22. Here With Me

4 months later

"This one?" Harry held up a big, pink party dress. Louis wanted a 'princess dress, like my barbie' and here they are looking for party dresses. Louis waddled over with drool on his cheeks. Harry smiled and wiped his chin with his own sleeve. Louis ran his hand on the dress that Harry held up for him to see. He poked few sparkling stones on it before shaking his head.

"Well then." Harry sighed as he placed the dress in its appropriate place. "I will custom order one for you. Let's go and see friend of mine. She'll get your measurements and make a pretty dress for you. "


When they came home both Harry and Louis were exhausted since Louis threw a tantrum when Harry's friend touched him to get the measurements. Harry walked Louis into the living room and told him to sit on the sofa while he tells his maids to make them lunch. He walked back to the living room to find Louis watching some cartoons on the TV.

"Do you wanna take a nap until the lunch is ready, Lou?" Harry asked sitting next to Louis who quickly placed his head on Harry's shoulder. Louis yawned but shook his head repeatedly as he covered his yawn.

"Alright then." Harry said chuckling a bit. He placed a kiss on Louis' fluffy hair and wrapped his arms around the boy.

"I love you." Harry said out of nowhere but Louis didn't seem to mind as he beamed and said that he loves him too.

"You are gonna stay with me forever, right?" Harry asked suddenly concerned for no apparent reason.

"Yes!" Louis said with the same excitement making Harry smile fondly at the boy.

"That's good 'cause I love you too much to watch you leave me here all alone." Harry said, more to himself than to Louis. Louis buried his head into Harry's chest once again.


Once they finished dinner Harry decided to go straight to the bed since Louis didn't take a nap in the evening. He picked Louis up and walked up the stairs. He placed the boy on the bed and went into the closet to strip his clothes off and bring Louis some pajamas. He took off his shirt and took off his joggers too. He was used to sleeping with his boxers on and he turned around to find a pair of boxers since he wasn't wearing some under his joggers. He gasped a little when he came face to face with Louis since the boy has been standing behind him.

Louis let out a giggle at the face Harry made and scanned Harry's whole naked body. Harry blushed a little under Louis stare but he can't help the smirk on his lips either.

"What did you want, baby?" Harry asked walking over to the drawer that held his boxers. Louis squeaked a little too loud making Harry turn around to look at him with curious eyes.

"Hey! What are you doing?" Harry gasped out when he saw Louis with his panties halfway down and his skirt up with a very visible boner. What made Harry chuckle was the way Louis looked at his own boner like he saw a monster. Louis' eyes prickled with tears.

"Baby, it's alright! No need to cry about it." Harry cooed walking over to Louis and wrapping the boy in his arms. He was about to lift Louis into his arms but the boy stumbled back a little and fell on his bum due to his panties being down to his knees. Harry wanted to coo at the sight but he held it back in favor of comforting Louis.

Harry crouched down and removed Louis' panties first and picked the boy up.

"Do you want some jammies?" Harry asked trying to cheer up the boy. He didn't care that he, himself was still stark naked because what matters the most now is making Louis giggle again.

"No" Louis pouted. Harry adjusted Louis on his hip a little and it made some friction against Louis' crotch. Louis squeaked and that's when Harry knew what happened. He froze in his place when Louis started grinding on his hip.

"Baby boy." Harry said in a warning tone. He didn't want to get himself hard and do things that he would regret later. Louis kept grinding though. Harry groaned when Louis started letting out little whimpers. He walked into their bedroom in a recorded phace and set Louis on the bed. Louis started whining as he couldn't get any friction anymore.

"'azzie!" Louis whined out, thrusting his hips up as if he'd get some friction from weightless air around him. Harry watched all of this with dark eyes.

And if Harry helped Louis to get rid of his little problem while getting rid of his own, it's their own little secret. (*Evil laugh*)


It was a peaceful Sunday for Harry and Louis. Harry was having such a good day with Louis until the boy complained about a tummy ache and started having diarrhea. Harry was concerned about Louis having another seizure but didn't think he would want to take Louis to the hospital earlier. Louis already had seizures three times and Dr. Sivan said that there's nothing he could do even if he took Louis to the hospital earlier. Harry truly felt sorry for the boy, knowing that there's nothing anyone could do about it.

"Do you want some soup, baby boy?" Harry asked Louis who has his head laid on Harry's lap while staring aimlessly ahead. Louis felt like all the energy has drained away from him, so he just laid there, cuddling up to Harry.

"Well, I'd tell a maid to make some, okay?" Harry tried again, only to get no response from Louis once again. He froze when he felt Louis start shaking on his lap and he knew exactly what's happening.


"Is he going to be okay?" Harry asked with worry written on his face.

Dr. Sivan let out a sigh. "Mr. Styles, you know that I can't promise anything. As you can see he hasn't woken up yet. It's a bit longer than the time he normally wakes up after a seizure. I will tell you something once we got the reports of the scans we did. I can say one thing though, he will not die right now but seizures can kill him too." Dr. Sivan said what he told Harry every day. No matter how many times Harry has heard those words before, they are still like daggers going straight to his heart and tearing it into small pieces.

