Introduction To Horror
"And that makes 30."
A small green disgusting creature, known as a Goblin, could be seen running through the forest, as if attempting to escape somewhere, though it didn't make it far before a large blade pierced its back and killed it almost instantly.
"That should be all the Goblins, though we should do one last area sweep before leaving."
And the one responsible for such a kill was a young adult male, wearing a full suit of light metal armor, with a round shield and a sword, which he took back after stabbing the Goblin a few times, which was what he was known for, killing Goblins, which gave him the name of "Goblin Slayer".
"Yes Sir."
Though the armored man didn't come alone, as he was followed by a young 15-year-old blonde girl, wearing holy clothes and carrying a staff, she was a Priestess, someone who supports, helps, and follows wherever the killer of Goblins goes.
'It's been a week since I joined Sir Goblin Slayer... And when I lost my team to Goblins...'
Priestess, while following her partner, couldn't help but reminisce to herself, thinking back on the day she met the slayer.
'I won't lie, working with Goblin Slayer hasn't been easy.'
Priestess sighs, recalling the struggles she had when she started being around the armored man.
'Especially when it comes to his, "Unique", ways of dealing with Goblins.'
Priestess shivers at the memories of all the brutal ways a Goblin could be killed.
'But I know that what he does is important.'
But in the end, no matter how gruesome and even disgusting the slaying of Goblins might be, the Priestess would not turn back now and will continue the quest of killing all the Goblins.
'I can't let these Goblins ruin another group of young and inspiring Adventurers again...'
Priestess clenched her fist and seems to be very determined in what she was doing.
'But still, even though what we're doing is for a good reason, and overall better for everyone.'
Though, despite such motivation, the Priestess couldn't help but hesitate and started doubting herself in what she was doing.
'I just hope that I'm not... I'm not getting in his way...'
But before the Priestess could continue to have such negative thoughts and feelings about herself, she suddenly interrupted herself when she noticed how the killer of Goblins was just standing there, no longer walking forward.
Goblin Slayer hums, as if unsure about something.
"Did you find something, Goblin Slayer?"
Which made the Priestess both curious and worried about what the Slayer was confused about.
"I don't know."
Soon the partner of the Goblin Slayer stood next to him and went to look at what he was seeing.
And what the Priestess saw made her speechless. Below, at what appeared to be a lake of some kind, there was a large unknown object sitting near the edge of the lake. From the looks of it, it seemed to be heavily damaged and almost completely destroyed, though it was still held together enough to be an impressive sight to see.
"What is that?"
Priestess looks up to her partner, wondering if he knew anything about it.
"Like I said, I don't know."
But Goblin Slayer bluntly admits to not knowing what he was seeing.
"But Goblins may be using it as their new hide out."
Though the Goblin Slayer doesn't seem to care about that, as his main focus was wondering if what they found was related to Goblins or not, which just made the holy girl shake her head in disappointment.
'Even when finding something new and interesting, he's only worried about Goblins, heh...'
Soon, both Priestess and her armored friend could be seen entering and exploring the inside of the large object, only one of them seemed to be impressed at what she was seeing.
"Wow, it's like I'm in a mystically advanced future..."
Despite most of everything seeming to be broken or completely destroyed, Priestess was still amazed and in awe at what she found, how everything looks just so, "Out of this world", to put it simply.
"Don't touch anything, it could be dangerous."
Goblin Slayer was still weary and on guard, sword and shield out, preparing for the worst at what the advanced place had to offer that might be considered deadly.
"I wonder who made all of this, everything just looks so, "Magical", but without using actual magic."
Priestess took a closer look, seeing glowing lights, uncommon devices, and just random yet very high tech items that she didn't recognize.
"Probably Dwarfs, I heard they were smart."
Was the only input Goblin Slayer had to add to their situation, which was barely helpful as usual.
"Hm, there's no Goblins."
But after enough exploring and not finding anything worthwhile, specifically not finding any Goblins for the Goblin Slayer to slay, he decided that it was time to leave.
"Do you think we should tell the Guild Girl about this?"
Priestess couldn't help but be conflicted on whether or not they should tell people about this place, or keep it a secret and leave it alone.
"Do as you please, it's not that important to our main mission."
Which again, the Goblin Slayer could care less about, which just made his partner pout and puff her cheeks.
'You can be a real butt sometimes, can you at least be interested in what you find.'
Though as Priestess was ready to leave and call it a day, she suddenly paused in her steps when she saw something, or specifically, "Someone".
"GOBLIN SLAYER! I Found Someone!"
And what the Priestess found made her gasp and didn't hesitate to run over to whoever she found, which confused the slayer.
