Chapter 3: From Water to Forest!
Reito Pov:
It has been over three months since I discovered my heritage of my people as well as of discovering how I came to be on the world where my adoptive family the Na'vi live on. I spent those three months mastering my abilities and learning to control my Ki energy, after finding out the information from my biological parents who share the secrets of my home and my powers, I vowed to keep my new home safe from possible threats including my loved ones like my mother as well as my girlfriend Tsireya.
Ever since me and Tsireya got together, we spent our lives doing amazing things as well as help the people. Ronal and Tonowari already start seeing me as their future son in law and Anonug has became more of a brother to me now. I never been so happy in my entire life, even though me and Tsireya didn't mate yet since we want to take things slow in our relationship but soon when the time comes both she and I will mate and will become the perfect pare and maybe raise a family of our own because she's always been talking about having a family in which I will make that dream of hers come true.
Life was going great but that all changed when I have been hearing rumors about beings called the Sky People of who I thought were another clan of Na'vi but I was wrong when I have been ease dropping on what Tonowari and his wife were talking about how these Sky People came from the skies itself and were using things called machines to destroy life that Eywa has created. I got the feeling that these Sky People are bad news and whose to say that they wont try to attack our home. The rumors spread across the seas from village to village and villages that come from the forest. Those rumors about the Sky People kept coming and I will not allow these Sky People to threaten or worse try to destroy my new home.
End of Pov
Reito was out in the water with Tsireya swimming but while swimming together, Reito couldn't get his head strait due to the rumors of the Sky People that the clan have been talking about and why he never knew about these Sky People and was wondering how long they have been on this world.
Tsireya: Are you all right my love?
Reito: Sorry, I just can't stop thinking about those rumors about the Sky People.
Tsireya: I know what you mean, I been listening to them as well. I heard my parents talking about how these strange visitors came here and just destroyed half of the forests.
Reito: I heard that as well. How long have they been here? Why didn't I know about them till weeks ago?
Tsireya: Rumors spread that they arrive here over 15 years ago, we were still children at the time, I guess our families kept it secret until we were old enough to know about the Sky People.
Reito: 15 years. That is a long time. I am just worried that these people would bring harm to us or possibly other clans that live on this world. I made an oath that I will keep my new home safe and I will do that if these Sky People cause problems.
Tsireya: I know you would do what you must, you are a warrior of our clan and my future mate. If anyone can keep our family safe is you Reito. I been watching you train ever since you discovered your heritage of what you are and where you came from.
Reito: I know that you have been watching me, I been sensing your presence. Thanks to Ki energy I am able to sense energies far beyond anything i could ever felt before. There is spiritual energy everywhere and I can feel it.
Tsireya: How is your energy attacks coming along?
Reito: Pretty good actually, I got the hang of using my Ki energy for defense as well as attack. I didn't want to use my abilities near the village so I went to find a place on an abandoned island where I can practice using my powers to help.
Tsireya: That's good, you are doing wonderful, you always know how to please me and our people Reito with your amazing gifts.
Reito: I try not to show off to much of what I do.
Both Tsirey and Reito giggled at each other then moved closer to each other, Reito held his girlfriend by her waist and Tsirey wrapped her arms around Reito. The two starred at each other for quite a while before they both made out for at least 2 hours until the moment end when Anonug came up to the couple and teased them.
Anonug: Oh my Eywa Reito is eating my sisters poor face!
Reito: Seriously do you always interrupt when I am trying to have a romantic time with the girl I love.(Reito while both him and his girlfriend separate)
Anonug: Who happens to be my sister, yes yes I do and it's always funny to tease you two.
Reito: know when you get I mate bro, I am going to enjoy making you look like fool.
Tsireya: Hehehe.
Anonug: Game on bro, I attend not to back down.
Reito: By the way, what brings you here is there something important besides teasing me and Tsireya.
Anonug: Actually yes, my father wishes to speak with you.
Reito: Very well. I will be back Tsireya.
Tsireya: I will be waiting until you get done 💋.(Tsireya saids and kisses Reito on the cheek)
Anonug: Bro you need to help me get a mate.
