A True Warrior



Tribal could be seen turning off her invisibility and standing over the corpse of what remains of a certain female wizard. She used her bio helmet to change her vision and carefully analyze the body. What she saw made her clench her fist once she realized that this wizard was not only used as a host but was also pregnant, evident when using her helmet to see what "remains" inside the burst bloated belly. The Yautja warrior lets out a low growl as she kneels down before the corpse, using one hand to give a sympathetic pat to the body, as well as using it to close her wide eyes of horror and wear a much more peaceful expression. Once given the wizard a more appropriate peaceful position of eternal rest, the female hunter reached into her pouches and pulled out a vial of blue liquid, opened the top, and began to pour it all over the body of the dead wizard.


Tribal raised a hand and grabbed an arrow from the air that was about to hit her face. She quickly turned around and saw a very unusual trio before her.

"Damn it, we were too late..."

The one who shot the arrow was a High Elf Archer. She loaded another arrow as she wore an angry and regretful expression when she saw the corpse of the wizard dissolved and disintegrated into nothingness, immediately blaming Tribal for her death.

"Calm yourself long ears, now's not the time to act all vengeful, especially when the enemy stands before us."

The one who stood next to the green-haired elf was a Dwarf Shaman, trying to calm his partner, even though understanding her feelings.

"Be on your guard my friends, something tells me that we're not dealing with any ordinary foe..."

The last of the trio was a Lizard Priest, and as soon as he expressed his concerns, Tribal just suddenly turned invisible, which startled and made the entire trio be on guard, weapons out and spells or miracles ready to be used.

"Shit, I hate it when our enemy turns invisible."

High Elf Archer narrowed her eyes and tried to use all of her other heightened senses to track Tribal. Before her or her other teammates could find something, a net was suddenly shot out of nowhere and trapped the bearded man.


Both Elf and Lizard rushed to the side of the short adventurer in the hopes of releasing him from the night, which they saw tightening up and digging into him, luckily he had his axe weapon out to slow it down, but it was only a matter of time before it could do some serious damage. The reptile adventurer grabbed the net and attempted to rip it apart with his strength, though he stopped himself and yelled in pain, realizing that the net had burnt and left marks on his hands. As for the elf adventurer, she pulled out a knife and tried to cut the net, but only broke her knife instead, which only made her more worried and frustrated.

"Heh, I should've known to have a drink last night, who knew I would've gone out like this!"

Despite the obvious threat of death, the Dwarf Shaman tried to make light of the situation, as well as expressing how much he regrets not having one last drink before dying in such an unforeseen way.

"Elf, I know of a miracle, please watch my back while I free our comrade."

Once realizing the problem, the Lizard Priest started to prepare a chant in the hopes of solving the problem his drinking friend was facing. The Archer nodded and pulled back an arrow, aiming around the forest area.


High Elf Archer, thanks to her elven senses, was able to find her target and quickly shoot out her arrow. Unfortunately, Tribal responded to this attack by shooting her own bow and arrow, which resulted in not only destroying the elven arrow completely with her own but also pinning the green-haired elf to a tree behind her when the Yautja arrow struck her. Luckily, this only hit her shoulder, so she will survive, but she did scream out in pain.

"FUCK! Focus On Saving the Fat Owf!"

High Elf Archer was able to stop the holy reptile from trying to help her, still wanting him to focus on saving the bearded man, she pulls out another arrow and got ready to shoot again, but thanks to the pain, not only did she struggle to even move properly, but also caused her to miss hitting Tribal, who was still invisible and jumping around the trees, which only added to the difficulty and frustration.

'Stop Worrying About Hitting Your Target!'

High Elf Archer growls at herself when she misses shooting Tribal again.

'Just trust your instincts and the guidance of the wind and the forests...'

But after closing her eyes, taking a deep breath, and clearing her mind, ignoring the pain and anger, the High Elf Archer was able to properly concentrate and use all of her senses to feel her entire surroundings, smell the natural air, feel the blowing wind, and then hear the sound of someone pulling another arrow back, ready to shoot. After this realization, the Archer was able to properly react by quickly shooting her arrow, which made Tribal also shoot her arrow at the same time. Though unlike before, the elven arrow, instead of getting broken by the Yautja arrow, went under and pushed it up. This not only resulted in the arrow missing the elf adventurer, only hitting above her head and into the tree wood instead, but the elven arrow actually managed to hit and pierce into the shoulder of the Yautja Warrior, which caused her to roar in discomfort and was enough to momentarily pause her attack.

