Zamboni and The Bluejay (LokixReader)
This is my entry for your Writing Contest!
Word Count: 2189 (I did as much editing as I could to get it shorter, but I couldn't get it any shorter than this!)
I hope you love it nonetheless!
It was early in the morning. The sun was barely beginning to rise over the newly orange and yellow horizon.
The rink wasn't open yet. There were a few hours before it would open to the public, but Loki knew an employee at the rink who happened to be an Avenger. She always let him in early so he could skate alone.
Her name was (Y/N), and he had a little *cough cough* HUGE *cough* crush on her. Her (Y/H/C) hair always looked like it was softer than silk and it shined as if it were made of the purest light. Her (Y/E/C) eyes were like whole worlds, holding so many things in those gorgeous orbs.
But no, it was totally just a small crush. Nothing too big.
He was ripped from his thoughts as he herd your voice, like angels singing in his opinion.
"Hey Loki!" You greeted sweetly, making him go weak at the knees. God! Your voice made his name sound so perfect!!!
"Hi (Y/N)!" Loki answered with as level a voice as he could manage.
"What's up?" You ask kindly as you unlock the doors and let Loki in.
He quickly moved to a seat in the lobby and sat in a small, plastic, grey chair that wasn't all that uncomfortable.
"Nothing much. Just wanting to skate the day away like usual." He answered, starting to take off his shoes so he could put on his custom black skates.
"Actually, I have something else planned...for this morning at least."
With this Loki started to worry. It the right mind, which he had, that could be VERY suggestive.
"What did you have planned?" Loki asked, his voice almost quivering with nerves. He looked back to you to see you sitting on the front counter with your legs crossed at the ankles, leaning on your hands.
Today you were in skinny jeans and a huge red sweater that went to your mid thighs. It was cute to say the least. Adorable to Loki. It made him want to hold you.
"Well, today, I plan to teach you how to use the Zamboni." You state simply, waiting for his reaction.
Loki's confused face said it all.
"What the Hel is a Zamboni?" Loki asked almost disgusted at the word.
"It's something made to resurface the ice. That's why it's always so smooth when you come in in the morning. I usually run it at night, but I wanted you to learn." You say with a smile on your face as you grab his hand to lead him to the Zamboni closet.
Loki almost shuttered at the touch of your hand. Your skin was so soft! It surprised him. All he could think about as you lead him was your hand softly encompassing his. It was a perfect fit.
You were happy to find that your hand fit in Loki's so well. Truth is, you had a gigantic crush on him. His ink like hair was glorious, his structured face was immaculate, and his... everything was perfect. When he skated, you couldn't help but watch. He just moved so gracefully and beautifully. You couldn't help but wonder if he ever wanted a skating partner.
You used to figure skate competitively, but that was before you found out about your abilities to control and create ice. Before you became and Avenger.
Those thoughts were absurd though. He probably liked skating on his own.
You soon reached the Zamboni closet of doom. Letting go of Loki's soft hand, you unlocked the Zamboni closet, climbed into the drivers seat, and drove it out onto the ice.
When Loki looked at the huge, car-like thing, he gave it a questioning look.
"You don't mean to teach me to drive THAT thing do you?"
"That is exactly what I intend. Come here." You say as you climb on top of the hood of the Zamboni. You were a small person so you could sit on top of the huge machine. "Go ahead and sit in the drivers seat."
"Heck no." Loki said defiantly. No matter how cute you looked sitting on top of that Zamboni, and no matter how much he wanted to kiss you, he didn't get up on the Zamboni.
In return, you sighed a sigh that had a little purr to it. Unknown to you, that little purr-sigh did things to him. Your face grew disappointed and your head bowed a little.
"Fine. Gimme a sec." Loki sighed, giving in. He didn't want to do this, but seeing you sad was worse than anything, so he decided that he could learn to drive the stupid hunk of a machine. Just for you though.
Your face lit up as you gave a little 'yay!' In an adorably high pitched voice.
At that Loki's face warmed to a blush and a small smile grew on his face. Damn it. You just HAD to be sooooo cute, didn't you?
Once he was in the drivers seat, you started your instruction, leaning over a bit so you could point things out.
"....And this is your break. Confused yet?" You conclude with a somewhat smug grin.
"I think I've got it." Loki replied sounding unsure.
"Okay then. Gimme a sec and let me get down, then I'll watch you from the sidelines. If anything goes wrong just call for me and I'll be right there." You assure Loki with a pat on his head before jumping off the hood of the Zamboni and sliding over to the sidelines.
Loki was doing great. He didn't mess up at all and the ice looked wonderful. But alas, Loki found himself bored of the simple task without anything to do but think about driving the Zamboni. It was either that or drive himself insane with the notion that you hadn't taken your eyes off him this entire time, so he decided to strike up conversation.
Your amorous staring at the Norse God was broken when you heard his perfect, smooth, honey-like voice cut through the cool air.
"Can you skate?"
You looked down, remembering the days when you used to competitively skate. You missed it, but it wasn't like you could go back now.
"(Y/N)?" Loki called from the atop the Zamboni.
