20. "'ames!"

****Warning : May contain some graphic scenes by the end part of this chapter. Beware, if you are triggered by them.****

6 months later

"Okay, baby go to sleep. I would join you soon." Harry said and placed a small kiss on Louis' forehead. Louis made grabby hands at the man but Harry shook his head.

"No, love. I'd join you soon. I have to finish some work. Be a good princess and go to sleep now, please." Harry said lacing his fingers with Louis'. Louis shook his head whining.

"Alright then. Do you wanna come to my office room with me? But you gotta be quiet and it's gonna be really boring there." Harry said scrunching up his face at the end for good measure but Louis nodded enthusiastically. Harry groaned internally but smiled at the boy nonetheless.

"Well, then. Hop into the Chu Chu train!" Harry said, turning around and slightly bending down, so Louis can hop on his back. Louis let out a shriek and giggled uncontrollably making Harry smile with his dimples popping out.

"Get in little one." Harry said making his voice a little deeper to make himself sound like the 'Chu Chu Train'. Louis giggled again but this time scooted closer to Harry and wrapped his limbs around Harry. Harry stood up with Louis on his back and his own arms supporting Louis' pajama covered butt.

He walked to his office room with a little hop in his steps making Louis go wild with his laughter. Harry smiled all the way to his office room, seeing how happy his baby is.


"Don't. Louis!" Harry hopped off his office chair when Louis dragged out a whole stack of files from a shelf, making the papers inside of them fly everywhere. Louis looked at Harry's furious face and tilted his head to a side.

"This is very naughty, Louis. You are gonna get punished for this. I said no but you still did it." Harry's voice boomed through the small room, making Louis' lips quiver. Harry looked around the room, rubbing his forehead. He would have to sort all those files again and the stress he felt with that was over the moon.

"You are gonna get a timeout. Come on." Harry knew this is gonna be useless since the boy had the shortest attention span but he's gonna try for at least two minutes, so Louis learns a lesson. He picked the boy up and walked to a corner of his office room. He placed the boy on the ground, facing the corner.

"Okay, you gotta stay here for 10 minutes. Don't turn around until I say that you can." Harry explained to a now teary eyed Louis. Louis' tear filled blue eyes made Harry want to throw everything aside and cuddle the boy to sleep but he stuck to the plan.

"'A-azzie, s-stay?" Louis asked looking up at Harry with a massive pout that is so hard to resist. Harry sighed and placed a kiss on the boy's forehead.

"Yes, honey bee. I'll be just behind you, collecting those papers a little monkey decided to throw around." Harry said with a little smile. "Now face the corner and stay there."

A corner time is for kids to think about what they did wrong but in Harry's case, he wanted the boy to stay in one place for a little while until he collects all those papers.

He walked back and collected some of the papers and brought them back to his desk. He placed them on the desk and turned around to find Louis sat on the ground but still facing the corner. He smiled fondly at the boy and watched as he started playing with a string on his pajamas.

He collected some other papers again and found the file they are supposed to be inside. He placed those inside it and turned around to place it on the shelf. When he turned back around he found the boy crawling onto a stack of papers on the floor.

"Hey, hey, what did I tell you? Go to the corner, mister." Harry said trying to hide his fond smile and putting on a fake glare with his hands placed on his hips to look stern. Louis whined.

"N-noooo" Harry didn't hold back a chuckle this time. He walked over to Louis and sat on the ground next to him. Louis immediately jumped on Harry's lap.

"Are we sleepy little one?" Harry asked wrapping his arms around the boy and placing a little kiss on the boy's lips. It became a normal thing for them. They kiss a little too often now. Louis likes how it is special between them.

"N-nooo" Louis whined out again, making Harry smile fondly.

"Alright. Since we are not sleepy can we just go and lay on the bed? Just for fun?" Harry asked, bopping his nose with Louis', making the boy giggle like mad. He stood up with Louis on his hip. Louis immediately placed his head on Harry's shoulder, making Harry smile a little wider and place a loving kiss on the boy's head.


"Sleep tight, little one." Harry whispered and kissed his sleeping baby's forehead. He walked out of their bedroom to finish his work and clear up the mess Louis made there.

He picked up evry file and lucky for him, most of the files weren't that messed up. He finished sorting them within 30 minutes and looked at the time to find it's 10.52pm.

He sighed and sat on his office chair. He opened his laptop again and started answering few emails. He opened a new tab to search for some details in their database and saw website of pornhub has come to his suggestions. He went to clear it out quickly but got other thoughts.

