The scene shows of the Sully family at the tree of souls today they are leaving the forest so they can protect the people Jake was giving up his role as the leader to a Na'vi name Tarsem
Jake: this is like stones in my heart
Mo'at place the leader vest on Tarsem
Jake: Tarsem is wise for his years he will be a strong Olo'eyktan
Tarsem hold up a dagger
Jake: the leader must die
Tarsem cuts Jake on his chest making him bleed a little
Jake: so the leader can be born Toruk Macto will disappear
The Sully family are walking together leaving the tree of souls Neytiri was crying YN said goodbye to all of his Ghosts and friends along with his Na'vi friends and he given John as the role of the leader of the Ghosts
John: it was good working with you brother travel safe
YN: I will goodbye John
YN walks away with the Sully family
Jake: the people will be safe
The scene shows of Lo'ak grabbing the bow that belongs to his grandfather and he takes it and leaves the hut
Neteyam: Lo'ak let's go
Lo'ak: hold on
Lo'ak goes to Neytiri
Lo'ak: here you go mother
Lo'ak gives Neytiri the bow
Neytiri: (Na'vi) thank you Lo'ak
YN was seen all pack up he had his assault rifle strapped on his back along wearing a duffle bag that had some of his things and he was wearing his new Ghost mask he goes over to Kiri who was on Dark and he check on her
YN: all good
Kiri: yeah
YN: Biomarker working
Kiri: Yes
YN: alright remember this is gonna be a long fly
Kiri: I know
YN: wait here I'll be back
YN left to go grab a couple of things Neytiri goes to Mo'at and she hug her mother as she started crying Mo'at hug back and rubs her back Neytiri breaks from the hug and then Tuk walk over to her grandmother
Tuk: grandmother come with us please
Mo'at: no Tuktirey I must stay the people need their Tsahik now more then ever
Neytiri: Tuk
Tuk gives Mo'at one final hug before going to Neytiri then YN come back with a couple of things he goes to his ikran Dark and everyone was ready to leave
???: hey YN
YN along with everyone saw Hakon and Lawan
YN: Hakon Lawan
YN saw that Hakon and Lawan were pack up with their ikrans behind them
YN: what are you two doing
Lawan: what does it look like we decided to go with you
YN: you guys won't be safe with me
Hakon: and we won't be safe without you just lead the way
YN looks at Jake and he sighs then nodded since he knows that there's nothing can stop them from coming with them YN smiled
YN: let's go then
Hakon and Lawan smiled
Hakon: to the ocean kiddo
The scene shows of YN Hakon Lawan and the Sully family on their ikrans flying West to the ocean Jake yips and everyone followed him the Sully kids look at the forest one last time and they continued flying YN look at the forest he's sure gonna miss it there Kiri wrapped her arms around YN and everyone continued flying
Jake: A father protects it's what gives him meaning one life ends another began
The scene shows of everyone flying through a thunder storm YN hold his arm since it was kind of hard to see what's in front of him as Kiri hold on tightly make sure she's doesn't fall and keep herself warm then a YN was splash with water
YN: Fuck
The scene shows of everyone made it out of the thunder storm and it was morning time and they were closed to one of the sea clans that helped fight against the RDA at the Hallelujah Mountains they are called the Metkayina
Jake: the sea clans are a world unto themselves thousands of islands an unknown territory into which we could just vanish without a trace
Tuk waken up
Tuk: are we there yet
YN: not yet Tuk
After a few more hours everyone made it over to Metkayina territory YN looks down as they past what looks like a wooden barrier keeping the wave from reaching the other side as they fly past it
YN looks and he sees sea Na'vi or Metkayina things will be different here since this is Metkayina territory and hopefully they're are alright with him Hakon and Lawan living here since they're here
The group fly over the border and they saw the Metkayina village and it's a good thing there's no infected here since they can't swim