"Okay." Was all Harry said before sitting next to Louis' hospital bed. It's almost funny how many times he has sat in the same position next to Louis, experiencing the same thing over and over again. He felt like laughing at his and Louis' misfortune.

"He'd be okay. Press the button if something unusual happens." Again, the same thing.


"Harry?" Harry jolted awake from the sound by his ear. He looked up immediately alarmed about who's in Louis' hospital room except himself. He relaxed when he realized it was just Anne standing there with a sad smile.

"Is he awake?" is the first thing Harry asked while turning around to look at Louis. He let out a disappointed sigh when he saw that the boy still hasn't woken up. It made him worry when he checked the time to find out it is somewhat late.

"I think this is something really different, mom. I wonder why Dr. Sivan didn't take any action on this. It's really past the time he normally wakes up. " Harry said already walking over to the door to look for the doctor. Anne stopped him by grabbing his forearm.

"Harry, listen to me very clearly, okay? Wait until I finish." Anne said with a concerned face making Harry worry. Harry nodded slowly.

"Dr. Sivan came in while you were asleep. He said that he checked the reports of the tests they took." Anne paused a little making Harry more anxious.

"He's in a coma, Harry."

Harry couldn't believe his ears. He was in a shock, even though there was a possibility of this happening. He finally felt the familiar burning in his eyes once he registered what he just heard from his mother.

"B-but, but, it can't- it can't happen." Harry managed to stutter out. Anne didn't think twice before she wrapped her arms around Harry.

"You knew it could happen, baby. He's going to be alright." Anne whispered the last part to Harry.

She let go of Harry when the boy stepped away from her and she watched as he walked up to Louis bed. He sat on Louis' hospital bed and took Louis' hand in his.

"Come back to me baby, please. I want you here with me. Don't you want to play with me? Don't you want to make cookies with me? Is it why you won't wake up? We can do anything you want, Loulou. Please wake up." Harry kept talking to Louis like a madman and that was the breaking point for Anne's strong heart too. She walked out of the room, not wanting to disturb Harry with her loud sobs.

"Louis? Louis, wake up? Lou? Wake up Louis!" Harry said as he wiped his rapidly falling tears. He kept calling Louis' name, hoping that his love would wake up and jump into his arms now. He knows that there is a chance of Louis waking up now but deep down he knew that there is a chance for Louis never waking up too. He prayed to every god above to never do the latter so soon in their lives.

He would never be able to live without Louis by his side. He would never be able to stay without going insane if he didn't get to hear Louis' giggles anymore. He would never be able to get through his day without seeing Louis waddling around the house in his sweet little skirts.

He broke down once again and buried his face into Louis' stomach.

That's how Dr. Sivan found him, sobbing out Louis' name with his head laid on Louis' unconscious body. Dr. Sivan rushed to his side and patted his back.

"When is he going to wake up? Tell me when?" Harry screamed to the doctor's face.

"I don't know, Mr. Styles." Dr. Sivan murmured. "A coma can last a day or a week or a month or even years. We can't decide when the patient is going to wake up. We would have to wait until he wakes up and I want you to be patient, Mr. Styles. He would come back to you eventually." Dr. Sivan said patting Harry's back for comfort once again.

"I-but what if- what if he never wakes up?" Harry dared to shoot the question.

"I'm not saying there is not a chance of him dying. Actually, there is a chance for him to die but it'd only happen if he had a seizure while he's in coma." Dr. Sivan decided to go straight forward with Harry since there's no use of hiding anything from a person, just to make them feel better. It would only hurt the person more if they are given a hopeless dream along the way with all the lies.

Harry just stared at the doctor for few long seconds and then looked back at Louis' unconscious body. He nodded slowly as he felt so much fear run through his veins.

There's only one thing that he knew. It's that he wanted Louis here with him right now. 


(Word Count 1946)

A/N - I'm sorry. ): 

Anygay, this book would come to an end soon. Just two more chapters and this is over. Tbh I'm so sad about what happened in this chapter and I'm sorry again. 

Wellllll hello my baby potatoes! How are you all? I hope y'all are good. 

tell me how your family, friends and pets are doing! 

AND GUESS WHAT!!!!!!!!! THERE WAS A PIGEON IN MY ROOM! I tried to shoo it away but it kept walking in! OMG MY KEVIN FEELINGS OVERFLOWED AND I DIED! 

okie I'm calm now. Anygay, any creepy/unusual/funny/stupid thing happened to you? Tell me tell me tell me! 

Well then bye until the next chappy! I love y'all to death and have a nice day/night! (: xxxx

QOTC - What is the last place you want to be in this entire world?

Answer - in a horror movie. (: NO THANKS BITCH I'M FINE HERE.

In advance, here are few great quotes I saw on internet few days ago.

The best quote I ever heard. ^


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