•Harumi Strikes•

So, based on the chapter title, I have a lot to write in a day and a few hours.
No hate please!!

(Unless it's for Harumi because sometimes that girl needs to stfu.)

ANYWAYS, stay safe, healthy and everything. Get the proper amount of sleep, food and water for your age! I can't be talking, but please stay HEALTHY!!


TW: threatening, specifically death threats. Gaslighting slightly.

"SHE'S WHAT? YOU SAID SHE'S OKAY!" I hear cole say from down the hall.

The door swings open with a telltale creak, and smashes against the wall.

"No, I said she's safe." Kai huffs.




I hear floorboards creak, moving towards me. "Oh, how long will you be like this, Toothpick? We need you!" Cole whispers. I feel his breath tickle my ear.

Wait, feel? I'm waking up!

"Cole?" I ask, but yet again, nothing comes out. "HEY, I'M WAKING UP!" I try, but to no avail.

I hear whooping and cries of shock. "SHE MOVED! COLE SHE MOVED!" Jay screams.

"She's waking up!" Nya gasps.

"WOOOOO HOOO!" Kai screams.

"How long do you think before she wakes up?" Harumi says softly, but I recognize the fear in her voice. Haha, bitch! I'm going to snitch!

"Two days, tops. That's my bet." Jay says happily.

"What's going on? Is she awake?" I hear Lloyd crashing into the room. His voice evidently desperate.

"No, but she moved!" Cole screams, then mutters"sorry, sorry. Too loud."

Lloyd gasps, and then I hear the floorboards again. "Del?" He whispers, and I know only intended for me to hear. "Please try to wake up soon. We need you, We..." He pauses. " I need you now, we need the whole team. Zane is out for now, but when he wakes up, what a surprise would it be for you to be there too?" He says softly.

I twitch my finger, the most movement I can do. He inhales sharply, before I hear him leave the bedside.


I twitch my finger, and more cries fill the air.

"IF YOU CAN FEEL THIS, MOVE YOUR FINGER PLEASE!" Jay screams again. Time passes, and I do not twitch my finger, I feel nothing on my skin.


I twitch again.

"Soup! Get soup!" Cole says.


I twitch, finding this game amusing.

"WATERRR!" Jay screams.

"We're leaving Ninjago city tonight." Kai whispers. "That doesn't feel right, does it? What do you think? Twitch for 'oh that's bullshit.'"

I twitch my finger repeatedly. We can't leave ninjago! We and samuri X is all she has!


"Kai, that doesn't matter, we're st-"

Nya gets cut off by a loud high pitched cry.

"Oh, yeah. We found a baby, he's apparently the key to the third mask.His name is Cole Jr. and you'd really like him." Cole says proudly.

"Got the soup and water!" Lloyd calls.

"Twitch if we should change the baby's name." Jay says, with a small giggle, as I twitch.

"Hey!" Cole says. The crying continues.

"Lloyd, stay here and help her eat. We're going to help Cole Jr!" Cole says.

The air stills as everyone races out of the room. "I got you broth because you can't eat. Not chicken noodle because you said that the only good part is the pasta. Please wake up soon."

When the broth is finished, the crying stops.

Another long silence follows, and Lloyd breaks it with a sigh. "I miss you. Please try." Then, the door again. I am alone.

Or so I thought.

If you are triggered by de*th threats, I will recap it at the bottom, and tell you when it's over

"You are not going to tell anyone about my call, Peach ninja. I am going to make sure about that. I'm not stupid enough to tell you my plan, but you will not get a word out, or even if you do- nobody is going to believe you. I'm making sure of that. I hope you are prepared for Lord Garmadon's return, and Lloyd's downfall. But- hopefully you won't be around to see it!" She adds the last part cheerfully.

I want to slap you, Harumi. So much. That will be the first thing I do, I decide.

It is over, Harumi said that Adelaide would not say anything about Harumi's call, and that nobody is going to believe her if she snitches. She says that Harumi will be Lloyd's downfall, and that Adelaide won't even be around to see it.

"I'll be with Lloyd!" She says cheerfully. "oh look at that! Your eye twitched! You really want to protect him, don't you. How romantic! It's almost funny to me, and you can't do anything, you're in a coma! This is going to be interesting" She squeaks, then leaves.

Yeah, you better run before I backhand you with an elemental-light-ball, HOErumi! I'm gonna wake up, and my team will believe me! I'm their teammate, you're just some girl who came on our ship. They will believe me, I have trust in them, and they have trust in me.


I walk into the med room, and see Harumi leave. She turns to me, opens her mouth, then closes it. I give her a reassuring glance, and she grabs my forearm. My arm tingles, in a good way. Butterflies erupt into my system, and I feel the blood rush into my face.