"Heh, now we're even~"

High Elf Archer opens her eyes and lets out a smug smirk.

"[O my forebears who sleep under layers of rock, with all the time that has piled upon you, guide these objects! RUST!]"

By this time, Lizard Priest was able to free his Dwarven friend by using a spell to rust away and break the tightening net weapon.

"Thanks scaly, now help long ears!"

The Dwarf Shaman, while left with a couple deep cuts over his skin and clothes, was still able to quickly back up and get ready to join in the fight and defend his teammates.

"It's my turn to face this beast."

By the time Tribal had removed the arrow from her shoulder, spilling out some neon green blood from the wound, the Dwarf Shaman began to get work.

"[Pixies, pixies, hurry, quickly! No treats for you, I just need tricksies! BIND!]"

Using the neon blood to find the invisible enemy, Dwarf Shaman was able to properly cast his spell and accurately hit Tribal, which just binds her in one spot and prevents her from moving.

"Surprised? Well you haven't seen anything yet~"

Once the Dwarf Shaman was able to both see and stop Tribal from either escaping or attacking, he unleashed another spell, this time meant for something to hurt his target.

"[Come out you gnomes, it's time to work, now don't you dare your duty shirk, a bit of dust may cause no shock, but a thousand make a lovely rock! STONE BLAST!]"

Tribal barely had time to protect herself after breaking out of her magical binds, as the Dwarf Shaman then shoots her with multiple stone bullets all over her body. Luckily, thanks to her strong body, she was able to handle the full barrage. However, to say it didn't leave a mark and make her bleed neon green, not to mention knocking her out of the tree, it definitely knocked the breath out of her. Even though she survived and was able to still slowly get back up.

"Truly a beast, to take a full brunt of that attack and still be standing."

Dwarf Shaman was definitely impressed to say the least, but he was still prepared to attack Tribal again if needed.

"Save your miracles, you might need it against this monster."

High Elf Archer quickly stopped her fellow adventurer friend from using a spell to heal her, which did make him frown in worry, but didn't say anything and just simply used a medical kit to bandage her bleeding shoulder after removing the arrow.

"Alright, but try to be careful."

Was all the Lizard Priest could say, before helping his elven friend to her feet.

"We'll see."

High Elf Archer tightly grips at her bow, as she pulls out another arrow to use.

"So team, what's the plan?"

Dwarf Shaman looks back at his party members, seeing both were available and also ready to help.

"We have numbers on our side, maybe we can use that to our advantage."

High Elf Archer suggested, though what she said definitely gave a certain holy reptile an idea.

"We could always use more."

Meanwhile, back with Tribal, she was able to fully recover from the fall and "Stone Blast" attack, getting back up to her feet, and just in time to catch another arrow from mid-air. However, this just served as a distraction as the Lizard Priest ran up to the Yautja Warrior and punched her hard in the face. This definitely made her growl, and she was about to deliver a counter, but was once again distracted, this time by a large rock thrown and hitting the back of her head. This just gave a boney Dragontooth Warrior a chance to come running in and swing a large branch club at her, knocking her back and disrupting her balance.

"Just Keep Attack! Don't Give Her A Chance To Counter Attack Or Escape!"

And this was the plan everyone agreed on: the High Elf Archer and Dwarf Shaman used arrows and rocks to both distract and force Tribal to defend herself, all the while the Lizard Priest and his Dragontooth Warrior summoned took the chance to both ambush and attack the female hunter when she was most disorganized and disoriented. So far, this hit-and-run plan seemed to be working, not only did this prevent her from using any of her weapons to counter-attack, not to mention all these constant hits basically disrupted and temporarily broke her cloaking to give a chance of breathing room, but soon all the hits were beginning to be too much. As it then ends with the Dragontooth Warrior swinging its club upwards and both knocking the Yautja Warrior back and onto the ground, this sight definitely gave the team confidence.

"Good Job You Adorable Bony Lizard!~"

High Elf Archer couldn't help but happily praise and congratulate the Dragontooth Warrior for how well it did against Tribal in knocking her off her feet.

"You honor me for praising my summon warrior."

Which definitely made the Lizard Priest happy, evidenced by his wagging tail. Unfortunately, such good moods were soon ruined, as when the Dragontooth Warrior walked up to Tribal, in the attempt of slamming its club down at her, it was suddenly obliterated when one of its two "Shoulder Cannons" came to life and blasted the boney lizard away with a pure blue plasma energy blast. The entire adventurer party group wasn't even given a chance to process what they just saw before the female hunter suddenly got back up to her feet, both of her "Dual Shoulder Cannons", plus her red laser pointer, suddenly activated and wasted no time in firing at the trio. Luckily, they were quick enough to avoid the incoming blast, though to say they weren't afraid at the moment would be a complete lie.

