How You Meet - Chapter 1


Grinding your teeth in frustration didn't seem to help solve your insanely frustrating physics problem at all. Shield insisted, no wait forced you to learn something about the tesseract and whatever you had stumbled across on the wide web of scholars was the closest material you had to it. You stumbled into someone who was walking down the hallway and you gasped, an apology on your lips. As you glanced into a pair of chocolate brown eyes your heart involuntarily melted and the apology disappeared.

"You okay?" He asked with concern and you nodded your head still in a daze.

"Yeah, just- sorry I was distracted." You told him and held up the physics work. He gave a lopsided smile when he saw your scribbling all over the page in highlighters.

"You know I could help you with that," he suggested and you frowned, giving the paper a death glare.

"You understand this gibberish?" You joked and he gave a small laugh. The tension disappeared from his face and he nodded his head.

"Yeah, I'm Bruce Banner."



"I swear to Odin, Thor you are thick headed!" You cried whilst you tumbled through the Bifrost after your brother. Thor had gone to Midgard, for his beloved Jane and you had the duty to bring him back which wasn't as easy as it sounded.

You landed on a hard metal structure and your mouth groaned at the sound. Slipping off the side of the building you began to panic and let out a scream as the ground rose up beneath you.

A clang was heard and in a flash of red and gold you were whisked back into the sky, your eyes shut automatically and your head leaning on a metallic chest.

You were suddenly put on your feet and you stood proudly before this metal Midgardian.

"I am (Y/N) daughter of Odin, brother/sister of Thor." You introduced yourself and the metal man stepped out of his... Skin? Not maybe this was armor and frowned at you in confusion.

"Tony stark, Avenger." He said and held out his hand. You frowned at it in confusion and Tony gave out a light chuckle.

"Never been to earth before?"

"What's an earth?"


You raced from the men behind you like a cheetah, maybe a gazelle and ran as fast as your legs and willpower would carry you. You shot your gun from behind your back and hopefully slowed down some of the men, if not injured them.

You were running from shield who thought you had valuable information about hydra. But just because your father was Alexander pierce didn't mean that you actually agreed with the man.A rope tied itself around your legs and you hit the ground quickly. You scraped up your arms and hands in the process, this left you with multiple cuts all over. you turned onto your back and met the sight of a man with a bow and arrow, who looked deadly next to a red-headed lady.

"(Y/N) we've been tracking you-"

"Yeah, I kinda noticed." You snapped as the man leaned down and cuffed your hands quickly. You hissed at the pain and ignored the sympathy that flashed in his eyes.

"Where's your father?" The red-headed girl asked and you blinked, looking at the girl with a crazy look.

"You seriously think that guy tells me anything?" You laughed and raised your eyebrows, "you guys are dumber then I thought."

"Are you hydra?" The man asked softly and ignored your previous comment. You didn't know why he was so nice to you but it might have been because he felt guilty about scratching up your arms and knees. Good.

"No. But good old dad has tried to recruit me for quite some time."

They two above you frowned at each other and began whispering like two students about to take a test.

"I'm Clint, this is Natasha. We're taking you back to shield."



Nick Fury was your adoptive father and damn he was a cool one at that, but always being stuck up in work was one thing that you hated he did.

"You wrong, I'm nice. I do share. I'm nice like that." You heard you dad say before you walked into the room like you owned the place. Surveying the room because this is what your dad had taught you, look before you act.

You found Captain America standing in the room, across from your dad with a hostile stance you didn't like.

"Would you mind taking 500 steps back?" You sassed towards Rogers who looked shocked at this girl who was shorter them him, directing him around like she owned the place from the doorway.

"Excuse me but who are you?" He asked and your Dad gave a chuckle from behind the desk.

"I'm (Y/N) Fury, The director's daughter."


"You want me to look after a God?" You whispered to Coulson.

"Just for a few days." He whispered back urgently and your mouth gaped like a fish. You had to look after Thor.

"I don't know how to do this!?" You whispered furiously and Coulson just smiled softly.

"You'll figure it out." He turned and walked back towards the bus he came on and left you with Thor who was standing awkwardly off to the side.

You turned and surveyed the man that was going to be living with you for a few days and almost relaxed. He looked nice enough.

"Ah, hi. I'm (Y/N)(Y/L/N), Coulson's niece." You said shyly and tucked a piece of hair behind your ear, "I guess you're staying with me for a few days."

"Nice to meet you lady (Y/L/N)." He greeted and kissed your knuckles lightly making your cheeks go a light red.

"Nice to meet you too Thor."


You didn't know what happened. You were betrothed to a lovely man and the wedding was in a weeks time. But you found him sleeping with another woman in your shared room. Cue burn from Hamilton.

