Kind of a Testy Thing
Okay, so I was wanting to step a little out of my comfort zone with fan fiction. As a result, I wrote some Jurassic World fan fiction instead of Marvel!
If you'd like to leave opinions, and suggestions to make it better, feel free! I'm sorry if this is crap!!!
- Little note: Lilo is my headcanon name for the Mosasaurus since I was unable to find any official name for her.
Owen Grady x Reader
Wiping tears from your eyes you drove your motorcycle far from the raptor exhibit. Far from Owen.
You hated fighting. Much more falling out.
But here you were, running away from another fight.
With a broken heart you headed to the one place in the entire park where you truly felt at home.
Before you even reached the exhibit, you could taste the salty air and smell the scent of the ocean.
You weren't quite to Isla Nublar's beach, but you were where you wanted to be. You were at the Mosasaurus Lagoon. Your home here on the island.
The large stadium lights were still on, illuminating the bench seats and the azure sea below. If she was close enough to the surface you could see Lilo's silhouette as she swam around, waiting for either her next meal, or for you to come visit her.
Headed towards the storage freezer, you grabbed a rather large tin bucket full of salmon. It wasn't much more than a measly snack for the gigantic Mosasaurus, but she was always happy for it.
As you headed back to the "dock" -a name you came up with for a platform that was just a few inches over the water's surface- you felt a new wave of tears fill up your eyes, and spill onto your cheeks.
It was a stupid fight really, but you had taken it too far. And so had Owen. Still, it happened, and that's something that can't be changed. You decided that you had already forgiven him for blowing up on you. Now it was just a matter of whether he forgave you.
Once you reached the dock, you whistled for Lilo to come and see you.
Up she swam, until her large snout was right in front of you.
Gently you rubbed her nose and clicked your tongue to let her know that you wanted to give her a salmon. She slowly opened her mouth a little, showing off the hundreds of dagger-like teeth that could tear you to pieces in seconds.
As she purred her deep, rolling purr that sounded a little like rolling thunder, -this to tell you that she was happy for the salmon- you rested your head on the end of her snout and hugged what bit of her that you could as you cried, and cried, and cried some more. It was like the tears would never end once they had started. You felt so awful and guilty for arguing with Owen. You wished you could take it all back; Everything you said. But that was impossible.
Unbeknownst to you, the gigantic ocean-dwelling lizard closed her eyes as well and gave you a short and deep noise that was almost like a low whine to comfort you.
You knew that cooing noise all too well. It was Lilo's way of saying "I love you."
"I love you too girl." You whisper to her as you give her another salmon. "At least I know that you'll always be here for me if Owen doesn't forgive me."
She gave the same "I love you" call and then sat there with you in silence while you let the tears run out.
A few minutes later a deep, bubbling noise sounded from Lilo as she pulled away with what looked to be a grin on her face, ripping you from your deep thoughts about the fight from earlier tonight.
She slapped the water a few times with her pectoral fins while calling out a noise that could best be described as a chirp.
You got the message, but you really didn't feel like it. Not right now anyway.
"Come on girl. I'm heartbroken. I don't really wanna go swimming." You explained to the suddenly puppy-like mosasaurus.
She wasn't taking no for an answer.
She kept slapping her fins against the surface of the water and continued her chirping noise.
After a few minutes you gave in.
"Alright girl." You sighed, "Let me hook up the Bluetooth and then I'll get in with you."
You always liked to listen to music when you swam. No matter how late or early in the morning. It was quiet enough that you wouldn't wake up the visitors and the tourists, but loud enough to hear while you were out swimming.
Once you had your phone -which was safely guarded in a waterproof case as well as a Zip-Lock bag- hooked up to the Bluetooth speakers that surrounded the stadium, you walked back over to the dock and jumped in.
~Owens POV Sorta~
He knew where you'd be. It wasn't hard to work out. He knew that your safe place on the island was with Lilo.
You were always telling him stories of when she was a baby, tales of training and your personal favorite: the day she hatched and you had imprinted on her. Despite never really meeting her, Owen liked Lilo based on what he had heard.
He recalled all of your stories, and all of his memories with you as he drove his motorcycle over to Lilo's lagoon. He was beating himself up over making a big deal about you getting into the raptor enclosure and helping a poor intern that had fallen in. The raptors knew you, they liked you, and you could handle them, but you had never been in the enclosure without him before. He had panicked and flipped out because he wouldn't have been able to protect you had something gone wrong. And if that happened, he would never forgive himself.
The second you left he knew he had messed up. He knew he would forgive you, and he knew that his guilty conscience would get to him, but he didn't know if you would forgive him. He didn't chase after you right away because you needed time to cool off. He did too. For him it was more like time to get all the tears cried and let all the sorrow and regret seep and sink into his bones. He may not have known it, but that was what you did with your time as well.
