Harumi Actually Strikes
So, in the last chapter, you may have seen my comment regarding the fact that Harumi did not actually strike, she just disappeared to go to the 'bathroom'
Guys spoiler 😨😨😨
She is not really going to the bathroom🤫😝
She's probs making a call, honestly I have no idea what's going to happen in this chapter, and I only have plans for a certain 2 seasons. It's going to be a gut punch :)
I sit at the table, my mind elsewhere from the things mentioned in the Control Room. Sometimes, people notice actions and behaviours more than words. i have been keeping an eye on Harumi like a hawk, and noticed that she hasn;t said much. Speaking of talking, Jay was stabbing the last, meatball on his plate.
"I don't get it, why was the baby wrapped in a map?" Kai speaks. We all collectively watch Jaytry and stab the rolling meatball.
"I dunno. Maybe they didn't have any diapers either." I frown slightly. I clearly am on the outside of an inside joke.
"We're gang members trying to resurrect an evil psychopath, why would we have diapers?" Lloyd laughs.
Harumi leans forward, and pats the centre of the map. "This part here looks like it. could be the central part of ninjago."
"And the X." Nya questions, "you think the third Oni mask could be hidden there?"
Lloyd has a very deeply concentrated look on his face when he answers in realisation, "Primevil's eye. My mother used to tell me about this place. It was an uncharted, vast wilderness of death. Her friend, an archeologist, I think his name was Dr. Yost, has gone in to map the area."
"Let me guess, with out luck, he's very very dead right? And he most definitely got very very dead in there?" I ask, and Lloyd nods hesitantly.
"I don't want to say it," Nya says, "But it sounds like the perfect place to hide something you don't want anyone to find."
I watch as Jay laughs, oblivious to the conversation, and is still focused on his meatball. "Ha, ha! Come here you little sucker." He drives more aggressively.
I watch as Jay plunges the fork right into kai, who gasps in pain. Cole covers the baby's eyes with a gasp, and I bury my head into Nya's shoulder.
"OOOooh! I'm sorry, I didn't mean to-"
Kai stares ahead, until he rounds on Jay, "don't! Just..Don't!"
Lloyd stands up. "I've got the bandaids.
"I've got the disinfectant oil." Cole offers.
"I've got water."Jay adds
"I've got to get away from these people." I groan.
After all that went down, we sit back down at our respective spots.
"What are you feeding him?"
"Him?? I thought that was a girl?"
"Poor kid." Jay sighs, while giving me a small smile, that I return.
"Tea!" Cole answers Nya's question enthusiastically.
Nya nearly jumps up. "Tea? You can't feed him tea!"
"Why not? He likes it. He won't drink anything else."
"HA! Gotcha!" Jay says smugly. "Who's laughing now, meatball?"
I widen my eyes. "Probably the meatball, because that's the same fork you stabbed Kai with!" I say with a small laugh.
Jay swings around the meatball, and Kai avoids it like the plague. The room goes dark, and we all jumble around. I land on top of somebody with a small groan, and a quick 'sorry' only for Lloyd to shoot back an 'that was on me.'
"Literally." I laugh lightheartedly. The lights let out a small flicker before returning to darkness again.
"What happened to the lights?" Kai asks, and I carefully climb off of Lloyd, thankful for the darkness to hide my blush.
"We need to get to the bridge, quick!" Lloyd sprints, and without hesitation, I follow. Soon enough, everyone is in the bridge.
"Pixal, what's happening?" The blonde boy asks.
"Pixal, come in!" I try.
"Must be a power failure." Kai says
Jay stiffens from the other side of me, "or it's a trap!"
Cole reassures everyone, "freaking out isn't going to help us."
Nya crosses her arms, trying to hide how tense she was. "Jay might be right!"
I huff "I seriously doubt that."
That comment earns me a slap upside the head from nobody else than the Blueberry himself.
"The backup generators would have kicked in, this is something else."
"So apparently I was wrong, sorry Jay." I say curtly.