Reito: Just be honest with yourself and treat a lady with respect as well as get to know them and spend time with them only then you will gain a mate like me.
Anonug: You make it sound so easy.
Reito: I was raised by a wise Na'vi woman after all.
Reito jumped out of the water and flew back to the village where he landed near Tonowari's home. Once he landed he spotted both Tonowari and his wife waiting for Reito.
Reito: I see you Tonowari and I see you Ronal.
Tonowari: I see you Reito.
Reito: You which to speak with me.
Tonowari: Yes, come sit down and we can talk.
All three of them sat down and Reito could possibly know what Tonowari was going to talk to Reito about, the Sky People.
Tonowari: Have you been listening to the rumors that have been going on in the village.
Reito: You mean the rumors about these Sky People, yes I have. Why is it that I never heard of them before until weeks ago?
Ronal: You weren't ready to know what came to our world before you did. We kept it secret until you were at the age of knowing what these Sky People are doing.
Reito: I see. Has any Na'vi seen these people and what they look like?
Tonowari: Word were spreading that these Sky People came from a world that was dying and moved into the forest were the forest clans live. They use these machines of which they are called like the ones you saw in your pod when you found out about your heritage. They use them to destroy life. This rumor has been spreading from village to village.
Ronal: It's been going on for years now.
Reito: What is it that you wish to tell me?
Tonowari: I was planning on having one of our warriors spy on these strangers that came to our world and know what they are planning to see if they are either friend or a possible threat. I fear for our people and whose to say that these Sky People would dare attack us.
Reito: I know, I been feeling a disturbance beyond our home, it's coming from where the other clans are living. Also I know fear that these Sky People are not to be trusted until knowing more about what they are and why they are here. Have you decided which warrior of our clan should go?
Tonowari: I have been thinking hard about this decision but I fear the risk of the people.
Reito: You wish not send a Na'vi into a dangerous situation where none will come back alive.
Tonowari: Yes, but we must know if the Sky People would try to do anything.
Reito was thinking to himself until an idea came to his head and it would be interesting to get out of the village and see the outside world for the first time but to also make sure that the clan he grew up in remains safe.
Reito: I will go.
Ronal: Reito?
Reito: Send me instead.
Tonowari: Reito I don't think that is...
Reito: Tonowari, I swore an oath that I will keep my clan safe from any possible threats and if these Sky People could or could not be a threat, I don't want them to attack our home. I will do anything to protect my family who raised me and taught everything there is to know about being a Na'vi. I want to prove myself to the people that a warrior like myself can keep the clan safe.
Ronal(Navi): Tonowari?
Tonowari: Reito, wait until I give this some thought and I will let you know. You may go.
Reito: Very well.
Reito took his leave and went back to see Tsireya who was waiting by the shore line to see her boyfriend flying back to her. Reito talked to her about what he was planning to do in which Tsireya became worried that Reito wants to spy on the Sky People but she begged him not to go, that she didn't want to loose the one she loves. Reito told her that her father was thinking of the idea until he gives his answer. For the many time Reito spent his time with the girl he loves and had their date times with each other but Tsireya was still not liking the idea of Reito leaving the village and going to find and spy on the Sky People but knows that Reito isn't going to take no for an answer and wishes if he does do this that he has to promise that he will come back to her.
Reito also spoke about this to his mother and she took fears for her son about going on this task. Reito informed his mother that if does go, he will return back to her and the clan alive and well. He's a strong warrior from a powerful race with abilities like no other. He's been training his whole life and now will have a purpose. Tonowari came to his home and he has made up his mind.
Tonowari: Reito.
Reito: Tonowari.
Tonowari: It is decided, you will go and if these Sky People pose a threat, do what you must to make sure they don't cause any harm to our people. If they threat other clans, defend them you must as well. We may not see other clans eye to eye but they are a part of this world and the children of Eywa.
Reito: I understand. I will keep my family protected as well as the other clans. This is my destiny.
Mira: Reito....
