4. It was my fault: part 2
So... I'm doing a second part of this one, 'cause i really liked it and I wanted to keep it going.
Sooooooo Two-shot!!!
Steve walk into Peter's room, after knocking several times and not hearing anyone answer.
When he steped inside he didn't see his kid. He walked into the bathroom just to find the body of his son in the bathtop, bleeding threw his wrists.
Steve runs to Peter as fast as he can and kneels next to him. He feels his pulse and calls Bruce, screaming.
Bruce half runs half walks into the room. When he sees Peter bleeding out, he fastly grabs a paper to stop it. He tells Steve to call an ambulance and yells at Natasha to help him with the kid.
Once the ambulance arrived, Bruce had manage to stop, a little bit, the bleeding, made the kid to threw up the pills he took and pulled him out of the water.
Steve is talking to Tony on the phone, but he can't make a word of what is happening. He's been talking to his husbend with out making any sence. "Tony, I- I'm so sorry... This..." Tony cut him off easy "If you don't tell me what is happening right now, Steve, I swear to god I'm going to kill you"
Steve took a deep breath "Peter tried to... kill himaelf"
Tony's breath start to go faster and he felt his throat close.
Peter tried to kill himself Peter tried to kill himself Peter tried to kill himself Peter tried to kill himself was all that went through his mind right now.
Tony had fallen to the ground, tears streaming down his face.
Happy runs to him and asks him whats wrong. "I have to go. Tell Pepper to cancel any meating I have" he says starting to walk to tha door.
Happy gets in the car "where to? boss" he asks "the hospital".
Happy looks at him with worry "why? Are you okay?"
Tony looks up "No" and after a pause he admits "Peter tried to kill himself"
Tony runs pass the hospital doors, tiring to find his husband.
Steve has been crying for the past 40 minutes and when he sees Tony he feels his heart break even more.
"Where is he? Where is Peter?" Tony asks running to Steve.
"The doctors are looking at him" Nat answerd.
"How bad is it?"
"Bad. But not enough" this time Bruce answers.
"He's not going to surgery. But they do have to stich him up" Bucky says not taking his eyes of Steve.
"They said the problem was the pills he took. They did effect and revert that it's very hard" Bruce explains "That plus the cuts and blood loss. And the fact he hasn't been eating didn't help either" he shakes his head.
"Fuck" Tony whispers to himself.
After an hour and half a doctor walks to them. They all stand up and look at him concern.
"He's fine" the doctor says and various sighs can be heard. "But he lost a lot of blood. And the pills he took... well they could leave damage"
"What kind of damage?" Steve asks
"Well, we do have to wait till he wakes up but; constant headache, stomachache, disconfort, blood loss by nose, nails or piss. Also he can have hearing loss or speaking difficulties. And multi-organs failure" the doctor explains as soft as he can.
Tony falls to one of the chairs in the waiting room.
"Their posibilities, it doesn't necessarily have to happen" the doctor says looking at the family.
"Can we see him?" Nat asks patting Steve's shoulder.
"Family only"
"But we all are his family" Clint complains.
"Paper work family. Legal guardians" the doctor says looking anoyed by the archer.
"Thanks Doc" Tony says "We'll go"
When Tony and Steve walk through the door and see their son, they both silently start to cry.
Peter is lying in the big hospital bed. Bandeges arround his wrists, a oxigin mask on. He looks dead, the only thing that proves he is alive are the machines' steady beeping.
Tony and Steve sit next to each other on peter's bed side. Tony grabs his son's hand.
The doctor had told them Peter was going to wake up in a cuple of hours.
Three hours later, Tony and Steve are looking at each other. Steve had started to doze half an hour ago but Tony is fully awake.
When they hear a groan.
They turn and see Peter awake "Dad?" he asks confuse.
"Hey, hey baby, we are here. Don't worry" Tony says crying.
"I'm calling the docotor" Steve says and runs out of the room, only to come back a minute later with a docotr and two nurses.
After the check out, the doctor informes the parents; Peter looks fine and they could go home once Peter tolerates food.
"Pete, we were so scared" Tony says holding his tears back.
"S- sorry" Peter tries off.
Steve gets closer to him and Peter flinches when he hugs him.
"Sorry" Peter repits "I'm so sorry, sorry. Sorry. Sorry. Sorry" he starts to cry.
"Baby, it's okay. Shhhh, it's okay" Steve talks him down.
It's been two weeks since "the incident". Peter is getting out of the hospital tomorrow, or today saying that it's 4:30 am.
He didn't really eat that much. But it was enough for the doctors.
Peter is crying and Tony and Steve don't know how to calm him down. He had a nightmare.
"Baby please, please calm down" Tony tries
"Shhhh, we are here. We love you" Steve says
"I don't wanna go. Please I don't wanna go. I'm sorry"
"It's fine baby. It's okay" Tony says starting to cry himself.
The "going to the car" was hard. Steve had to carry Peter to the car cause every time he steped foward his head started to hurt.
They were now in the same process, of Peter trying to walk from the car to the tower without passing out.
Once they finaly arrived Peter got in the bed.
"Okay, the pills you have to take for the headache, you take them at...?" Steve asks his son
"11 pm and 11 am, Pops. I know" Peter responds
"Exacly" Steve replys "and if you don't feel so good you just tell me. Same of you start to bleed through your nose or..."
"Or nails or piss. I know" Peter says sarcasticly.
Steve takes a deep breath and leaves the room. Scared of leaving him alone again.
Peter stays in his room. He gets out of bed but as soon as he steps on the floor his head screams in pain and he falls down.
He gets up once again and walks to the bathroom. His medicine cabinet is empty and all sharp objects are gone.
He wishes it would have work out. So he wouldn't be scared and his parents wouldn't be scared.
Anyways he goes back to bed and tries to sleep, tries.
When dinner is ready, Steve says he is going to look for Peter.
"Pete, dinner is ready" He annaunces poping his head through the door.
"Okay... emm"
"Come here, I help you" Steve declares to the kid getting in the room.
They make it to the kitchen and Steve sats Peter down.
"Emm... thanks Pops" he says akwardly.
"Anytime, son"
All the avengers sit down to eat. Peter just plays arround with his food not eating.
"Peter. Eat" Tony says, trying to sound calm.
"Not hungry"
"Peter, you just got out of the hospital. You have to eat" Steve says
"But..." Peter starts but is interrupted by Tony.
"No buts. Eat"
Peter starts to eat, slowly. Everybody in tha table can see the sruggle between Peter and the food. It sucks.
After dinner, they all sit down to watch a movie. Half an hour into the movie, Peter starts to feel nausea.
He tries to get up, but his lack of strength doesn't let him.
Once he does it he walks fast (cause he can't run) to the bathroom and throws up everything he ate, that is not much.
Steve and Tony run and sit next to him. Tony draws circules in his back and Steve plays with his hair.
"Sorry" Peter says
"Don't apologize" Tony says firmly
"It's just the food. To much, all at once"
"Okay. We'll get through this. Toghter" Steve says, looking to his son and husband
"Together" Peter repits.
Okay bitches.
That was the continuation of "it was my fault"
Hope you liked it.
Love, D&M
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