"Are they Goblins?"
Goblin Slayer was able to catch up with the holy girl, weapons ready just in case what they found was a threat.
"No, I think it's a, um, girl?"
But instead of finding a Goblin, the Priestess instead found a, "Masked Lady?", laying on the floor, seemingly unmoving and unresponsive.
"And she seems to be hurt, very badly."
And the Priestess could see why, as this female had a very bad injury on her body, which caused her to spill and lose so much, "Green Blood"?, they weren't sure, but still could tell it was bad.
"She's still breathing, though just barely."
The only good news about the situation was that the injured woman was still alive, or at least the Priestess thinks she was alive, since she could see her chest rising and falling, indicating that she was still breathing.
"Stabbed in the stomach, luckily it wasn't her heart, but the injury is still very bad."
Goblin Slayer kneels down and takes the chance to see what kind of specific injury they were dealing with and how serious it was.
"Not to mention she's losing a lot of blood."
The Goblin Slayer seemed to have some doubts about the lady recovering from this kind of injury.
"How many miracles do you have?"
Goblin Slayer then reaches behind himself and searches around inside his small bag, looking for something that could hopefully be helpful in this situation.
"Only one."
The Priestess could already guess what her partner might ask of her, readying her staff and was prepared to cast a miracle.
"Use a healing spell and focus it on her stab wound, I'll try using potions to help with the minor injuries."
Once the Goblin Slayer pulled out a few healing potions, the holy girl didn't hesitate to start performing a miracle for the injured woman.
"[O Earth Mother, abounding in mercy, lay your revered hand upon your child's wounds: Minor Heal!]"
With a mix of the Priestess miracle and the slayer pouring his potions, the bleeding stab wound that was on the injured female slowly started to close up and heal over, all the way until it was no longer bleeding.
"Did it work?"
And once the healing was finished, enough so that no scars remained from the stab wound, the Priestess, after having a moment to catch her breath, took a close look at the seemingly unconscious female, still worried about her safety, though worry soon turned into complete fear when a blades came out of the woman's wrist and reflexively took a slash at the people that just tried to save her life.
"Get Behind Me!"
Luckily Goblin Slayer was able to move both his partner and himself out of the way, pushing the young blonde behind himself as he picked up and aimed his sword at the masked woman that they just saved. It was obvious that she was fully healed, being able to stand up quickly on her feet, and even seemed to be ready to fight, judging by how ready she was to use her wrist blades. But despite the sudden attempted murder, she seemed to have calmed down a bit, it seems. She was still ready and willing to kill if needed, though at the moment, she was just simply staring at the two humans before her.
"W-We're not here to hurt you, we only wanted to help..."
The Priestess tried to explain her actions, doing everything she could to express that she and her armored friend weren't a threat, and how they went out of their way to help the masked lady. Though they were only met with silence from her, which made the holy girl worry more and made the slayer grip his sword more tightly and cautiously. Though after what seems like forever, the masked lady just simply put away her wrist blades and just walked away from the two, choosing to leave them alone instead of killing them, much to their relief.
"I think her not killing us is a sign of thanks... I think."
Was all Goblin Slayer had to say, putting away his weapon and also choosing peace, having no reason to start a war if they could just walk away from it instead, though the Priestess could only sigh and wear a tired expression in response.
'I should've stayed back in the temple...'
Meanwhile, somewhere else that was very far away, a group of four could be seen walking through the forests. From the looks of it, they had just finished some kind of quest and were just heading home for the day.
"Thank you guys for letting me join today's adventure."
One of the four members was a heavily pregnant woman, who dressed like a wizard of some kind.
"I know I shouldn't be doing this while pregnant, but I was just so tired of being home doing nothing all day."
The pregnant wizard smiles at her group of fellow Adventurers, no doubt glad to have such kind friends.
"It's no problem, nothing wrong with getting some fresh air every once in a while."
The 2nd member was a female Warrior, relaxed about the whole thing.
"Also, we were only doing treasure hunting for today, so there wasn't much danger to be had for you."
Then a male fighter, also not bothered about the whole thing.
"Though don't expect to go on another adventure with us again, this is a one and done deal, even if it was an easy mission, it's still not safe for someone like you to be here."
The only one bothered about all this was a male elf rogue, he seemed to be very concerned about her pregnant friend's safety.
"I know, but still, thank you for accepting my selfish request."
The pregnant wizard chuckles, knowing how selfish she was being, but was still glad that she was accepted in this quest, as well as thankful for how understanding her team was.