"She's getting closer, Lloyd." Her voice was almost somber. "Her eye twitched."

I turn my head to look at her eyes. I inspect the sad look with confusion, and Harumi notices.

"I'm fine." She assures me. I cock an eyebrow and she turns away.

"What is it?" I slip my thumb and pointer finger around her chin, and gently move her head to look at me.

"I... I am worried. If Adelaide wakes up... I... Oh, first spinjitzu master, this is stupid."

"No, it's not." I whisper gently.

"If she wakes up, I'm worried that she'll try and... start something with you... and she'll do it before I ever get to." She realized what she said, and turned bright red.

Did you know, that if you look up 'looks stupid, staring at a girl he likes while more red than kai's suit' in a dictionary, Lloyd comes up as a synonym?

"I'm sorry." She whispers, and runs off.

I stare at the wall blankly. "Wait, what just happened?"


My head.


"Fuuuuuuck.." I say out loud, this time.

"Hello?" Lloyd calls from the hallway. "Who's there?"

I slowly sit up, and rub my head. "Geez, Lloyd. It's me. Do we have any cereal?" I call.

I close my eyes in a silent wince, and someone launches themselves at me. They hold onto me like a lifeline.


(If you couldn't read that, it said 'i can't believe you're awake I was so scared please never do that again.)

"Hey," I say soothingly, while rubbing his back in circles, and old trick Misako taught me to calm Lloyd down.

"Okay, okay, I'm fine." He whispers.

My face darkens, as I remember what I have to tell him.

"Oh, not again." He mutters, as he looks at my face.

I put my hands on my hips. "Excuse me, what?"

He scratches the back of his neck and smiles sheepishly. "Uh, I just had a conversation with Harumi and she had that face, like something was going to happen, or something."

I grimace. "I guess you could say that."

"Well, tell me! Don't leave me hanging!" He urges me, with an encouraging smile.

"Uhh, I heard some things that might be a shock for you, but you have to believe me."

Lloyd nods,"I'll try, but I heard that when you're in a coma you can hallucinate things."

I continue with yet another grimace. "I was...well... here, and someone came in to use the phone. That person turned out to be the princess. She called someone named UltraViolet. I thought that was just a coincidence, and then she was telling her that Zane was with the biker gang, and-and she uhh, said some not so nice things concerning my life, and your life, and Lord Garmadon."

Lloyd takes a minute, pinching the bridge of his nose.

"She can't know I told you." I whisper urgently. "She said that they would kidnap someone, and that i'll be out for quite some time, Lloyd, I don't know what to do." The last part comes out as a sigh.

"I'll tell the others."He purses his lips as he gets up, and I sigh.

"You don't believe me, do you?"

He looks back at me, his eyes shine with apologies. "...it seems a little far-fetched, but I'll keep an eye on it. Do you want a minute before being dogpiled by the rest of the team?"

I shake my head, I feel that if I say any words, my voice will convey my sadness.

He doesn't believe me, he won't keep an eye on it, and they're all going to get a knife in their back, and someone is going to get kidnapped.

"Adelaide?" Harumi's voice reaches me.

"Hey, you fugly bitch." I say coldly, "how's being the quiet one going?"

She laughs quietly before turning to me. "Ehhh, there's been some complications."

I shrug, "like what?"

"You waking up, you telling Lloyd, mostly just you, I would kill you right now, but I need you alive."

I consider blasting her out of the ship with a light ball. "Well, that makes me want to jump off the bounty."

Harumi smiles sinisterly. "UV will come soon. Nobody will believe you, and the ceremony will continue."

"You just gave your whole-ass plan away."

She laughs, "yeah, but who will you tell, Lloyd, who thinks you're crazy? The team, who he's probably warning right now that you're a little crazy? The police, who works for the royal family?"

"They don't-"

"I don't care!"

I roll my eyes, "oh, my bad."

"Tell the commissioner, what's he going to do when you're way out here?"

"Can you stop monologging ple-"

"I don't CARE!"

"I don't care, either. Now can you wrap this up before you get to your tragic backstory, please?"

"UGH!" She screams, and stomps away.

I smile as she walks away, "if I can't rat her out, I can annoy her half to death."

I hear a stampede, and I jump up in alarm.

I'm on a flying boat, there can't be a stampede?

"TOOTHPIIIIIICK!" This person clearly had their mouth full,

"ADELAIDE!!" This person shouted, with a clang of tools hitting the floor,

"TOOTHPIICK! SEE, I'M LOUDER!" this was unmistakably Kai,

"YOU'RE AWAKE!" this shout was clearly the loudest, and followed with a "WOO!"

I hear my team shout for me, and I smile to myself. I get the wind knocked out of me, and all I can see is a black-ish brown gi.