YN Hakon Lawan and the Sully family fly to the village and they heard a horn alerting the village about them they landed on the ground and they saw how beautiful the place is mostly Hakon since this is his dream to live by the ocean
Hakon: am I dreaming
YN: nope Hakon this is real hopefully today you're dream comes true
YN Hakon Lawan and the Sully family got off their ikrans as the Metkayina clan were heading towards them then Neytiri grabbed her bow
Jake: hey leave it
Neytiri looks at Jake before Sighing and she put her bow back on her ikran
Jake: on me
Neytiri: Tuk
Tuk goes to her mother and everyone step forward as the Metkayina clan were around them Kiri stayed by YN side and she hold his arm to make herself feel safe then two Metkayina boys around the same age as Neteyam and Lo'ak as they did the I see you to them
Jake: Easy just be cool
The two Metkayina boys saw Neteyam and Lo'ak tails and they laughed
Reef Na'vi: look what is that is that supposed to be a tail
They started laughing then YN gives them a death stare
When they look at YN they stop then YN heard a splash as be saw a Reef girl on a sea creature she disconnected her Queue before diving in the water and she swim over and she was most beautiful girl he's ever seen she was around Kiri age and she walks over while moving her wet hair behind her ear
YN looks down as he blush under his mask
Reef Na'vi: it's too small how are they supposed to swim
The Reef girl come over and she slapped their arms
Reef girl: do not Rotxo Aonung
YN looks at her
YN: hey
She smiled and looked then suddenly YN saw a Reef Na'vi that must be the Olo'eyktan of the clan on a flying dragon creature
He landed in the water and come to the Sully family as started to do the I see you
Jake: Tonowari was the chief of the Metkayina the reef people I knew him as a tough leader but it wasn't Tonowari I was worried about
YN sees a Female Reef Na'vi step forward and pregnant YN see that she must be the Tsahik of the clan
Jake: I see you Ronal Tsahik of the Metkayina
Neytiri: I see you Ronal
Tonowari: why do you come to us Jakesully
Jake: we seek uturu
Ronal: ututu
Jake: yes sanctuary for my family and our friends
Tonowari: we are Reef people you are forest people your skills will mean nothing here
Jake: well we will learn your ways am I right
Neytiri: yes
Ronal examine Neytiri tail and Tuktirey arms
Ronal: their arms are thin
Tuk: Mom
Ronal: their tails
Ronal grab Kiri tail and it hurt
Kiri: Ow
Ronal: are weak you will be slow in the water
Ronal grabbed Kiri hands and showed her five fingers
Ronal: these children are not even true Na'vi
Kiri: Dad
YN pulled Kiri away from Ronal and he hissed at her as Ronal hissed back
Jake: please forgive him he's just tired alright
Ronal then grabbed Lo'ak hand
Ronal: they have demon blood
Ronal saw Kiri Biomarker and she could smell the infection in her
Ronal: they brought a child who's sick with the demon plague and they brought demons to our village
The Metkayina clan grasp and hissed at Kiri and YN Hakon and Lawan they know now that Kiri is infected he quickly hold out his arm showing his Biomarker to Ronal
YN: look look
Ronal saw YN Biomarker as Hakon and Lawan showed there's
YN: we keep the infection away with sunlight and Uv lights we Ghosts always have
Lawan: she's our friend she's one of us if you got a problem then you got a problem with us
Hakon: easy Lawan look we're not turning as long we have these things call Biomarkers they let us keep tract of the infection
Jake showed Ronal his fingers
Jake: look look look I was born to the sky people and now I am Na'vi YN isn't like the sky people all right you can adapt we will adapt okay
Neytiri: my husband was Toruk Macto he led the clans to victory against the sky people YN who formed the Ghosts of Pandora and help us fought against the sky people
Ronal: this you call victory hiding among strangers it seems Eywa has turned her on her chosen one
Neytiri hissed defending Jake as Ronal hissed back
Jake: I apologize for my mate
Neytiri: do not apologize for me
Jake: she's flown a long way and she's exhausted
Neytiri: Jake
