The Deserter

Adara and the others walked towards a roadside kiosk. They had been traveling the majority of the day and she was exhausted... and hungry too. Katara observed the signs and said, "This should give us a good idea of what's around here."

"See if you can find a menu, I'm starving!" Sokka exclaimed flipping through the a small bag. Adara agreed with him. They did need more food and they still had a ways to go before they reached the North Pole.

"I bet we'll find something to eat here,"Aang said and pointed to a poster, "The Fire Day's Festival. Fire Nation cultural exhibits, jugglers, benders, magicians ... This would be a great place for me to study some real firebenders. Adara, have you ever been there?" Excitement rose through Adara. She said, "My father, grandfather, and I used to come here every year. It's so much fun! Can we please go?"

"You might wanna rethink that. Look at this." Sokka said. He held up posters of Aang and Adara. Adara's heart sank. Wanted posters. Perhaps they shouldn't go after all.

"Hey, a poster of me!" Aang exclaimed.

"A wanted poster! This is bad." Sokka said.

"I think we better keep moving." Katara said. Adara had to agree even though she badly wanted to see the festival. She had so many good memories there.

"I have to learn firebending at some point and this could be my only chance to watch a master's up close." Aang tried to persuade. Adara crossed her arms and said, "Uh. Firebender right here people."

"Well... no offense, Adara, but you told me that haven't practiced your firebending in several years. Not since you became a Yuyan Archer." Sokka pointed out. Adara glared at Sokka, but didn't argue because he was right. How was she even going to contribute to the group if she can't even teach Aang firebending?

"I guess we could go check it out." Katara said. Aang cheered and Adara couldn't help but grin at this news. She threw her arm around Aang and Katara and said, "Great. I can show you guys so much. The festival is something that I used to look forward to every year. I wonder if anything's changed since I've been there?"

Sokka shoved them apart and said, "Whoa, whoa. Hold up. What? You wanna walk into a Fire Nation town where they're all fired-up with their ... you know, fire?" Adara rolled her eyes because once again they forgot that they were traveling with a fire bender, but she did see his overall point, so she didn't comment.

"We'll wear disguises and if it looks like trouble, we'll leave." Katara said walking towards Appa. Adara snorted at this. Ever since she joined them, there's been nothing but trouble. Sokka spoke her exact thoughts on this matter, "Yeah! Because we always leave before we get into trouble."

"You guys stay out of sight here while we go to the festival." Aang said to Appa and Momo. He turned to Katara, Sokka, and Adara and proclaimed, "Ready disguises!" Sokka, Katara, and Adara threw on their black cloaks that they had picked out earlier and Aang pulled his orange shawl over his head with a smile on his face. Adara and Katara giggled while Sokka said, "It's like you're a whole different person."

"Let's go." Aang said. As they were walking, Adara couldn't help, but think that she was forgetting to mention something. She guessed it would come to her when the time was right and it came at the wrong time. Adara looked around and nearly slapped herself in the face. How could she have forgotten about the masks? They were always a part of the tradition and she even remembered making a couple with her father and grandfather. How she loved those times.

"I think we need some new disguises." Katara said.

"Where are we gonna get masks like that?" Sokka wondered. Adara coughed grabbing the group's attention and pointed beside them to a man who was shouting, "Get your genuine Fire Festival masks here!"

"That was surprisingly easy." Sokka said. Adara rolled her eyes and smiled. Honestly, she thought that this festival could be good for them. Maybe she could show them how there were good people in the Fire Nation and she could teach them that it wasn't necessarily all the people's fault. They were raised this way and were indoctrinated from birth that the Fire Nation was superior to other way. If only Adara could show this to the Fire Nation as well, but she wasn't sure how since others thought of her as a traitor.

When they chose the masks, Adara went with an orange mask that had a grim face one it. Katara went with a lady with make up mask, Sokka went with the blue smiling mask with petals, and Aang chose a red one with a frown on it. Katara lifted Sokka's and Adara lifted Aang's. Their face reactions were completely opposite of their masks. So, the two girls switched their masks.

"Hey, there's some food." Aang pointed out. Adara looked over and recognized the shop keeper. She never knew his name, but he's been at this stand for the festival for as long as she could remember. He was well known for his fire flakes. Sokka went up to the shop keeper and asked, "Finally! What do you have?"

