2. safe
Okay, so this fanfic is (again) peter's.
So... The Avengers find a kid (Peter) in a HYDRA facility on a mission.
The Avengers were all cold. Every single one of them, were fighting some kind of robbot or machine. "We have to help the people inside" Wanda talked through the intercomunicator.
"Okay, me and Tony'll take it" Cap said informin the team "Cap, for real?" Tony complain but followed him anyways.
They relised everybody in the bullding. They were all civilians who were captured by HYDRA to threat the goberment. "There are like 200 people here" Cap said shooking his head.
"Hey Cap, lets check the place so we know nobody is still in" Cap followed Iron-man it feels so wierd call him "iron-man" doesn't it?.
They run through the place and find nothing. "FRIDAY tell me if you find any kind of life from, please" "sir, i found a life form" FRIDAY said. "Where? FRI where?" Cap ask desesperatly "three doors down to west". They run as quilck as they colud. "Where the fuck is west?" Tony asked sarcasticly following Capitan America down the hall.
The door was close ermetically and there was no way in or out of the room without the clave. "Scott or someone strong enough to threw a door though the air come here NOW!" Cap said and then direct to Tony "HYDRA must be keeping something important here"
Thor arrieved a minute or two later. "I'm here. My apologize, a group of androids grab me on may way to you" and with that he just hit the door with the hammer. To everybody sorprise it didn't open just broke a bit.
"Try again" Tony said trying to guess what was behind that door.
After 5 tries Thor open the door, making a louder noise than before. And when they came in the only thing that was in there was a kid.
The room was a white room with a metal table and a kid handcuffed to it. "Hey Kid, he's awake!" Tony said nerviouly "We need to get him out of the handcuffs" Cap got closer to the boy "Son, can you hear me?" he said "Please, I'll be good" the kid creied out.
The Avengers looked at each other, explaining to the kid they were not going to hutr him had no porpouse.
"Tony, I can't get this out" Steve said "Its vibranium, impossible to break"
Tony mutter a "fuck" under his breath.
After 7 minutes, that sound like nothing but don't forget they are in a colapsing building, they get the handcuffs out the kid had pass out a minute after they found him.
When the wrist were free, the heros could see red lines all over his arms. His torso, back, chest and legs were coverd in brusies and he had a black eye.
Thor and Steve grab him carfully while Tony flew trying to get the parts of the cealing out of their way.
They make it to the exit just in time cause the building fall almost on their back. They droped the boy on the floor. Gasping for air, Thor took him on his arms once again and tooke him to Dr. Banner, eho was helping out with the wounded people.
"Oh My God!" He almost screamed "What happen to him" Steve shutter his shoulder like saying "we don't know". "Well I can't look at him here, we'll have to take him to the tower" Bruce said Tony noding in agreement.
When they finished helping out. Steve stood besides the hurting boy the full time. Watching as his friends helped all the other people. For some reason he couldn't get out of the boy's side.
Natasha helped Steve to get the kid on the quing-jet. Who groan and make noises out of pain, the whole time.
When they arrived Bruce took him to his lab right away. And the full team waited outside the door, none speaking.
Wanda was playing with her hair. Vision was looking at the wall. Thor was looking at his hands. Clint was drawing one of his arrow. Tony was trying to find a reason why a boy, who didn't look older than a 16 years old, in a HYDRA facility, loked up in a blind room with vibrenium handcuffs. And Steve was not even thinking, he felt numb.
Bruce and Starnge went out of the lab, everybody stand up instantly. Both looked tired and like their life was about to flash in front of their eyes any momoent now. "He is fine". Everybody let out a sigh that not even them knew they had it there. "Can we- can we see him?" Steve asked. "Well... he is sleeping but you can come in" Bruce said "I persobaly think we should get him to a room first" Strange was very clear with his opinion and Steve was not feeling like chalengeing a doctor at the moment.
When Peter woke up he could feel the handcuffs. But they felt much nicer, not like the old ones he had. This were new and much more confortable. He knew he could breake them but he didn't wanna tried and end up getting beat up again by one of the HYDRA agents. He also felt shets upon him. And a bed... a bed? That meant he was not at his usual room. They were probably in another torture room. But it felt wormer than the facility.
His mind was probably makeing treaks up. He didn't want to let his brain think he had actually get rescued. Cause he knew it would never happen.
Everything was provably the agents playing a mean joke to him. He didn't dare to open his eyes
Steve had been there the whole time. He hasn't move from the side of Peter's bed since they put him there. Of course he didn't knew his name was Peter yet.
Steve felt the kid move besides him. He looked at him trying to figure if he was really awake. The boy moved a hand and then his legs and by that moment Stevewas freaking out.
He ran outside and called Bruce, Starnge and Tony to the room. When they entered the kid had his eyes shot so tight that it looked like his face was gonna blow.
Peter felt movementareound him, and thought they were probably the people who were gonna torture him. He felt a hand on his shoulder and flinch. 'Shit, I flinch. They hate when I flinch. I better open my eyrs now' he toight to himself. And he open his eyes slowly.
The light coming into the room was too much. That he almost had to shut them back again. With this notice, one of the mans on the white coat went to the window and close the courtines. He looked arround and saw only worry faces of three men standing in the same room as him. 'Wory? What the fuck?' He tought to himself.
When one of the mens came closer to him he saw the face of one of the biggest geniuses in history. Tony Stark, next to him Bruce Banner amd the other was Capitan Steve Rgers.
In that moment he knew he was safe.
Okay so shitty ending. Cause i got tired of writing it but the next one is soooo good and i wanted to piblish it as fast as i could so... I'm giving you a crapy story with a good story.
Anyways, enjoy
Love, D&M
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