"Can't...Breathe.." I manage, before everyone gets off of me with a small apology. I hug everyone, and smile to myself.

If only I could stay here, where there is no worry of Quiet Bitches, or 'Quiet ones' or romance, just chaotic happiness, and euphoria.

The euphoria ends quickly as I look around the room.

"Zane didn't want to see me? Is he busy or something?" I hide my distress with a lighthearted joke.

Everyone looks around awkwardly.


"GUYS! I NEED A LITTLE HELP OUT HE- WWHOOA!" Lloyd screams. I rush to my feet, only to teeter.

"I got you." Jay says with a reassuring smile.

Me and Jay run to the bridge, while Cole rushes to help Cole Jr. and everyone else went somewhere.

"give me the wheel." Nya commands, and Lloyd takes his chance, and runs away.

"Look at that storm!" Jay says, clearly in awe.

"You know, there was an ancient tribe in Ninjago that worshipped a storm spirit called Wohira. They believed Whoira protected them."

"That sounds like some not-so-happy foreshadowing." I grumble, while sitting down on the deck.

"Wohira? Heh, heh. That's silly." Jay laughs. Lightning strikes nearby, and me and Jay scream.


"I TOLD YOU!" I yell, as I grip onto a pole. Soon the movement dies down, and I let out a gasp of relief.

"Jay, Nya, Adelaide, can you come to control?" Pixal asks. "I am very glad that you are awake."

"Thank you Pixal, I'm glad to be awake, too."

We walk into Control and I gasp.

"Everything okay?" Nya asks.

"BITCH IS IN A COMA JUST LIKE I WAS, AND NOBODY DECIDED TO FILL ME IN? I AM VERY OFFENDED!" I look around the room, and eventually meet Harumi's smile. I lock my jaw, and turn back to Zane.

"There's been a development. I have been attempting to repair the damage to his system when I stumbled upon something."

I recoil as a bunch of garbled speaking and random noises fill my ears.

"What's that?" Lloyd asks

"A digital communication between Mr.E and the Quiet One." I glare into the back of Harumi's head, and Lloyd holds her hand reassuringly. I hear him whisper 'I trust you' to her, and it makes me sick to my stomach.

"Zane intercepted and recorded the call in his last moments of consciousness. It was encrypted, but I managed to decipher the message."

The board glitches, before revealing the real message:

"The trap has been set." Everyone gasps and stiffens in shock.

"We will get the girl in the coma as soon as we can." My eyes widened.

Lloyd looks back at me, with distress clear in his eyes.

"Trap? What trap? Why would they want Adelaide?" Jay asks.

"Gee, thanks."

"No, I didn't mean it like that, why would they want to take you, like why do they need you, because we want you here!" Jay explains hurriedly.

"Huh, classic bad-guy stuff. Set a trap, and capture the girl. Must be in their DNA."

Nya perks up and speaks quickly "but, wait a minute! If Mr.E sent a message, maybe we can locate the Quiet One's whereabouts! Pixal, can you triangulate the point of origin?"

I watch as Harumi leaves the room sneakily, and I reach for Lloyd.

"She left, something's going to happen!" I hiss

Lloyd looks at me with concern "she has to go to the bathroom, Del."

"I've already started the trace program."

"Lloyd, you promised you'd believe me. This has some structure, you just have to believe me! I'm your teammate!" We continue to whisper.

"We'll find out once the trace program is done, and I believe you, just not some parts entirely make sense." His voice got gentle, and he gave me a boyish smile.

"That's great, Pixal. How long will it take?" Kai says.

"I don't know. The storm is interfering with my program."

"Damn it, Wohira." I sigh.

"Dooon't do that, Adelaide! Last time we nearly got shot out of the sky!"Jay panics.

"Sorry!" I apologize.

"If we could descend to a lower altitude, it might help." Pixal says.

"The storm is hiding us from the sons of Garmadon." I argue.

"Yeah, hellooo? Possibility of being kidnapped?" Kai says, referring to me.

"We could drop below the clouds," I suggest hesitantly.

"Then they'd find us." Nya says with a sigh.

"We can't drop below the clouds. We're in pretty rough shape, and we don't want you getting kidnapped, Del. We have to stay in the storm."

"So where do we go?" Jay says, while raising his hands in a defeated way.

"We go there!" Cole says, holding up a blanket, with a map on it.

"Holy shit!" I say excitedly. "A map!"

"What is this?" Nya asks slowly.

Cole beams at me, almost hyperventilating. "All this time it was on the baby! It's the map to the third Oni mask!"


How'd you like the (very late) chapter? I had to leave for hockey practice At three thirty so I didn't get that much time to work on it. I was going to  do the whole episode, but not enough time. :)


see you soon!


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