"Flaming fire flakes! Best in town." The Shop Keeper said.

"I'll take'em!" Sokka stated. He gobbled down the fire flakes and Adara waited to see his reaction not sure if how well he could handle spicy food. Apparently not because he started freaking and claiming that they were hot.

""Flaming fire flakes", hot? What do you know?" Katara said sarcastically.

"Captain Obvious strikes again." Adara said. This caused Sokka to give her his famous glare. How she missed it.

"Hey, look at this." Aang said. They were moving to a puppet show and Adara said, "Actually, we may not want to watch this."

"Why not?" Sokka wondered.

Then, the puppet Fire-Lord said, "Don't worry loyal citizens! No one can surprise the Fire Lord!" The kids started to warn him of an Earth Kingdom general puppet coming up behind him, but the Fire-Lord puppet burned the other puppet. Adara observed more closely. Adara was baffled and wondered if there were any others who rebelled against the Fire Lord that came from within the Fire Nation. Maybe there were, but they were killed when the Fire Lord discovered. Perhaps, she is the only one.

"Aang, hold on! Where are we going?" Katara wondered.

"I don't know, but there's a big crowd so it must be good." Aang said.

"Knowing the Fire Nation, it's probably an execution." Sokka said. Adara whipped around and scoffed at him, "Then, you really don't know the Fire Nation. This is a festival, Sokka. It's a time for celebration and fun. You have much to learn about the Fire Nation."

"Well, excuse me for making a fair assumption because of what Katara, Aang, and I have seen so far from the Fire Nation." Sokka proclaimed.

"What you, Aang, and Katara have seen is from Fire Nation soldiers. Not Fire Nation civilians. There's a big difference." Adara pointed out. Katara shushed the two of them and the man was performing some magic tricks with his firebending skills. When the performer was finished, doves came from the flames.

"I gotta learn that trick!" Aang said.

"Thank you! For my next trick I need a volunteer from the audience!" The performer announced. That's when Adara recognized him. It's been years, but she remembered him as the apprentice of the previous guy who did these shows every year. His name is Malu. Aang shot his hand up into the air and wanted to be the next volunteer.

Sokka pulled Aang's arm down and whispered, "What do you think you're doing?"

"I want to get a closer look." Aang answered.

"It's just a bunch of magic tricks that he's performing with his firebending. I agree with Sokka. It's not worth the trouble. We don't want to attract any attention to ourselves." Adara said. That's when the Malu pointed towards Katara and said, "How about you, little lady?" Katara backed up clearly not liking this idea.

"Awww, she's shy. Leeet's give her some encouragement, folks!" Malu shouted. Everyone cheered for Katara and she was lifted onto the stage. Adara stood there nervously. She knew that no harm was going to come to her, but she hoped that they wouldn't be discovered because of this. Aang was downcast and clearly jealous while stating, "Aww. That could've been me."

"This next trick is called "Taming the Dragon."" Malu explained while tying her to a chair, "You will be my captured princess! Don't worry, young maiden! I will tame this fiery beast! It's too strong, I can't hold it!"

"We gotta help her!" Aang shouted. Adara held him back and she said, "No, we don't want to make a scene. Besides, it's all for show. He won't actually hurt her." Aang backed down, but changed his mind when Malu announced that the rope was breaking. Aang jumped onto the stage and airbended the flames away. Adara face palmed knowing full well that their cover was blown and it was only a matter of time before someone recognized Aang. Aang seemed to realize what he'd done and attempted to entertain the people by doing a goofy dance. Sokka and Adara jumped onto the stage and untied Katara. Then, someone shouted, "Hey! That kid's the Avatar!" Aang stopped and ran over to them.

"I think it's time to go." Sokka said.

"No! Really?" Adara questioned sarcastically.

"Follow me! I can get you outta here!" A man proclaimed. The guards spotted them and they began running. Adara saw that their rescuer throwing a series of explosives towards the soldiers. She raised her brows and wondered about the man. How did he get all these explosives.The guards kept spotting him and Aang announced, "I'm calling Appa."

"I hope he can really hear that bison whistle!" Sokka yelled.

"This way!" Their rescuer announced. He took a sharp turn, then came running back shouting, "Okay! Not this way!". They kept running through the alleys and guards kept trying to intercept, but they were able to evade them. Then, they got into another dead end with an enormous supply of fireworks. Suddenly, Appa arrived in the nick of time. Adara cheered for him as Aang shouted, "Appa! Down here!"

