4. It was my fault

There is no spoder bite here. Peter si just a normal teen with superhero parents.

Peter was the adoptive son of Capitan America and Iron-man aka Steve Rogers and Tony Stark. Both national heros. He was meant to be great. He was meant to be happy and have a long life.


Peter is getting up. The clock marks 6:00 a.m. He has to get ready to be in school at 7:15. He gets out of bed and walks to the kitchen.

"Hey" Peter says to everybody.
All the Avengers were there ecxept Clint, who was probably sleeping. "Hey, Pete!" Everybody answerd.
Peter fake a smile. Cause he knows the Old Peter would have smiled and start talking with a happy voice.

"I'm gonna get to school. See 'ya" he says, faking happines.
"Okay, breakfast first?" Steve asks Peter patting his back. Everybody can see Peter flinch in fear and Steve remove his hand quickly.
"Emm... I'm gonna grab something there" lie, he lies all the time.

Peter was always very obsesive and need to have a rutine, so he doesn't go crazy. He had create a rutine:

-Get up
-Skip Breakfast
-Walk to school
-Go to school (get bullied, have class)
-Skip Lunch
-Walk home (get beat up)
-Do Homework
-Skip Dinner
-Sit in the bed watching the bedside clock till the alarm goes off

He keep it every day. Once in a while he ate something but it makes him sick and ends up piucking.

He gets out of his home, the Avengers Tower, and walks to his school.
He passes Delmar's and says hi.
He doesn't eat his breakfast there anymore.

In school Ned's there. He says "hi" with a big fake smile and listens to Ned talk about what he did with his mom last night.
They used to do a report of their weekend but now only Ned talks cause Peter never does nothing different.
He follows his rutine, but without the school and bulling.

They stop dead in the tracks when they hear a "sup' Penis Parker".
Ned looks at Peter, "go, it's fine" Peter says to his bestfriend "but Peter..." Ned argues but Peter cuts him off "Don'y worry. It's just rutine" Peter sais laughing under his breath.

Flash pushes him and Peter falls. When he starts to get up he feels a kick on his left side. He falls back down. "Superhero parents?" Flash says with his mocking voice "Didn't they teach you self-defence? Pathetic. Probably cause they don't even like you" and he kick Peter's side again.

The ring belled after 15 minustes of torture. Ned runs to Peter and hepls him up. Michelle walks/runs to them "Did he do it again?" She asked "I'm gonna fucking kill him!" Peter leans on to lockers ald looks at her. Giving her one of his caracteristic force (but real looking) smiles.

They went to class and at 15:10 the ring bell again making all the students run out lf the homeroom and to the doors.

Walking home Peter feels his hopes go up when he doesn't see Falsh and his crew in their usual spot. But it all goes to shit when he hears the very expensive car of Flash's car (his dad's car actually) and the "Penis!". The other 5 guys who wre with Flash cheer.

They all get down of the car and walk to him. Flash gives the first hit but a moment later the whole team of idiots attacks.

Peter walks threw the door. "Hey! Pete what think?" Barton asks him and shows him a photoshop picture of Bruce's head on the Hulks body.
Peter fakes a simel and answers "Yeah, pretty cool".

Peter starts to walk to his room but he is stop by his Pops "Hey Peter. Dinner will be in 30. Okay?" Peter smiles at him and says a quiet "okay".

Peter walks in his room and sits on his desk, and starts homework.


"Peter!!" Steve yells "Dinner's ready!!"

"Going" Peter yells back but his voice cracks. Hopfully his parents didn't notice. Theybnever do anyways.

"Tones, I'm worried" Steve says to his husband.
"I knwo babe, me too" Tony replys.
"Guys, don't worry. It's just a phase. All teens go threw it" Nat says calming them a bit.

Peter appears walking down the stairs. He has one of his fake smiles across his face. Nat is the only one that notice tracks of tears spred arround his cheeks, but all of them can see the puffy red eyes.

They all sit arroud the table and eat dinner. Peter only looks at it and wants to gag.

It's been almost five weeks since Peter last ate a good meal. And more than three months since he las sleep a full night.

Every time he closes his eyes he sees his parents bleeding out in front of him. His mom crying, and his uncle and aunt blameing him for all of it.
He can see Uncle Ben's blood spread all over the floor and May's pills in her hands.
When he starts to fall asleep he can feel hear the bulets being shot and his parents dropping onto the floor.
He can hear his mom bleding out telling him it wans't his foult.
He can feel the blood of his parents in his hands.
Once he falls asleep he hoes threw it all over again.
His Dad and Mom's death. His uncle getting killed and his Aunt suicide.

"Peter?" Tony calls his son "You're not eating?". Peter holds his head up "I... I ate a big lunch. Not hungry" he says with a small voice. Way too small, almost unhearable.

The Avengers face fall when they see him like this. They all knew he wasn't happy. They haven't seen him eat and any of them is sure if he evem slept anymore.

He was all the time with close doors on his room. Normaly crying, and they knew it.

"Well...are we all set?" Bruce asks getting up. They all node and start to take off the table.
"Movie night then!" Bruce says Happy tone. He is trying to chear everybody up.

They all smile at him, less Peter who gets up and walks away to his room. "Peter you too" Tony says firmly.

"Dad I don't want to" he first says quietly.

"I don't care Peter. Is family tradision" Tony argues.

"Dad please. C'mon!" Peter says a bit loder.

"No Peter! Get your ass to the couch to watch a movie" this time the tkne was demanding.

