3. get out of my head

Peter Parker was adopted by Steve and Tony Stark-Rogers wen he was a kid. He was exacly 6 years old. Nobody knew anything about his parents. Why they died, nothing. Or so they thought, cause Peter knew who/what killed them. It was him.

He grow up as the kid of Capitan America and Iron-man. He was a normal person. Not a Super Soldier or a Genius Billioner like his dads. Or a secret agent like his Uncle and Aunt. Nobody knew about his powers and about the bug living in his head.
If anyone find out he would go back to the testing. He didn't stand all the testing. People touching him, hurting him. Not being able of controling his own body.

For the sake of his mental health he choose to keap his powers a secret. He could belive himself when they adopted him. He try to convince himself it wasn't a HYDRA doing. They wanted him because of who he was and not his powers. And that the Avengers adopting a not nornal kid was a coinsidence. He decided not to tell them because if someone ever showed him a needle he probably was gonna kill them. Not like it would be the first time.

So, now Peter is 14 and he had to live with his secret and a voice in his head. Venom, he called itself/himself (Pete wasn't sure how to call it).
Venom and Peter didn't get along. HYDRA make them both, and they were stick together. So Peter had to learn how to survive with it/him too.

"Peter, is everything okay?" Nat ask to the kid.
All the Avengers were having dinner and Peterwas argiuing, in his head, with Venom who didn't want Peter to eat all of his food. Venom was right, but they were both acting like teenagers. When the only teen was Peter.

"Yeah, fine" was his response as he let the fork in his plate listening to Venom. Both knew that Peter always ended up throwing up when he overate bacause of the virus Vanom create in his body.

All the Avengers looked at him. "That's all you're gonna eat?" Steve ask his son. Peter node "not all of as are super soldiers, dad".
'But you are' Venom said to Peter
'Shut up' Peter responed.

Peter waited for everyone to finish eating and left to his room.
He could hear his parents, aunt and uncles talking in the living room. Butvhe normaly ignore it. But today they were talking about him.

"I cannot belive him" Tony screm at his team "He bearly ate. And he didn't have breakfast either" worry fills his voice but anger covers it.

"Tony, calm dawn" Steve said taking his husband in his arms "He'll eat"

'Ha, let me laugh at that'
'Venom, just shut it'
'What have i done now?'
'You are talking to me and I'm trying to do homework'

Venom sigh or something like it and shut up while Peter finished his homework.

Venom hated how Peter learn how to control him with time.
Now he couldn't speak when he wanted and Peter was in contorl of his body almost 24/7. The only moment Venom get to be body and soul was at the night when Peter was sleeping and he knew he couldn't make much noice, bacause if anyone in the Avengers tower woke up and saw him. They would be stuck on a Lab again. And Peter would probably have a mental breakdown. And the knew that if 'You die, I die'. It was their lema.

Peter heard a knock. "Come in" he said and his dads head pop into the room. He hears Venom laugh and make a comment about him not eating but he decides to ignore it.

"Hey Pete" his Pops starts "We just want to talk to you. Is it okay?". His pops was always really polite, while his dad was... well lets just say not sp much.

"Yeah, sure" Peter say facking a smile. He hasn't smile for real in a while. But people used to belive his fake ones so he didn't really care. "Ok, we steal a cuple of pop tarts from Thor" Tony says. "I'm not hungry, but thanks" he can see how his dads smile becomes fake, really really fake.

"You haven't eat" Tony explains, loseing his smile. "Yes, I did" 'You better not eat that. I don't wanna spend he noght in the toilet' Venom talks to Peter 'I know, o don't either' Peter replys.
"No Peter you didn't. And you WILL EAT ROGHT NOW!" Tony says bu stops dead in the traks when he notice how Peter start to walk slowly away from them.

They knew Peter had been abused when he was a baby. He never talked abou it, they thoight it was bacause he was sacred. Wich he was, but not of what they thought.
They tried to touch him less as posible, when they did he flinched. And tried to yell at him as less as posible cause every time they did he got scared. Like... really scared.

"Hey, sorry. I didn't mean to. I'm sorry" Tony tried but Peter was stick to the wall hearing Venom askimg him to killed them.

'Just do it.'
'Kill them.'
'They don't want you.'
'They don't even respect you.'

'STOP! STOP!' He yelled to, in his mind. Where only him amd Venom could hear.


Tears start to walk their way threw his face.
Tony and Steve's heart break at the boy who was trying not to cry. Failing completly.

KILL THEM' Is the only thing he could hear.

STOP' He said in reply every time. Not even boticing his dads getting loser and huging him.