Appa landed between them and the guards. His backside faced the guards and Appa airbended a gale force wind which resulted in the guards being blown out of sight. As the guards ran back into the alley, they were already gone. As they were flying, Chey bit off a bomb to light it and threw it into the fireworks supply. It blew up and created a beautiful firework display. Adara heard the cheers of the people and was relieved that they didn't ruin the people's night.

. "Nice touch setting off the fireworks." Aang said.

"You really know your explosives ..." Sokka said. He seemed impressed by the guy.

"I'm familiar." Their rescuer said. That's when everything clicked. Adara announced, "You're a Fire Nation soldier. Like I used to be."

"Was. My name's Chey." The man said. The group landed as they were making camp Chey told them his story. Adara was eager to hear it because she didn't realize that there were other people in the Fire Nation Army that left like she did. This gave her hope.

"I serve a man. More than a man really, he's a myth, but he's real, a living legend, Jeong Jeong the Deserter. He was a Fire Nation general, or wait, was he an admiral?" Chey said.

"He was very highly ranked, we get it." Sokka said not very amused.

"Yeah! Way up there! But he couldn't take the madness any more. He's the first person ever to leave the army - and live. I'm the second, but you don't get to be a legend for that. That's okay though. Jeong Jeong's a firebending genius. Some say he's mad - but he's not! He's enlightened." Chey explained.

"You mean there's other firebenders out here who's not with the Fire Lord?" Aang got up and said, "We've gotta go see him! He can train me and possibly Adara as well." Adara thought about it. She hadn't practiced her firebending in a long time and this could be the perfect opportunity to learn and make sure that when she uses her firebending, she won't accidentally hurt another person.

"We're not gonna go find some crazy firebender!" Sokka exclaimed.

"He's not crazy! He's a genius! And he's the perfect person to train the Avatar and he could train your friend as well! That's why I followed you into the festival." Chey informed them.

"Look, thanks for the help, but we're leaving for the North Pole in the morning." Sokka said.

"Sokka, this could be my only chance to meet a firebending master who would actually be willing to teach me." Aang pleaded. Adara looked down feeling useless. She may be a firebender, but she was no master. How was she going to help Aang defeat the Fire-Lord if she couldn't even teach him firebending?

She stood up and turned to Sokka and stated, "Sokka, I get what you're trying to say, but Aang's right. When will we get another opportunity like this? Whenever I get the chance to use my firebending in battle, I always hesitate. I hesitate because I don't want to accidentally hurt someone in the process. Fire can be extremely dangerous if not known how to use properly. It can't hurt to just talk to him, Sokka."

"That's what you guys' said about going to the festival! Why doesn't anyone ever listen to me?" Sokka exclaimed. Sokka turned, but suddenly, they were surrounded by men wearing straw hats, light armor, tribal make up, and wearing spears.

"Don't move!" One of the men ordered. They began escorted them somewhere and Adara was nervous. She heard their captor say to Chey, "Jeong Jeong told you not to look for Avatar!"

"Hold on, you know these guys?" Sokka wondered.

"Oh yeah! Lin Yee's an old buddy! Right, Lin Yee?" Chey questioned.

"Shut up! Keep moving." Lin Yee said. They arrived at a settlement and were atop a small hill. Down the hill, Adara saw a little cottage with leaves and logs. She wondered if that was wear Jeong Jeong lived. Lin Yee said, "Go on. He sees you only."

"Oh that's okay, we can chat later." Chey said.

"Is that where Jeong Jeong is? Adara and I need to talk to him right away." Aang said. He tried to move forward, but he was stopped by a spear shaft. Lin Yee ordered, "No! You wait there. Go now!" He pushed Chey forward and Chey assured us that everything would be alright. Adara wasn't too hopeful about that. As they waited she thought about her firebending training, it's been so long. General Iroh was the last person who trained her. Would she even get to the level of firebending master? Maybe she wasn't meant to be a master, but she should at least train to learn how to use her firebending properly once more. She stayed awake as everyone else fell asleep. Then, Chey stepped out of the tent and everyone woke up instantly.

"What happened? Can I see Jeong Jeong now?" Aang questioned.

"He won't see you. He's very angry that I brought you here. He wants you to leave immediately." Chey said.

