16. The Best Thing
"Yeah, okay, fine, right! Okay, okay, yeah, mom. Okay, god, fine. I'd be okay!" Harry said to the phone. He and Louis are ready to go to therapy now. Harry decided to take two hours for them together, saying he'd have more confidence with Louis besides him.
He hung up the call with Anne and turned around to find Louis sitting on the sofa with a bowl full of fruits.
"We will be leaving soon, baby. You gotta finish it quickly." Harry said sitting next to Louis with a smile. Louis looked at him and took a grapefruit from his bowl. He lifted it to Harry's mouth while looking at him with big eyes. Harry smiled fondly at him and opened his mouth. Harry pretended to bite Louis' fingers making the boy squeak and retreat his hand. Harry chuckled when Louis cuddled his own hand to his chest while looking at Harry with big eyes.
"Now I have Loulou's finger in my mouth and Loulou doesn't have a finger now!" Harry said making a scared face. Louis took his hand and examined it carefully to see if any of his fingers are missing.
"N-noooo... L-lou got all fingies!" Louis cheered while showing his hand to Harry. Harry leaped forward and tried to bite again, making Louis squeak and hide his hand under his bum. He started giggling uncontrollably making Harry chuckle too. Harry leaned down and placed a warm kiss on Louis' forehead.
"Okay, now we gotta hurry up!" He said while taking the bowl from Louis and taking another piece of fruit out of it to feed Louis. Louis opened his mouth and munched on every piece Harry put in his mouth.
"All done!" Harry cheered and placed another kiss on Louis' forehead. "Good boy!" He praised the smaller boy and stood up with the bowl. He handed it over to a maid and cleaned Louis' hands, cheeks and chin with some paper towels.
"Let's go!" He said and lifted Louis up while making plane sounds. Louis giggled throwing his head back at that and wrapped his arms around Harry's neck. Harry walked them to the car which has Harry's driver waiting in. Harry got in the backseat with Louis and directed the driver about where to go.
"'azzie..." Louis started whining out of nowhere.
"What's wrong bub?" Harry asked running his fingers through Louis' fluffy fringe.
"P-pee pee" Louis mumbled making Harry want to coo until the world ends.
"Can you wait two more minutes?" Harry asked wrapping his arm around Louis. Louis nodded while cuddling to Harry's side. When they got to their destination, Harry was quick to get out of the car with Louis on his hip. He made the walk to the washroom quick, just in case the boy not being able to hold it in for so long.
"Sit down." Harry directed after removing Louis' panties.
(I'm the most distracted person ever. I just stopped it here and went to tumblr and then saw a care bear post and then i watched few episodes of care bear and then played few Barbie cooking games and here I am again to write. *face palms*)
"Done?" Harry asked and Louis nodded. Harry helped Louis with his clothes and walked out of the restroom with him. He didn't see Louis' skirt has rode up a little and Louis, of course, being a the little innocent bean, didn't see a harm in it.
"Nice ass!" The sound of perverted one whistling was what made Harry notice it. Harry turned around with eyes full of rage and leaped forward. He took a hold of the man's collar and pinned him to a wall.
"Shut the fuck up! He's innocent. Keep it in your pants you fucked up piece of shit!" He lowly grumbled to the scared man and let go of him. He watched as the man hit the ground gasping for air. He turned around to walk away but the man coughed out something that made his blood boil.
"J-just another fuck." Harry turned around to face the man and he didn't restrain himself from landing few kicks on him.
"You don't know! You don't know anything! Shut the fuck up!" He was yelling to the top of his lungs while kicking the helpless man. What made him stop was the sound of Louis' sobs behind him. He stopped and turned around to find few ladies and gents in uniforms running to their direction. He backed away from the man and walked over to Louis. He bent down and tried to wrap his arm around the scared boy but Louis scooted away quickly. Harry felt his heart fall and he thought back to everything just happened.
"I'm sorry, Lou, please, Louis!" he called shuffling closer to Louis but the boy kept scooting backwards while covering his ears. Harry wanted to die when Louis looked at him like he's a monster. His anger ruined everything again. He watched as the workers helped the man to stand up. The man is not much injured, thanks to Louis but he has few cuts. Harry turned around and sent the man a glare again. He saw a male worker eyeing him and he looked like he's about to leap forward if Harry attacked again.
Harry turned back to Louis and tried to talk to him again but Louis just kept covering his ears. A female worker walked over to Louis and crouched down next to him.
"Are you fine, love? Do you know this man?" She asked wrapping an arm around the boy. Louis flinched away from her touch and she retrieved her arm like she understood.
