Possibilities For The Future
Tribal slams her fist on her computer, and roaring loading in anger and frustration, the reason of such emotion was because despite her many days of searching and looking for any kind of clues of where the Xenomorphs might be at, she has found nothing, the only thing she does know was that they were still around the area she was in, and haven't gone beyond that, but she knew such a thing wasn't gonna last, she growls before letting out a sigh, not a fan of the waiting game, but unfortunately it was all she could do, with little to no choice, she would just have to be patient and wait until the Xenomorphs made a move, with that in mind, she knew what needed to be done now, she stood up, grabbing her weapons, and then grabbing 4 special devices, which was meant as something that would help her tracking, something she planned to set up and could only help it would be enough to help with her mission of the Hunt...
"Sooooo, I've been meaning to ask."
Meanwhile, at some kind of open field area, that was close to a nearby forest, a small group of familiar Adventurers could be seen sitting together around a campfire, them being the Lizard Priest, who was enjoying some cheese that was recently given to him, Dwarf Shaman, drinking big gulps of fire wine, High Elf Archer, only drinking a small cup of alcohol and somehow already super drunk, a young Priestess, who was cooking a pot of stew for everyone, and, of course, there was the infamous Goblin Slayer himself, who just kept quiet and to himself, cleaning and sharpening his weapons all the while.
"Where did you get your disc and staff from? I don't recognize the design or materials, is it ancient?"
Though one of the weapons that the silver knight was cleaning and sharpening was the "Smart Disc", which caught the attention from the rest of the group, more specifically the Dwarf Shaman.
"From someone we saved."
Of course Goblin Slayer just gave a blunt and simple answer, not really explaining more than that.
"Mhm! I think these are supposed to be gifts of appreciation after we saved them from dying."
Luckily Priestess was there to explain more on how she got them and where, or who, it came from, which definitely made others more interested.
"Your friend must've been a truly kind and honorable warrior to do such a thing."
Lizard Priest couldn't help but hum in curiosity, wondering what kind of person would give them such interesting gifts.
"Hey, maybe if I save them, think they'll get me something cool too? Maybe a new bow and arrow?~"
High Elf Archer, in her drunken state, couldn't help but be jealous and wanted to know if it was possible if she could get some cool weapons too.
"I don't know."
Again, Goblin Slayer just gave a very unhelpful reply, as he finished cleaning up his weaponing and making the Elf pout and puff her cheeks.
"Hey, I'm sorry if this sounds rude or personal, but, um."
As that was going on between the two silver ranks, Priestess decided to take this chance to ask the Dwarf something, though she didn't know how to ask without sounding rude.
"No need to be shy, ask away."
Dwarf Shaman reassured the holy girl to ask what was on her mind, doubting it wouldn't be something he would be offended by.
"... Where did you get your scars?"
Priestess, after a bit of hesitation, finally asked the question, specifically asking how the Shaman got the grid pattern on her forehead area, luckily he just laughs it off, clearly not offended by the question, much to her relief.
"Oh, well, you see, we ran into-"
However, while Dwarf Shaman didn't mind the question and was about to even explain what happened, the High Elf Archer quickly interrupted him and started expressing her own feeling of rage and hate, which startled the blonde adventurer.
"And I swear, once I see that beast again, I'm gonna shoot an arrow right in the freaking neck..."
High Elf Archer growls and grumbles as she sits down, rubbing her shoulder and remembering the arrow that was shot into her.
"We nearly lost our lives fighting such a creature, their weapons were so unusual, almost like magic, yet not at the same time."
Dwarf Shaman explains further on how they faced such an enemy and how they nearly got killed fighting them.
"Oh my, if they were that dangerous, how did you all survive such an encounter?"
Priestess gasps, even though she only met the group, seeing that they were all silver rank, and them explaining how they were almost killed, it made her worry on how strong the threat was and was surprised to see all of them still alive.
"You can thank our Lizard Priest right here, fought the damn thing and forced them to run away~"
High Elf Archer wraps her arms around the Lizard and patting his back, nearly dropping his cheese in the process.
"It is true, I did fight with the creature, like a true warrior, however it wasn't my strength or skills that drove it off."
Luckily the Lizard Priest managed to save and eat his cheese, all while sharing his part of the experience.
"It... It was more focused on something else, yet I have no idea what that could be, it must've been more important than finishing me off."
Especially the part on how the Lizard Priest was only alive because his opponent didn't think he wasn't important enough to be killed off.
"Hm... More important..."
Which honestly made the Goblin Slayer start thinking about that, for some reason, he couldn't help but get the feeling that this "More Important" that this enemy that the group face, he just couldn't shake off the thought that it will be something he would need to be careful about for some reason, though before more could be said, Priestess decided it was time to stop talking about such things, pouring a bowl of stew and handing it out for everyone, which they all except gratefully.
"Let's just hope we don't run into them then."
SORRY FOR SORT CHAPTER! But something important I want to ask, should Tribal work with Goblin Slayer and his group? Or go solo? Like obviously she would join them in important moments, but in between she would be alone most of the time, what do you think?
(Depending on your answer will probably change the direction of the story)
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