(So, I had the craziest idea a few nights ago and thought I'd roll with it. People have been telling me for years that I should do some kind of scrapbook to explain Dreamlandian concepts and/or species and I want to make my art and random book... a little less random... so while in the past I don't think many people have enjoyed my info dumps, I'm going to be making a few explaining Dreamland species, starting with Canira and moving onto anything of your choice and if they're generally well received I'll just keep going.
Other notes: this and any future chapters are canon with The Space Between Stars upwards. While I don't think they contradict much existing lore (because there was nothing to contradict, my old books are awful at explaining things) there might be a few inconsistencies here and there between this and Double Rainbow, The Cities Have Fallen, and The Gardenkeeper's Daughters. Make no mistake- this is the real canon, or at least the most current one.
So yes before you ask about virtues and how Natrina/Lotus fit in with their plant motif I swear I can and will explain later.
If you haven't read any of these books, ignore all of this. You'll be fine. Probably.)
Dreamland is a planet of many Sentient species, the foremost of which are the Canii and Canira. While similar in name, the two are quite different in role, lore, and culture. The Canii are similar to domestic dogs, save for their massive horns from which they pull their magical strength, while the Canira are vulpine and will be the subject of today's lore. The Canira are said to resemble the mythological Terreskians, ensemble and caretakers of the Dreamlandian goddess Verhamera, who created Dreamland with her tails, as well as all the species that now exist on the world (with some exceptions, which will not come up today).
The Canira's role in mythology has always been that of the defenders and caretakers of the Canii's empire, much how the Terreskians care for and protect Verhamera. It is often said that Verhamera decreed this herself, along with giving the first Canira their powers, but others are firm that any claims that Canira are supposed to 'protect' Canii are just a long-standing ploy to keep them subservient. Regardless, these fears have gone mainly unrealized as Canira have been more or less on equal footing with Canii across history.
Due to their amazing biological diversity, Canira are able to adapt and live anywhere, taking on characteristics and features that allow them to better utilize their environment. This is in part due to the Canira's ability to bring out the most of their basis and alignment, as explained below:
In Dreamland, the Sentient (any creature capable of reason and thought) spirit is comprised of three parts: the soul, heart, and mind. After death, the soul returns to the magical biosphere and becomes one with the earth, while the heart goes on to another new being and the mind passes into the afterlife. In this way the dead never truly leave, and the world itself is often seen as a living being in need of the care of its inhabitants.
Much like the afterlife, magic also heavily corresponds with the three parts of the spirit:
The basis, associated with the soul, is passed down from the parents and tends to be associated with natural power. At its core, the basis can be boiled down to nine elements, which govern all of existence: Fire, Nature, Water, Light, Dark, Air, Earth, Lightning, Ice, and Air. These elements correspond not only to what is found in nature but also to fundamental aspects of reality, which in turn are subconsciously stirred by the way Dreamlandian creatures manipulate them.
The alignment, associated with the heart, is passed down through heartlines (essentially reincarnations). It also follows the nine-element system, but adds a virtue to each: Fire (Determination), Nature (Adaptability), Water (Love), Light (Hope), Dark (Steadfastness), Lightning (Leadership), Ice (Justice), Air (Free-Spiritedness), and Earth (Honesty). These virtues may be prominent in those who correspond with that element, but they also might flat-out reject it, which will substantially weaken their magic. For some, alignment is about as helpful as a horoscope, and it is hard to figure out and track because of it.
The aptitude, associated with the mind, is the most singular part of magic as an aptitude can be just about anything and is unique to the individual. It may just boost ones current powers or it might give one a special skill, including one that in no way relates to their alignment or basis. The aptitude usually manifests around puberty (7-11 years) and is a time of self-discovery and celebration for the individual, but once manifested it remains that way for life.
All in all, this system makes magic a very personal affair which differs for every individual. Mental health is just as important as physical health if not moreso in Dreamland because of it, seeing as poor mental health can and will negatively affect your magic, especially alignment and aptitude.
All sentients have a basis, alignment, and aptitude, the genetics and statistics of which I can go into in the future, but in most species it's mainly dormant- after all, Lapines' power relates to their intelligence, which is hard to put an element to. However, a Canira's basis is incredibly important due to their biological diversity. Having an alignment that matches your basis can exponentially increase your power, and is an auspicious sign that is often thought to mean you did well in your last life.
As such, I'll be explaining Canira by their base elements, giving an overview for each.