"Emergency! Emergency!" We hear Pixal
"What happened, Pix?" Lloyd asks.
"I am detecting a foreign presence has been introduced into my system."
"Foreign?" I ask.
"What are you talking about?" Lloyd says with a hurried tone, and worried stance.
"It appears we are being tracked. I have lost control of the ship!" Her voice rises in panic, and I play with the hem of my shirt.
"H-How did something even get it?" Jay's voice is tense, a real surprise, because Jay usually gets delusional, and sort of crazy. Zane's middle section, around his heart starts to spark. Realization floods through my mind and I rush forward.
"The trap. Something was planted on Zane!" My pulse quickens and my breaths get shakier. "They wanted us to take him in!" My voice rises both in a yell, and in sudden panic. I glare at Harumi, and she smiles innocently at me.
"Why would you do this? I thought you cared!" I accuse her with a slam of my fist. "You said-"
Lloyd intervenes with a look at me, like I was crazy. "Adelaide calm down!"
Harumi's lip starts to shake. "I-I didn't do anything! She keeps accusing me!"
I scoff, "I am accusing you, because you made a call to 'UV' saying that Zane was a ninja undercover! Stop gaslighting me and tell the truth! Tell him." I gesture to Lloyd.
"Adelaide, she got a call from The Sons Of Garmadon." Jay said, but I didn't miss the uncertain waver in his voice.
"Why were you in there, huh?!" My voice raises to a yell. "Why was she there?"
Harumi sighs, and looks at Lloyd. "I told you that people get delusions in comas, didn't I?"
I looked at her with a murderous glare, but then I got the courage to look at Lloyd. His beautiful green eyes, beyond compare looked at me with a torn expression. I suck in a breath, and his face shifts into a face that screamed I-don't-believe-you. He ran a hand through his hair and my eyes widened.
Nobody believes you. I realize sullenly. Tears prick my eyes, but I send them away quickly.
"Lloyd, I warned you about this, why don't you believe me?" My voice turns into a small, defenceless whine. I hated how vulnerable I felt right now. I bet I looked like a kicked puppy, because that is what I felt, on the inside.
"What? Adelaide, I didn't even say anything. We need evidence before accusing anyone, though!" Lloyd says, trying to calm me down. I huff angrily, angry at Harumi's presence, and angry that nobody believed me. Jay might, and Cole was silent the whole time. I focus on my hand, clenching the bed that Zane was on so tightly, that I thought it might break.
I look around, nobody met my gaze, everyone looked away, and Jay was zoned out with a complex look on his face.
"Proximity alarm!" Pixal screams over the argument, well- as screamy as a Nindroid programmed to be calm can be. "Something is approaching the bounty fast!"
"Look!" Nya says as she points at the screen. "On-screen!"
Well, she lunged at that topic change really quickly. I think sulkily.
"It is Samurai X." Pixal says. Worry edges into her tone, but the others miss it.
Nobody believes me? I'm warning them! There's danger! I look to Kai and Cole, and they are looking at each other and talking in muffled whispers.
Not even them? Desperation raises in my mind, and bile raises in my throat.
"They think you're crazy, child. Crazy like your ancestors." Someone says from in my mind. I tense up automatically, and breath slowly out, and slowly in.
Not the time, creepy-mind-ghost-girl. I'm in the middle of something, now please, I ask you to politely fuck-off. I think.
"Hey, he must be here to help out!" Cole says happily, looking at Cole Jr. He nudges my shoulder reassuringly, and I can't help but smile back at him.
"I'm afraid that's unlikely." Pixal says hesitantly, and again, the others seem to miss it.
"Why?" Kai asks.
"..Because my system is over-run."
"Oh my god." I whisper. "Wait-"
"You're making no sense, Pixal, what are you talking about?" Lloyd interrupts me.
"This might be a good time to make a minor confession." The robot cuts me off. I huff and bite the inside of my cheek.
