Chapter 5: The Omatikaya Clan!

After his first encounter with the sky people who happens to appose a threat, Reito who was following the two Na'vi sisters that he saved back to their home in which Reito wanted to make sure that the girls got home safe to avoid being caught by more sky people that are in the jungle. Neytiri couldn't shake off the scene she and her sister richness when they saw what Reito did and had so many questions to ask of him but it will have to wait until things can be sorted out with her parents who are the leader and spiritual leader of the clans of the forest. It was starting to get dark out and things attend to get crazy at night but Reito knows that none of creatures in the forest wouldn't dare approach him due to the fact that they can sense that they wouldn't be no match for the unknown being. While walking to the Na'vi sister's home, Reito couldn't help himself to be amazed of how beautiful the forest looked at night.

Reito: Beautiful.

Sylwanin: Reito?

Reito: The forest. It is very beautiful. My mother told me stories of the forest and the creatures that live in it, I must say this truly a magnificent site that I am seeing. I can understand why the Na'vi of the forest want to protect it.

Sylwanin: Yes, when I saw the Sky people using their machines to destroy the forest it made me want to protect it...even though I almost gotten myself killed...

Reito: Just don't try to do something dangerous like that again otherwise these Sky people might come to your home and destroy everything you loved including your people.

Sylwanin: I just wanted to keep my home protected.

Reito: You can still do that, just have to with others who are trained for these dangerous tasks. Do you have any trained warriors?

Sylwanin: There is Tsu'Tey, he and his warriors are strong and will do anything to protect the people.

Reito: By my guess he is a natural born leader.

Sylwanin: Hehe you could say that but sometimes he can get a little moody.

Reito: Hehehe. May I ask who is the leader of your clan?

Sylwanin: The leader is our father Eytukan. He helps defend and lead the clan while our mother Mo'at is the spiritual leader.

Reito: So do I back in my clan. Both are proud and strong warriors who care deeply about the people as well as their way just like how I am.

Sylwanin: Can I ask you something.

Reito: Of course.

Sylwanin: Are you really the last of your kind and is your home really destroyed?

Reito: Sigh....yes..I don't remember that much about my former home nor my birth parents just memories and visions. I was so young when everything went dark and I landed on this world and was taken in by the Na'vi of the sea and raised as of one them.

Neytiri: They taught you their ways?

Reito: Yes, I learned everything there is to know about being a Na'vi and came to enjoy having them as my new family including my adoptive mother who is the clans healer. She raised me herself and soon I was loved by the people and was excepted after I finished my tasks. I even pray to the goddess herself and thanked her for the life she has created on this world.

Neytiri and Sylwanin couldn't help but smile at Reito that he knows everything about their world as well as the people though they felt pity for him that he is the last of his kind and his world was destroyed but gain a new family and home.

Neytiri: We're here.

Reito stopped and looked to see the girl's home in which was a very large tree that made Reito looked upon the giant plant in awe.

Reito(Navi): That is one huge tree.

Sylwanin(Navi): This is where we live Reito. Home Tree.

Reito(Navi): Your people are definitely from the forest alright.

Neytiri: Come, our father is waiting.

Reito follow the girls into their home, there Reito looks to see more Na'vi people who were staring at him in awe while some like women were eyeing him with interest but other than that all of them agree that they never seen someone like Reito before and want to know who this being was. Reito walked through the Na'vi people who was whispering about him and touching him. Reito didn't mind being stared or touched, he knew that the Na'vi of the forest never saw someone like him in their home but they will soon get to know him more. When the three got to the front, Reito looked to see who he believes was the leader of the clan and the father of Neytiri and Sylwanin aka Eytukan.

Neytiri(Navi): Father...I see you.

Sylwanin(Navi): I see you father.

Eytukan moved past his daughters and walked towards Reito who kept calm and aloud the clans leader to make contact with him as well as study him. Eytukan for his part has never seen a being like this though different he can see that the being he is walking around looked like a warrior and a strong one but doesn't know of it's species.

Eytukan(Navi): This being...why do you bring him here?

Sylwanin(Navi): He wanted to make sure that me and Neytiri got home safe, father.

