on it
Enterprise and Belfast,then made a dash to the Orochi as they jumped onto the massive,sinking ship,the 2 saw Akagi,standing on a part of the ship,that was elevated and sinking,Enterprise jumped up to her as she stood in front of Akagi,she took a fighting stance as Enterprise faced her
Enterprise:Akagi,the ship is sinking,let's go
Akagi:no,you ruined everything,I was so close but you destroyed everything
Enterprise:I don't know,what you were trying to do but siding with the sirens is not the way,we can work together
she walked closer to her as Akagi stepped back
Akagi:no stay away
she continued to step back but she slipped as she fell backwards,she was going to fall into the water but before she could,she was caught by Enterprise as she held her by the hand
Enterprise:we can work this out,everyone in worried about you,do you really want to leave them all
Enterprise pulled her up as she supported her to keep her from falling,the 2 then looked over to a part of the deck,that was slowly sinking,they saw a woman with brown hair and purple eyes,wearing a kimono and holding an umbrella over her head
they looked at her as the woman spoke to Akagi from a distance
???:live the best life you can Akagi,I hope to see you again,take care of yourself and Kaga
Akagi's eyes widen as the woman slowly faded away,the 2 took a moment and stayed there until the Orochi started to completely sink,Belfast,Enterprise and Akagi,then quickly got off as they surfed back to everyone,who had assembled together
Kaga:Akagi nee-sama
the 2 hugged as everyone took a breather as they had one the fight,against the Orochi
Hornet:we did it,we won
Wales:yes,we are victorious,once again
Q.E:we apologize for being so late,we had to deal with large groups of sirens,along the way
Nagato:yes,we wished,we had arrived sooner,to provide much more assistance
Bismarck:I guess coming out here was not as worth as I thought it would be
Warspite:your lucky,Ladon isn't here right now or else he would have kicked your ass again
Bismarck:want to say that again little girl
Warspite:do you think,you intimidate Me,you floating hunk of metal
Illustrious:now,now,let's not fight,less we want Ladon,to destroy all of us,let's not argue,we all came to fight a common enemy and that is what counts
Enterprise:yes,everyone had their contribution in this fight
Akagi:I would like to apologize to everyone for everything I've done,I shouldn't have trusted the sirens
Q.E:you can say your sorrys after,Nagato says,what she needs to
Nagato:ah,of course,as the Flagship of the Sakura Empire,I hereby announce that Sakura Empire be rejoined with Azur Lane,all hostile actions are to be ceased immediately and all Azur Lane members are now allies
everyone cheered as friends from across the factions all started to join and chat with each other
Wales:wonderful,so what about Iron Blood,Ms.Bismarck
Bismarck:*sigh*I suppose why not,I Bismarck,Flagship of Iron Blood,hereby announce that Iron Blood be rejoined with Azur Lane,all hostile actions and intentions are to be ceased,effective immediately
everyone cheered even louder as everyone joined together,with Azur Lane being complete,once again,everyone was overjoyed as they were all rejoicing over the reunion
Enterprise:ashame,Ladon wasn't here to see this
Warspite:ya,I'll be sure to hit him upside the head for leaving us to fight on our own
Cleveland:so much for coming mid battle
Bismarck:he's usually never late,this is a first
Nagato:yes,his constant punctuality is one of his greatest feats
Q.E:I'm sure he has his reasons for not arriving
With Ladon,while the girls were fighting the Orochi
Ladon's POV
I dodged another laser as I returned fire,we've been fighting for almost 2 hours now,since we started to move out from our position,we've been constantly opposed by the sirens as we made little to no progress in advancing past the enemy
???1:there's just no end to them
???2:why are they sending so many sirens here
???3:do not give in now,God is watching over us,he will not let us go down
Ladon:she's right,we can't give up,we need to bring them down