Her voice distorted, and the screen glitches, "I...Am Samurai....X"
"How is that possible?"
"Did not see that coming!"
"How many times is this going to happen, who's next, Adelaide? Are you a secret Samurai?" Jay asks with a hysteric edge to his voice. "But, I totally called it!"
Cole nearly drops the baby "did not!"
"Did too!" Jay laughs in-spite of the situation. I find myself smiling a very small smile.
The Bounty rocks as a laser shoots the deck.
"WHAT THE FUCK!" Nya shouts.
"SHIT!" I curse.
Jay laughs "haha! Ass!"
Cole takes a swat at him, but falls short as another beam hits the flying ship.
The ship moves more violently and I race (as well as I could) to the doorway. I was joined by Kai and Lloyd,
"We probably need that, right?" Kai asks.
"Looks like an engine." Lloyd says with tight lips.
"Well, we need at least one of those."I say sarcastically. We rush back into the room, and the baby begins crying. I rock on the wooden floor, and spread my arms for balance.
"The mech is targeting the second aft thruster!" Nya exclaims "Lloyd, if we lose the second-"
"I know, I know! We'll drop out of the sky like a brick. Nya, try and find the foreign agent, Jay keep the lightning off of our back. The rest of us, prepare to fight!" Lloyd orders. We all nod in synchrony and race off to prepare.
I grab a few small knives, and a naginata, and a whet-stone sword sharpener, and quickly sharpen it.
"Toothpick!" Kai motions for me to throw the sharpener, and I toss it with adrenaline pumping through my system.
I step through the doorway, and into the pelting rain. I immediately get soaked to the bone, even in my gi.
Thunder rumbles, and we all search the skies for the Mech.
"There!" I shout, and point at the Samuri, flying through the clouds.
"Everyone be on alert." Lloyd says solemnly.
(A nagainata is a traditional Japanese weapon used by Samuri, it is basically a long pole, with a sword on the end. If you look up nagainata, it will show HUGE ones, this one is a smaller version, no longer than Adelaide's body.)
Basically what Benthomar uses in seabound, if that makes sense, but not blue, PEACH 😍)
I flinch as lightning gets close to the bounty. As if reading my mind, Lloyd turns to Jay. "That lightning is getting a little too close for comfort..! Jay, hold them off."
Jay nods, "got it!" He goes into his lightning stance, or 'super-cool-Jay-pose' as he calls it. He makes a few small grunts, and electricity buzzes in our ears. He finishes, and sighs weakly.
"You're...Welcome." He manages to say playfully.
I look back to the sky, and see the Sam X suit coming back to fire again. It hits the sail, and I blast a light ball at it. It soars past the suit, and into the night.
"I can't see a thing in this storm!" Lloyd complains.
"Time to light this place up!" Kai says, while nudging me. I smile, while we throw a mix of fire, and light up into the sky. The deck brightens, and we high-five with a smile. The fire lights up a nearby cloud, and the peachy-light illuminates the bounty. Jay gives me a still-weak fist bump and the smile grows on my face. The smiles fall, as we focus on finding the Samuri.
"'Rumi! Take this!" Lloyd says, as he hands the princess a sword.
"But I don't know how to fight!" She whines"
The blonde sighs "but you wanna live, right?"
She purses her lips, and hesitantly takes the sword.
"There!" Lloyd points at the figure in the sky. A shiver runs down my spine, at the coming conflict. We all rush to the starboard side, and Lloyd charges up his powers.
"Adelaide, come with me, we need to-"
I grab her hand, and she drags me off to the Control Room. She picks up a noodle box, and looks inside of it.
"Soo... What're we-" The bounty rocks, and I get cut off with a yelp. I hear a clacking, and I whirl around on my heels.
Nya walks hesitantly towards the noise, and I try to stop her.
"Nya that's how people die!"
One of the screens turn off, and I walk up to it.
"Adelaide, that's how people die!" She assures me.
"Don't use my words against me, I'm a ninja." I snap out of stress.