"Finally! Let's hit the road." Sokka said.

"Why won't he see Adara and I?" Aang questioned.

"Adara would be the one he would be willing to see, but only her. He says you're not ready. Says you haven't mastered waterbending and earthbending yet." Chey said.

"Wait, how does he know that?" Aang questioned.

"He saw the way you walked into camp. He could tell." Chey said. Adara felt uneasy about that. This Jeong Jeong must be very observant. Aang stated that he going in anyway. Adara watched as he walked in and she didn't know what the outcome would be. Soon Aang came out and he said, "He agreed to teach Adara and I, but, Adara, he wants to speak with you personally."

Adara nodded and stood up. She walked into the cottage and found that Jeong Jeong was located in the center of semicircle of candles. Adara sat down cross legged and waited for Jeong Jeong to finish his meditation. Then, Jeong Jeong spoke, "You seem to have more patience than your friend. Chey told me that you were a Fire Nation soldier once. What rank did you hold?"

"I held the rank of a Yuyan Archer, sir." Adara said.

"That is a very impressive accomplishment for someone your age. Your name is Adara, right?" Jeong Jeong wondered.

"Thank-you, sir and yes, sir, I am Adara, daughter of the late Colonel Iri." Adara explained.

Jeong Jeong raised his eyebrow and commented, "I have heard of your father. He was one of the brave men who died trying to protect the late Prince Lu Ten. It is an honor to meet you, young Adara. I am eager to see if you possess the skill of firebending that your father was also known for." Adara looked down unsure of this. She bowed her head and walked out of the tent to meet with the others.

In the morning, Adara sat cross legged on boulder in the river attempting to meditate. She needed to focus just like she did when she was practicing her archery. Adara listened and she could hear a line of a fishing rod being cast into the water and she heard water swishing around. It must be Sokka fishing and Katara practicing her waterbending. She didn't open her eyes until she heard footsteps come out of the cottage. She opened them and saw Jeong Jeong coming toward them. Aang stood bandy legged on a flat stone next to hers. Jeong Jeong stopped walking a foot away from his cabin.

"Widen your stance. Wider! Bend your knees. Now, concentrate. Good, good!" Jeong Jeong told Aang. He told to Adara and said, "Since you know more than he does, create a ball of fire in your palm. However, do not do anything with it. See how long you can keep the fire going and do your best to not allow it to get any bigger. Your lesson is about self control." Adara nodded and did as she was told.

"Wait! What do I do now?" Aang questioned.

"Silence! Talking is not concentrating! Look at your friends, are they talking?"Jeong Jeong questioned pointing towards Adara and Katara. Then, he pointed towards Sokka and said, "Even that oaf knows to concentrate on what he's doing!"

"Hey!" Sokka exclaimed clearly offended. Adara had to keep herself from laughing and regained her focus on the ball of fire on her palm.

"But what am I concentrating on?" Aang wondered.

"Feel the heat of the sun. It is the greatest source of fire. Yet, it is in complete balance with nature!" Jeong Jeong explained.

"So when do I get to make some fire?" Aang wondered.

"Concentrate!" Jeong Jeong barked. Adara, Sokka, and Katara snickered, but when Aang turned to look at them they stopped. Adara shook her head and she remembered that she was like once too. Very impatient. Her father was one who taught her the basics of firebending. After a while, Jeong Jeong told Adara, "Very good, Adara. Now, bend the fire around you in a circle. Try not to lose control. Don't let it get too large, but don't let it burn out. This is about discipline and focus. I am going to take your friend up to the summit of the mountain. I will be back to check on your progress soon."

Adara nodded and did as she was told. She watched as Aang and Master Jeong Jeong walked up to the mountain. She did her best to maintain bending her ball of fire around her in a circle, but it was growing to be difficult. How long did he expect her to maintain this? She was beginning to feel the sweat on her skin and she could see how this required discipline and for and she was thankful for her training as a Yuyan Archer to be able hold out as long as she did and not loose control.

Jeong Jeong came back down from the mountain without Aang and came up to her and said, "Good. I see your training as a Yuyan Archer helped prepare you for this task in a way. Now, you can diminish that ball of fire. Then, create a new one. Make that ball of fire expand then lessen, but don't lose control or allow it to burn out."