???4:I've downed maybe over 3000 jets,since we started and there's no end in sight
???5:she's right,even I'm tiring from this slaughter
???6:don't give up my child,there is no way for them to beat us
???7:agreed,this is nothing,we just have to go past our limits
???8:Master,watch your 6
I turned around and saw 3 cruisers aiming at Me,they fired at Me as I dodged,then fired my torpedos,sinking all 3,I then fired 6 salvos as I sank 17 more ships,I then fired my guns as the shells,pierce through the enemies and sink another 32
Ladon:this isn't getting anywhere,we need to cut a way through them
???9:leave it to us
???10:god has bestowed Me the power to help others,so I shall use that power to aid you now
???6:leave this to us my child,we shall cut down these sirens with a single symphony
???11:if we fire a simultaneous barrage in a single directions,we can cut a straight path out of here
???12:then I shall,show you all the superior Firepower of Royal Navy
???13:my cannons shall cut through these unsightly beings
???14:target sighted,preparing to destroy all hostile targets
???15:let me show them,why they do not mess with the Sakura Empire
???16:we'll cover you,
???17:right,we've got your backs
Ladon:alright,everyone,time to get out of here
they all formed a line as they fired their barrages in unison,the attacks was incredibly devastating as it cut a massive hole in the sirens fleet,I fired shots into the water,giving us a screen,keeping the sirens eyes off us for a few seconds
Ladon:alright,everyone,let's go
we all rushed out of there as we sailed at top speed,we broke away from the sirens as we rushed towards,where the battle of Orochi was taking place
Ladon(mind):dammit,that fleet took,to much time,I hope we're not too late,if that siren was telling the truth,then we need to hurry
Back with the girls
Girl's POV
everyone was still resting,just all chatting and rejoicing as no one had the energy to get back to base,everyone was just too tired to sail back,so they all decided to remain on their ships for the time being,everything was going great,the leaders were all discussing future plans for everyone,Laffey,Javelin,Unicorn and Ayanami were all chilling with Z23 as their newest member,Eugen was teasing Hipper like usual,Akagi and Kaga were apologizing to everyone,for the things they've done,most of all the factions were all chatting as everyone rested,suddenly,the ocean became violent as the waves became bigger,the ships started to rock as the girls,tied to keep their balance
Q.E:what's happening
Enterprise:I don't know but whatever it is,it isn't good
???(mind):the sirens are coming with an even bigger force than before,get ready
everyone,then unsummoned their ships as they all summoned their rigs,everyone got into a defensive stance and position as a large amount of portals appeared,in front of everyone,5 being,incredibly massive,from the portals came,A LOT of production models of all kinds,mass amount of humanoid sirens and 5 Orochi's,the girls eyes widen at the sight of 5 more Orochi's,then to make matters worse,Purifier came,along with 2 other siren,that look unique to the rest,everyone recognized them as 3 siren advisors,Purifier,Observer and Tester,they all floated above the other sirens,it was an army beyond comprehension due to its size and the girls were clearly not in the best shape to fight as they were still recovering from their earlier fight
Observer:well,you destroyed one Orochi,so I have to congratulate you all on that but it's time for the real fight to begin
Bismarck:dammit,this isn't good
Nagato:the girl's aren't ready for another fight like this
Q.E:we can't turn back now,we'd be torn to shreds from their attacks if we turn our backs to them
Enterprise:then we have no choice but to fight
Purifier:bold of you to think you can even fight us like that but it's your funeral so who cares
Cleveland:I don't have to much energy left but I'll fight to the end
Warspite:bring it on,I don't falter,no matter the battle
Yamato:I shall atone by seeing you siren burn
Eugen:I guess it's time to get serious
Sakura Empire:FIGHT TO THE END!!!!