The terrestrial elements are Water, Nature, Air, Earth, and Ice. They're loosely defined as the elements that have an associated habitat/landform and the Canira in these groups are more likely to be feral and are much closer to the earth. They're also far larger than the celestial elements in number, seeing as there's a much larger niche for these Canira to inhabit.
The Natural element is by far the largest, seeing as it comprises over a third (almost half) of all Canira. The variation in this group is massive, and Natural Canira fulfill a wide variety of jobs in Dreamlandian society. As such, it's hard to pin down any unifying characteristics, but the job is made much easier by splitting the group down further into Vegetation and Beast/Mimic Natural Canira.
Canira associated with the Vegetation branch of the Natural element comprise three-fourths of the Natural Canira overall. They can be split further into agricultural and wild groups, which are also quite different from each other, but many Canira share attributes of both, such as the (above) Bamboo Canira. Most but not all Vegetation branch Canira have some shade of green somewhere on their bodies, in part because their fur contains chlorophyll. They have famously small appetites because of this, though said appetite may be increased in Canira who also grow gardens on their back. Plants grown on the back of vegetation branch Canira are known for their healing and magical properties, which these Canira, being intensely generous, will share with those in need.
Meeting a wild vegetation Canira can either be a blessing or a nightmare for a traveller, seeing as their intensely family-oriented life style will cause them to dispel potential threats. Given that most wild vegetation Canira are also well-camoflauged, can turn anything around them into a weapon, and usually bare poison, and you have yourself a deadly fighter. On the other hand (or paw), wild vegetation Canira are commonly friendly and most are willing to take in and care for stray travellers.
Wild vegetation Canira cover massive swathes of forest and similarly represent a massive host of plant life, ranging from common meadow grasses to the bio-luminescent flowers of Evelsca to the oaks of Ceilvyr. There are even a select few that live in the sky and underwater- the general rule is that wherever you find plants, wild vegetation Canira will be there.
Agricultural vegetation Canira, while more tame, are far better known than their wild counterparts. They're usually gold or light green in color, and possess more rounded ears and bulkier bodies. They live on the edge of cities, though are said to inhabit about half the land, where they provide the plant-based food needed to run the interior cities. They're notable for their kindness and patience, and possess family bonds just as strong as their wild cousins. Agricultural vegetation Canira are not all farming types, however, as floral varieties do exist and are both cunning and beautiful. These newer breeds proudly display their huge back gardens, which overflow with a variety of exotic flowers that can double as potent weapons in battle- these unassuming blooms often hold sleeping powder, love poisons, and toxic dust. This comes with a trade-off, however, seeing as these breeds must eat far more than any other vegetation branch Canira to uphold the health of their gardens.
They are also more likely to get sick with the unfortunate illnesses that haunt all vegetation branch Canira: rot, parasites, and wilt that affect their plants can also attack and injure the hosts. Improper care for their host plants has also historically resulted in some of the most bizarre medical cases, in which plants have been known to grow roots into internal organs and devour these unfortunate souls from the inside.
Note: Despite the 'vegetation' in their name, Canira with mushroom or other fungal variants growing on their back have also been observed. Since there's also a common plague that kills plants on the backs of vegetation Canira and later their host, it's safe to assume these Canira were once simply lucky spirits who happened to be immune and have since diverged into their own subspecies.
The Beast branch of natural Canira, also known as "mimics" due to the supposed origin of their power, are just as diverse as their plant kin. Like the Dragonfly Canira above, they often resemble existing species, though strange hodgepodges of biological features do exist (see the Chimera Canira), as well as Nature basis Canira with little to no distinctive features who simply function as apex predators.
The Beast branch is mysterious in origin and are often small in number, with only clusters of individuals making up each individual "subspecies". It is hard to say how these features evolved over time, but the Beast branch is remarkably adept at attack. They share their intense loyalty with their more kin in the Vegetation branch, though the Beast branch's steadfastness is mixed with a fierce pride in their strange and feral features. Riots and attacks between Beast branch subspecies are common, especially in Ceilvyr, where they often form whole tribes. These fights are rarely fatal and instead are done "just for the hell of it", though more serious battles do occur, usually over honor.
Beast branch Canira do not take well to city life, and often report feeling 'trapped' by the walls. Their strength and endurance are more appreciated as hunters, where they work alongside their vegetative kin to bring food to inner cities.