"[Come out you gnomes, it's time to build! Let all this space with earth be filled! Fear no wind and fear no waves, a solid wall keeps them at bay! SPIRIT WALL!]"

Luckily the Dwarf Shaman was able to summon a wall made from the earth to block the blue plasma blast, not that it mattered that much, as Tribal activate some kind of small device, which started to float up in the air and then flew towards the wall, beeping and flashing red, before suddenly exploding when it touched the wall, dust and smoke filled the area, though the Yautja Warrior just simply ignores and walked through it, using her helmet to look around in the smoke, as well as having her red laser point scan around, ready to blast away anyone still standing.

"You shall not take another step, you vile beast."

Though when the smoke and dust finally settled, all that remained was the Lizard Priest, clothes basically burnt and ruined, he was currently standing in front and defending his fallen friends, who were fortunately still alive, but just badly hurt from the blast.

"[O sickle wings of the velociraptor, rip and tear, fly and hunt! SWORDCLAW!]"

Not to say the Lizard Priest left the blast unscathed, but he was still able to stand, and even used another miracle to summon a bladed weapon to defend himself and his friends with.

"As long as I still stand, you shall never hurt my comrades and party members..."

When Tribal saw such a fighting spirit in the Lizard Priest, she couldn't help but respond to such a thing in kind. Deactivating her dual shoulder cannons, dropping all of her weapons on the ground, and, what surprised the holy reptile, saw the female hunter turned, unhooked, and then finally, removed the helmet, before dropping it to the ground, revealing the face of a true Yautja Warrior. Who lets out a loud monstrous roar, slamming her fist onto her chest, before releasing her own blades that came out of her wrists.

"A warrior's challenge?"

Confused at first, the Lizard Priest was soon able to understand what Tribal was doing, which was wanting to fight him like a true warrior, because he was deemed as a worthy challenge, not to mention someone with honor, which the female hunter respected enough to fight him in such a fair fight.

"Then I have no choice but to accept."

Even though the Lizard Priest might have some dislike for Tribal, he couldn't help but be both honored by this warrior challenge and agree to fight as one as well. Standing up tall, ripping off what remained of his clothes, gripping his Swordclaw tightly, taking a few deep breaths to have a chance to focus and calm himself, before finally giving the signal that he was ready by letting out his own loud roar, and with that, the battle between the two "Warriors" began. As both charged at each other and swung their respective blades at one another, clashing and sending sparks everywhere when both sharp metal hit each other, though they didn't just fight with only blades. The Yautja Warrior used her free hand to deliver a strong punch to the silver rank iguanodon's face, which did knock him back, but he was able to return the favor by smacking the female hunter away with his large tail. Both were able to quickly recover and returned to the fight. From an outsider's perspective, it was definitely a grand battle of epic proportions between the two Warriors, despite both suffering battle damage before and even during the fight, they still provided a wonderful fight with one another. Their strengths, weapons, and code of honor were equal enough to make the battle fair, but their experiences, skills, and potential unknown weapons and abilities that the two offered were different enough to make the duel interesting, exciting, and made them somewhat hesitate, as they were unsure who would actually have the upper hand and win such a fight, but that didn't stop them from trying. Soon, both swung and clashed blades again.

"[O proud and strange brontosaurus, grant me the strength of ten thousand! PARTIAL DRAGON!]"