'C'mon Peter. You have them right were we want them. It wouldn't be the first time you kill your parents anyways'

'I DIE YOU FUCKING' 'die' Venom finished for him. But Peter could bearly stand him anymore.

'I killed them
I killed mom and dad
Nonononononomo. STOP!
i didn't mean to

And a scream of frustration came oit of his mouth. Steve patt Tony's shoulder telling him to walk away. Tony takes a few steps back watching his son cry on his husband showlder.

Nat walks in the room, heavy breathing. She ran here. "What happen?" she softly asked getting closer and stopping next to Iron-man.

The escene last a cuple minutes. Natasha and Tony watching Peter and Steve till the kid fall asleep. We lay him down on his bed and went out of the room.

"What thevfuck was that?" Nat asked when they arrive to the living room. Where the rest of the team was.
Rhody, Vision and Wanda were playing cards. Bucky, Sam and Clint were watching TV. Bruce and Starnge were reading.
Now they were all looking at them.

Tony sat heavily at the couch and sigh "I don't know. It was the first time something like that happen" he says. "No, I mean" Steve start "He gets this panick atacks pretty often. But this was the worst, by far". Every body is looking at them with soft eyes. "We heard the scream" Rohdes says and everybody nodes. "I don't know what came over him" Steve says sitting beside Tony.

The next morning was quiet. Peter find himself in te floor of his room. The black colour of Venom's skin dancing on his body. As soon as he was awake Venom start to disapear. Going back to the safe place and hearing voices at the back of his mind.

Tony starts to wake up. Steve is looking at him while he olays with his heir. Tony looks up at him, his blue eyes look tired and sad. Thybboth dreamnabout Peter.
Tony sat on the adge of the bed and got up.

When he walks into the commun room he can see Natasha and Clint looking at some SHIELD files and Sam eating breakfast next to Bruce who was just sitting there.

All morning was normal. The afternoon was when everything glt a bit more comolicated.

It was 5:30 p.m. and everyone was there. EVERYONE was in the comun room, doing different stuff. When they heard a loud crash and the windws blow up. Pices of glass were flying threw the air.

Steve got up as fast as he could and ran to Peter. But befor he could get there strong hands grab him and stop him. He turn arround and saw the Avengers fighting a bunch of people. By his sorprise they were now in the enemy's ship. They couldn't beat them.

Peter was handcuffed next to him. Steve try to confort him. Bou the kid keep lookong arround in fear.

'That's it. We are so fucking dead' Venom says to Peter.
'I know' Peter replys.
'No you don't, Peter. This guys are HYDRA. They know about us' Peter gasps loudly. Venom was right, theybwere going back to the fucking lab.

"Shhh, Pete. It's gonna be fine" Steve sys to his son. Peter didn't even listen to him.

They arrived to the HYDRA facility a cuple of minutes later. They walk to the a restricted area and then walk into a lab.

As soon as they walk in Peter and Venom reconize it. That was the place where they test them.

'How? I can't do anything'
'Yes you can. Kill them. KILL THE ALL'
'I can't'
"No" that word sacpe his mouth. He didn't mean to say it out loud.
"Peter, It'll be okay budd" Bruce said gently at the kid.

They sat down in front of a screen.
"We are going to test one of the experiments with gama radiation" a cintist explain to them "we need you all here so you don't anything stupid.
We'll let you go once we have all the information we need" the man clap his hands "Okay, okay. Come on"

Peter heard hisbdad breathing heavily. "Cap, it'll be okay" Tony says. "Yeah, I know. I'll do this and we'll go home"

Venom's voice fill Peter's mind. 'It's not him. The testings is for us'
'I know'

The doctor stand in front of Peter and did a singnal to the people close to the comuters. Peter's handcuffes open.

All the Avengers look at him confusion in their faces.
"Peter?" Tony ask his kid.
"Sorry, I didn't mean to lie" was the only thing he manage to spli out

"Kid, HYDRA is happy to have you back" the doctor said.
"Fuck off" was peter spit the words.
The doctor slap him a cross the face and the noice echo in the room.

"Hey, heyhey!" Tony scream "DO NOT EVER DO THAT TO MY KID" a grin start to form in the scintist face.

The other scintifics hook Peter to millions of machines. He looks so scared. But what surprise the Avengers is how he looked much more scared when someone hug him than in this moment. 'Must be in shok' they all think. But no, it's just because he is more used to this than to a hug. He knew what was going to happen and how much was going to hurt. He didn't like it. But at least he knew it.

'Peter, we can get out lf this one. We just have to kill them'.
"STOP!" he scream out loud "WE ARE NOT KILLING ANY ONE"

All the avengers look at him in shok. Pure shok.