Water Canira are the second largest group of Canira, seeing as water-covered surfaces encompass almost three quarters of Dreamland. Water Canira may not take up most of the oceans, but groups cluster across the deeps and shallows on all water features. Gills are an almost universal feature, as are the curved ears that are both aerodynamic and remarkably effective at receiving sounds underwater. Most have large eyes with several eyelids for navigation in the deeps, as well as finned tails. Short fur, slitted noses, and webbed paws are similarly common. Water elemental Canira tend to communicate short distance by movement, using underwater dance and tail flicks in a system so complex it doubles as a language, but from long distances, many are equipped with the ability to produce loud, sonic screeches that allow them to find each other in the water.
One of the stranger features of the water elemental Canira are the massive, bony structures on their backs and sides, as well as the ability of some subgroups to shapeshift. These powers trace back to the Great Dragon War, where Dreamlandian armies clashed with those of the Elysian dragons (who ironically run on the same nine element system and believe in many of the same ancient gods and legends). These dragons were master shapeshifters and were able to infiltrate and biologically copy species they had encountered, including the Canira. Water based Canira were more sympathetic to the dragons and sheltered them, taking in dragons shapeshifted into Canira and working from within to find peace and end the war. The Water elemental Canira had most of the planet at their disposal and their signature communication system, adapted for land, was perfect for sending secret messages right under the noses of other Sentients. It is likely that without the efforts of these Canira, the war might have lasted for far longer and claimed many more lives.
Due to the length of the war, which went on for centuries and spanned the reign of nearly ten Princesses, many of these dragon sleeper agents lived and died amongst the Water elemental Canira. Some even took mates and settled down, passing on vaguely draconic characteristics to their young, hence the powers.
Despite their efforts, these dragon-mixed Canira were often ostracized and rebuked as traitors well after the war ended. The stigma of Water elemental Canira being disloyal and shifty continues to this day, despite decline in recent years.
While Water and Natural elemental Canira vary most in form, Earth elemental Canira vary most in size, with some being small as prey animals and others being large as boulders. This can but does not necessarily correlate to their choice of home, as some small mountains will just contain a smaller number of very large Earth elemental Canira.
These Canira often have an established set of features, such as smaller ears and tails, along with long whiskers. This helps them navigate the tunnels they often make their homes in. To shape the land, they also possess thick, blunt claws, along with stocky legs and huge paws that results in them being comically slow on land. However, get an Earth elemental Canira back under the ground and they'll outpace anyone through the complex and purposefully confusing underground world they inhabit. They take pride in their solitude and ability to perplex outsiders, making them the biggest candidates against Canira being Canis protectors at all. They are not fond of their horned rival species, nor Verhamera, and some are reported to have their own, elaborate religion based on tremors within the earth that reportedly speak to them.
As another stray physical characteristic, Earth elemental Canira have the highest potential for inheriting blindness.
These hardy diggers, despite seeming gruff and often materialistic for the value they place on their homes, are actually heavily spiritual (as seen by the religion above). Due to their subterranean existence, quite a few subspecies come in close contact with the bodies of the dead, which are infused with heavy magic. This has rubbed off on these populations, which similar to the corpses, will often grow magical crystals out of their back. Between their often blind eyes and the magical momentos pricking out of their flesh (as well as their corpse-like odor), these odd subspecies are often known as 'walking corpses', which they do not appreciate in the slightest.
Despite their cold attitude towards Canii and even other elementally aligned Canira, smaller breeds of Earth elemental Canira are the largest advocates for smaller species of Sentients, especially those evolved from prey animals.
Unsurprisingly Earth elemental Canira are the most unlikely to be found in any kind of city, though a few in Evelsca are renowned for their ability to design buildings that conform with the mountainous and perpetually changing terrain of the continent.
As there are no native birds on Dreamland, Air based Canira rule the air in a way no other species could. Many make nests out of magically enhanced cloudstuff or possess the ability to enchant clouds to make them into nests, so they never have to leave the sky. Some don't even possess hindlegs, a testament to how far removed some subspecies are from the greater whole. While Air elemental Canira possess some startling evolutions, especially in small, extraneous groups, most are quadrupedal with wings (though wings are not a requirement for air elemental basis). They have feathers mixed in with their fur, various tufts, and claws that are wide enough that they almost resemble talons. Large crests and ruffs are also common, as well as elaborate coloring.