He didn't even bother to chase you when you raced out of your house, which only made you feel less loved. You raced towards the rainbow bridge and suddenly you found yourself sitting on the edge, contemplating whether jumping was the answer to your problems but you couldn't drown yourself if you knew how to swim.

"You're not going to jump are you?" A voice questioned and she looked up to see Prince Loki. You weren't even in the mood to gasp in his presence so you tried to have a conversation with him.

"If it makes me feel better I suppose." You replied and he sat beside you, his body language suggesting he was intrigued.

"What has got a beautiful maiden like yourself thinking about throwing her life away?" He asked softly and you blushed when he called you a beautiful maiden.

"My fiancé, I- I found him sleeping with another." You hiccuped and suddenly the tears were back and you couldn't stop the flow of them.

A strong pair of hands engulfed you leaving you to sob into the prince's shirt. Damn. Today really wasn't your day.

"Someone like that isn't worth your time (Y/N)" Loki supplied and you frowned at his statement.

"How do you know my name?" You asked him curiously and all he did was smirk and offer you a hand. 

"I'll tell you if you come with me." 


You were simply minding your own business and working hard at your job as a psychologist. Your phone buzzed and you saw a text message from your friend Steve,

Meet me at my apartment, it's urgent

You didn't waste time and got to your feet, telling your apprentice to keep an eye on things whilst you were gone. Nothing really qualified as urgent when you were with Steve so you really wanted to know what this situation was.

Be there in 5

You threw your phone into your bag and began the short walk to Steves apartment complex. You found it strange when the door was left locked because normally you walked right on in but today seemed different.

You knocked twice and Steve answered with a desperate look on his face. You didn't know what was going on, but the desperation was enough to drive you further into his apartment to see a talk and broad figure on the couch with a blank look on his face.

"Uhh." You began and the man's eyes snapped up with hostility like the expression of a trapped animal was held in him.

"He's gotten his memories wiped, hydra. And I don't know what to do." Steve spoke, sounding broken and you sat on the floor in front of the man with your legs crossed.

He looked confused and you held out your hand slowly but surely.

"Hi, I'm (Y/N) I'm gonna help."

And suddenly he put his hand in yours and shook it slowly.

"I'm Bucky."


Whistling and flipping your keys, you wandered into the newly improved avenger's facility, only a few weeks from the civil war incident which was all over the news. It was unsurprising really, I mean you were the one who was behind the scenes, telling both Tony and Steve why this was a terrible idea but no one seemed to listen to the normal, human y/n.

"Yo!" A voice called from above and you sighed, expecting Steve to tackle you or for Scott Lang to pester you into oblivion but instead Sam Wilson landed in front of you with a grin, "It's y/n, right?"

He could call you Voldemort for all you cared because this man was gorgeous.

"It's y/n." You replied and bit your lip anxiously, what did he want?

He glanced at your lips for a second before meeting your eyes again with a lopsided grin, eyes gleaming with an emotion you couldn't decipher. 

"Nice meeting you." And then he took off again. 


There was something about fighting against your brother that just really felt like childhood. He smashed your head against a steel pipe and you groaned but held a smile on your face, it didn't hurt that bad. You spun and kicked his suit, not acting surprised when you ankle just felt worse than it ever has before. 

"Did you just break your ankle?" Tony wondered aloud and you limped cautiously away from him, feeling your ankle snap back into place with a loud click. 

"Man, being a mutant is good." You flicked your fingers and metal claws came from your fingernails, like a cat. Maybe even a dinosaur if you wanted to get into the 'who came first' scenario. 

"Mr. Stark, I can handle this." A deep accent voice interrupted the sibling bonding experience and you spun to see a man in a black suit, looking strangely like a cat. 

"Don't rough her up to bad, I'll end up paying the hospital bills." Tony flew off without a second glance at his sister or the man who was going to fuck her up. (Little did she know)

"So you're y/n Stark," You circled each other and stopped when the panther pounced, keeping you on your toes as you quickly avoided his claws, "I thought you would look more like your brother." 

"Yeah well thanks, buddy," You struck out at him but he easily deflected, he even sounded like he was laughing, "I'm glad you don't think I look like a man." 

"You are prettier than a man." You stopped, stunned but he tackled you, pinning your arms above your head with one hand and holding a sharp-clawed finger under your chin, almost like a knife. 

"Do you yield?" He spoke almost with confidence but you yawned and bucked your hips, throwing him off to the side and getting up. 

"What do they call you?" You asked, before running off to the airport. 

"They call me the black panther, but the word T'Challa would sound better coming from your lips." 

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