A/N: Forget everything you know.
Peter is aged up a bit
Some semblance of a soulmate AI, but not main focus
Also, I personally don't ship this, but saw it shipped and thought, "why not?" But I'm taking. Liberties with ages so it doesn't weird me the fuck out.
What was the noise?
It ring the air, shook the walls.
Everyone had to hear it!
Who's everyone?
It was a scream!
That's screaming....
That's was his own scream.
Who was he?
Why was he screaming?
Where was he?
What's going on?
He couldn't stop screaming, shaking.
The door to the room flung open and people flooded in.
Who were they?
"Peter!" A woman was quick to move towards him, with dark hair and a warm smile. She hugged him tight.
He felt...
Whoever this women is, he was comfortable with her.
So his voice died in his throat, and he just started sobbing, and he didn't know why.
"Peter, sweetie," she whispered, letting him cry. Her voice was so kind, calling his name.
But he didn't recognize it.
It was his name, but he didn't recognize it.
When the crying died down, the women pulled away, everyone in the room looking at him.
"Kid, you gave us a heart attack. What's wrong?" A man with some facial scruff asked, tired bags under his eyes and some glowing thing on his chest.
Peter... if that was his name, looked at him as a stranger would.
"W-Who are you?" He stuttered out. "All of you? Where am I?" He started shaking again, "who am I?"
Every face around him was shocked. The women from earlier went to grab him, but he flinched and moved away, backing himself into a wall, staying as far away as humanly possible.
"Peter, I'm your aunt. Aunt may," the woman had said, her voice still soft.
He must've forgotten a lot if his reaction made her sad.
"You can't even remember me?" She whispered.
Peter tried to find a memory, anything, but he couldn't find a thing. He didn't know anything.
"I'm s-sorry, b-but I don't k-know any of you." He sounded scared. He was scared!
"Bruce, we need to run some scans," the guy from earlier said, talking to another guy... Bruce, who had curly-ish hair and looked out of place among the people there.
Bruce nodded, looking at Peter, "we need to make sure you're alright, do you mind if we do that?"
Peter looked at them, but he didn't sense any ill will, nodding softly. "Only if she comes with me." Peter pointed to May.
May smiled and nodded, "of course I will." The people I'm the room awkwardly shuffled out and left May, Bruce, and the chest light dude in the room alone with Peter.
"Tony, what time did he get home from patrol last night?"
Why did that name sound familiar.
Peter didn't realize he'd even closed his eyes, brows knit together in some odd frustration.
What did that mean?
Who was Tony.
Maybe a last name would help?
Tony A?
No no
Tony B
He listed through letters.
Tony S?
That was it!
Now what was S?
Tony Smith?
Tony Shultz?
Peter's eyes snapped open, "Mr. Stark!" He then just started coughing, chest heaving, throat itching and he couldn't satiate the need to scratch it.
"Jesus Christ kid!" Tony joined Peter's side, equally as worried as May, both trying to calm him. It worked.
Peter started to calm and whimpered, "why can I remember your name?"
Tony looked back at Bruce, mouthing something that Peter wouldn't be able to see.
"Peter, is that really all you remember?"
"I heard Tony and it sounded familiar, so I tried to find a last name, starting with initials and Tony S. Sounded close. Then I went through possible last names. Tony Stark clicked in my head."
"I'm going to say some names, tell me if they register," Tony instructed.
Peter nodded.
"Steve Rodgers. Captain America."
"Natasha Romanov. Black Widow."
"Thor or Loki."
"Clint Barton. Hawkeye."
"Bruce Banner. The Hulk."
"Sam Wilson. The Falcon."
"Wanda Maximoff. Scarlet Witch."
"Jim Rhodes. Rhodey. War Machine."
"Bucky Barnes."
"May Parker. Ben Parker. Richard Parker. Mary Parker. Peter Parker."
"No... I know the last one is me, and May is her, but I just feel... sad... hearing those names."
"That's at least something. Iron man."
"That's you."
"That's me."
Tony nodded, brows knitting together.
"Tony, you never answered the patrol question."
Tony realized this, "oh, he got back around one. Friday, pull up his video feed."
Peter watched as a hologram sort of thing appeared, Bruce, Tony and May all scrambled to watch the feed. It seemed boring.
But... something stuck out.
Peter had run into a villain, but before the two Gould fight, the feed went staticky and froze. When it unfroze, the villain was defeated and webbed up.
"Trust me, I've won," the villain sneered.
"Yeah yeah, and I'm Tony Stark."
The villain just smirked, "of course not, but soon you'll remember none of this."