I nudge the screen, to see if anything comes off.
I keep examining the screen, and Nya shrieks
"Something is on Zane's foot!"
I whirl around, and something metallic lunges for my face.
"WHAT THE FUCK!" I say, as I hold it at arms reach. "HELP ME!"
I grunt in frustration as the mechanical suit dodges all of my blows. I power another up, and it hits her square in the mechanical-chest.
"WHAT THE FUCK! HELP ME!" I hear Adelaide scream. I immediately drop my weapon, and rush towards the sound.
"NYA! SOMEONE!" She screams again.
I almost made it to the door, when Cole stops me.
"Did you not hear her? We need to help her!" I argue at the hand he placed in my way.
"Nya's in there, she'll be fine. We have more pressing matters to worry about."
I sigh, and only grow more frustrated. "Fine, but I don't like it." I square my jaw, and turn back to the mechanical samurai. The bounty shakes, and Samurai X lands on the Bounty. She draws her huge sword, and we all get into place.
"Hi-ya!" Jay yells as he rushes the Metal Warrior. He screams as he gets knocked away by a huge hand.
Cole next runs towards the Sam X, and Kai follows with a flip. They too get bested by PIXAL, and Kai dangles precariously off the edge. Determination fills me up as the Samurai steps towards me and Rumi. I pull out my katana. The massive sword swings, and gets lodged into the mast. I grunt, when it swings a lot closer, and fear almost overcomes me. I get pushed into an uncomfortable position, and my left foot slips off of the bounty.
"Whoa!" I say, while regaining my balance. The samurai swings her sword again, and it lands between my legs. I run on top of the sword, with a confident smirk.
Without a wobble, I make it to the control, and hack at some random wires. Sparks fly and I smile to mysel-
"First spinjitzu master." I groan, as I am thrown off, and lay on my back. My sword bounces away, and lands far away, lodged into the deck. Samurai X raises her sword, and I close my eyes.
Harumi blocks the hit, with a look of confusion at her own actions. We share a smile, before she gets scooped up.
"LLOYD!" She screams. Terror crosses her beautiful features, and her eyes are clouded with fear. Anger floods my system.
"Let her go!" I order in a yell as I get up.
Instead, the Samurai jumps over the side.
And without hesitation, so do I.
I hold the monster at arms length as it tears up my gi, and scratches my face up.
"GOD DAMN WHAT THE LIVING FUCK!!" I scream, over and over, until I finally throw the metal bitch. It creeps over to Nya, and around her shoulders.
"Get off! Get off me! GET OFF!" It almost reaches Nya's face, and I charge up a ball of light, but someone beats me to it, a sword throws it to the door.
"What in the name of Ninjago is happening around here?" Zane says groggily, and I throw myself onto him.
"ZANE! I MISSED YOU SO MUCH!" I yell into his dirty gi. He pats my head, and smoothes my hair reassuringly.
Nya pants for a while, before briefly explaining the situation to Zane with the help of PIXAL.
"Commencing system reboot in 30 seconds." Pixal says with a hint of fear in her voice.
"Weneedto get out there and help." I say to Nya and Zane."If you're feeling better." They nod, and we run out of the control room.
we see Jay, Cole, and Kai cornering the fallen Samurai.
"Drop your sword." Jay says.
"I shall comply." Evil-PIX says.
It all feels like slow-motion, the sword being thrown towards the thruster, everyone's expression changing as they realize what she's going to do. Evil-Pix taking off her mask, and her gaze also follows the sword. The last thruster gets taken out with a fiery finish.
We all yell as we try to balance on the flying shi- well, not-so-flying-ship, as it knocks us around.
"SHIT!" I scream.
"DOUBLE SHIT!" Kai yells
"I SECOND THAT!" Jay replies, with a fearful tremour in his voice.
"I THINK 'FUCK' IS MORE SUITED TO OUR SITUATION!" Zane yells over the wind and rain, and maybe out of fear.