"Pops?" Peter says trying to get support from Steve.

"Peter, your father is right. We don't ever see you anymore.

Peter just wants to cry. He wants to gl to his room and cry his day out. "Please... I don- don't want to" his voice cracks and they all feel his heart break. But they act like nothing happen

"Peter, end of disscution. Lets go" Tony says watching his son hold tears.

The movie goes really slow for Peter. Because of his lack of sleep he goes falling after 30 minutes into the movie.

And as always the nightmares start.

He can see his parents asking him to hide. He runs to his closet and shuts the door. After 10 minutes in there he starts to feel siruisly scared. He doesn't hear his parents and he gets out.

He starts to run to his livingroom and sees a man pointing a gun to his dad's head. When his mom sees him she turns making the guy shot at his dad head killing him in that instant ans to his mother back. Hebshots him too bit misses and Peter sees him run away.

Peter gets up and runs to him mom.
"Mommy? Mom? What? Why?" The 4 year old Peter Parker asks. "Baby, please. It's okay. I love you" She says closing her eyes. "Mom! MOM! MOMMY PLEASE! DON'T-DON't go. I'm sorry" he says tears start to builld their way to his face. "It's not your foult"...

Peter gasps awake. Hid lungs screaming for air. He feels like he's drowning.

"Peter! It's okay baby! Your home. You're in the tower" he hears a distant voice. He doesn't reconize it.
"Peter! Peter!" And he feels himself wake up. Hot tears making their way down his face.

"Sorry" he says and gets up the couch and runs to his room.

He closes the door behind him and colapses on his bed. His knees failing. He starts to cry even harder and louder than before.

All the Avengers are sitting in the couch looking at each other.

"God!" Tony says loudly.

They are all listening at Peter cry in his room.

"Someone should go talk to him" Bruce said.
Steve starts to get up but Natasha stops him

"Let me go" she says and walks up the stairs.

She knoks on Peter's door and she hears him stop crying and walk to it.

"Get out!" He yells at her

"Peter. It's Natasha" she replys softly "Please open the door"

"No! GET OUT! Get the fuck out!" He screams but his vpice breaks at the end and he adds a little "please".

"Peter, please let me in. We can talk" she trys again. He opens the door and Nat steps in.

They both sit in the bed. Peter trying to hold his tears.

"Was she good?" Nat asks and gets a confuse look of Peter. "Your mom".

Peter smiles at her mension, the first real smile he had in months "Yeah, she was great. I loved her" he says "I still do, you know"

Natasha feels hot tears in her eyes. "Of course you still do. She is your mom after all"

His smile flatter "she... sh- she" he break right there. He needed tl break badly. He needed to cry for real.

In that exact moment when Peter hugs Natasha, Tony, Steve and Bruce appear in the doorway. She sees the but Peter doesn't.

"She died becaouse of me" he chokes out "It- It was my- my... It was my fault"

"No, nono. Peter don't you dare to say that againg. You were a kid" Nat says trying to hold her tears and voice back.

"Peter?" Steve asks walking into the room.

Peter looks up to his Pops and jumps to hug him. Steve caches him and he feels his son's legs start to fail him and theh both fall to the floor. Tony kneels with them and touchs Peter's back like giving him his support.

"It was my foult, I didn't mean to. I swear" he cries out "and then with Ben and May".

"Peter, listem to me. You didn't have anything to do with any or their deaths. Okay? You couldn't posibly have known. You were a kid" Tony says firmly at him.

"But... if it wasn't okay they would still be alive. May would be with me... they would be okay"

"May?" Tony asks "Your aunt killed herself. You couldn't have known"

"I should have known. I didn't take care of her like I should" he says, crying. He didn't notice Bruce and Nat had left.

"Peter! You were five!" Tony snaps at him. Peter walks away a bit "Sorry, hey... Pete I'm so sorry" Tony says quickly.

Peter nodes and hugs him and then askes them to leave him alone. Not in a rude way. He just wants to be alone.

They leave and he lays on his bed. Another sleepless night for Peter.

The next morning the alarm starts beeping. He gets up, or trys to get up but his legs don't obey him. Then he hears a knock. The door of his room cracks open amd Steve head pops in.

"Listen, you had a rough night. Wanna skip school?" Peter noods and turns arround "Okay, your dad is going to a meeting. I'm gonna call you for lunch"

After a good 2 or 3 hours of his head insulting him, he gets up to pee.

In the bathroom he looks at the mirror.

Discusting. You're so fat

This wasn't true. His weight was under 90 punds.

Why do you still live?

You are fucking idiot

Your family hates you

The voice of his class mates hunts him.

Why don't you just kill yourself?

And there was an idea. He could kill himself. Everything would be better.

No more pain. No more bullie. No more guilt.

He goes to his desk and grabs his razor.

If he kills himself it will hurt.

You deserve the pain

'Maybe if I doit with my dad's pills' he thinks.

He runs to his Dads bathroom and grabs the pills his dad takes everynight.

Back in his room, he goes to the bathroom and starts the bath.

The onlyreason he leaves his clothes on is because he doesn't want his family to see his ugly ass body.

He gets in the bath and grabs his razor. He takes the pills and starts cuting.

The pills start to do effect. He feels his legs go numb and his head starts to hurt basly. He sees blury.

And he hears a knock. His bedroom door starts to open but he doesn't care.

Not anymore.


Ok, so... THAT IS SO SAD.

I was thinking turn this into a twoshot and do a second part.

What you think?

Anyways, thanks for reading
Love, D&M

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