Having finished, he dismounted the clunky vehicle and made his way over to where you stood just outside the rink.
Once more he asked, "Can you skate?"
His tone was gentle, seeing that bringing up the topic struck a sensitive chord.
Finally snapping from your nostalgic thoughts, you look up to Loki's jade gaze.
"Yeah. I can skate. I run a rink, of course I can skate!" You exclaim, hiding any trace of sadness or nostalgia.
"Show me." Was his two word response.
You hesitated for a second and debated whether to show Loki your moves on the ice.
Deciding to show Loki who you were, you went to the front counter and pulled a pair of well-used, baby blue skates from behind the display case of the counter.
"(Y/N)? Why are you getting The Bluejay's skates out?" Loki asked in confusion as you began to lace them up on your feet. They still fit perfectly.
"Because they're mine." You answer simply, more concentrated on your laces and racing heart. You hadn't skated since you retired and became an Avenger.
"You're The Bluejay?" Loki asked incredulously as he stared at you. The Bluejay was the whole reason he began skating. She was his entire inspiration.
"That I am." You say as you stand and make your way to the cold surface of the ice. You were on the ice and gracefully skating before Loki even made it into the rink.
"You're the whole reason I started skating! Why did you stop?" Loki exclaimed while he followed you, lacing up his own black skates when he got the chance. He couldn't help but stare in admiration.
"The main reason was an injury. I fell during a performance and really screwed up my ankle. I broke it in three places. Then there were the ice abilities that I found out about. I couldn't go back." You explain somberly, looking down to your favorite pair of skates and the ice below them.
"Oh. I remember hearing about your fall. Im so sorry."
"It's fine Loki. I have this place now. That and the Avengers.....and you." The last two words were whispered in a way that Loki couldn't hear. The rest was clear to his ears.
Quickly, Loki decided something. He had never thought about skating with someone before, but now that he knew his MAJOR crush was THE FRIGGIN BLUEJAY; THE BEST SKATER IN EVER, he found himself wanting to learn from you.
"Skate with me?" He blurted out as soon as the thought came to mind.
"Wh-what?" You ask as you stare right at him, shocked by his request.
"Will you skate with me?" He asked again with and insistent and almost begging tone.
"I-Ye-Yes! I'd love to skate with you!" You exclaim as you glide over to Loki, who at this point was red in the face and completely surprised. You were rather surprised yourself, I mean, your abnormally attractive and genius crush just asked to skate with you! When does that ever happen?
"Hell yes! You're an amazing skater! I would be honored!" You basically yell as you grab his hands and pull him onto the ice.
He was dumbfounded. Completely gone.
Loki didn't know what to say. He didn't have anything to say but about a million thoughts that ran through his head.
The two of you began skating. The only sound was the scraping of the skates on the newly resurfaced ice.
Your closeness made the both of you blush. Either thought it was just the effect of the cold, but somewhere inside both of you, you hoped it was more than that.
As you skated with him, Loki dared to rest his hand on your waist and hold your right hand in his left.
You relished in the feeling and didn't want it to end, but you had an idea. A brilliant, marvelous, idea.
You slowly moved away from Loki, leaving him slightly confused before you went to the stereo and plugged in your phone.
Once Upon A December played and you began skating around like a breeze in the winter.
"Dance this dance with me?" You ask as you grab Loki's hands and begin to skate a made up routine with him.
The way you two worked together on the ice was immaculate. You worked perfectly together to portray the song in the most beautiful and memorable of ways. You moved and glided, danced and performed as if in competition. There wasn't a single hiccup.
During the guitar solo, the duet was more into the song than either had ever been by themselves. It was new to you and Loki, but you both loved it. The passion for the song and each other cascaded in your veins as you both did parallel jumps and passed one another, looking back as if remembering.
Near the end of the song, Loki lifted you above him, then set you down and pulled you close to him, having his arms around you, holding you safe and warm from anything outside your little bubble of space.
Your arms were pressed between his and your chest, while you rested your head on his shoulder to finish off the song.
As the music faded out, neither of you moved. Both paused, memorizing what this felt like. To be so close and yet, so far from what the other wanted.
Something brushed your lips, bringing you from your thoughts and imagination and at the same time making you realize that Loki was kissing you.
Outwardly, you kissed back despite the implosion happening in your mind.
Perfection was such an imperfect word for this moment. You were kissing each other and neither pulled away.
When you eventually pulled away, Loki rested his forehead on yours, and pulled you closer, if that was even possible.
"I love you (Y/N)." Loki whispered, still out of breath. He looked down at you, to see you staring right back up at him with your wide (Y/E/C) eyes.
"I love you too Loki." You whisper back in an answer. Too awestruck by Loki's confession to bother with blinking.
When you closed up, after a long day and many customers, Loki was taking off his skates and putting them in his locker. He met up with you outside in the December snow that had just fallen.
"So, (Y/N). Care to join me for dinner?" Loki asked, holding his arm out as if to escort you.
"I would love that." You smile up to him and take his offered arm.
He then lead you to a diner where you had the first of many dates and the beginning of a lasting relationship.
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