Chapter 2: One of The People!

Mira Pov:

It has been years since my people and I found my adoptive son Reito who grew up with us and learned our ways of being part of the Metkayina clan. I never been more proud of my son than anyone. While growing up with the people, he already started to form bonds with many of the children around his age who treated him like their friend as well as their brother which brought happiness to my heart that my son was getting along with the children of our clan. Reito started his lessons at the age of five and who would of know that he got the hang of learning so much of what Tonowari and Ronal taught him.

He already knows how to swim perfectly underwater as well as learn the Na'vi language and it took him almost a week to learn about sigh language which brought a smile on Ronal face that my son was a fast learner. Tonowari son Aonung who was my son's best friend taught Reito to ride on the Ilu but for some reason my son couldn't make a bond because he didn't have Tsaheylu until that one moment we all discovered what Reito could do that was the impossible. When my son was a boy he and I were having dinner together when all of sudden my son started to float in the air that left me speechless that my little boy can fly, makes me wonder the species he comes from can also do that.

When I told the clan leader about what my son can do at first he nor did Ronal believe me until they saw Reito flying around in the sky looking happy and I got a good laugh when I saw the looks on Ronal and her husbands face when they saw what my son can do and not just them but the people as well that made the children look upon my son in awe that they think he is some sort of god. But thats not all we seen him do, no we also discovered that he can create light from his body like energy itself that was incredible except for the part when my son accidentally shot an energy blast but thankfully no one got hurt not even the sea life though Reito would fine his time to master his abilities whenever he finishes learning our ways.

Then the most amazing scene happen, when my son got older he was able to perform the Tsaheylu with using the energy within himself and was able to ride the Ilu. It brought tears of joy to know that Reito was already part of the Na'vi even though he is different from us, he is still my son and part of this clan. Tonowari was proud of my son's achievements as well as his training in becoming a warrior of the clan just like his son, the three of them would practice together as well as hunt for food while I complete my healing courses with Ronal and turns out my training is going very well.

Reito became a fine young man who still loves to take care of me since I did that for him and wants to keep those closets to him safe but not just me and the people but also Tsireya the daughter of Tonowari and Ronal. When both my son and Tsireya met you might say it was love at first sight, Tsireya was always shy around Reito while Reito was more calm and more mature around her which brought a wonderful friendship between the two of them that brought a smile on Ronal face that her daughter was already liking Reito. Both of them grew up together and did so much together, where they would train as well as have fun with each other, I think those two will make perfect mates in which both me and Ronal were betting that our children will become wife and husband. Tonowari was already treating Reito like a second son and Aonung like a brother who got along with his friends who Reito showed them his abilities. Tsireya fell deeply in love with Reito over time and wants to confess her love for him though is still finding the right moment to confess and I think Reito is doing the same since he always likes to talk about Tsireya time to time.

Reito was nearly complete with his lessons because the final lesson was determined if he is worthy of being one of the people. In order to do this my son will have to travel out to sea with Tonowari and make a bond with Tulkun only then my son will be one of us though I already know he will be one of us because I was the one who raised him myself. Tsireya believes that Reito will become one of us and so does Aonung.


Everyone of the Metkayina clan gathered around the shore area where the leader Tonowari was giving his speech to the people towards Reito who stood tall and proud of what he has accomplished over the years with his mother and Tsireya on the side. Reito was now in his twenties and he grew into a strong warrior and was ready to be part of the clan.

Tonowari(Navi): My people today is the glorious day for the son of Mira, he has past every ritual we have taught him and knows all of our ways though there is one more ritual he must complete if he is to be worthy of being of one us.

Ronal(Navi): Reito must take to the sea's, find the Tulkun and form a bond only then he will become one of the people.

Tonowari: Reito are you prepared to except this ritual, are you prepared to take on such a ritual.

(Edit done by me: 95nicholasnm)

Reito(Navi): Yes I am ready, I have been trained for this moment my whole life. You have taught me so much about the people and it would be my honor to form a bond with a Tulkun like those before me. I am the son of Mira and I will complete the finale ritual so that I can become one of the people.

Tonowari: You have strong heart Reito, come we must be on our way.

Reito: Yes, Tonowari.