Air Canira are known to be the easiest to make laugh, strangely enough, and produce high trilling sounds when happy. A group overhead, all diving and making an uproar, can produce an almost startling onset of noise. They're known for their playful nature and intense agility, though some subspecies are grumpy and even territorial. A massive cluster or nest of air Canira who have decided to settle as a pack can often blot out the sky with cloudstuff and smother the land below in darkness.
They're the least likely to conform to the law as well, owing to their free-spirited nature, and those large, cheerful eyes hide an awful propensity for finding any loophole in existing rules and exploiting it to hell and back.
Those who do live in cities are often embarrassed by their cloud-brained relatives, these are usually those who possess an alignment aside from Air.
Similar to Earth elemental Canira, Air Canira are quite spiritual but instead are focused on Verhamera. Few have inherited the ancient Terreskian ability to weave stories with light, color, and even physical sensation into their song, and they take this as the highest honor imaginable.
Earth and Air elemental Canira are also known to loathe each other, as are Air and Ice based Canira. The rivalry is often played up for comedic affect in fiction.
Ice elemental Canira are the rarest of the terrestrial elements, and live primarily at the poles. They have thick fur, on top of which often manifests ice, and despite their generally ice-related set of abilities many are capable of exhaling a thick steam which they can often keep up for minutes. The reason for this is unknown but it may have to do with their proximity to the polar oceans- the longer you can hold your breath, the less likely you are to immediately drown. They also have dark lids over their eyelids which helps them see but makes them look perpetually furious.
Make no mistake, Ice elemental Canira probably do hate you, but the glare is just their eyelids.
Iparraldean (Northern) Ice elemental Canira work alongside the scattered Water elementals to maintain peace and harmony over the north. They are known to be cold and unforgiving, and rarely form family packs, but they have high self confidence nonetheless and make huge impacts in the world as individuals looking for a greater purpose. Those of northern ancestry also come to cities and help delegate and argue. Their icy demeanor hides a fierce passion for the law and argument, and most can sniff out a logical fallacy from miles away.
More slim, less furious breeds also exist, but function similarly to floral Natural vegetation breeds. Some have honed powers and others are more ornamental, with few combat capacities to speak of.
Southern Ice elemental Canira are a far cry from their stoic Northern brethren, as the south is the place where the three continents (Evelsca, Ophemria, and Ceilvyr) meet in a messy archipelago that spans the entire southern ocean where it isn't covered in ice. Many Ice elementals claim sovereignty over islands, running small governments alone in the cold, while others have taken a new and twisted meaning to 'justice' and help perpetuate the black market that exists there, smuggling over Sentients, artifacts, and weaponry.
A celestial element is an element for which there exists no true landform that corresponds to the element. They may still be clustered in certain places but as a whole their powers are more bizarre and rarely serve any true survival purpose.
The largest of the celestial groups, at a number exceeding that of Ice elemental Canira, Fire elementals are often lumped with the terrestrial groups as they do tend to congregate in the deserts. In fact, most Fire elemental Canira are built for this, as they possess thick paw pads for running through the heated, coarse sand and large ears for letting out heat.
However, it's also said that Fire based Canira stay in the desert because for the most part, they're social outcasts. Their temperaments are wildly violent and since most produce fire from massive sacs in their throat, they possess the ability to overheat these organs and detonate themselves from within. This and the way their element is naturally at odds with that of the largest group, the Natural Canira, sets them far outside of society.
Despite this, Fire elemental Canira are quite jovial and live well on their own. The lack of rain in the deserts allows them to sleep outside most nights, so they have no need of permanent shelter and instead wander from place to place with everything they own on their backs. They have a large and thriving desert culture and enjoy creating blown glass and similar wonders from the material around them. Artisans will also work with skulls (which like all remnants of the dead, are inherently magical), which augments the power of chieftains to frightening degrees. Their culture, at least those of Ophemrian (middle continent) Fire elemental Canira, is deeply intertwined with that of their fellow desert dwellers, the coyote-esque Moonwalkers whose powers revolve around Dreamland's twin moons. Fire elemental Canira in turn represent the sun, and the two share a mutual respect for each other. Interbreeding, when it is successful, results in what is known as 'eclipse' offspring, who are revered as children of a higher power and are destined for greatness.
Those Fire elemental Canira who do live in city culture often take lower jobs as chefs or burning waste products, but are happy just to do their part. They regrettably have the highest rate of abandonment, as while parenthood in Dreamland is short and often impersonal, Fire elemental Canira will drop still developing young and flee if they find themselves unable to contend with clustered, structured city life.