When he reached the lagoon's parking lot he saw your motorcycle in one of the parking spaces. Not off to the side of the space as it usually was to allow room for another motorcycle -usually his- to park next to you. Rather, it was in the middle of the spot, leaving no room for anyone. Probably something done in your angered or sorrowful haste.
As he parked his motorcycle in a spot next to yours he heard music coming from the speakers in the stadium. A song he knew that both you an Lilo loved. A song called "Never Enough." The song he fell in love with you to.
Snapping out of his morose reminiscence of the night he fell in love with you, Owen ran to the gate you had accidentally left open and rushed inside. He reached the bleachers and the guard rail just in time to watch you jump into the water with Lilo.
In that second, Owen forgot everything you ever told him about Lilo, and focused his mind on the thought that you might die here and now, without hearing his apology.
Complete panic took over inside of him as he screamed out your name.
~back to your point of view~
You didn't hear him yell your name. All you heard was the splashing and flooding of water in your ears as you joined your best friend in her watery habitat.
Thanks to the specially made contacts that you had just put in your eyes, you could see clear as day under the surface of the water with no worries about them falling out or ruining your eyes.
Lilo swiftly brushed you up onto her back with one of her pectoral fins after you raised a hand and waved at her to say hello.
You squeaked and laughed from surprise once she brushed you up. You weren't expecting her to do that! Then the sharp, stinging cold from the nighttime air hit the bare skin that wasn't covered by your swim suit.
Lilo had brought her back to the surface so that you could catch your breath. You looked around and saw that you were much further out into the lagoon than before. A smile made its way to your face. This was your true happy place.
As the song gathered its momentum, you were unable to make out Owen's calls. You dove once more, on Lilo's back; whisked away into the world of your own.
You swam along to the song. Beautiful turns and dizzying spirals, followed by cold air so you could breathe, and once more diving into the water; immersed by the wonderful feeling of the saltwater against your skin.
You had forgotten about the fight. You had forgotten about your tears and your worries. It was just you, Lilo, the music, and the saltwater around you.
At the very climax of the song, Lilo did something she had never done before. She breached. With you on her back.
Jumping up as if she were to devour her food, Lilo exposed you and herself to the night, and the stars.
She gave a victorious roar, and you couldn't help the excited cry from your mouth. It felt like you were flying; and for just a second, you were free of everything in the world except this moment. It felt fantastic.
Then you were back in the water, swimming around the enclosure as fast as was possible for Lilo. It seemed to never end; A rollercoaster that was unpredictable. And you absolutely loved it! She made a noise that was her 'happy roar' telling you that she was having just as much fun as you were. You smiled and let out a shout of joy, raising both arms in the air while she came around to the bleachers and the dock once more.
No matter how many times you swam with her, it always felt like the first. Amazing and terrifying at the same time. You couldn't ask for anything better.
Your hair was windblown, your heart racing, and your legs were like jelly when the song slowed down to its end and you were back on the dock.
You didn't even have two seconds to breathe and balance yourself before you were engulfed in Owen's arms.
"Oh my gosh (Y/N)! Are you alright? Did she hurt you? I'm so sorry for all that I said please don't die on me!!!" Owen rambled at the speed of light, as he held you tight in his arms and then checked you over for wounds, and then wrapped you up in his arms again.
You giggled at his worry. "I'm fine Owen. Remember? Lilo's my best friend. She would never hurt me!"
"I know, I know. I just...I saw you jump in and I panicked." He looked down shyly as an embarrassed blush grew on his face. "I was shouting at you the entire time you were out there..."
"Oh. I'm sorry. I didn't hear you when I was out there. Just...the rush of it all tuned out even the music." You try to explain.
"It's alright. Just don't scare me like that again." He tried to lighten the mood with a chuckle.
After a couple seconds of awkward silence you threw out a suggestion: "Do you want to properly meet her? She seems interested in you, and you haven't really met her yet." You were really just trying to avoid talking about the fight. Sure, you wanted the two to meet, but you really didn't want to talk about what happened earlier today.
He knew what you were doing. He knew you were stalling. Instead of fighting it he decided to put off that tense talk until later. He didn't like talking about that sort of thing.
When he actually thought about meeting Lilo, his pupils fought between contracting in fear and dilating in wonder. He had never dealt with an animal that could swallow him whole before, but he thought she was completely beautiful and he couldn't wait to meet her. However, in the few seconds it took him to answer, his nerves won over him and his response stuttered.
You were a little confused at his sudden nervousness considering that he worked with raptors everyday, but you weren't going to judge him for it. After all, Lilo is the biggest animal INGEN has ever created, and quite possibly the deadliest.
"I'll make sure she doesn't eat you. Don't worry!" You joke as you reach the edge of the dock. As far as you could tell, he bought your con, and that's all you needed to know.