Reito looks towards his mother and gives her a smile that he will come back in which she knows he will while Tsireya smiled that her crush will become one of the people so that she can find it in her heart to confess her love for Reito.

Tsireya: Good luck Reito. I know you will complete the ritual, I believe in you.

Reito: Thank you, I will see you soon and when I get back I want to talk with you just the two of us.

Tsireya: I will be waiting until you return.

Reito decided to fly instead of taking his Ilu but to also stay close to Tonowari while he rides his SkimWing. The two took to the seas while both Mira and Tsireya pray to Eywa that Reito safely. Aonung along with his buddies were rotting for Reito to come back.

Tsireya: Be careful out love.(Tsireya saids in thought)

Mira: Good luck my sweet boy.

In the middle of the open sea itself both Reito and Tonowari looked to see a group of Tulkun swimming towards them and it was the perfect moment for Reito to search for a Tulkun and form a bond with it so that they can become brother and brother or brother and sister just like how the people see them when they make the bond.

Tonowari: Travel below the water, let the Tulkun come to you only then one shall decide to see if you are worthy of forming the bond.

Reito: I understand.

Reito dived into the water where he sees the group of Tulkun swinging together. Reito saw how they all swam together like a big happy family which brought a smile upon Reito's face.

Reito swan towards them and waited for a Tulkun to come up to him. He looked to see many of them passing by him while little ones were swimming around him before going back to their parent until one of them which was a large male came up to Reito.

Reito(Sign Language): Greetings brother, I am Reito. Son of MetKayina Clan.

Tulkun(Sign Language): Hello Reito, I am Zu'Toro.

Reito(Sign Language): It's a pleasure to meet you Zu'Toro, I might say your family is very beautiful and I see that you have young ones who have a great future for themselves.

Zu'Toro(Sign Language): Thank you, though I am still in search of a mate of my own so that I too can have a family of my own.

Reito(Sign Language): I am sure that you will find that special someone very soon brother.

Zu'Toro(Sign Language): What about you? Do you have a mate?

Reito(Sign Language): Not yet but once I return to the people, I plan to confess my love to the person who I knew since childhood so that I can tell her how I truly feel about her.

Zu'Toro(Sign Language): I see though why are you out in sea and not with her?

Reito(Sign Language): I must bond with your brethren brother it is part of our ritual that one of the people must form a bond with the Tulkun so that they will be excepted as one of the people.

Zu'Toro(Sign Language): I will form the bond with you brother, so that you can reunite with your future mate.

Reito(Sign Language): You will form the bond with me brother?

Zu'Toro(Sign Language): Yes, and it gets boring when I just talk to myself even though I talk to my kind, talking to somebody else would be great for a change.

Reito(Sign Language): Then I except you as my brother Zu'Toro.

Zu'Toro opens up his mouth for Reito to go inside and once inside the mouth of the Tulkun, Reito looks to see the Zu'Toro's Tsaheylu.

Reito swam towards the Tsaheyla and used his energy to make the bond with Zu'Toro and once they touched Reito saw the memories of Zu'Toro with his family and how he is strong and brave as well as protective of those close to him just like how Reito is with the people around him.

Reito: We are the same brother, both mind, body and spirit. We are both brave and will do anything to protect those we love close to our hearts.(Reito saids in thought)

Reito undid the bond and swam out of Zu'Toro's mouth and gave the Tulkun a smile that they have performed the ritual and that they are brothers now. Watching from top was Tomowari who smiled that Reito has completed the ritual and made the bond with a Tulkun who is now Reito's brother.

Reito returned to the service while saying his goodbyes to Zu'Toro but knows that they will meet again soon. Once above the water, Reito saw Tomowari smiled that he knows Reito is one of the people now.

Tomowari: You bonded with the Tulkun, you are worthy.

Reito: I did more than just bond with him, we became brothers. He and I share a connection a strong connection. We are both strong and brave who will keep those around us safe.

Tomowari: Let us return home, Reito Son And Warrior Of The Metkayina Clan.

Reito(Navi): Yes Tomowari.

The two of them headed back home, where the clan was waiting for their leader and Reito to come home in which one of the Na'vi spotted them coming back and blew the horn to signal that Tomowari and Reito has return. Everyone came out of their homes especially Mira who smiled that her son has returned and not just her but also Tsireya who was almost in tears that her crush is safe and decided to head over to hear the news.