While the prevailing assumption to outsiders might be that Dark elemental Canira might be skittish and unfriendly, in fact the opposite is true and it is both the greatest asset and threat to their survival.
Dark elemental Canira are often spare with ragged fur and heavily rimmed eyes, giving them an unfriendly appearance, but they live to serve a cause or another Sentient. They are often doggedly loyal to the point of it being unhealthy or obsessive, as most Dark elemental Canira have both a dark basis and alignment and thus their associated virtue is steadfastness. (This is where the Dreamlandian proverb "constant as the night" comes from.) Combined with their combat abilities, which utilize both physical techniques and manipulation of shadows, they are powerful and valuable soldiers who fill many of the high ranks of the Defenders (essentially the Dreamlandian army).
Due to their low numbers and tendency to stick within cities, little is known about Dark elemental Canira outside of Canis-centric civilization. The subspecies who are known have a startling set of powers that often include the likes of dream and mind control, inspiring fear in local civilians and worsening an already bad reputation into a contradictory and downright confusing one. You can ask any two Sentients what they think of Dark elementals and get a different answer, including two Dark elemental Canira themselves.
Light elementals, as the second rarest group, are not seen much by the general public, nor do they care much to give themselves a reputation. They have an aloof behavior almost similar to dragons, and also share their tendency to horde shiny objects. These can be seen decorating their bodies and some subspecies even have them embedded into their flesh, serving as a beacon for their powers. This, combined with their bright, tufted fur, gives them more reasons to preen and groom themselves, which is a common pastime among their number.
Similar to Dark elemental Canira, Light elementals can either have basic powers dealing with beams of elemental light energy or powers over the mind. Most deceivers are found in the Light basis, manipulating and folding space into strange and exotic forms, though they're not above a little charmspeak either. Many also fall under the category of general healers, using pure magical skill to rip the emotion and essence of pain from the bodies of their patients.
Light elemental Canira are scarcely if ever found in the wild, as they work far better at the helm of society. They are philosophers and writers first, and work with Canii as fellows in knowledge rather than allies in war. This creates a divide between them and Dark elemental Canira.
Light Canira are the least likely to share an alignment and basis, but those Light Canira who possess a light alignment as well are often seen as more pure, often to an objectifying degree.
Lightning elemental Canira, at least of the feral variety, are the rarest of any basis. This is due to the rarity of electrical occurrences in nature, at least to such a degree that any breed could form a niche by chasing them. For a long time it was postulated that feral Lightning elemental Canira had died out long ago but it was later revealed that two separate subbreeds do indeed live out in the plains of Ophemria and up amongst a mountainous area in Evelsca known as "Death's Jaws". Both breeds were stormchasers, with a lightweight metal attached to their tails and formed into horns on their foreheads that allowed them to channel large amounts of energy.
In fact, both subspecies look more or less the same, and similar behaviors have been recorded across both. They're intelligent, powerful, and wickedly fast, using speed and shocks to confuse and annihilate opponents. Brawls for supremacy within packs are common but they nonetheless show outstanding ability to put aside past quarrels and work together when the dangerous terrain demands it of them.
The few who have integrated into society are also known to be pranksters. Likely they also would be in the wild but it's hard to find ways to prank others on a mountain in a manner that doesn't involve accidentally killing anyone.
They would be the smallest group of citydwellers, save for a strange and recent occurrence...
Long ago, when Evelscan civilization had just begun to form and Ophemria's cities began to speckle the main and largest continent, a single breed of lightning-based Canira, known as the Progenitor Canira, lead the way in almost every field. Equipped with massive wings glittering with electric current and superior intellect, they would fly to new cities in need of assistance and help to develop the necessary technology to get them back on their paws.
For many struggling towns, they were thought to be some kind of gift from Verhamera, but to this day their true origin remains unknown.
Regardless, though there are few left today owing to their originally small number and the large amount of recessive traits they carried, many of their descendants live on in a strange plethora of Lightning elemental Canira who have either powers that only work in context of cities (such as manipulating power grids or electronic devices, in the case of Axel from The Cities Have Fallen) or stranger still, no inherent connection with the element at all (such as Glaze from The Cities Have Fallen).
Still, most of the weird and wonderful citydwelling Canira are or have relatives of electric basis, and are proud to be part of a still-unexplored element brimming with potential.
Whether this is a fluke, a result of the more diverse genetic pool allowed by cities, or an extension of the Caniras' prophesied ability to adapt remains unknown.
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