Reito: Mother, I will return home to you and the people I promise. I don't know how long I will be gone but I will always think of you and everyone of my brothers and sisters here.
Mira: I..I's sweet little boy is all grown up and I just don't want to loose him.
Reito: You will not loose me mother, I love you will all my heart. This is the way of Eywa.
Mira: When will he leave?
Ronal: He will leave at night fall but he will stay with his mother and my daughter until the time comes for him to leave the waters and enter the forest.
Mira: Understood...
Reito spent the entire day with his mother as well as Tsireya who decided to spent the day at her boyfriends home before he leave tonight. Tsireya wasn't ready to let Reito go but knows that this was the way of Eywa. The three of them had dinner together as well as told stories until they looked to see the sunsetting which means it was almost time to go. Tonowari and his wife along with their son Anonung came to say their goodbyes to Reito before he leaves.
Reito: Anonung, while i am gone take good care of the village, you are strong warrior and help those in need. We will see each other again my brother.
Anonung: Good luck bro, I will make sure that the people are safe and that my sister stays out of harms way.
Reito: That's what I like to hear from you. Give our friends my regards.
Anonung: I will.
Reito and Anonung hugged each other than turned towards Tonowari and Ronal.
Reito(Navi): I thank you for what you two have done for me, I will return to the village. That's a promise.
Ronal(Navi): I know you will come back, you have grown into a powerful warrior Reito. I will keep your mother company when you are gone. She is my brightest student after all.
Reito(Navi): Thank you Ronal. I will miss you.
Ronal(Navi): As will I.
Reito: Tonowari you are the most wisest leader I have ever had the privilege of knowing, you been like a father to me ever since I came here. I know you will keep our people safe until I return.
Tonowari: Reito, you been like the son I never had, you were raised and trained by us and I know you will do what you must to keep the clans of our home protected. You are a strong warrior and I am proud to call you my son. You make my daughter happy and show courage and honor makes you worthy of being a natural leader.
Reito: Thank you, Tonowari.
Reito turned his attention to his mother who had tears in her eyes. Reito smiled and gave his mother a hug in which she hugged back. Reito whispered to her that he will return to her and they will be reunited once more. Mira kisses Reito on the forehead knowing that her sons words mean the truth. Reito then turned his attention to his girlfriend who was about to burst into tears of sadness.
Reito: Shhh..don't cry my love, I will come back and I will see you again.
Tsireya: Reito...I...I...
Reito: I will tell you this, when I return, I want to mate with you, I want us to raise a family of our own. Promise me that you wait for me.
Tsireya: I..yes, I will wait for you.
Reito: Stay strong my love, stay strong. I don't know how long I will be gone but I will always think of you no matter what happens.
Tsireya: I love you.
Reito: I love you too.
Both of them kissed each other before separating. Reito took to the skies and activated his Ki energy and blasted away from the village and towards the direction of where the forest is located. Everyone looked to see where Reito was going in which both Mira and Tsireya smiled in tears that Reito will come back to them.
Tsireya and Mira: I know you will come back home to us.(Both said in thought)
Many days of flying over seas later:
For the past couple days of flying above the ocean and passing by other villages, Reito was spent his time looking for where the forest is located until he started to see a large landscape a couple days till the sun was rising. He spotted tree's, large hills as well as jungles but also floating mountains that was all breath taking. Reito was told stories about the forest area from his mother when he was little and now he gets to see it in person.
Reito: Wow, I finally arrived at the forest, thanks to my Ki energy I am a lot faster than before. It's even more beautiful in person. I can feel such energies within the trees and so much more. I can also feel spiritual energy coming from somewhere far. As much as I want to site see and explore, I have a task to get too.
Reito was about to land into the forest until he was sensing something or more like smells something and it smelt like smoke. He turned and looked to see a cloud of dark smoke coming from a couple miles of where he is and decided to go check it out but to also keep a low profile so he doesn't get spotted by who knows what. When he was flying towards the site of the smoke, he heard something coming towards him from above and looked to see some kind of metal beast that was flying over him.