everyone fired their shots and launched their planes as both sides traded blow with each others,the entire thing was a mess,shells and lasers were flying everywhere,bombs fell from the skies,jets and planes,filled the sky with dogfights and bullets,both sides were taking casualties as many sirens and production models died while the girls took medium to heavy damage,Enterprise jumped onto one of her planes as her eyes became gold again,then hundreds of bombers formed behind her as she flew over the sirens,her planes dropped their bombs as hundreds of sirens below exploded,Q.E and Warspite were destroying sirens left,right and center,shelling any siren groups that were clumped up,Lime and Pound were on a beach,providing extra power to all Royal Navy ships,giving them a large amount of energy,giving them,somewhat of an edge,Nagato and Yamato,simultaneously fired their barrage as it cut right,through the sirens,bringing down,dozens of humanoid and production model sirens,Bismarck was bombarding the enemy with continuous cannon fire as she didn't let the enemy recover as salvo after salvo,she blew up any siren in sight
despite all their efforts,the sirens still numbered many,the Orochis were firing at the girls and were filling the skies with planes,the production models,were firing,one after another as there was constantly a laser,whizzing by the girls head,Purifier,Observer and Tester were bombarding the girls,from the sky as they float in the air,firing their cannons,the girls didn't give up tho,they continued to fight but were slowly tiring out,their movements became slow and their attacks became,much more inaccurate,their planes,slowly were gunned down by the sirens AA and jets,everyone was now exhausted from fighting as they look at the,still massive siren fleet in front of them
Observer:was that the best you all could do,I'm disappointed
Tester:so much for testing the Orochi's true power
Purifier:it wasn't as much fun as I thought this would be
Enterprise:dammit,it can't end like this
Q.E:everyone is too exhausted,we can't fight this
Nagato:we cannot give up now,reinforcements will surely come,we just need to hold out a little longer
Bismarck:I'm not sure if we can last a little longer
Enterprise(mind):come on Ladon,where are you,we need your help
Enterprise fired another arrow at Observer as she knelt down on the water from exhaustion,Observer dodged it as she looked at the white haired carrier
Observer:was this all you had to offer,Azur Lane,a pity,resisted for so long only to wind up like this,truly a waste of time and effort,but playtime is over and it's time to put you all to sleep,PERMANENTLY
all the production models aimed at the girls as Observer got ready to give the command to fire
Observer:OPEN FI-
before she could finish,a massive attack was launched as an uncountable amount of shells,flew through the air,the shells struck the Orochi,breaking through the shield and through the Orochi itself,it pierced through the other side as it broke through another shield and exploded in the 2nd Orochi,both started to sink as everyone watched in awe,then shells,rained from the sky as it bombarded 2 other Orochi's,the attack broke both shield and and heavily damaged the Orochi's as they exploded and started to sink,leaving 1 left,then another barrage came as it broke through the shield of the last Orochi,everyone then heard a sword get unsheathed as something cut the Orochi in half as it split in 2 and started to sink
Tester:how did the Orochi's just sink like that
Purifier:now freaking way
everyone was awestruck as the 5 Orochi's plunged into the depths,everyone was wondering,what had happened as they were all speechless,then Helena picked up a transmission as she relayed it to everyone
???:girls are you all ok
Ladon;yah,it's Me,sorry it took so long,Sirens were keeping us busy
Yorktown:good to hear from you,where are you
Ladon:we're approaching your position now,so sit back and enjoy the fireworks
the transmission cut as everyone,then heard the sound of multiple cannons firing at the same time,they turned their heads as they see,Ladon,approaching with 17 other girls with rigs,they were all firing at the sky as shells flew in the air and came back down like meteors,hitting the siren fleet
AN:I'm not naming and describing all of them,I refuse to do all 17 of them,I'm sure you all already know who they are so I wont bother with the usual descriptions and stuff
they all attacked in unison as their attacks cut through the enemy like it was nothing,the sirens counter attacked as they fired back and launched aircraft