All the sexual tension from days before came rushing into him, making him click on the link. He opened the website and gave a droplet of water for his desert of sexual tension.

He may or may not have forgotten to close the tab.


"'azzie no go?" Louis asked tilting his head to a side when he saw Harry still dressed in sweats.

"No, sweets. I don't have to go to work today." Harry said ruffling Louis' hair making the boy's giggles erupt through the room.

"What do you wanna do today? Only after brekky though." Harry asked helping Louis out of the bed. Louis placed his sock covered feet on the floor and let out a yawn making Harry coo.

"'ames!" He cheered. He has recently got obsessed with playing games and Harry doesn't say anything as long as his princess is happy.

They walked down to the dining room of Harry's big house to find the table already been served with food. Harry helped Louis onto a chair and sat next to the boy. He poured some milk to a plastic cup and placed it next to Louis before going to fill Louis' plate with hot pancakes.

"Do you want me to feed you or are you gonna feed yourself?" Harry asked after pouring some chocolate syrup on the pancakes. Louis only nodded making Harry confused.

"Use your words, honey bee. Me or yourself?" Harry asked again.

"L-Louie" Louis said pointing at himself and grabbing the plate. Harry smiled and took the other plate to help his starving tummy with some delicious waffles.


When they were done eating, Louis was covered in chocolate syrup by going to eat with his jerky hand. Harry decided to run a bath for the boy and wash everything off of the boy's milky skin.

Harry placed Louis in the water filled tub and watched as Louis played with the bubbles. Louis let out a happy squeal when Harry turned on the shower again. Harry did that on purpose to see Louis giggling like mad. 'I swear to god, this kid loves water more than he loves me.' Harry thought smiling fondly at the small boy.

It took more than an hour to take Louis out of the tub. The water ran cold making the boy shiver but he wanted to play with water more. Louis started crying as soon as he's taken out of the tub.

"Love, please calm down. We can take another bath soon. How about tonight before bed? Hm?" Harry talked soothingly to the crying boy as he wrapped him in a pink fluffy towel. Harry picked the boy up and walked into their bedroom.

"How about you play a game on my laptop? Do you like it?" Harry asked successfully distracting Louis. Louis hiccupped a little but nodded nonetheless.

"You wanna?" Harry asked as he bopped his nose with his baby's, making the boy let out a giggle.

Harry dressed Louis in some loose shorts and a tank top, knowing it's gonna be a lazy day at home. He brought the laptop from his office room, making a mental note to look for the iPad he had given Louis to play games. He placed the laptop on the bed in front of Louis and looked at Louis to find him carefully studying his movements. He tickled Louis' sides making the boy let out a shriek and giggle loudly.

"Here you go!" Harry said once he put on the password and accessed the laptop. He knew that Louis knows the rest with opening the game he wants and playing it, so he left the room to look for the iPad.

Meanwhile Louis kept looking through every game shortcut on the desktop and double clicked on a one in the bottom but his hand jerked making him open the web browser that was minimized.

The tab Harry forgot to close last night was in display in front of Louis. He looked at the new thing carefully and was about to close it when he accidently clicked on a link to another video. A gay porn video started playing with all sounds on making Louis watch all the moving figures carefully.

He didn't know if what he was watching is good or naughty but he was curious, just like every other person. He watched as one boy started grinding on the other boy. His curiosity grew as they both started making strange sounds when their pee pees rubbed together. His eyes bulged out of the sockets when one boy removed the other's boxers and the boy's pee pee slapped against his belly.

He looked down at his pee pee with curiosity and removed his shorts a little to see if his pee pee slaps like that. He pouted when it didn't flick up like it happened to the boy in the video. He let out a whine and that's what brought Harry into the room.

"What's wrong, sweetie p- Louis, no!" He cut himself off when he heard moans coming from the laptop. 


(Word Count 1790)

A/N - Lmfao. God, someone save Harry from this embarrassment! I'd kms if this happened to me. 

Anygayyyyy how was/is your day? Good? Bad? Sad? I hope it was great!

What do y'all think about the new book? (If you are reading it.) I hope you like it. I really love writing it as much as I do love writing this and Out of Control. 

Okieeeee that's all I gotta tell you for now um... soooo I love y'all to death and I'm hungry and have a good day/night! (: xxxxxx

QOTC - Any mental illness? (illness? my ass, It's a specialty that makes you different from boring ass people!)

Answer - Not that I know of


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