Eytukan(Navi): What do you mean?

Neytiri(Navi): Sylwanin and some warriors saw the sky people destroying the forest close to the sacred trees and went to attack them but the sky people saw her and her group and chased after them in which I went to protect her but we were both surrounded.

Eytukan(Navi): Sylwanin, you know better to try something so foolish.

Sylwanin(Navi): Forgive me, father. It was my mistake...

Eytukan(Navi): What happened Neytiri?

Neytiri(Navi): Sylwanin and I were surrounded by the sky people who had us out numbered and were going to kill us until Reito saved us.

Eytukan(Navi): Who is this Reito? You mean this being that you brought here.

Sylwanin(Navi): Its true father, he came out of nowhere and defended us from the sky people. We would have been dead if it wasn't for him.

Eytukan looked into his daughters eyes and he see's that they are speaking the truth until his eye's landed on Reito who wants to know who he is and where he came from.

Eytukan(Navi): Mo'at.

Reito looked to see a female Na'vi coming down the vines who her name was Mo'at. The same name of both Neytiri and Slywanin mother. Mo'at came and walked towards Reito and she too has never seen anything like him before and began walking around him and getting a better look of what he is.

Mo'at: What are you called?

Reito: I am known as Reito, adoptive son and warrior of the Metkayina clan, the sea people.

When he said the name of the clan, it got everyone's attention that this being in front of them came from the Na'vi clan of the water though why was he in the forest is the better question and what is he.

Mo'at: You are from the ocean clan? How? You are not Na'vi?

Reito: I raised by the Na'vi since I was a small child. I am the last of the my kind....

Mo'at: And what is your kind?

Reito: From what I could remember, my kind were known as ghost warrior's. It is the name of my species but I do not know that much since I was so young to remember. I have no memory of my true family because my world was destroyed and I was sent here to survive. I was taken in by the Na'vi who taught me their ways as well as knowing about the goddess Eywa. I was excepted and loved by many including my adoptive mother who is the clans healer.

Mo'at: Are you sky people?

Reito: No, I didn't know about these sky people a few weeks ago. I been hearing rumors about them from clan to clan. I also saw the destruction they have caused to the forest and try to bring harm to your daughters. I was sent here to see if they appose a threat or not but after seeing what they can do, what I saw were demons. Demons who destroy and conquer and take what that doesn't belong to them.

Mo'at: You really saved my daughters.

Reito: I found a purpose on this world, I purpose that I wish to protect and help those against those who appose a threat. I saw how your daughters were in danger so I stepped in and aided them and killed the sky people who try to killed them. They wouldn't bin alive if I haven't intervened.

Mo'at looked towards her daughters and they both nod that Reito was telling the truth as well as who he is and what he did for them.

Mo'at: If you were indeed raise by the Na'vi, prove it to me.

Reito(Navi): I was raised and trained by them since I was younger and came to see them as my family. They taught me everything there is to know about being a Na'vi as well as stronger warrior. I trained by body to become what I am today. I listen and follow their ways as well as speak their languages. Though I always wanted to visit other clans and know more about them in which it's a true honor to be in your presence Mo'at as well as your mate Eytukan. Leader and spiritual leader of the Na'vi of the forest.

Mo'at along with Eytukan as well as the Na'vi were in shock and awe that Reito knows the language of the Na'vi people and said a perfect sentence without making a mistake in which made Mo'at smile that she is meeting a being who knows the Na'vi customs though pleased that he saved her daughters lives.

Mo'at(Navi): Interesting, very interesting. You have been taught well by the clan you live with. You speak our language. Though you do not know the ways of forest only the sea.

Reito(Navi): Yes, though I wish to learn and I know my appearance looks strange and bizarre to you and the clan but I appose no threat to you. I made fowl that I wish to protect other clans from the real threat, the sky people.

See! Someone who also see's the sky people a threat to our people.

Reito looks to the voice and it was from a Na'vi with a group of young warriors in front of him and he looks back at the girls who nod in saying that the Na'vi that has spoken was Tsu'Tey.

Reito: So that is Tsu'Tey, the girls really did say he was a warrior of their clan. I can see it.(Reito saids in thought)

Tsu'Tey: How did you defeat the sky people that were coming after Neytiri and her sister?