Ladon:Monarch,Izumo,Friedrich,go with Mainz and Ibuki and flank the right
Friedrich:of course my child
Izumo:we'll get it done
Ladon:Azuma,Champagne,go with Kitakaze,Neptune and Cheshire and bring down the left side
Azuma:very well then
Champagne:may the gods be with us
Cheshire:as you wish,Owner
Ladon:Georgia,Odin,Gascogne,Seattle,Roon,Saint Louis and Drake,with Me,we're going to rush and punch a hole,straight through the front
Seattle:we've got your back amigo
Odin:a viable strategy
Roon:lets get to killing
Ladon's POV
we all split up as my group,charged the front,we fired our shots as we cut a line through the entire siren fleet,lasers and shells,were flying everywhere but we took almost no hits as we dodged and weaved through the enemies attacks,I took my sword and started to cut production models in half as we tore through the sirens,the girls on the left,slowly made their way to us as they broke,straight through the entire enemy fleet to get to us,the girls on the right were shredding the enemy into pieces as explosions,shells,lasers,torpedoes and bullets,flew through the air and sea,I looked over to the combined Azur Lane fleet as I see them all on the water,exhausted from fighting,in the air were 3 siren advisors,the same 3 that attacked Me 2 years ago,I looked at them as they looked back at Me
Ladon:Odin,lead the group,I'm going after the 3 advisors
Odin:understood,good luck,stay safe
I separated from my group as I rushed towards the 3,they fired at Me as I dodged their attacks,I fired my guns at them as I had aimed for their rigs,hoping to bring them down,I hit Purifier and Tester's rig as they slowly fell but I missed Observer,I jumped into the air as I used Purifier and Tester as a I jumped up to Observer,the little siren could not act fast enough as I kicked her down to the water,I then started falling down as I smash Purifier down with sword as I fell and before I landed on the water,I shot Tester with my cannons,knocking her away,I then landed as I rush at Observer and Purifier,not letting them recover,I punched Purifier in the face as it knocked her back a few meters,I then attacked Observer with a flurry of stabs as she narrowly dodged my attacks,gaining a few grazes as she backed up,I fired my cannons at her but she fired her cannons at Me as my shells and her lasers collided,creating a smoke screen in front of us,I dashed through the smoke as I came out the other side,ready with my sword as I swung at Observer,she ducked as she dodged the attack but I kicked her in the face,knocking her out,I then fired my cannons at Purifier,who was still recovering from the punch,the shells,landed as it exploded on her,causing a good amount of damage,I rushed at her and swung my sword as I cut her right arm off,she screamed in pain as she tried to fire her cannon at Me but I swung another 2 times,cutting her cannons barrel off and taking her other arm,I then performed an execution as I spun around and took her head,clean off with a single slice,her head,flew into the air as her body toppled over,backward
I sensed the girls were looking at Me with both awe and horror from what I did,Observer was still laying on the water,knocked out as I look to the sky and saw Tester flying,I could already tell,she was afraid as she had no chance of beating Me,I was going to go after her but she quickly made her escape through a portal as she disappeared,I then noticed,Observer,waking up as I saw her eyes squint,I sheathed my sword and took out,one of my guns as I walked over to Observer,when I got to her,she opened her eyes as I towered over her
Observer:heh,are you going to shoot Me,like that would even make a difference
Ladon:I know but it's the thought that counts I guess,this is for starting this war,manipulating my allies and wasting 2 years I could have spent with family and hurting my friends and loved one
I fired 10 shots into her head as it instantly killed her,her body laid on the ocean's surface,lifeless as it floated there,I then looked over to the girls I came over with,to see them,finish the last production model,they had cleared out the remainder of the fleet,while I fought the 3 advisors,they then sailed over to Me as we went over to the other girls
Ladon:you all ok
Enterprise:we're fine,thanks to all of you
Seattle:no problem amigo,we're always ready to help
Ibuki:yes,I'm glad we made it in time
Odin:it was a very close fight
Roon:more like one sided,once we got here,we slaughtered the enemy fleet and this man just destroyed 2 siren advisors,this wasn't even close
Q.E:Ladon,who are they