Reito: What in the Eywa is that thing? Wait I remember something from the images from my pod, that is a vehicle called a ship that can travel through the skies and space. Is that what these Sky People use. Wait what is that large whole in the ground?(Reito saids while looking at the ship then at the large crater in the ground)
Reito flew down towards the trees and looked to see giant machines digging large amount of stones from the ground while also looking to see what the Sky People look like in which they look smaller compared to a Na'vi but Reito doesn't know if they are dangerous until he go checks that area where the dark cloud of smoke is coming from. He didn't like what he was seeing these people do to the forest and saw the destruction and the rumors about the Sky People were true, they use machines to cause destruction to life.
Reito went back to follow the large ship towards the black smoke and looked to find a place that does not look friendly. He saw the whole place surrounded but a metal steel fence with spikes, buildings, smaller ships with weapons that could kill as well as people who look armed and dangerous. Reito can already tell that these Sky People are not friendly. Reito studied the area and saw that it looked similar to the structures of his home planet before he was destroyed.
Reito landed on a tree branch near the area without any of the beings knowing and started to study everything that Reito is seeing with his own eyes. He studied the vehicles of each one and saw that they are what these beings use to travel around from place to place but also have weapons that could cause harm to others so Reito needs to be aware of those as well as the weapons that the Sky People are carrying in their arms. He saw that they all wear mask on their faces possibly for breathing because Reito thinks that they can't breath the air of his world so they use those mask to breath their own air. He then studied the structures of the buildings where he learned from the images in the pod that his world had a verity of factories, homes, military bases meaning that this area was some sort of base for these Sky People and the smoke was coming from that factory area that smelled bad.
Reito: So these Sky People are soldiers and this place is some kind of military base. Makes sense, since I seen stuff like this in the images I saw from my birth home that my biological parents lived on before the world got destroyed. I better do some more studying and getting a better look at the area around the whole place, don't best not to go into the base, these guys look like they would like someone like me entering since I am different.
Reito using his energy speed when around the whole base while still hiding within the tree's and saw the whole area of the base until he came to a halt when he looked at the last part of the place and looked to see what appears to be Na'vi people wearing strange clothing and walking among side by side the Sky People.
Reito: Na'vi people. Wait a minute something is off about them. I can see that they look like Na'vi from other clans but they five fingers and wear strange clothing. But I sense something else in which they feel like Sky People and Na'vi, how is that possible. Unless those Na'vi bodies never been born from actually Na'vi and their minds are the minds of Sky People, I can sense the energies within them and I know that these people are not real Na'vi.
Reito studied these strange Na'vi Sky People beings for a while until he saw one coming out of a wooden building and it was female wearing a red top and short pants in which Reito can sense beautiful energy within this one and has some kind of connection to the Na'vi. Reito had to admit that this person that looked like a Na'vi was beautiful but he knows his heart belongs to Tsireya.
Reito: I can sense such spiritual energy within this one. Maybe she has a connection to the Na'vi who live in the forest as well as Eywa.(Reito saids in thought while watching the female from the trees without her knowing as well as the other people inside the base)
Reito watched the female walked around the area until she turned towards the forest in which Reito behind the trees to avoid being seen and once he looked that the female looked away from where Reito is hiding she went on with her day. Reito can probably tell that the female he was looking at was friendly and the way she was talking with the other Na'vi look a likes, Reito can see that this female he was studying could be trusted if he meets her in person that is. Reito looked at how many of he Na'vi look a likes were interacting with each other as well as playing some games that look fun and saw how they are training using those courses set up in which Reito thinks they are trying to be like actually Na'vi.
Reito: Well I studied as much as I know, best to retreat into the forest for the time being. Don't want to alert these Sky People of someone like me at their base. Though they attack and use their weapons, I will take action.
Reito went into the forest away from the Sky Peoples base and has decided not to go back to it for now. He decided now to do some site seeing around the forest and experience what kind of creatures live in the forest since he was told by his mother at a young age. On his journey he will meet new faces and possibly get the attention of others who will find him very interesting.
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