But this time, there wasn't a struggle, as the Lizard Priest used a miracle to give himself strength superior to Tribal. Not only won him the clash of blades, but delivered such a hit with enough force that gave her a deep cut on her chest before sending her flying and crashing through a tree. To say it knocked the wind out of her would be an understatement, but seeing and realizing that her fellow Warrior used something to give himself a chance of winning, she decided to return the favor in kind. Reaching in her pouch and pulled out a syringe, before stabbing it in her leg, she lets out a loud roar, but a moment of pain soon turned into a moment of pure adrenaline, as not only did she recover quickly enough to avoid getting her head pierced by the holy reptile Swordclaw, but moved quickly enough to slash into his arm. Thankfully for him with his increased physical strength and buff, his arms didn't get cut off, but the sudden slash and pain did force him to drop his weapon, though that didn't make him defenseless, as he used his tail again to swing and smack into the chest of the female hunter. Which did cause her to roar in pain as she felt a few of her ribs shatter from the impact, but thanks to her own adrenaline boost, not only was she able to handle such a powerful attack, but also grabbed onto the tail that hit her before pulling it, as well as the person attached to it, over her shoulder, and then slamming the holy reptile down to the ground with enough force to crack the ground below. But the Yautja Warrior didn't stop there, as once he was down, she quickly got on top of him, pinning him down, and started punching him repeatedly in the face, while not currently as strong as the scaly adventurer when magically buffed, she was still able to give him some cuts, bruises, a black eye and even knocked out a few of his teeth with just her fist alone. Though the silver rank iguanodon was able to catch her fist before effortlessly smacking away Tribal, who landed and rolled on the ground harshly, but was still able to stick the landing and get back up to her feet, still ready to continue the fight. The holy reptile would've done the same, but as soon as he got back up to his feet, he lets out a loud groan in discomfort, as not only did his wounds gave in, but his miracle that gave him strength soon ran out, falling to his knees weakly.

"... I-I accept my defeat..."

The Lizard Priest recognizes when he is defeated, even though he hates to admit such things.

"But as one warrior to another..."

But even when facing defeat, the Lizard Priest looked up to Tribal, looking her straight in the eyes, and wore an expression that was filled with more warrior spirit and determination that betrayed his weakened body.

"Please honor my wish and spare my friends, I beg of you..."

When the Lizard Priest made his request, Tribal took a moment to glance over to his fallen friends, who slowly started to wake up and witness what was currently happening. Then, the female hunter looked back at her fellow honored warrior, giving a simple nod in response, before lifting up her wrist blades and was about to strike down the scaly silver-ranked, who just closed his eyes and prepared himself.

"Y-You fool-"

"N-No Don't-!"

But just the Elf and Dwarf were about to see their fellow iguanodon adventurer be slain, the blade stopped inches away from the target's neck, and the only reason that Tribal even paused in claiming her trophy was because of the beeping sound of her helmet that was on the ground, which definitely caught everyone's attention. They were confused about what that was, and even more confused and shocked when the Yautja Warrior put away her wrist blades and began to walk away from the weakened holy reptile. She picked up her weapons and her helmet from the ground. Once she gathered her gear, she gave one last glance at the trio she fought, before looking and walking away, turning invisible in the process and disappearing into the depths of the dark woods of the forest.

"We were granted mercy..."

The Lizard Priest let out a sigh of relief before falling onto his back in exhaustion, his party members didn't hesitate to rush to his sides to check up on him.

"Oh thank the heavens..."

Dwarf Shaman was beyond relieved to see his scaly friend survive such a brutal beat down.

"Don't You Ever Do That Again!"

High Elf Archer was also happy to see that her partner was ok, though she shared these feelings by slapping said reptile comrade in the face.

"If You Died I'll Never Forgive You!"

High Elf Archer crossed her arms and looked away in a huff.

"Hehe, I understand..."

Though Lizard Priest just simply laughs and smiles at his teammates, just glad to see everyone alive.

"Hmph, Dwarf, get a potion for our friend, so that he can heal us all."

"I'm already on it."

As the Elf and Dwarf start preparing potions and medical supplies, the iguanodon adventurer couldn't help but look in the direction of where Tribal left, his face and thoughts filled with curiosity and confusion.

'She didn't spare me out of the kindness of her heart.'

Meanwhile with Tribal, as she was back in her ship, where she was able to treat her injuries, as well as fixing anything that was damaged, her alien computer screen could be seen displaying a certain "Alien Creature", as well as sharing the last known location it was at.

'What is she truly after?'
One on one, depending on the opponent, Tribal will usually win, however against an experienced group who knows how to work together and have unique abilities that Tribal might be unfamiliar with, then it's a toss up, with the group having more advantages.

(Weird question, is it bad if Yautja falls in love with another species? Would it bring dishonor?)

/Lizard Priest Chants\

CAMOUFLAGE: O Yautja, predator and hunter, make of my body light's shadow.

COMMUNICATE: O mapusaurus, ruler of the earth, permit me to join your pack, howsoever briefly.

SWORDCLAW: O sickle wings of the velociraptor, rip and tear, fly and hunt.

SENSE ENEMY: O hadrosaurus, my friend, let them not escape Bao Long's breath, that we may run together on two legs.

CHARGE: O nimble and armored ankylosaurus, allow thy lightning, which travels 'round its course, to inhabit my body.