Tonowari: Toruk Macto is a great warrior leader all Na'vi people know his story but we Metkayina are not at war we cannot let you bring your war here
Jake: I'm done with war okay I want to keep my family safe
Neytiri: Ututu has been asked
Tonowari and Ronal look at each other and Ronal nodded
Tonowari: Toruk Macto and his family will stay with us treat them as our brothers and sisters now they do not know the sea so they will be like babies taking their first breath teach them our ways so they do not suffer the shame of being useless
Jake: okay what so we say
Tuk: thank you
Loak&Neteyam: thank you
Kiri rolled their eyes and whispers
Kiri: Thank you
YN: Thank you sir
Tonowari: my son Aonung our daughter Tsireya will show your children and friends what to do
Aonung: father why do
Tonowari: it is decided
Tsireya: come I will show you our village
YN Hakon Lawan and The Sully family followed Tsireya to where they will stay YN looks around the village things were really different here then back in the forest Tuk saw a cute creature and she smiled
Neytiri: Tuk let's go
Tsireya: just up here
The Sully family followed Tsireya to a some kind of tent that they're lived
Tsireya: this is for you your new home
Jake: yeah this will work this is great it's nice right
Neytiri dropped a carpet she was holding in signs
YN: so do you may by the chance have a place for us
Tsireya: you're not apart of the family
YN: well we're just family friends and I think they should have this place for themselves as a family so does me and my friends have a place of our own
Tsireya: yes I can show you
YN: thank you well everyone see you in the morning
YN Hakon and Lawan followed Tsireya and they go over to a area where they have a good flew of the ocean and YN Hakon Lawan saw where they'll be living
Tsireya: this will be your home
YN: thank you Tsireya oh also my name is YN YN Caldwell
Tsireya: nice to meet you YN Caldwell
YN: oh you can just call me YN to make it easier
Tsireya: YN yes YN I like it
YN: anyway these are my friends Hakon and Lawan
Hakon: hello
Lawan: hey
YN: it was nice meeting you Tsireya but we should start unpacking
Tsireya: I'll leave you all be remember you're training starts tomorrow morning
Lawan: oh great training
YN: we'll be there in the morning
Tsireya: bye
YN: bye
Tsireya left the three Ghosts and they look at their new home
Lawan: I call dabs on the top
Lawan quickly run over to the top
Hakon: of course you would want the top Lawan
Lawan: hey this is my room you and YN can stare the bottom
YN: hey me and Hakon stared a room back in the fish eye
Lawan: see you're okay with it
YN: anyway let's unpack
YN Hakon and Lawan started unpacking their things what they brought was their weapons ammo food Uv lamps blankets etc then YN brought out two pictures of him Hakon Lawan along with everyone and the Ghosts of them at the fish eye before it was destroyed and the other picture was him and the Sully family at the fish eye YN smiled he placed the pictures by his bed
It was night time YN was heading towards the Sully home so he can give Kiri a Uv lamp since she's infected he walks over and saw that everyone was getting ready for bed
YN: hey guys
Everyone saw YN
Jake: hey YN do you need anything
YN: I just come by to give Kiri this
YN brought out a Uv lamp and some immunity boosters
YN: since Kiri now infected she must sleep with a Uv lamp all of the time so she won't turn in her sleep and immunity boosters will help slow down her infection if she's not near a Uv light or sunlight when she's closed to turning
Jake: thank you YN
YN gives Jake the Uv lamp and the immunity booters the Uv lamp was Wireless and it doesn't need batteries Jake place it near Kiri and he turn it on
Jake: sleep well baby girl
Jake kissed her forehead
YN: anyway good night everyone see you in the morning
YN leaves and he goes back to his area and he see Hakon and Lawan already sleeping with Uv lamps on YN goes over to his bed and he turn on the Uv lamp and he get in the covers them he falls asleep
To be continue
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