"Is he bothering you?" One of the doctors ask.
"Always" Peter answers.
"Get ready kid"
"Can you at least tell me why you are doing this again?" Peter asks.
"Cause we want to create more super soldiers. But the stark formula is long lost and we can't recreat the spider. So... we can use your blood for more test. You and him will be out of here with your family when we finish" Peter node. It feels logical.

Then he felt how needles were stik to him. At least 40 or 50 needles in his back and 20 in each wrist. In the screen there were formulas and notes and videos of him when he was a kid going threw a similar proces.

He can see how his dad, aunts and uncles look away lr close their eyes shot. Natasha is the only one who is looking at him. Tears fill her eyes, and her look is presistent. Like she is waiting for him to scream in pain. But he knows this pain way to much. It almost doesn't even hurts that much. 'It will hirt later"
'Yes, it will"

When they finish they set them free. The let them in tej middle of nowhere. In the forest, far enough for them to never find the facility and never find their home. Of course Nat find a way to contact SHIELD  and they arrived not in less tahn 20 miutes.

No one said anything about Peter, and Peter didn't speak at all. He just sat ageinst a tree waiting for SHIELD to arrived. When they did and the ship landed he tried to got up but his legs faild him. His back was hurting even more than what he remembered.
Steve looked at his son, if he could call him so. And carry him into the ship and leav him in the floor. Back against the wall.

"We need talk about this" Steve sayas after 15 minutes of silence.
"I don't know where to start" Peter says, shy voice.
"Strat fron the beginning" Tony says. Cold in his voice.

Peter sigh and look at his back. "Get out" the Avengers look at him in confusion. "Venom, I'm telling you once to get out and you don't. YOUBARE ALWAYS ASKING. NOW GET YLUR FUCKING ASS HERE RIGJT NOW" Steve get closer to him but jump back when he saw a black layer of worms or something like that spread in his son's skin.

A figure black scary figure was beside Peter ans whole team stare at it.
"Guys this is Venom, Venom you know every body"
"Yes i do" a deep scary voice came out of it/him. He had large fingers and fangs, very big fangs.

"From the begininng then?" Peter asked, but he wasn't really waiting for an answer "I wasn't an accident or anything like so, you know... like nost babys. My parents artifisialy create me cause they needed a good subject to create anothr Super Soldier. Like you Pops. So... when i was born they were working with HYDRA. They had found a way to do recreate you" he said pointing to Steve "and do it even better. My parents were not expecting to actually care about me.
After they made me, my dad and mom took notice that theybwere hurting me for not fuc- sorry... for no reason so they quit and get me out lf HYDRA. But I was a HYDRA experiment. Their propety.
My parents tried to hide me the best as poslbe nut they found themselves not being able of take care of a superpowered baby. The took me to OsCorp. They promise my parebts they would try to help me.
Once, one of the experiments went wrong. Like wrong, wrong. And they create him. Venom. He... it" "I'm here..." "Right... sorry. Venom and I got link together. Imposible to separete. He is a virus. Litteraly a virus. He killes people, makes the sick, crazy. He takes over their minds and make them kill. But we were link together so we both have control.
When they" Peter stop talking for a second taking in what he was going to say. "Once they were trying to get him off. They make him... us. I don't even know anymore. We were angry. They hurt us." He start to cry "It hirs so bad. I didn't mean to. But theybwere going to kill us. We just didn't want to die. I swear i didn't mean to" Steve get closer to his kid and hug him "I...I wa-I was so mad at them. My parent didn't stop it. May and Ben were ther too... and I... I lost control over my actions... They were hurting me. I didn- I... I didn't mean to" Steve start to brush his hair "It's okay Peter. Shhh... It's okay"

"We kill them, we kill everybody at tah building. Avery single soul" Peter start to cry wven more "Shhh, Pete. You didn't knew what you were doing"

"No, that's the worst part. I did. I knew wxacly what i was doing. I killed my parents and ny aunt and my uncel and all those people. It was me, not him. He told me what to do... but- bou it was still me" now he was sobbing in ageinst Steve's chest. "I killed my mommy, she didn't even, she told me she loved me. She was singing when she- when i... when- she died cause i killed her. OH MY GOD I KILLED MY MOMMY." Every single one of the Avengers was crying. Maria Hill who was driving the ship was crying too.

Venom slowly came back to Peter's body. This was it. Peter was having the well expected mental breack down.

"We love you, Pete. No matter what" Nat says to Peters ear. "What were your mothers last words?" She asks. "NATASHA!" The whole ship yells at her.

"You are my family. There's nothing you do that i can't forgive"

And with those words the Avengers saw the kid fall asleep.

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