"FUCK!" Nya joins.
"Any ideas?" Kai asks, in a more serious tone.
"Not one." Zane says.
"If s nindroid can't figure it out, we are screwed!" I exclaim with a groan. "I don't have any either!"
"Yeah, me neither!"
"PRAY TO WOHIRA!" Jay screams over the pelting rain.
I groan, and so does Nya. "That is NOT HELPFUL!" We say in sync.
"Perhaps if we create enough drag with the sails, we may be able to achieve a controlled crash!"
Kai gestures to the torn sails, "what sails?"
My hope drops from my chest, and despair settles in. Lloyd is gone, with the Quiet one / Harumi, and we're going to crash to our deaths, lost in the forest, and lost in the rain.
We would be forgotten, and I began to shake, as my knuckles turned white from the grip that kept me upright. This can't be happening.
"The rain!" Jay gasps, "the rain could slow our fall!"
Nya purses her lips, and looks up. "It could be worth a try." She says uncertainly, and my chest tightens.
Stop stop stop, not right now! My breathing gets shorter, as I watch Nya run to the front of the Bounty, and stand on the dragon's head. She spreads her arms out in the 'Y' for YMCA position, and closes her eyes.
Meanwhile, I try to slow my breathing, but in a discrete manner, so nobody would notice.
"In and out, in and out." I mutter to myself. "Calm, calm, calm, calm." I feel eyes on me, and I don't bother to address them. I keep my eyes on Nya, and her lifesaving YMCA. She struggles, and looks back at us.
Quick NYA SMITH pov
I look back at the people that mean the most to me,
Jay, looking at me with determination, and love. He looked at me like he knew I was going to succeed.
Kai, with the same expression, but laced with worry. He had hope, but was concerned for the people he loved.
Zane, he looked determined. I have no idea why, but he looked like he would find a way if this didn't work. For a second, I almost let him, and give up. Unfortunately for me, I never give up.
Cole, trying to help Adelaide, but glancing at me with a confident smile every so often. His hands fumbled over the brunette.
Adelaide, confused, and breaking down. The adrenaline seemed to ware off, and she realized the entirety of the situation. Despair was clear in her eyes, but she still gave me a double thumbs up, trying to give me determination. She cups her hands around her mouth and lets out a :
"You got this girl!" Her voice was weary and tired, but full of an emotional strength that held no other. She pumps her fist, and nearly takes Cole out. She mumbles apologies and continues cheering.
I smile at the younger girl's antics, and focus on the rain. My grunts of strain are louder, and I feel every raindrop. Time slows down, and the strain weighs down my arms, but I fight to keep them up.
Nya, everyone is counting on you, you can't let them down. I repeat inside my head, like a prayer, or more of a moral. A cry of determination, a will to fight for my friend's lives. Our stories will not end like this, a crash in the woods.
With all of my strength , I collect all of the raindrops I could onto the bottom of The Bounty. My arms shake, and I barely stand. I hear Jay say something in the distance, but I can't break focus enough to hear the words. I feel strong, I see every raindrop in my mind, a particle of water that I command.
Hold it for a little longer, Nya! I command myself, as we near the trees. I get thrown off of the dragon head violently, and crash onto the deck. I watch as my friends get thrown off in different places.
"NO!" Kai screams, as Adelaide gets thrown off the Bounty, but we continue to get shuffled around.
"ADELAIDE?" Jay screams, realizing the situation. He gets thrown into the mast, and goes silent with an "oof." We finally skid to a stop, and I breathe a sigh of relief.
"Ugh." I sigh. Jay comes over, and helps me up. I smile a thank you, and he smiles brightly back.
"Everyone okay?" Jay says with confined fear in his voice.
Kai picks himself up, "well, I'm okay, but if you haven't noticed, Adelaide is over the fucking side, so I'm guessing that she is not okay!" Kai hisses.
"You okay too little buddy?" Cole says as he looks at Cole Jr. lovingly.
