3. Whatever
Jay decided to let Louis play with the garden hose, since the boy is obsessed with water. So currently, Louis is sitting on the grass of backyard and playing with the garden hose that sprays water around.
"Don't let water go into your nose, baby. You'll get sick." Jay said smiling brightly at her happy baby. Louis wasn't paying attention to what she said. He just continued what he's doing.
He took the hose and directed it to his slightly open mouth. Water filled his mouth, few landing on his face and tickling him. The tickles made him giggle and he choked. He started coughing uncontrollably.
"Louis!" Jay quickly ran to his side. She patted and rubbed his back. "It's okay. Shh..." She whispered.
After a few coughs Louis stopped coughing and giggled. Jay smile fondly at him and placed a kiss on his forehead. He took the hose again and started playing with it.
"Hey, Anne." Jay greeted.
"Hi, Jay." Anne beamed.
"Oi, what got you so happy?" Jay asked knowing her best friend like the back of her hand.
"Harry is leaving for uni. God, Jay he's a big boy now. I can't believe this." Anne said smiling with tears in her eyes. Jay smiled and hugged her.
"I'm so happy for him. Yes, I refuse to believe that he got that big so soon. It's not fair." Jay said in a whine like tone making Anne laugh.
"I know." Anne whined back.
"So, where is he now?" Jay asked. Anne's face fell at that. She knew something was up from the start. She wasn't that dumb to not notice the change of his son's behavior.
"Said something about going out with high school friends." She mumbled. Jay smiled, being always the positive one.
"Let him be. Anne. He wouldn't meet those people for a long while after going to uni." She said patting Anne's back. Anne smiled and nodded.
"Where's Lou?" She asked.
"He's in the backyard, playing with the garden hose. Always obsessed with water. It wouldn't change if he was 80." Jay said with a chuckle. Anne nodded, chuckling.
They both walked to the backyard. Jay saw Louis chewing on the hose as soon as they step out of the backdoor.
"Ew, babe. It's dirty. Don't chew on that." Jay quickly rushed to his side and removed the hose from his mouth. Then she took some water and made him wash his mouth.
But it wasn't fair. Louis wanted to chew on something and his mommy took it away. So he put two of his fingers into his mouth and started chewing. Jay sighed knowing that it's a thing that comes with his condition and there is nothing she can do about that. But she got Louis' hand and washed it thoroughly before letting the boy chew again.
Anne watched all of this with a sad smile, wondering how his son could give such a heartbreak to this innocent boy. She has tried to convince herself that her own son isn't such a jerk, but she couldn't deny that fact, so she finally believed it.
"What're you thinking about?" Jay asked walking back to the porch and noticing Anne's frown. Anne quickly snapped out of her trance and shook her head.
"Nothing." She said plastering a smile to her face. Jay didn't look convinced but she nodded anyway.
"You got everything you need?" Anne asked smiling down at Louis when he let out a giggle. Jay was inside making some coffee for them.
"Just one more suitcase." Harry mumbled while checking his phone.
"Okay, I'll go grab it." Anne said and walked in.
Louis shuffled closer to Harry and tugged on the sleeve of his shirt. Harry looked at Louis and rolled his eyes before looking at his phone again.
"'Azzie?" Louis tried to get Harry's attention. He tugged on Harry's sleeve again and his jerky hand made the tug a bit more forceful.
"What do you want, kid?" Harry snapped, removing Louis' hand not so gently. Louis blinked at him and then looked at Harry's phone. He suddenly forgot that Harry in fact snapped at him. He giggled throwing his head back at the way Harry's fingers move around the screen.
"Freak." Harry mumbled and rolled his eyes again.
"Here." Anne walked out of the door with Harry's last suitcase. "I'll go check on Jay," She said and turned around to go but stopped noticing the way Harry's nonstop texting on his phone and ignoring Louis.
"Harry, talk with Louis." She said with a pointed look. Harry looked taken back a little. He nodded and pocketed his phone. Anne smiled and walked inside.
Harry took his suitcase and took it to the trunk of his car. He lifted the bag and placed it in with other bags.
"W-w'en w'll 'oo be b'ck, 'azzie?" Harry asked going closer to Harry once again.
"That's none of your concerns." Harry said with a glare towards the boy. Louis face became gloomy and tears blurred his vision.
"N-no c'me b'ck?" He said, sniffling a little. Harry panicked knowing that his and Louis' mother can walk out of the door any minute and see Louis crying.
"Stop crying like a baby. God. Stop it!" He said in the calmest voice he can muster up. Louis blinked at him for few times and started full on crying.
"Fuck." Harry whispered not knowing what to do. Yeah, he still remember the way he used to cuddle Louis when they were little to make Louis stop crying but they are outside and anyone can see if he cuddled Louis now.
Anne walked out of the door with a smile but it soon turned upside down seeing Louis with tears streaming down his face. Harry panicked, like he really panicked.
"Louis? Why are you crying?" Anne asked going to the boy's side and cuddling him close to her chest. Louis' hand was jerking continuously and hitting Anne sometimes but she didn't care.
"Sh... it's alright, love." She whispered sweet nothings to him. Louis soon calmed down finding fascination in buttons of Anne's blouse.
"Go in, babe. Mommy is there." She said wiping some drool away from Louis' face and sending him a warm smile. Louis nodded and waddled into the house.
"What did you do?" She demanded turning around to face Harry.
"I swear, I didn't do anything." harry said with lifting his hands up in surrender.
"Yes, you did! He never cries for no reason. He's usually a happy lad. What did you do to make him cry?" Anne asked with so much anger.
'Well, I'm 18 now and it's not like I'm gonna live under her roof anymore. So why should I live as mom wants me to.' Harry thought to himself and shrugged.
"Whatever, mom." He said and rolled his eyes, fishing his phone out.
"Are you kidding me, Harry?" She said and snached his phone away from his hands.
"Mom, give me my phone back." Harry demanded but Anne shook her head and looked at him with a 'explain. Now' look.
"I do whatever the fuck I want mom. It's none of your business. Just leave me and my business alone." He snapped at his own mom. Anne stood there looking at him with a shocked expression but she recovered soon.
"Listen here, Harry. You may be big and tall and you may not live under my roof anymore, but you are my son and I am your mother. That is no way in the world a son talks to his mother." She snapped.
"Whatever, mom. At least I don't have to pretend like I'm his friend anymore. I'm gonna get going. Bye!" He said and gave Anne a half hug before turning around and getting into his car.
Anne watched all of this in shock. This is not her baby boy anymore.
(Word Count 1300)
A/N - Asshole! *Calms myself down*
So.................... How are you??? Your family? Friends? Pets? I hope you all are fine. (:
We have two more chapters ready and goshhh WE ARE SO EXCITED. Actually, writing this book is very exciting and fun. We surprise ourselves with the things we do to this sometimes. Hope you enjoy reading this as much as we do writing it! (: xxx
Have a day/ night! We love you all! (: xxx
QOTC - What is your favorite song by 1D? And why?
Answer - If I could fly. It's so close to my heart. (:
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