8. "'cary l-lady hu't"
"Alright! All done!" Anne cheered after feeding Louis his meal. It was really painful to watch the way Louis ate so eagerly. What made it more painful was the fact that he hasn't had a good meal in days or even months, who knows.
Louis giggled and clapped his hands. Harry watched the scene smiling fondly.
"Are you gonna take him to your place or are you gonna let me keep him? You know, I do nothing other than go out with friends and try out new recipes." Anne said to Harry with a hopeful look on her eyes. Harry thought for a minute.
"I would take him to mine." He said but quickly added some more before his mom could whine about it. "And you can have him while I'm at work. I would drop him here on my way to work." Harry said.
"Yay!" Anne cheered and turned to Louis who's watching her with an amused look. "Loulou gets to stay with Anne!" She said excitedly making Louis clap and bounce on his seat. Harry smiled watching the scene and finished his dinner.
"I would wash the dishes. Harry, put on a movie for Louis." Anne directed.
"Let's go and watch a movie!" Harry said cheerily and helped Louis to get down from the chair.
"What do you wanna watch, Loulou?" Harry felt like the nickname is a little childish to be used at the age of 24 but he ignored it.
"L-li'n kin'!" Louis bounced on his feet. Harry smiled and nodded.
"Mom? Do you have The Lion King?" Harry asked a bit loudly so Anne hears him from the kitchen.
"Yes, hun. Check the top shelf. There's lots of disney movies." Anne replied. Harry looked through many dvd's and found the one. He put it on and joined Louis on the couch.
"W-w'nna go p-pee pee." Louis whispered into Harry's ear, remembering how his mommy told him to not say it out loud. Harry smiled at the boy's cute innocence.
"Let's go." Harry said and walked Louis to the bathroom. "Do you want any help?" Harry asked and Louis shyly nodded. His jerky hand doesn't help him with putting his zipper down, so he most likely goes in his pants if someone didn't help him.
Harry nodded and popped the button and put the zipper of Louis' trousers down. He pulled Louis' trousers all the way down to his ankles knowing that the boy sits on the toilet to take a pee.
When Louis is done with his business, Harry helped his trousers up and did his zipper and button for him. They walked back to the living room and saw Anne sitting on the couch and watching the movie.
"Where did you go?" She asked turning around to look at the pair.
"A little bathroom break." Harry said and sat next to Louis who cuddled to Anne's side.
"You wanna cuddle, baby?" Anne asked putting an arm around Louis' shoulder and pulling the boy closer. Louis giggled and placed his head on Anne's shoulder. He lifted his hand up and scratched his head.
Harry watched them fondly but his body went completely still when he saw a mark of burnt skin under Louis' arm, closer to his armpits. He quickly jumped in and folded the sleeve of Louis' shirt up a little bit more. Louis doesn't seem to notice any of this but Anne did. She looked at Harry with a questioning look.
"He has a burnt mark." Harry mouthed and Anne gasped. Louis let out a giggle at something happened in the movie and put his hand back down on his lap.
"Is it okay if I ask him?" Harry mouthed again. Anne nodded.
"Don't ask a lot if it bothers him." She mouthed back. Harry nodded and looked at Louis who is happily watching the movie. It's not like he got to watch movies every day when he was at the care home.
"Loulou?" Harry tried to get the boy's attention. Louis looked at him with a big smile. Harry wiped off the drool on his chin before talking.
"How do you have this boo boo here?" He asked lifting Louis' arm and pointing at the burnt area. Louis looked down and his body tensed.
"'cary l-lady h'rt" He mumbled with scared eyes, making Anne and Harry gasp. Harry knew it but it was still so painful to hear it.
"What did she do? How did she burn you?" Harry asked. Louis looked around a bit, attention on the matter is already gone. Harry took Louis' chin in his hand and made the boy look at him. He repeated what he said.
"'ot kn-knife" He mumbled back and watched as his hand jerked, making Harry's hand move too.
"Why did she do that?" Harry asked. Louis stared at Harry for a few seconds before focusing on the TV again.
"Loulou? Why did she do that? Do you know why did she do that?" Harry tried again. Louis shook his head and shrugged.
'Wow, just great, just fucking great. They burn people with some disabilities without any reason.' Harry thought angrily and looked at Anne to see that she's wearing the same expression on her face.
"I'm gonna report them, mom. I got Louis out of there in the legal way. So I won't have any problem. There are other people in there who suffer just like this. We can't let them continue this." Harry said, looking directly into Anne's eyes. Anne nodded.
"Yes. We gotta report them. Do it tomorrow. And can you come into the kitchen for a minute?" Anne asked not wanting Louis to hear what she's gonna tell Harry. Harry nodded and walked into the kitchen with Anne.
"What is it?" Harry asked sitting on one of the chairs.
"We have to take him to some therapies, Harry. Did you notice that his talking is not as good as it was before?" Anne asked. Harry nodded.
"Yeah, I did. I will try to look for some good therapists for him." Harry said.
After a few hours of watching movies and talking Harry decided it would be a good idea to take Louis to his house so he can have a good night's sleep in a comfortable bed. Louis was snuggled to Anne's side, drool dripping from the corner of his mouth.
Harry lightly stroked Louis hair back so he could see his face. "Loulou?" he said running his fingers along Louis cheek in the hopes that it could wake the boy.
Louis stirred and his eyes fluttered open slowly, his face grew into a wide smile as he looked up seeing his best friend.
"'azz-ie!" Louis cheered trying to sit himself up against the sofa.
"Should we go to my house, babe?" Harry asked kneeling in front of Louis as he spoke to him.
Louis yawned and nodded, he giggled lightly as his hand jerked on his lap. He threw his head back against the sofa a loud giggles slipping from his lips as he watched his hand jerk on his knee. Harry smiles fondly as he watched Louis. 'This must be the first time in a while i have seen that smile' Harry thought.
"Come on, Loulou." harry said gesturing Louis to lift his arms up so Harry could carry him out to his car.
Louis pouted and let out a little huff but lifted his arms, Harry picked the younger boy up and set him on his hip. Anne was also asleep so Harry decided that he would let her sleep because she must have worn herself out with all the crying.
"'azz-ie h-omee" louis said jumping a little in harry's grip. Harry grinned down at the boy.
"Yeah Loulou, going to my house now" Harry said opening the passenger door so he could put Louis on the seat. He sat Louis down and did his best to put the belt around Louis. Louis wasn't cooperating and decide that he would keep unplugging his belt as it was extremely funny to him.
Louis giggled loudly as Harry sighed when Louis unplugged his belt again.
"Right. Loulou, please stop unplugging the belt." Harry said sternly and plugged the belt back in.
Louis huffed and folded his arms and his hand jerked which set him off and he was giggling so loud. Harry chuckled and got in the car and started to drive to his house,which was a 30 minute drive.
Their new life is waiting for them to embrace it.
(Word Count 1401)
A/N - Hi baby angels and big tough angels!!!!
How are you all today??? How are your loved ones? As always I hope y'all are doing great.
Anyways............. I wrote the first half and Paris wrote the second half of this. How was it???? And please don't kill us. xD
Have a nice day/ night! We love you all to the moon and back! *kissy kissies*
QOTC - The relationship between you and food in the scale of 1-10?
Answer - 6
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