HUNTING GROUND: O utahraptor, hunter of the mountains, i now borrow thy works of hunting.

DRAGON EYES: O Quetzalcoatl, O Leallynasaura, show my small optic lobes the Four-Cornered World.

DRAGON SCALES: O durable and armored ankylosauria, bestow unto my scales thine heavy protection.

DRAGONTOOTH WARRIOR: O horns and claws of our father, iguanodon, thy four limbs, become two legs to walk upon the earth.

DRAGON'S BLOOD: One drop of my body to cause a ripple in their life, to become a spiral and summon forth power.

DRAGON'S PROOF: O life-binding troodon, of blade and fang, from my spiral, i call forth vitality.

DRAGON BREATH: O dilophosaur, though it be false, grant to my breath the miasma that proceeds from your organs.

DRAGON'S ROAR: Bao Long, honored ancestor, Cretaceous ruler, i borrow now the terror of thee.

CONFRONTATION: O Quayi, he who stands among gods, allow me to walk this path, allow me through the dragon's gates.

PARTIAL DRAGON: O proud and strange brontosaurus, grant me the strenght of ten thousand.

VITALITY: O wand'ring camarasaurus, with your rounded head, bestow unto us thy long-running vitality.

MINOR HEAL: O vet'ran hadrosaurus, impart a portion of thy strenght unto us that we may overcome the pain of these wounds.

BEZOAR: O earth-faring ornithomimus, O sea-faring Plesiosaurus, i now borrow thy wisdom unto mine own stomach.

RUST: O my forebears who sleep under layers of rock, with all the time that has piled upon you, guide these objects.

DRAGON'S WINGS: O archaeopteryx, with thine ancient wings that soar unto the heavens, make mine arms into wings that i may ride on the winds.

/Dwarf Shaman Chants\

TUNNEL: Come out, you gnomes, this job is fun; there's milk and cookies when you're done.

STUPOR: Drink deep, sing loud, let the spirits lead you! Sing loud, step quick, and when you sleep they see you, may a jar of fire wine be in your dreams to greet you!

STONE BLAST: Come out you gnomes, it's time to work, now don't you dare your duty shirk, a bit of dust may cause no shock, but a thousand make a lovely rock!

WEATHERING: Ticktock says the clock, its hands never stop. Pendulum, swing, time's the thing!

SPIRIT WALL (on earth): Come out you gnomes, it's time to build! Let all this space with earth be filled! Fear no wind and fear no waves, a solid wall keeps them at bay!

SPIRIT WALL (on snow): Ice Princess Atali, now, i call you, give this hero a dance, like the blowing flakes of snow through the air prance!

FALLING CONTROL: Come out, you gnomes, and let it go! Here it comes, look out below! Turn those buckets upside-down, empty all upon the ground!

FALLING CONTROL (on party): Come out, you gnomes, and let it go! Here it comes, but take it slow! Turn those buckets upside-down, set us gently on the ground!

FEAR: Pazuzu, Locust King, Son of the Sun, bring trembling and fear, on the wind you come!

SNARE: Gnomes! Undines! Make for me the finest cushion you will see!

BIND: Pixies, pixies, hurry, quickly! No treats for you, i just need tricksies!

KINDLE: Dancing flame, salamander's fame. Grant us a share of the very same.

CALL RAIN: Go now, kelpie, it's time to get busy! Earth to river and sea to sky, turn all a-tizzy!

CONTROL SPIRIT (for water): Come, undines, the banquet's laid; come and sing and dance and play!

CONTROL SPIRIT (for fire): Hold your torch up, give us light, will-o-the-wisp, burn in the night! Onibi, I call on thee, give a little light to me!

WATER WALK: Nymphs and sylphs, together spin, earth and sea are nearly kin, so dance away, just don't fall in!

TAIL WIND (for a raft/ship): Sylphs, wind-maidens, spare a kiss upon my weathered cheek. And spare my humble sailing ship a fairer wind to seek!

TAIL WIND (for horses): Sylphs, wind-maidens, spare a kiss upon my weathered cheek. And spare our onward-rushing steeds a fairer wind to seek!

SLEEP (both times used it with sand, so it could be relevant): Sandman, Sandman, rasp of breath, kin to th'endless sleep of death. A song we offer, so take your sand and on our dreams now place your hand.

Simple spell for calling the wind (i seriously can't find the name, it's on Volume 3 and 10): Oh sylphs, thou windy maidens fair, grant to me your kiss most rare, bless our ship with breezes fair.

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