"I know, as thanks, how about I cook a big-"
Though as the pregnant wizard was about to offer to cook for her team some tasty food as a way of saying thanks, the muffled sound of struggling caught everyone's attention, turning around to see what was happening.
"Hey! Hey! Are You Ok?!"
And what everyone saw, much to everyone horror, was the male fighter falling to the ground, struggling to remove some kind of, "Facehugger", off of his face.
"What Is That Thing?!"
The entire group rushed towards their fallen friend, attempting to remove the Facehugger from their friend's face. However, all that was accomplished was the creature wrapping its tail around the male fighter's neck, tight enough to choke him into unconsciousness.
"I Don't Know! But It Won't Come Off!"
Though before anyone could think of a way to save their friend, everyone suddenly tensed up when they heard the sound of movement, as if knowing what that noise belonged to.
"There's Another One!"
And in an instant, another Facehugger came out from hiding and didn't hesitate to pounce on them, ready to take down another victim. The female warrior was able to react quickly and used her sword against the creepy crawly. Fortunately for her, she was successful in slicing the creature.
Unfortunately for the female warrior, as soon as she sliced apart the Facehugger, blood was able to gush out and splatter all over her face, and sadly, it was not normal blood but instead acidic blood, which wasted no time melting away her flesh. Painful cries soon turned into gurgling agony.
"Damn It! We're Surrounded!"
The two remaining teammates couldn't even be given a chance to process their friend's death, as a whole load of Facehuggers could be seen surrounding and rushing towards the two that were left standing, the elf rogue felt helpless, as he knew whatever he did would only result in the same acid death that his fellow teammate had suffered, but the pregnant wizard, she looked determined and willing to do whatever she could to survive.
"[O Thou God Of Wind! Share Me Your Powerful Roar! THUNDERCLAP!]"
And luckily for the pregnant wizard, she didn't need to touch the Facehuggers to kill them, as with a quick chant of her spell, she was able to send out a powerful shockwave across the entire area, which was strong enough to kill all the small critters almost instantly.
Though despite saving themselves the same fate that their fallen teammates had suffered, it still took a lot out of the pregnant wizard, falling to her knees, looking very exhausted and weak after casting such a strong spell.
"Thank you, I know using that while pregnant was a big risk, but, just thank you."
The elf rogue comforts his friend, making sure to express his thanks and gratitude.
"Hehe, I still got it..."
The pregnant wizard, despite the horrible situation, was still able to put on a brave and confident smile, as if letting her friend know that she was ok.
"Hm, the village shouldn't be that far, think you can make it?"
As the elf rogue helps his friend up, he takes a moment to process what had just happened, as he starts to think of a way to handle this problem and what they should do next.
But before a plan could be made, the elf rogue was suddenly stabbed in the back, with the blade tip poking out of the chest, much to the horror of the pregnant wizard.
The pregnant wizard fell back to the ground and went wide-eyed in absolute despair and terror.
"P-Please no..."
For what she saw that just killed the elf rogue, was some kind of large monstrous creature, with a long blade-tipped tail that was used to stab her friend, powerful claws that were used to rip apart the rogue elf, strong legs used to walk over to the wizard, using its large head with dreadlocks and no eyes to get a closer look at the human, and nuzzling its four sharp mandibles and teeth across the lady's large pregnant belly.
"D-Don't hurt my baby, please..."
The pregnant wizard could only beg as this monster, this alien monster, this predatory alien monster lifted its head and seemingly glared its eyeless face at the woman, who wasn't even given a chance to scream for fear and help, before shooting its tongue, which resembles a secondary mouth, into the lady's mouth.
The pregnant wizard could only moan in terror, as she tried her best to push the predatory alien away from herself, though it accomplished nothing as the monster continued to force the human woman to swallow load after load of unknown objects down her throat.
"HMMM! Ughhhh! Mmmmmm..."
Takes place in between Ep 1 and 2 of Goblin Slayer S1, and the beginning of AVP: Requiem, also the reason the Predator didn't kill Goblin Slayer and Priestess is because 1: She's not hunting, 2: She was saved by them, and her code of honor wouldn't allow her to repay kindness with death, and 3: Priestess is a child, and a mix of code of Honor and being a female, she couldn't just kill them either way, ALSO! The reason Priestess and Goblin Slayer aren't too bothered or afraid by the Predator is because, well, it's nothing new to them really, I mean when Lizard people exist and are treated like normal things, then the Predator isn't that much special.
(BTW! There's no real reason why I made the Predator a female, just for my own amusement really, WITH THAT SAID! What should her name be?)
/Female Predator Name\
(I'm open to other suggestions)
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