Ladon:their known as Research Ships,ships that were not originally made,their good friend of mine and are very powerful
Bismarck:powerful indeed
Nagato:we're glad you all arrived,when you did or Azur Lanes unity would have been short lived
Ladon:happy to see everyone,back together again,let's get out of here and get back to base,this was a great victory
the Research Ships and I,summoned our ships as everyone got on,that way,they don't have to be troubled with bringing their ships out,we all sailed to base as everyone rejoiced across the 17 ships we had sailing,everyone was chatting and being lively as we got our rest from the massive fight we had,I then noticed a certain carrier form to the side of Seattle's ship,it was Enterprise's carrier and said white haired woman,jumped onto her ship and off of Georgia's ship,I was watching from the roof of my bridge as I looked at everyone on my ship and on the other ships,they all seemed preoccupied with their own thing,giving Me a chance to follow her without being seen,I dashed of my ship at full speed as I didn't want anyone to see Me going to Enterprise,fully knowing that,we have a good number of teasers among us,that would never stop teasing Me,if they saw Me with Enterprise
I quickly made it to Enterprise's ship as I saw her,about to enter the inner part,I was going follow,close behind but she stopped and turned around,catching Me a bit off guard,she walked up to Me as we,then came face to face
Ladon:how'd you know
Enterprise:if you see Me alone,you follow to keep Me company,the perfect lure
Ladon:I guess,I fell for the bait
Enterprise:yes and now were alone,so anything you want to talk about
Ladon:well,there is one thing
Enterprise:what is it
Ladon:I want you to come with Me on a secret vacation
Enterprise:a secret vacation?
Ladon:yah,just the 2 of us,away from the frontlines,away from the fighting,just plain old relaxations,what do you say
Enterprise:as long as it's with you,I'll always go
she gave a peck on the cheek as I smiled,we then jumped up to the top of her bridge as we sat down,we looked over to see the sun,setting over the horizon,the fight took us the entire day to finish and this was certainly the best way to finish a day,I then felt the sensation of being watched as I already knew,that everyone below was watching us
Enterprise*whispers*their all watching,it's kinda embarrassing
Ladon*whispers*hehe,don't worry,just let them,it just add to the burn,that they missed their chance
with the other girls
Q.E:my,I didn't know,Enterprise already made her claim
Wales:yes but,they do both suit each other
Warspite:agreed,I know many others,would have liked to be in Enterprise's shoes right now
KGV:does that include you
Warspite:no,Ladon's a good friend,besides,I don't search for such things
Hornet:looks like Sis beat Me to him
Yorktown:this was already decided,when I gave him my permission,so it works out either way
Hornet:well,that's not really fair
Cleveland:they look happy together
Helena:they do
Montpelier:I'm waiting for my 50 bucks Denver
Denver:yah,yah,wait until we get to base
Musashi:beaten by a ghost,a shameful defeat
Nagato:you liked him,Musashi
Musashi:yes and I wasn't the only one
Akagi:if I had known sooner about him,I would have gone for the position
Mutsu:success of that is very unlikely,anyway
Eugen:he's happy right now,I'll enjoy teasing him later
Bismarck:I suggest you don't,less you want him to blow you to kingdom come
Eugen:oh,is that so,do you like him,Lord Bismarck
Bismarck:nein,I do not
Eugen:are you sure,I know when your lying,you know
Eugen:thought so
Back with the 2
Enterprise:I'm glad I can be with you
Ladon:I promise you this,nothing will come in between us,no matter the problem,I'll always be there to help you through it,even if meant my own life
Enterprise:thank you Ladon,for everything,I also promise you,no matter what,I'll be there,for you,when you need Me
Ladon:I couldn't have been more lucky to get a woman like you
we shared a kiss for a few seconds,then separated,Enterprise,then laid her head on my shoulder as I warp my arm around her waist as we viewed the beautiful sunset in front of us while we sailed back to base
Author:BOOOOOOOOOIIIIIIIIIIISSSSSSSSSS,I did it,I finished this chapter,it took so long to make,9,958 words in one chapter,the longest chapter I HAVE EVER MADE,so much fighting,ended with a heartfelt romantic finish,I do hope you all enjoyed this chapter,Prologue is coming next,it's been a good run,thanks to all of you for supporting the story and I hope you all look forward to the next one,until next time
Shadowgamer254 out
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