Ronal(Navi): I see you my love.

Tomowari(Navi): I see you, Ronal.

Ronal: Has he done it?

Tomowari(Navi): People of the Metkayin Clan, I have brought news to you all. Reito, warrior and son of Mira went to the sea, founded the Tulkun and performed the Tsaheylu!

All the Na'vi gasped in shock but were also amazed and excited that Reito did it until Tomowari spoke again that made Tsireya cry tears of joy as well as Mira.

Tomowari(Navi): Reito has completed the rituals, he has grown into a powerful warrior of our clan, he treated each and everyone of us as his own brothers and sisters, he is worthy, he is one of the people now!

Aonung and friends(Navi): REITO!!!

The whole clan cheered for Reito and congratulated him on becoming one of the people in which his mother Mira ran towards him and hug her son for completing the rituals just like she hoped he would.

Mira: I am so proud of you my son.

Reito: Thank you mother, I am happy that I made you proud.

Mira: I've always been proud of you, your no longer the little baby boy I had in my arms when I first found you. You grew into a strong and powerful warrior of our clan.

Reito: I may have grown but I am still that boy you raised who loves his mother with all his heart and soul.

Mira: As do I Reito. Though I am not the only one who loves you.(Mira saids to Reito then looks towards Tsireya who was blushing that Mira knows who she meant)

Reito(Whisper): I plan to confess to her tonight.

Mira:(Whisper): Good luck son though wait for the right time to mate with her because I can tell that she is not ready yet.

Reito(Whisper): Don't worry I wont rush things.

Mira(Whisper): That's my sweet little boy.

Aonung: Hey bro! Why are you standing around for, come with us we gotta celebrate.

Reito: Hehehe, all right all right I'm coming Aonung. I will see you at home mother until I get back and tell Tsireya to meet me when the shore line during the sunset.

Mira: I will tell her, now go and have fun with your friends.

Reito: You know I will.

Reito went with Aonung and his friends who congratulated their best friend on becoming an official member of the Metkayina Clan and asked Reito to go riding with them in which Reito couldn't refuse a nice ride on the water. Tsireya missed her chance to speak with Reito but was told to meet him on the shore that Mira told her to go after Reito has his fun. Tsireya smiled that she will finally have the chance to confess her love for Reito that she has been dying to tell him since they first met long ago.

The sun was setting over Pandora, and Reito was heading to the shore to meet with Tsireya to talk with her about how Reito feels about her though both him and her are nervous of confessing. Reito arrived at the shore where he was waiting for Tsireya to arrive and then after a moment Reito senses someone approaching him and thanks to his abilities that he has been mastering for years he learned to sense rather a person is nearby or far away.

Reito: I sense you were coming.

Tsireya: Hehehe you always know if someone was coming towards you, wish we could have your gifts.

Reito: I see you, Tsireya.

Tsierya: I see you, Reito.

Reito: You look more beautiful when the sunsets.

Tsireya: You look more stronger than the last time. I was so happy that you returned and now one of the people.

Reito: I am sorry I made you worry.

Tsireya: Don't be, I always knew you would come back. You always do. Sorry I haven't been intense since we encountered that Akula during a hunt.

Reito: Heh, you encountered the Akula who tried to eat you and I rescued you remember.

Tsireya: Oh...yea how could I have forgotten. I was still trying to get over how you defeated it with such strength.

Reito: What can I say this guy before you is super strong and solid.

Tsireya: Hehehe not to mention such a charmer especially with the girls.

Reito: Hey I can't help that I am handsome and gorgeous, but I do not pay any mind to them since there is someone who I really like.

Tsireya: I need to tell him...I want to be with him, he makes me happy and after he saved me I couldn't stop thinking about him.(Tsireya saids in thought)

The two were silent and couldn't think of any words to say until they just went the hell with it.

Reito and Tsireya: Reito/Tsireya I!

Reito: Um you go first.

Tsireya: Reito, we've known each other for years since childhood and after everything we did and after everything we been through...I have never in my life met such a wonderful being like you. You make me smile and showed me how to have fun as well as learn how to defend myself thanks to the training you give me when it is just us two. But most importantly you treated me with such kindness and....I...I cannot stop thinking about you because ever since you saved me from the Akula years ago, my heart keeps beating for you and every time I am near you I get nervous and can't find the words to talk to you because I the reason why....I am in love you Reito.