"Do you know him, honey?" She asked again and watched as Louis nodded. She looked at Harry with a hard glare.
"Who are you?" She asked. She just wanted to help Louis but Harry felt like he's committed a murder and is being questioned for that.
"I'm his carer. Mind your own business!" He snapped and tried to get Louis to talk with him again but Louis stays the same. The worker let out a sigh and stood up.
"If you are a carer, you should be a carer not someone that he's afraid of." She said lowly and turned around.
"You don't know!" Harry yelled. They didn't even know what happened. They have just assumed everything and is trying to blame everything on Harry without even listening to his side. He felt like killing everyone around him with how much anger he felt.
He watched as the worker walked away while shaking her head. He turned back to Louis who is still sitting on the ground but he has let go of his ears.
"Loulou?" Harry whispered. Louis looked at him again but looked down. Harry felt his heart ache and he cursed his short living anger which can ruin everything. He decided to call Anne and explain everything. She would hopefully get Louis to talk with him again. He called her and explained everything. She told him to hand the phone over to Louis and he did. He wanted to cry when Louis flinched while taking it too.
"Hi, angel. It's Anne." Louis let out a happy squeal when he heard Anne's voice.
"A-an-ne!" He cheered, completely forgetting about what has been happening for so long. He's easily distracted so Anne used that for her advantage. She talked about numerous things with him. Harry scooted closer to the boy as he talked with Anne and wrapped his arms around him. Louis unconsciously leaned in and placed his head on Harry's chest.
"Say hi to Harry for me love." Harry heard Anne say to Louis from the other end. Louis nodded furiously and turned to look at Harry.
"H-hi 'azzie!" He cheered making Harry want to melt into a puddle. Harry smiled at the boy and placed a kiss on his cheek.
"Hi, love! Can you give me the phone now?" He asked and took the phone when Louis handed it over with a pout.
"All okay now?" Anne asked from the other end.
"Yeah, I'm sorry, mom." Harry said with a long sigh. He heard Anne letting out a sigh too.
"All will be fine, baby. Now go before you both are late." She said. Harry bid his goodbyes with Anne and hung up. He looked at Louis who has his attention on Harry's blinking phone.
"Let's go, babe." He said and stood up. He helped Louis up and adjusted his skirt to avoid the same situation from happening again. He let out a long sigh as he thought about how messed up all these things are and how he's the reason for all of that.
"'ater." Louis mumbled as they passed the water filter and Harry filled a cup of water for the boy. He looked around as Louis drank his water and saw the female worker from earlier. He walked over to her with Louis when he has finished drinking.
"Thank you so much for your concern earlier but don't make assumptions about things you don't know next time." He said with a smile and turned around while holding Louis hand in his. He saw the lady's face turn red from embarrassment.
"Would you like to talk about them?" Dr. Singh asked while scanning Harry's face. They are currently talking about his nightmares. He has only mentioned about them keeping him up all night but Dr. Singh thought she'd probably get more information about the troubles Harry is in if he talked about them.
"N-no, I... I can't" He said, more like whispered. Dr. Singh nodded.
"It's all fine. You can talk about them whenever you feel like talking." She said with a smile. She watched as Louis leaned over her table to the candy jar on her table.
"You want another one?" She asked with a smile. Louis quickly retreated his hand and looked down like he has done something terribly wrong. That made Dr. Singh's heart melt with sadness.
"It's fine, sweetheart. You didn't do anything wrong. Do you want another piece?" She asked and watched as Louis nodded meekly. She sent him a warm smile as she handed one piece of candy to the boy.
"Here you go!" She said and Louis beamed as he took the candy. Harry watched all of this with a fond smile.
"'azzie!" Louis cheered and showed Harry the piece of candy like he won the world. Harry nodded with a smile and ruffled Louis' hair making the boy squeal out a giggle.
"He's so precious!" Dr. Singh couldn't help those words.
"He is." Harry said still looking at Louis like he has the world in his eyes, which he does. Dr. Singh watched all of this with a knowing smile. Harry hasn't told her about his feelings for Louis yet but she kind of felt like Harry is in love with his best friend. Her smile grew as she thought about how pure and beautiful their love would be. She made a promise to herself to work as much as she can to make it all better for them.
"No, Lou, no more sugar." Harry sighed as he watched Louis trying to take the jar full of candy from the cupboard. Harry made sure to store it in the highest shelf, so the boy can't reach it.
"W-wanttttt" Louis whined and stomped his feet while holding onto the counter. Harry let out another sigh.
"No, love. You had like 5 pieces while we were with Lilly. No more. Do you want some juice?" Harry tried again. Louis shook his head and pointed at the jar again.