Peter just scoffed and webbed his mouth before swinging away. The feed ended with him back at the tower.
"So..." Bruce muttered, "something that villain did seemed to have induced Amnesia."
"I'll have Natasha pay the villain a visit," Tony said with a sigh, looking back at the seemingly confused Peter.
"We still need to run tests," Bruce added.
Tony gave a curt nod, "I'll join you in the lab then, I need to talk to the others." He left the room and May made Peter get to his feet. Bruce led them out of the room, leading them past the group of people and towards a lab. It was a nice lab, clean and orderly with a few experiments on the tables.
Bruce led Peter to a seat and Peter sat down.
"All right, I'm going to take a blood sample, if that's okay?"
"It's o-okay."
May grabbed Peter's hand, rubbing soothing circled on the back as Bruce pulled a needle out, Peter immediately tensing.
Mays touch luckily relaxed him enough. He must've been pretty scared of needles normally. Weird for a superhero.
Because of her soothing rubs on his hand, Peter didn't even notice the needle. He only noticed the little bandaid put on his arm after the fact.
"Alright, I'll be gone for a few minutes, I'll tell you if anything is wrong with his blood."
"I'm kinda hungry..." Peter mumbled.
Bruce nodded at this, "Friday, tell Tony that Peter's hungry."
Her robotic voice was quick to reply, "he's on the way with food."
In less then a minute, Tony was in the lab with sandwiches. A whole bunch of them too! He set them down besides peter.
The teenager grabbed a sandwich and started eating it as Tony went to Bruce. They talked in hushed voices as Peter managed to eat five full ass sandwiches, barely feeling full.
Was he a demon or something???
"So it doesn't look like anything's wrong. Friday did a scan earlier so we know nothing is wrong physically," Tony informed.
"So this villain just up and erased my memory."
"No, blocked," Bruce corrected. "We'd notice if your memories were erased."
Peter nodded, "so there's a way to trigger my memories?"
"You shouldn't force-"
"I barely know my own name, if I have to force it, I will." Judging from the shocked faces, Peter assumes he didn't normally act the way he was currently. "I don't know how to act, what I'm even like. When you say Peter, I know it's me, but it's like you're saying a stranger's name. I know it's me... it just feels..." Peter shook his head, looking at his feet.
He felt itchy in his own skin. May seemed to think of something, but cast a worried glance to her hands, leaning in to whisper something for only Peter to hear.
"Does Peni ring a bell?"
Peter's face morphed into discomfort, the itchy skin even more so.
He hated that name.
It hurt to think about.
He hated how small his hands were, how small he was. His voice was too high and the space between his legs was light, not what it should've been. He hated it.
He could feel everything at once and May looked regretful at the words.
"Peter, baby, I'm sorry."
"I hate that name. I hate it," he whimpered out.
May sighed, pulling Peter to her, stroking his hair, "I know baby, but we need to know how much you know. I know that hurts but we just want you to be better."
Peter nodded into May's shoulder, glad she was there.
"What did you say?" Bruce asked.
May looked at Peter, her eyes asking if she was allowed to say anything.
Peter best her to it.
"She said my birth name," Peter informed. He watched realization spark in Tony's eyes, worry forming on his face.
Bruce didn't seem to understand, "birth name?"
"I'm... I'm Trans."
"Oh," Bruce said silently, not sure how else to respond. "I'm sorry you had to have it brought up."
"No, it's fine, I want to get my memories back."
May ran her fingers through Peter's hair, Peter smiling at the touch.
"Michele Jones. Mj."
"Badass," Peter fired back, not even realizing what Tony had said.
He remembered her.
"Ned Leeds."
"My guy in the chair."
"Harry Osborne."
"My best friend."
"Harley Keener, Abbie Keener."
"Potato Kid and his sis."
"Eugene 'flash' Thompson."
Peter didn't respond, seemingly not remembering him."
"Memes!" Peter giggled.
"Liz Allan."
Peter didn't answer again, he didn't recognize it.
"Pepper Potts."
Tony seemed to realize something, letting out a shaky breath, "he blocked of his bad memories and the people associated with them."
May sucked in a breath...
"I think he relates Ben to you." Tony explained.
May nodded, feeling sad for her baby, the boy who seemed content in her arms.
"If I can't remover anything, does that mean my life is horrible?" Peter asked miserably.
Bruce shook his head, "I think your memory as a whole is blocked, but your good memories are easier to bring back with word prompts. If we told you all the good things, I'm sure you'd remember them, but it would leave your memories spaced."
Peter nodded, moving away from May. He looked down at himself, seeing he had cuts and scrapes from probably the night before.