Reito: Tsireya...

Tsireya: I been in love with you for a long time and I kept in deep inside me in which I couldn't hold onto these feelings any longer.

Reito looked upon Tsireya who looks like she was about to cry until Reito placed both his hands on Tsireya's cheeks to get her attention in which it did when she met his crimson red eyes and Reito met Tsierya's blue eyes.

Reito: I been in love you for a long time too. Ever since our parents introduced us to each other I felt this connection that you and I have like a spark that was drawling us together. Truth is I never stopped thinking about you either, my heart races for you and I never met anyone more beautiful and kind as you Tsireya. Your people treaty me like family even though I am not a Na'vi since my mother told me that I was adopted but I didn't care because even though I do not know where I truly came from let this be known that this is my home now and that I want to protect it as well as the one I love and that is you Tsireya.

Tsireya was in awe of what Reito just said to her and it made her heart skip a beat followed by weeping tears of joy that Reito feels the same way about her.

Tsireya: 😢 love me.

Reito: I always have and always will. I want to be with you Tsireya and I will always be there to protect you and our home as well as the people.

Tsireya: I...I love you too.

Reito brought Tsireya face slowly towards his in which both of their lips connected to each other showing that they both have confessed their love as well as shared their first kiss as a couple now.

Tsireya: My first kiss.

Reito: So was mine though I think my mother kiss me first does that count?

Tsireya: Pffft......hehehe you really are weird sometimes.

Reito: Yea but you like it.

Tsireya: Yea. But I am not ready to mate yet still want to wait for the right moment to do that.

Reito: Understand completely same here. You can tell me when you are ready but would you except of being my girlfriend.

Tsireya: Yes. I would love to be your girlfriend.

Reito kissed Tsireya again on the lips in which she kisses back and the two of them hugged each after kissing showing that they will never be drawn apart nor let anything stand in their way of their new found love.

Are we disturbing something?(A female voice saids next to Reito and Tsireya)

Reito: Mother and also Tomowari as well as Ronal?

Tsireya: Mother? Father?

Reito: long have you three been standing there?

Mira: Hehehe of quite a while and I am so happy for the two of you.

Ronal: You are worthy of being part of the people and you are worthy of being with my daughter, I know that you keep her safe Reito.

Reito: Thank Ronal, I will never let anything harm your daughter.

Ronal: I know you will.

Reito: What brings you all here and don't tell me mother is here to embarrass me like before.

Mira: No we are saving that for later after you two becoming mating pare.

Ronal: And give us both beautiful grandchildren.

Reito and Tsireya: MOTHER?!/MOTHER?!(Both said while blushing with embarrassment)

Tomowari: Enough you two, Reito we need to speak with you it is important.

Reito: Very well. But can Tsireya come along I wish for her to be at my side.

Tomowari: I will allow it.

Tomowari took Reito to a hidden place that was located in cave that glows in the darkness itself once there, Tomowari had Reito seated as well as Ronal, Mira and Tsireya next to him so that he can talk with Reito about something important.

Reito: May I ask why bring me here.

Tomowari: It is time he knows the truth.

Mira: Sigh...

Reito: What truth?

Ronal: How far back can you remember from your past?

Reito: I remember being held in my adoptive mothers arms, she brought me in took care of me, later you along with Tomowari taught me the ways of the Na'vi where I trained day and night to become what I am.

Tomowari: No before that.

Reito: I don't remember that much only small pieces of memory or a dream.

Ronal: What did you see?

Reito: I..I saw myself being put into some kind of round object and then I saw what appeared to be two beings but I was so young I couldn't see what they looked like, they were saying that I needed to live and survive....the next thing I knew being carried away and then there was this big flash of light that made everything silent.

Ronal: What else did you see?

Reito: There was nothing else...nothing. I was so young I can hardly remember what happened. Why are you asking me this?

Tomowari: Reito, you are not like the others on our world, you can do things that we Na'vi cannot do.

Reito: Well I knew that already since my mother told me I was adopted and I can do things like fly and use energy that comes from my body.

