What come next

Y/n: Man you scared me, what are you doing here?

They put a finger up to their lips telling him to be quiet.

???: you should not be here. Why are you even here?

Y/n: It's hard to ignore when people I know are in trouble. Why are you here though? I mean I'm not complaining but how did you end up here?

???: we got a radio call from lo'ak about there being avatar users in this area.

Y/n: then what are we waiting for? We need to go and save the others.

???: you should head back this is not something you could do just like that.

Y/n: I'm sorry neytiri but fuck that. they may be your kids but they are also my friends.

Well not all of them were his friends for all he cares spider can go die.

Y/n: also I would not be giving orders to me if I were you. Especially because of what you did. It's kinda hard to follow someone who would cheat on her husband right in front of him.

Neytiri: You know that's not what happened.

Y/n:*shrugs* You still went with it, don't forget that. Now excuse me I'm going to go and save your kids now.

He started walking from tree branch to tree branch. She looked at him wanting to refute what he had said but she also couldn't deny what he said. For some reason, she got a feeling from down below but she pushed it off as she had more important things to worry about.

The rain came in which made it harder to see anything as well as walking on the trees.

She followed in his footsteps as it was better to work together than not. y/n on the other hand was checking if he had everything ready. Even though he was wearing what a Navi would wear he had his fair share of normal things.

Such as a strap to hold his knife on his leg and a pistol ready to shoot in his hand with an ammo belt on his side. As they got closer to the place Neytiri stopped following him and pulled her bow out ready to take a shot at what was to come.

y/n crouched down behind a tree and looked past to see lo'ak he was sitting on the ground with the avatar user close by. y/n slowly walked as close as he could without being seen looking down he saw what looked like a background person and you can't blame him a lot of them look like your everyday Joe.

He grabbed his knife ready to kill them. Then he heard the sound of something kinda sound like a dying bird. Each of the kids seemed to notice what it meant.

Looking around he spotted a soldier who had kiri and tuk in front of him using them as a shield of sorts. Kiri was whispering about something that looked like she was praying. He pulled her by her hair and told her to shut up.

The soldiers seemed to notice something was up and were ready for a fight.

y/n got his knife ready. That was when he heard Kiri praying again the guy pulled her head back about to tell her to shut up. However, he was cut short when an arrow hit him in the head.

y/n jumped down as soon as he saw the arrow flying. He landed on the guy making him let out a grunt sound then he stabbed him in the head.

All hell breaks loose as Lo'ak pulls a pin on a gas grenade.

Y/n ran as fast as he could knocking over the person who grabbed Kiri and stabbing the knife into his stomach

Kiri: Y/n!

Not wasting time he quickly looked at her and spider who was close by.

Y/n: Kiri! Spider! Go now!

The two ran for the tree line with y/n using his pistol to fire back giving them cover.

As he was shooting he got knocked over on his side looking up he quickly caught a knife going to his head.

The person was putting a lot of strength into the stab not expecting y/n to grab his knife but they were at a lock.

Feeling the blade inching its way closer, he looks around for anything he could use. His pistol got knocked away a couple of feet.

The guy started to smile as he was getting the better of y/n till an arrow went through his upper chest.

Pushing him off he sees Neteyam a couple feet away. They gave each other a nod. Before he had got pulled back behind the tree a machine gun fired at him.

Quickly grabbing his weapon he starts to fire back at the avatar users killing one with a headshot.

One who looked like the commander of the group was walking over to him without worrying about being shot at.

???: He mine the rest go after the rest of them

Y/n: come to dance with the little oh me

???: You picked the wrong fight little man

Y/n: let's see then.

The avatar person threw a left hook that y/n ducks under and punched the man in the stomach.

Y/n gets kicked from the side making him roll a couple of feet just to get up and charge at him.

Slamming him into a fallen branch and throwing a couple more hits at him

Y/n grabs his knife going in for a stab on his cheat. However, before the knife gets there it stops moving.

Looking up at the man he had a wicked smile. He holds him by the arm and headbutts him in the face after throwing him a tree.

Y/n was slammed so hard he was knocked out.

???: what a waste, someone gets him and brings him with us he could have information.

One of the soldiers runs over and throws him over his shoulder.

???: come on people evac is here let's move.

The avatar users were running back towards their exit. One of them had spider with them.

Spider was the first to get brought up. The soldier carrying y/n clips himself to the cable and clicks on the side his cable starts to zoom up.

Just as he got close to the top y/n opened his eyes and quickly looked around he kicked the guy with his leg making him drop y/n to the ground.

He tries to turn to his side so that his body will not take most of the force.

Y/n: AW! Fuck man.

He hit the ground so hard that it dislocated his shoulder. He gets up and looks up to see the light pointing at him.

???: come on, people get him. Maybe rough him up a bit.

He made a mad dash to the tree line. with a couple of them jumping down and following after him with the lights on him almost all the time.