Adara did as she was told, but it was getting rather difficult to maintain her focus. It had been at least two hours of maintaining that ball of fire then at least three hours of having that ball of fire encircle her numerous times with loosing control of it. After about 10 minutes, she allowed the ball of fire to diminish completely and collapsed to the ground cloaked with sweat. She said, "I can't do, master. I'm sorry."

"It is not I that you have to be sorry too. I believe that you have the potential to be a great firebender, but you doubt yourself in your firebending skills. Tell me what is troubling you?" Jeong Jeong asked. Adara was surprised that he read that so easily. She slumped her shoulders and sat down then explained, "It's been a long time since I practiced firebending. I'm afraid I'll hurt someone with it. I have also been doubting my part of the group. Sokka is the one who comes up with all the plans. He's a great strategist. Katara will no doubt one day become a great master at waterbending. Aang is the Avatar and I'm... I don't know what I am to this group."

Jeong Jeong walked over to her and put his hand on his shoulder and said, "Adara, you may not be a master firebender, but you do hold value. You are Yuyan Archer and few ever achieve that goal. You know the Fire Nation army. You can provide information that would be crucial to the others when they need it. You are the inside source. But, if you still doubt your part in the group, you can join my group and I can teach you to be a master."

Adara's eyes widened. She could have a different path. She has done her job and left the Yuyan Archers, but she would still be providing Aang support to help defeat the Fire-Lord, but not in the way she would've imagined. She has a chance to be with her people and train to become a firebending master. She looked over towards her new friends. Katara and Sokka looked like they didn't hear any of their conversation.

"I see you have much to think about. You are free to rest for a while, then we will continue your training later." Jeong Jeong said. Adara watched as he entered the cottage and she sat down and watched the river lost in thought. Out of the corner of her eye, she noticed Aang enter the cottage. This didn't look like it was going to be good, but she stayed where she was because she knew that it was not her place to interject.

Aang came back with a downcast look on his face, but Adara could tell that he was still hadn't lost hope. He sat near the hut and meditated. Adara smiled and knew that Aang was learning to be patient. Adara closed her eyes and tried to clear her mind. Once she did that, she thought about what she should do. Should she go with Jeong Jeong or should she stay with the Avatar? She didn't know. She stood up and walked over to Katara who was still practicing her waterbending. She stopped as she saw Adara approaching her and asked, "Do you need something, Adara?"

Adara clutched her arms and said, "Katara, do you mind if I talk to you for a minute?"

Katara nodded and once they were out of earshot of the others, Adara told Katara what Jeong Jeong offered. When she was done, Katara asked, "What are you thinking of doing?"

"I don't know. It's just been so nice knowing that I'm not the only one who left the Fire Nation Army. Jeong Jeong has been a great teacher and I know that he could teach me much if I stayed with him and his group. I've had so much doubt about what part I would play in your group, but I'm so grateful that you have finally accepted me into it." Adara explained to Katara.

"Adara, you are important to the group. It doesn't matter that you aren't a master at firebending. We like you for you. You have shown us that not all people in the Fire Nation are bad. That people can change. I believe that you will show that to others as well. If you continue to travel with us, you could be an additional hope for people after they see Avatar. Ultimately, it is still your decision and I'm sure that the others will understand and support you for whatever decision you come to." Katara said.

Adara gave a slight smile towards her friend and said, "Thank-you, Katara. This conversation did help me." The two friends embraced each other.

"Of course, I'll be here whenever you need to talk to someone." Katara said. Adara noticed that Jeong Jeong had left his hut and saw Aang meditating.

"I thought about what you said, I promise I'll be more patient." Aang stated.

"We're going to work with fire now." Jeong Jeong said.

"Oh yeah!" Aang shouted airbending himself into the air. Then, he got serious and said, "I mean, let us begin."

Jeong Jeong grabbed a leaf and burned a whole in the center. He handed it to Aang and said, "Concentrate on the fire. I want you to keep the flame from reaching the edges of the leaf for as long as you can." Adara noticed that this was similar to what she was doing earlier. Then, one of the men came up to Jeong Jeong and said, "Master! There is trouble."

"What's going on?" Aang questioned.

"Concentrate on your leaf!" Jeong Jeong ordered then he left.

Adara stood up and grabbed her archery stuff. She need to practice and be on her own for a while. While she was practicing, she heard someone shrieking and Aang's voice yelled, "Katara! I'm so sorry!" What happened? She ran up to them and she saw Sokka running to his sister's side.