Mira: Reito he's saying that you are not from our world but from a different world of which we do not know where you truly came from.

Reito: mean I was never part of this world.

Ronal: No, like we said we don't know where you truly came from.

Reito: But if I am from a different world, how did I end up here?

Tomowari: I have something to show you follow me.

Tomowari took Reito further into the cave where they all came upon something that was round and hidden with seaweed and moss until Tomowari and Ronal under-covered it to reveal what it was that left Reito in shock that he started to remember something that he was inside a round object when he was little.

Tomowari: You came falling from the sky in this. We do not know what it was but it is how we came to find you. You crashed couple miles of where our village was and myself along with Ronal and your mother went to see what it was.

Ronal: the impact created a small crater in the ground though nothing around it was destroyed.

Mira: I wanted to tell you this when you were old enough, I'm sorry Reito.

Reito: No its quite all right, but is this really how I came to be here.

Tomowari: Yes, after we took you in, we had this hidden here for when the time came to tell you of how you appeared on our world.

Tsireya: Maybe there is something inside that can help know about where you came from Reito.

Reito: If that is even my real name.(Reito saids in thought)

Reito walked towards the object and when he touched the door, it opened on its own and when Reito looked inside he could see that there was a place for sitting as well as flashing lights as well as some buttons on the front as well as on the seat. Reito then got into the object and sat down while the door closed on its own.

Tsireya: Reito!(Tsireya saids in a panic and went to get closer to the object until her mother rejected the idea)

Ronal: Stop daughter, he needs to know of who he is and how he came to be here.

Mira: Reito are you all right in there?

Reito: Yea I am fine though have to admit it's a little cramped in here. Seems like these flashing lights on the front are what controls this thing but it looks like it wont be going anywhere because it saids the tank is out probably means that it will never fly again but the other stuff in here still works.

Mira: Is there anything inside that could help know about your past?

Reito: Let me check.

Reito tried the buttons on the front first but they didn't do anything because they were the controls for object basically for flight so those were useless but then Reito notice the buttons on the chairs and decided to push them and soon something appeared in front of Reito that left him in shock.

Reito: By Eywa...

Mira: What is that you see son?

Reito: It's some kind of light that is showing images of a place, a place that looks so nothing like this world. There's hardly any tree life there but there are villages that are much more bigger and taller than what we have it almost looks like something you see in the future.

Reito looked the images where he looks and studies of what he was seeing with his own eyes as well as the people who live on this world. He saw so many different species of race living in peace on this world as well as having their own set of warriors who are trained for combat but also looked to see the same objects that are called pods that allow to person to take people to different worlds in which got Reito the thought that maybe this is how he came to be on Pandora in the first place but has to know more if he wants to see what really happened.

Reito then finished looking at the images and the history of this world for hours until he heard a beeping noise that was coming from a button that was flashing until Reito pushed it and now what appeared before him were two beings that share similarities to him that left Reito in shock that these might be the beings he saw in his memory.

Reito: They look just like me...

Recording(Fem): Hello my son, if you are watching this that means both me and your father are gone. This is a recording of who we are and what you are.

Reito: She said son...then that means...

Recording(Fem): Allow me to introduce myself, I am your mother Queen Snow and this is your father King Ice. We are the king and queen of the planet called Planet Frost, the images you just seen are the images of that planet where me and your father rule in other words this is your home. Your birth right.

Reito: My home...

King Ice(Recording): Hello my son, you may be too young to know this but you were destined to become something extraordinary just like me and your mother. You were born on Planet Frost over a month ago where we welcome the people to our son. Your name is Frozo, you are of royal blood making you a prince of Planet Frost.

Reito: I am a prince? Though if I am from this place called Planet Frost, how did I get here. Did my birth parents send me away because I wasn't good enough for them or was it something else.

Queen Snow(Recording): When you were born, we loved you and sense great potential inside of you and if you want to know what that is, that is energy called Ki. You see Ki is the spiritual energy within beings that give them incredible abilities which you probably know by now.

Reito: So that is what it is the energy I can use..Ki.

King Ice(Recording): You were loved by all of Planet Frost including us. When you first came into our lives, I saw something in you besides your energy, I saw the heart and strength of a warrior. I wanted train you myself to become the strongest being so that nobody would dare bring harm to our world or destroy it.