You sit down at the end of the dock, and let your legs dangle in the water. You notice Owen stiff up and his eyes widen when you sat that close to the water's edge, so you try your best to loosen him up.
"Come on Owen. She's not going to hurt you. Just sit next to me, relax as best you can, and I'll introduce you two."
Owen slowly sat down next to you, letting his own legs dangle in the salty blue waves, lapping at the dock's edge.
You whistled once again for Lilo and she swam up to you, shooting water in your face with her fin.
You laugh as you rub the water out of your eyes, ecstatic to see Lilo so happy about someone new. She's usually much more shy than this. Owen cracks a smile at the playful Mosasaurus, and takes the time to admire the way you look with your soaked hair, and bright eyes. He notices the little drops of water, still clinging to your lips and can't help the desire to kiss you. Thinking on it, he hears his heart telling him to, but his brain screaming the opposite. Alas, he's brought from his romantic thoughts though as you began to speak.
"Hey girl." You whispered while Lilo turns her head to look at you. Her green irises shining with a little bit of amber gold were beautiful in the bright light from the stadium lights.
"This is Owen. He means the world to me, so please don't eat him." You giggle as you look at him. Only now noticing that he was staring at you.
The water dwelling creature fixates her gaze on Owen as he finally turns to look at her.
"She's beautiful isn't she?" You question while looking at her; eyes filled with a loving gaze.
"Yes she is." Owen knew he was speaking more about you than Lilo, but you didn't need to know that.
With your permission, the raptor wrangler reached out his hand to place it near Lilo's eye. He ran his hand along the bit of her scaly head that he could.
She in turn purred to Owen and closed her eyes.
"She likes you." You state while watching him. Admiring his gentleness with the Mosasaurus and the way his face was set with a relaxed comfort.
He stays silent while a serious feeling befalls the air around you.
"Are we gonna talk about it?" He draws his hand back from the water. Back from Lilo.
"Talk about what?" You knew what he meant. You just wanted to put it off as long as possible.
"You know what (Y/N)." He was serious, but not angry.
"I don't want to, but I guess we have to." You shoot back. Focusing on Lilo's silhouette diving out in the middle of her lagoon.
"I'm afraid we do..." He trailed off before speaking again, "Why to you go in with the raptors alone? You could've been hurt... Or worse." Owen shuttered at the thought.
"I couldn't exactly let that intern die could I? I couldn't sit there and watch him get torn to pieces." You explain calmly, not wanting to start the fight all over again.
"I understand that, but you should have waited for me." Owen did the same. He didn't raise his voice. He didn't like fighting either.
"Don't you understand? I waited for you as long as I could. When you didn't show up I made a choice to go in there and save him. I'm sorry that I went into the raptor enclosure without you, but I had no other choice." You sincerely apologized, looking down at your feet which were still dangling in the water.
"I didn't realize that you had waited. I guess that if you hadn't he would have been raptor chow huh?" Owen thought out loud.
"Yeah. That or a chew toy." You chuckled a little at that, which made Owen chuckle as well.
"I guess you did the right thing then. Either way, I overreacted because I was scared for you. I had always been in the enclosure with you before so when I saw you in there alone without me nearby, I panicked." He admitted while hooking two fingers under your chin, making you look at him.
After a few seconds of silence the former navy soldier looked to you and your lips.
"Can I kiss you?" He asked, watching your eyes intently as you looked at him.
"Yes." Your answer was barely more than a whisper on the wind, but it was enough for Owen.
He then gently kissed you, holding the side of your head with one hand and your waist with the other. It was a long while before you broke away from each other. With one look he hugged you again and you stayed that way for a long time; just reveling in the feeling of each other's embrace.
After a few moments, you heard splashes from your girl, and noise that you have only heard once before: on the day she hatched. It was a sound that was high-pitched for her. It was kind of a squeaky sound that meant only one thing. Your eyes widened and you had to fight to hold back the laughter in the back of your throat.
"What was that noise (Y/N)?" Owen asked suspiciously as you tried, and mostly failed, to hold back your laughter.
"I think she just called you dad."
You both burst out laughing. There was no fighting it.
"Dad?" He asked incredulously as he looked to Lilo. In response, the huge lizard slapped her fins on the water excitedly.
"I think so. She made that noise to me the day she was born, and that's the only time she's ever made it except for now!"
"Well I'll be darned." He huffed out a chuckle.
He then leaned down to Lilo, and whispered to her.
"You think I'm your mommy's mate huh?" He quietly laughed and turned to you, letting his eyes wander up and down your body, "I wouldn't mind that. Not at all."
"Neither would I." You smiled at Owen and pecked his lips once more before jumping into the water again.
"Come on in! The water's fine!" You joked to Owen while swimming up to Lilo.
In response, he stripped off his shirt and jumped in, joining you and Lilo for a night of swimming, and talking and loving.
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