Mo'at: I wish to know as well. There is no possible way that you could defeat them since their weapons killed many of us.

Reito: True their weapons are strong and can easily kill you but for me, they didn't really do I thing since I am from a powerful warrior race who can used abilities like no other.

Sylwanin: You mean what you did when you killed the sky people with that glowing light that came out of your hands.

Eytukan(Navi): Glowing light? What are you talking about my daughter?

Neytiri(Navi): Father, you should have been there and saw what Reito did and it is like anything me and Sylwanin has ever seen. The sky peoples weapons had no affect on him and his speed is absolutely incredible.

Mo'at: What is this glowing light?

Reito: I think it would be wise to show you all. You see the glowing light that your daughters are mentioning is something my kind can use and master. I spent years mastering it and using it to defend and help the Metakayina. It is the spiritual energy within all living beings including ourselves. The energy is known as Ki.

The Na'vi were not in question of what this Ki was and when he said spiritual energy it caught Mo'at's interest and wants to know what this Ki was as well as her mate and her daughters.

Reito(Navi): Please gather around and I will show you all what I am talking about.

The Navi did what they were told and all sat down and waited for what Reito was going to show them. Neytiri and Sylwanin sat closer to Reito and wanted to see with their own eyes on what this Ki energy was and could it be related to what they saw when Reito fought the sky people.

Reito: I will do it slowly, that way you all can watch me better. The first thing you have to do is make yourself completely calm. Then you listen, listen to the center of your body until you start to fell a pull and then....

Admittedly a glowing energy was being formed in the center of Reito's hands that left everyone even Neytiri and Sylwanin in absolute shock of what they were seeing with their very own eyes and didn't such energy existed until they saw it in person.

Reito: And you just bring it out, you see this is the spiritual energy within all living beings. This is Ki. It can be use for mostly everything including combat as well as defense, it can even be used to sense other presence all around. It was how I was about to find Neytiri and Sylwanin because I felt their energies.

Neytiri and Sylwanin: Amazing.(Both said in thought while in awe)

Mo'at: By Eywa.....I have never seen anything like this. How did you come by this spiritual energy?

Reito: I was born with it. However there are some who can wheeled it and I can sense that there are some Na'vi in this clan who have strong energies.

Tsu'Tey(Navi): How does one know if this energy exist within either of us?

Reito(Navi): It takes training and practice to master it, like I said before I spent years mastering my abilities to my potential but whose to say that there could be a Na'vi who can do what I can if they put their training and their minds to work.

Neytiri: Is that how you were able to defeat the sky people, using this Ki energy.

Reito: Yes. However I can sense a lot of energy inside each and every one of you and you all have such strong energy signatures though some who are young hardly have it but will when they train hard and work hard. With the proper training and patience as well as controlling I know for a fact that some of you could be the first Na'vi's to master Ki.

Sylwanin and Neytiri were smiling big because they were filled with such excitement that she would love to learn how to use Ki like Reito since he is a master at it. She wasn't the only one but those like Tsu'Tey and his warriors would want to learn how to use Ki, it could help them against the sky people. Mo'at saw kindness in Reito and someone who wouldn't bring hard to the people but would protect them from the enemy who appose a dangerous threat against them. Eytukan was impressed by this warrior from an unknown race as well as his abilities.

Sylwanin: What else can you do with Ki?

Reito: Ki has not only giving me power but it also gave me the ability of flight in other words I can fly.(Reito saids that made everyone's eyes widen like dinner plates that something like that was even possible)

Tsu'Tey: Heh flight, how do we know you're telling the truth about that. No being cannot fly without a Ikran.

Reito: Ikran?

Mo'at: They are what we use for flying in which Sylwanin will soon perform Tsaheylu so that she can complete her task.

Reito: Intersting. Also, Tsu'Tey want me to prove to you I can fly I will be honored just don't flip out on what you are going to see.

Tsu'Tey: We shall see.

Reito smirked and walked out of the tree with everyone following him behind. Once outside Reito took his mark and then powerup his Ki energy in which everyone saw him being engulfed in a white aura that left them speechless until they saw the one thing that made their's as well as Tsu'Tey's jaw drop to the ground and that was Reito who blasted himself into the sky and flew around Home Tree in such great speed.