I glance at Jay, with worry. Cole thought of Adelaide as a little sister, and was arguably closest to her emotionally.
"Cole..." Jay begins.
Cole must have sensed the tense air, and glanced at Kai's darting eyes, searching the woods frantically for any sign of the brunette.
"Kai?" He asks.
He turns his face to us, and wipes off a tear. "Hm?"
"Buddy, what happened?"
Kai looks back over the edge sombrely. "Adelaide got thrown over, and we have no idea where she is."
Cole's usually bubbly energy falls. He blinks at tears, and his breathing hitches. "Toothpick..? Do you think she's going to be okay..?" He murmurs.
"I know Adelaide, she will be fine. She can beat both of you in the ring, at the same time, and is so quick on her feet, she will fly in here. She can handle herself." I affirm.
They both seem a little better, and nod.
"She'll be okay."
I get up off of the ground with a groan. My leg aches, and my whole body feels like it's on fire. I shake, with muscular fatigue, and fear. My worst fear, dropping from a height into the woods. I will probably die here, unless I can contact someone. I flip on my mask and try the ninja line. Nobody responds, and I get a notification that my mask comm is low battery.
"Shit shit shit!" My voice rises in panic, I begin to panic, and I rest my back on a tree. I try to reach Lloyd, and my hope rises.
"Lloyd? Hello? Anyone there?"
I hear a sigh of relief on the other side. "Adelaide? Are you okay? You sound hurt, are you hurt?" Lloyd throws a long list of questions at me, before I am able to fend him off.
"Lloyd, I fell when we were going down, I have no idea where I am. I can't see any tracks from The Bounty, and my mask is at low battery, and-and I hurt everywhere, and it's not going so well." I hyperventilate a touch, and Lloyd lets out a few curses.
"Del, Del, Del. Breathe. We don't know where you are, so we can't find you. Keep trying the other ninja, they will be looking for you. Try to find the tracks from the bounty, you will be fine I promise you." Lloyd says upliftingly.
I believe his promise, 100%.
"O-Okay." I stammer. I have to hold back the routinely I love you that I got used to saying after conversations.
"I promise, you'll be fine."
"Are you okay? You fell from the whole fucking ship, oh my god, how are you alive? Is Harumi alive? Has she hurt you? Please tell me you're not hurt-"
"Just a broken arm, Sunshine."
"S-Sunshine." I blush madly. "Where did that come from."
Please say it again. Please say it again.
"Oh, you're the master of light, so I thought it was fitting." I hear the nonchalant attitude in his voice, little does he know he's flustered my ass.
"I like it." I manage to get out. "But now I need one, how does Celery sound?"
Lloyd laughs, "please don't."
"The Grinch? You're both green?" I plead
"Please, no." He groans.
"I'm calling you Kermit." I say in a final tone, no negotiations, no-
"No, you are not."
Damn it, I guess not.
"I don't mind that one, but no."
"Back to Celery."
"Back to nope."
"Leeeafy Greeeeen." I plead. "It's so cuteee!"
"Leafy green? I can deal with that."
I smile to myself at the interaction. I can't help but let out a laugh. "Bye Leafy Green."
"Bye, Sunshine."
I sit in the contentment for a while, then get up to begin searching for The Bounty.
"Hello? Can anyone hear me on this?" I ask on Lloyd's mask, after reverting it to reach the sons of garmadon.
"This is Killow."
"Good. Gather all of your men, and look for the Peach ninja, she seems to have fallen off of the ship, and is still alive, panicking. Collect her, and don't fail. If you fail this, you will be let go." I say as menacingly as I can.
"Yes-yes-yes ma'am." he stutters. "Killow out. I don't say Killow out, I promise-" I watch the comm die, with content.
"Adelaide Thomas, tonight you will be gone.." I vow.
Now, to find out if it's going to happen.
UN EDITED, so if there are any mistakes, tell me and I will fix them up really quick.
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Most words yet.... 4336!
See you soon!
💕 Grace
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