"Katara, what's wrong? What did you do?" Sokka exclaimed angrily.

Adara noticed the burn marks on Katara's hand and gasped, "Aang, you..."

"I'm sorry! It was an accident!" Aang tried to explain. Sokka tackled Aang.

"I told you we shouldn't mess around with this! Look what you did! You burned my sister! You burned my sister! This is all your fault!" Sokka shouted as Jeong Jeong returned.

"I know! Now pack your things. You must leave immediately." Jeong Jeong said. Katara ran away and Adara was about to go after her, but Jeong Jeong stopped her. He said, "No, I will go after her."

"I'm sorry, I didn't ... I'm sorry!" Aang said. Sokka ran off and Jeong Jeong looked at Aang in disappointment.

Jeong Jeong turned to Adara and asked, "Will you be coming with me or will you be staying with your friends?"

Adara was taken aback, but recollected herself as she knew the answer, "Thank-you for the offer, Master Jeong Jeong, but I will be staying with my friends. They need me." Jeong Jeong smiled as if he knew that Adara would make this decision from the very beginning.

Tears were brimming in Aang's eyes as Jeong Jeong went after Katara and Aang turned to Adara and said, "I really am sorry."

Adara went over to him and embraced him saying, "I know, but you must know that actions have consequences. There was reason why he wanted you to concentrate and keep the flames from the edges as long as possible. He wanted to see how much patience you had. It was similar to my exercise this morning. I remember doing those same exercises when I was younger. But, you didn't have the patience for it. It takes time to properly know how to use firebending because it is a dangerous tool if used improperly."

Aang let go of her and asked, "What was Jeong Jeong talking about?"

Adara explained to him what happened and he said, "I'm so glad that you decided to stay with us. I didn't realize that you were doubting your part in the group. I'm so sorry for not seeing your struggle."

"It's alright, Aang. I should've told you my doubts from the beginning and not kept it buried for so long." Adara said.

"I need to meditate for a while." Aang said. Adara nodded and stood aside as he walked into the cottage.

He walked into the cottage and he didn't come out of it for a long time. Adara believed that he needed this time to reflect on what just occurred. Sokka came along not long after. Soon, Katara came running up to them and Sokka shouted, "Katara! Are you all right?"

"I'm fine, we've got to get out of here. Where's Aang?" Katara questioned. Adara pointed towards the cottage and Katara entered it.

"I have to help him!" Aang shouted from the cottage. He dashed out of the tent and into the woods.

"What's going on?" Adara wondered.

"Zhao is here. He is Jeong Jeong." Adara started for the woods, but Katara stopped her and said, "No, this is Aang's fight." They all gathered their things and got on top of Appa. As they were flying, she noticed that the entire camp was abandoned. That was strange. They reached Aang's position and Adara noticed that Zhao's ships were in flames.

"Aang, come on! Let's go!" Sokka shouted. Aang hopped onto Appa and flew they away.

"Wait! Where's Jeong Jeong?" Aang wondered.

"He disappeared. They all did." Sokka said.

As they were flying, Katara turned to Adara and said, "I'm glad you decided to stay with us."

"What are you talking about?" Sokka questioned. Katara filled him in on what had occurred and he exclaimed, "Am I the only who didn't know about this?"

"Yep. You guys won't be getting rid of me anytime soon. Sorry to break the news to you, Sokka." Adara chirped feeling back to her normal self. Sokka glared at her and Katara said, "Aang, you're burned! Let me help you." She healed Aang's wounds and Adara's eyes widened in surprise along with everyone else.

"Wow, that's good water." Aang commented.

"No kidding." Adara agreed.

"When did you learn that?" Sokka questioned.

"I guess I always knew." Katara said.

"Oh ... Well then thanks for all the first aid over the years. Like when I fell into the greaseberry bramble. Or that time I had two fishhooks in my thumb!" Sokka exclaimed. Adara was a little confused by that statement and was glad that she wasn't the only one.

"Two?" Aang questioned clearly shocked.

"He tried to get the first fishhook out with another fishhook." Katara explained.

"Oh, and the time that mink snake bit me! Thanks for healing that up. That was great. Really helpful." Sokka also pointed out. Yep. Life was back to normal and Adara wouldn't have it any other way.

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