"I'm going to take a shower. Maybe if I act like nothing happened, things will resolve itself."
"It's worth a try."
Peter left the lab by himself, despite the other three's protests. He walked past the group of people, all who were sitting close, frustrated. They looked up at Peter, who seemed confused still.
"How you feeling?" One red haired woman asked.
Peter shook his head, "confused? I barely know who I am and it's honestly terrifying. I'm going to take a shower. Maybe afterwards we can reintroduce ourselves?"
The woman smiled awkwardly, nodding, "anything for you kid."
He noticed that one of the group members in particular looked at him with such worry. Similar to Tony's, but...
Something more?
Peter recognized something in those eyes, but it scared him as he quickly turned and left back where he came, aware of the shower in the room.
Thankfully his muscle memory remained.
He did pause in front of the mirror before he got into the shower.
There were very faint scars under his pecs, thin white lines which obviously were from what he assumed a top surgery. He sucked in a breath and refused to let his eyes follow downwards. He didn't want to wriggle in discomfort, though he was already doing a lot of that.
He hopped in the shower, letting the grime wash off in the scalding heat. It slipped over him.
God knows how long he was in there, washing and washing until he felt... better.
He got out, dried off and got dressed, his hair still slightly damp. He was wearing an old sweatshirt, it was worn previously, but Peter felt compelled to throw it on, the scent of it relaxing. It was an M.I.T. Hoodie and Peter didn't realize he was just comforted by his dad's things.
Not that he recognized Tony as his dad with the whole memory loss thing.
Other than that he just wore some wooly red, white and blue socks and some worn blue jeans.
It made him feel comfy.
When he went outside, he noticed that May, Bruce and Tony had filled everyone in on whatever happened. They didn't take notice to Peter at first, so the boy stood at the doorway, leaning on it, listening in.
"Please be careful with what you say, we don't know what the trigger is and until we properly get news from the villain, we can't do anything."
"I'm not even allowed to visit which is bullshit," Natasha muttered.
So they hadn't heard from the villain?
That was a problem.
The man Peter had recognized from earlier... who was y'all and broad shouldered, crystal eyed, blond haired, he seemed to speak up. "We'll be careful."
Peter smiled hearing his voice, it was comforting. He subconsciously grabbed his own wrist, rubbing small soothing strokes over the skin, feeling microscopic bumps from betters that seemed permanently etched into his skin.
He spared a glance, a name sprawled out so beautifully.
He didn't know why he didn't recognize the name, but it made him happy seeing it. Peter looked up, subconsciously continuing the assault on his wrist. The group was calming down and the man with the sweet crystal blue eyes looked at his own wrist, smiling sadly. Peter stopped his wrist rubs and dropped his hands, watching at the man looked up to where Peter was.
"Come on in," he said kindly.
The group turned to Peter, eyes filling with some sort of sad fondness. They must've cherished him a lot of him loosing his memory impacted them so much.
They ran into Peter's room when he was screaming, all of them. There wasn't a hesitation.
Peter walked to the group and stood awkwardly in front of them.
"I'm Natasha Romanov," the redhead from earlier introduced.
Peter smiled at her, "nice to meet you. Again I suppose."
"You mean a lot to me kid."
Peter grinned at that, feeling bubbly and warm and all around fuzzy.
"Pepper!" Peter knew the face and hugged the woman, who seemed surprised, but not opposed. She wasn't there in the beginning, so she was afraid the boy wouldn't recognize her either. She was wrong, hugging the boy back.
"Guess you know me then?" She laughed softly.
"Mmm hmm! Don't know why, but i do." They pulled away from each other, the boys cheeks rosy and happy. He seemed comfortable with the group now. He had time to calm and access. He knew no one there would harm a hair on his head.
"Hi, I'm Tony's best friend, Rhodey." Rhodey was older, hardened by years fighting, evident from the scars that marked his bare arms. Bad ass.
"I'm Sam Wilson." This one seemed a bit younger, similar complexion to Rhodey, with thin facial hair, but perusing eyes, falcon eyes. Seemed friendly.
"Nice to meet you!"
The next to approach was a man colored red. Peter could guess who he was.
"Are you Vision?"
"That I am."
Vision chuckled at the comment, pleased the boy even recalled his name.
"I'm Wanda Maximoff." She was the fourth and final woman in the room. Long hair, reddish eyes. Bad ass.
"It's a pleasure!"
They went through the introductions like that.
Bruce Again
Then came the mystery man that seemed to really capture Peter's attention.
"Steve Rodgers."
Peter didn't know the name before, but his heart swelled, a dopey smile on his face, "hi."