Reito: WHOO-HOO!!!!!

Na'vi children: He's flying! He's really flying!

Eyukan(Navi): He doesn't even need a Ikran...

Mo'at: This is truly something new to us, makes me wonder what else he can do.(Mo'at saids in thought)

Once landed on the ground, Reito saw the faces of the Na'vi and they were all shocked, amazed, couldn't believe their eyes and also wants to know how to use Ki like him. Neytiri and her sister was blown away by what they saw and found Reito very interesting as well as magnificent.

Reito: If you all wished to learn how to use Ki, I will be more than honored to teach you if you teach me your ways, I may come from the Na'vi of the ocean in which I know all about but I do not know your ways of the forest. I wish to learn your ways that is if you would allow me.

Eyukan(Navi): This is the first warrior of a new race that can use abilities we never heard of. We must learn more about him but we must teach him our ways if he is to teach us how to master the ability of Ki so it can help us defend ourselves from our enemies. 

Mo'at(Navi): My daughter's, you will teach him our way to learn and how to think as we do.

Sylwanin: YES!(Sylwainin saids in thought while excited)

Neytiri(Navi): I understand mother.

Mo'at: It is decided, my daughter's will teach you our ways. I can already know that you will learn well Reito adoptive son of the Metakayin clan.

Reito: I thank you, and I do attend to keep my word that I will teach those about how to master Ki. It will take dedication and it will take time. But I know that with some training and focus they will be the first Na'vi to use Ki.

Eyukan(Navi): Reito will stay with us, make him feel welcome to our clan for saving the life of my daughters.

Reito: I thank you for your hospitality though where should I rest, a warrior needs it rest.(Reito saids in which some of the warriors of the clan agreed to him)

Sylwanin and Neytiri: You can stay with me/No he's staying with me!

Reito: Uhh.......

Mo'at(Navi): Enough you two, I will show you where you will be resting but before that Tsu'Tey I want you to show him around our home so he knows his surroundings.

Sylwanin: I can show him around mother.

Neytiri: You will just make him confused, I should be the one to do it.

Sylwanin: Who asked you?!

Neytiri: Hiss!

Sylwanin: Hiss!

While the two were arguing Reito snook pass them and didn't want to get in the way of the sisters arguing and just left with Tsu'Tey to get a tour around Home Tree and away from the two angry Na'vi sisters.

Reito: Sigh..women am I right.

Tsu'Tey: Indeed.

Reito: Do they always act like that?

Tsu'Tey: Most of the time, you'll get used to it.

Reito: Something tells me I don't want to.

Hours after a great tour around Home Tree thanks to Tsu'Tey who Reito thanked for and was now going to a gathering around a fire where the clan was enjoying some food that was basically bugs in which Reito tried some and it tasted good. While there some of the Na'vi women were eyeing him and staring at his muscular features that caused the girls to blush as well as giggle to themselves but unknown to them both Neytiri and Sylwanin were giving the girls death glares for looking at Reito. After dinner was done Mo'at took Reito to where the Na'vi sleep, they all sleep in handmade hammocks that are tied to the strong vines of the tree.

Reito: It's not like the beds I sleep on back home, but got to admit it does feel comfortable.

Reito.(A female voice saids next to Reito who looks to see it was Neytiri)

Reito: Oh, hello Neytiri. Sorry didn't know you were there.

Neytiri: It's quite all right, but I wanted to say thank you for saving my life and that of my sister.

Reito: Hey it was no problem, someone special like you doesn't deserve to die. You mean something to this clan and they wouldn't feel the same if something would have happened to you.

Neytiri: think I'm special...(Neytiri saids while blushing)

Reito: I can sense it and I know you are. Believe in yourself that's your greatest strength and never back down.

Neytiri: I...thank you.

Reito: Well, I we should get some sleep, we have training coming up and you have to show me your clans ways.

Neytiri: Yes.

Reito: Good night, Neytiri.(Reito saids then drifts off to sleep)

Neytiri(Navi): You too.

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