Queen Snow(Recording): While I wanted to love you for how much you will become when you get older. You were a bundle of joy when you were born and I always loved you.

Reito cried a little that his birth parents loved him and found out that he was a prince and finding out that he is from another world as well as knowing his true name including that the energy in his body is spiritual energy called Ki that gives him his powers.

King Ice(Recording): Once a child of our species is born they gain enormous amount of power as well as the ability to transform.

Reito: Transform?

Queen Snow(Recording): Transforming allows your body to change into a more powerful being so that you can take on anything your size, your power increases as well as your energy son. By the time you get older you will know how to transform, all you have to do is focus on your strong energy within yourself and only then you will transform like your father here who is in his transformation form now.

Reito: I can be like that when I transform.(Reito saids in thought while in awe)

King Ice(Recording): When you control your power, you will be able to do the most incredible things know throughout the galaxy.

Queen Snow(Recording): But sadly things are not going to be the same my little prince.

Reito: What does she mean?

Soon the recording changed when Reito looks to see people screaming, the city on fire as well as what appears to be the planet itself being destroyed that left Reito in horror until he saw his birth parents when they placed him into the pod as a baby.

Queen Snow(Recording): My little prince you must promise us that you will be safe, you must carry on without us....😢sniff...I am so sorry we couldn't give you the childhood that you wanted but due to the planet being almost destroyed I am afraid there isn't not much time.

King Ice(Recording): The pod is ready and I am sending the courses now.

Queen Snow(Recording): Remember Frozo, keep those close to you safe, and remember never back down..keep fighting.

King Ice(Recording): Son, you are a warrior. I am sorry that I will not be there to protect you, but know this if you ever feel alone or scared these recordings will show you that we love you and never forget this a warrior fights for his people but you fight for everyone. Farewell my son and good luck.

Queen Snow(Recording): Don't forget about us Frozo!!!

The recording shows Reito leaving the planet itself while his birth parents remained there until the whole planet got destroyed due to its core being corrupted. Then the sound of the planet blowing up left Reito in horror that his parents sent him away to keep him safe from the planets destruction in which brought tears into his eyes that his parents loved him and wanted to keep their child out of harms way.

Reito: This is how I ended up birth home was destroyed along with my birth parents who wanted to give me a chance to live but they suffered the coast...they loved me and wanted to give me a childhood but now that they are gone...they can no longer see me.

Reito shut off the recording and got out of the pod where he saw the look on his mothers face as well as Tsireya who brought into tears because they heard everything and not just them but also Tomowari and Ronal.

Mira: R...Reito....

Reito: I now know why I was brought here....I know who I am and where I came from as well who my family was...and what happened to my world.

Tomowari: We're deeply sorry for what has happened to you. As well as the loss of your birth family.

Reito: Sigh...they may be gone but what they told me was something I will hear for the rest of my life. They loved me and even if I didn't knew them I know that they were good people. My birth father told me that I will grow to become a warrior and a warrior I must be. I may have lost my home but this is my new home now and I will protect it and those who live on it.

Tsireya: Reito...

Reito: Nothing is going to change because I love my new family and I love the girl who I fell in love with as well as the mother who raised me. My birth name may be Frozo but thats in the past I will except my Na'vi name Reito as a symbol that I will keep this world from falling apart.

Both Mira and Tsireya smiled and hugged Reito while Tomowari and Ronal smiled as well that Reito decided to choose to be with the Na'vi and keep his adopted name. But to also love his new family with all of his heart.

Reito: Tomowari, I want to this pod hidden, it's best that nobody knows about it except for us.

Tomowari: If this is your decision Reito then I will allow it to remain our secret.

Reito: Thank you. Let us return home now.

The four of them returned back to the village where Reito and his mother went back home. Mira went to bed while Reito stayed up for a while to think about what he saw in the pod as well as thought about what his birth parents said to him about his abilities and his origin.

Reito: I may come from another world but this world that I am on is my home now. I will keep my family safe and I won't let anything bring harm to it. I will trained night and day to master my powers and use them to help others in need.

Little did Reito know something was on Pandora and its not here to make piece with other clans no it was here to cause chaos in which soon Reito will find out about this unknown threat and will do whatever it takes to keep the people protected.

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