"I said no, so no more." Harry announced his final decision and lifted Louis off the ground to his hip. Louis reached out for the jar since he's tall enough for that. His fingers brushed the jar but Harry walked away before he could get a hold of it. Louis whined and kicked his legs.
"You're gonna need to stop that, love or else we both would fall." Harry warned while looking at Louis sternly. Louis whined and bent his body backwards. Harry tried but he couldn't balance themselves. He fell to the ground but he was quick to put his palm under Louis' head so it wouldn't hit the ground.
"Louis!" He said loudly, scared Louis would get hurt as they fell. Louis started crying, not because he's hurt but being scared of the sudden fall. Harry sat on the floor with Louis on his lap and examined the boy's body for any scars. He let out a sigh of relief when he found none.
"It's alright, baby. You didn't get boo boos. Sh..." Harry cuddled his best friend to his chest and rocked them side to side.
"B-boo b-boo" Louis pointed at the little cut on back of Harry's hand. Harry didn't notice it until Louis pointed it out. He smiled fondly at the boy's concerned face and placed a warm kiss on his forehead.
"Hazzie is fine, bubs." He said and wiped few tears away from Louis' cheeks. Louis leaned and placed his head on Harry's chest again.
"Sleepy?" Harry asked after few seconds of silence. Louis shook his head but his own yawn betrayed his words, making Harry chuckle.
"Of course, not sleepy. Let's just go to our room, okay?" Harry asked while rubbing Louis' back. Louis sleepily nodded and clung to Harry along the way to their room. Harry set the boy on the ground next to the bed.
"Wait here until I come with your jammies." Harry said and walked into their closet. He found a pair of princess jammies and walked out to find Louis all sprawled on the ground with a little puddle of drool by his face. Harry smiled fondly and picked the boy up. He wiped away the drool and helped Louis to get into his jammies.
"N-no 'leepyyy" Louis whined as Harry tried to lay him down on the bed. Harry sighed already knowing this is gonna be a long night.
"Okay, what do you wanna do then?" Harry asked as he took off his clothes to join Louis on the bed. He striped down to his boxers and sat on the bed next to Louis. Louis being distracted with the cute patterns on his pajamas, didn't answer Harry's question. Harry settled with watching the beautiful boy in front of him.
He thought about the first day he met Louis. It's not like he remembers it. He just knew how it was from the things Anne and Jay has told them.
It's the day Anne and Harry went to meet the new born of Jay. Harry was only one and half year by then, but he was a very cheery little one. As Anne has told him, he has waddled over to Louis and placed a wet, sloppy kiss on newborn's face. Louis has let out an cute giggle like he always does, even now.
They even have a picture of Harry sitting on Anne's hip and bending over to look at Louis who is in Jay's arms. Jay and Anne are looking at their boys with happy smiles and Harry has the most curious eyes on the picture while Louis is just laying in his mommy's arms, wrapped in a fuzzy blanket. (This is actually a picture of me and my cousin. He's looking at me when i was like only 1 week. And he was like 2 years old then.)
Harry didn't know he was smiling so hard until Louis poked one of his white teeth. Harry looked down at Louis and smiled even more. He opened his arms, silently inviting Louis for a hug. Louis was quick to climb over to Harry and wrap his limbs around the older boy's middle. Harry nuzzled his nose into Louis' fluffy hair and smelled the unique scent that only belongs to Louis. He felt a content and warm feeling engulf him and rock him in its arms.
"I'm in love with you, Louis. You're the best thing that ever happened to me. I love you." Harry whispered not being able to hide how he feels anymore. He has had enough sleepless nights thinking about it and now is the best time to confess his love for his best friend. What made his heart skip a beat was the thing Louis mumbled against his chest.
"L-love 'oo too, 'azzie." Louis mumbled sleepily. Maybe he told that out of habit but it means the world to Harry, just like Louis does.
(Word Count 2756)
A/N - Hello my baby potatoes! How are you?
How is your family?
How are your friends?
How are your pets?
I hope all are doing great! Andddddddd NEW YEARS IS COMING!!! and I'm thinking what I did in this year. More like I did nothing but I did somethings too. So it's fine. (:
Anddddd I wanted to know if there are any littles (as in ddlg and/or mdlg) reading this book. I want more wittle fwends!
Okieeee enough chit chat. Have a nice day/ night! I love you all to death! (: xxxxx
QOTC - Any plans for the new year?
Answer - I plan to graduate and not to fail my exams. lmao. And I turn 19 soon (means in 4 more months but still!). Gosh, I hate to grow up! ))))))):
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