Steve's cheeks were tinged slightly pink, smiling at Peter.
It was dopey and warm and everything Peter needed.
Muscle memory almost kicked in.
"S-So, what do we do until we figure out everything with my memory?" Peter asked.
"As you suggested," Bruce hummed, "we just go on about our day normally."
Peter nodded, "before that, I'm just going to state things about myself. Please correct me if I'm wrong."
Everyone nodded.
"My name is Peter Parker."
A nod.
"I'm trans."
There were a few surprised faces, but May, Bruce, Natasha, Rhodey, Tony and Steve all nodded. So they knew.
"I'm twenty?"
"Twenty one, but your birthday was recent," may corrected.
Peter nodded, "I go to Empire State."
"I'm Spider-Man."
"Okay, just wanted to make sure." Peter sighed with relief and flopped down on the couch, mentally exhausted from the day already. He stretched on the couch and saw that everyone was sorta looking at him.
"Just pretend I didn't lose my memory. Act like you normally do. We're all going to be awkward otherwise."
They couldn't argue with that, so they settled into a routine. Luckily Peter had woken up screaming when the others had finished breakfast, meaning they could go about the day like normal.
Really, that's seemed to go well. The only thing different was avoiding questions about past events, especially since Peter wouldn't remember them.
Honestly, Peter seemed different, but he was still sweet to everyone. He just seemed less awkward. Maybe because he didn't see the avengers as idols and normal people.
He also didn't quite see them as family either
So there was a reason he seemed to be different.
Peter was calm and bubbly and almost cat like.
He was also spoiled.
His current position was him, head in Steve's lap and legs in Tony's. Steve was carding his fingers through Peter's hair and Tony just ignored that the legs were on him, occasionally massaging the arch of Peter's foot to help relax him a bit. It wasn't really a needed thing considering Steve had Peter plenty distracted, but I digress.
Clint was sat in front of the boy on the ground, holding a bag of candy, which he fed to Peter happily every time the boy reached for some.
Sometime after they got in the position, petter nodded off, curling into Steve, hugging the man's midsection and nuzzling into his stomach.
The group stared at Peter with an extreme fondness.
"I'll take him to bed," Steve said softly.
The group nodded and Steve carefully scooped up Peter up in his arms, the small boy curling up. Steve carefully brought the boy to his room, laying him down on his bed. He went to get pajamas, quickly changing the tired boy and tucking him in.
Sometimes Steve forgot Peter was 21. They met when the boy was fourteen after all.
It was still hard to see the boy as an adult.
Maybe that's why Peter blocked him out.
Steve sighed and got up, turning off the lights and leaving the room.
When he got back to the main room, it seemed almost everyone left. The remaining few were Tony, Natasha and Bruce, all sitting on the couch.
"Where'd everyone go?"
"Bed," Tony said softly.
Steve nodded and sat with them, no one really paying attention to the screen in front of them.
"We should hear back about the villain tomorrow," Natasha informed
"Peter will be okay," Brice whispered, "I know it's heartbreaking for him to not recognize most of us, but imagine how terrified he must be feeling?"
That was...
"Waking up and forgetting everything?" Natasha muttered darkly, "that definitely is terrifying."
They sat in silence, not really sure how to continue. Everyone in the tower cared for Peter. Fuck, most heroes cared about him. Peter was an exceptional person who managed to always make the people around him smile.
Seeing Peter almost afraid of them, hesitant, it hurt.
It probably hurt Peter more.
"What do you think the trigger is?" Tony asked Bruce hesitantly.
Bruce sighed, "whatever was on his mind around when he fought the villain. I'd assume that the most recent memory would be the dam holding it all back."
That could've been anything.
Peter was always thinking. Everything worried him and he always wondered if he was doing the right thing.
It could've been his thoughts on Ben, Richard, Mary, how he missed them.
It could've been on the fact tony yelled at him for getting shot and still going back out after barely healing. How they yelled at each other and Peter snapped that Tony wasn't his real dad.
It could've been Steve and Peter, who argued before he left, trying to confront Peter, get him to listen to Tony, apologize. How they fought and Peter got mad that Steve continued to treat Peter like a child. There was only eight years between them, so Steve had to learn how to treat Peter better. He wasn't a kid.
It could've been when Bruce turned Peter away from the lab, saying he wouldn't let Peter in until he and tony made up.
It could've been when he and May fought, Peter frustrated and Angry over everything.
It could've been Natasha's flinch when Peter hugged her for comfort.
It could've been anything.
They'd have to figure it out
A/N: might make a part 2 if you want it. Tell me what you think is Peter's trigger. It could end up becoming the trigger in the next part.
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