Y/n was doing his best jumping over logs and sliding under others. The avatar users were following close behind; they were using their guns to try to cut off his path.

He used the tree by running off of them and jumping over where they were shooting.

However, he did get small scratches on his shoulder bleeding from the opening.

Seeing an opening he dashes for an opening in some tree roots. He covers his mouth with his good hand.

They rushed past believing they were following the path he ran.

Sneaking out from his spot he started running toward his cave base as he was running in the general direction of it.

For the first time since he has been here, he is not sure what to do. For now, his game plan was to get to his base.

The one thing he was thinking about was hopefully everyone made it out safe.

*A couple of minutes ago*

The family was back together looking around at everyone noticing that two were missing.

Loak: where spider and y/n?

Neteyam: Was he not behind you? I saw you running when he was shooting to give you cover.

Tuk, who was scared and hugged her mother, spoke up.

Tuk: I saw him. He was fighting that scary man.

Kiri: He is fighting him?! We need to go back for him and spider.

She walked a couple of feet before Jake walked in front of her.

Jake: No we can't Kiri.

Kiri: What! Why not?

Jake: because Kiri it is not safe to go back if that is who I think it is then we need to get back.

He put his hand on her shoulder

Jake: Kiri I'm sure he knows he knows where to go to find us. Now come on, we need to leave now!

She was also going to ask about spider but she remembered what happened and knows not to ask about it. As there was no point.

*Back to the present*

He falls forward a bit on the tree and leaves blood on the wood. Looking back he could make out somebody figure most likely the people who were chasing him.

Looking ahead was the cave. He led them right back to his base running inside he headed into the lab.

Looking around he grabbed a backpack from under a shelf. Looking at the thing he was making with the special printer.

He would like to bring it with him but it would slow him down. Something that he never thought he would be able to do was the emergency destruction button.

He read it in one of the RDA books. It stated in an emergency if the enemy resistance is close to taking control of your RDA base hit the emergency self-destruct button so that they do not capture the base and use our own thing against them.

Well, it was a good thing seeing as he was planning later to decide if he should stay here or move to the mountains base.

His decision was made for him. He hears footsteps closing in. He walks over to a panel under the table.

Ripping it off there are a couple of different switches and wires. The main one was just the one he needed grabbing it he flipped.

The light switches to a read as a countdown starts. Grabbing his bag he books it to the back exit.

He waited outside with the soldiers closing looking around about to grab the door handle to the building.

Just as he started to turn it exploded knocking some over, and killing others one was running on fire he screamed out In pain.

Y/n did get a slight shock wave hit him but he recovered fast and ran past the dead or knocked-over soldiers

The cave was falling into pieces and was bright as if it were my big city.

Reaching outside he could see Samson coming in with more troops. It looks like they haven't noticed him. He books it into the woods.

He ran away from the base as fast as he could. All the memories. He had all the sex.... Ok maybe not so much on that part seeing as he only did it once but still.

He had lost everything he had only leaving the backpack with some stuff he had made and had in it.

After running for quite a long time looking around he was by himself. He whistles and waits for his banshee to come.

After a while, it finally showed up. It looked at him with its eye and let out a larger angry screech wanting to kill whoever hurt its master.

Doing his best to calm down his banshee he gets into it using his one hand to the best of his ability and hangs on.

His banshee did its best to keep him safe. Finally making it to the mountains he lands in the normal area hoping off.

He walks around looking for Kiri,lo'ak, Neteyam, heck even Spider would do.( not like that you dirty perverts)

Out of nowhere for the second time in about an hour, he gets slammed into by someone small with strong force.

Making him fall to the floor snapping his shoulder back into place.

Y/n: Ow man that hurt but it feels better now.

???: Y/n Your back Y/n!

If there was one thing he was good at that was telling who could be by their body not only the voice that pointed it out quite easily.

Small body, flat cheats, high pitched voice, and no boobs there is only one person who he knows like that. He looks above himself.

Y/n: Tuk it's good to see you safe. where is everyone else?

Tuk: don't know, probably still spy on Mom and Dad.

Y/n: can you take me there?

Tuk: yes let's go.

Now he is not sure how this happened but Tuk was sitting on his shoulders with his head between her thighs. ( canceled me. If you like it's already too late to go back to her. She was the first lemon.)

She kept pointing where to go.

Tuk: y/n.

Y/n: yes Tuk.

Tuk: I was so scared earlier thank you for saving me and Kiri

Y/n: it was no problem Tuk I just did what I could to help you guys out.

Tuk: still thank you.

Y/n: you're welcome.

Tuk:....... I was wondering if I could get the massage again sometime. I don't think I can relax for a while.

Y/n was not sure what to do the only reason he did it with her because he felt like one of those horny teens just doing it for the fuck of it.

It was kinda too late to turn back now seeing as he did open her eyes to this type of thing. He should try to at least grow their relationship.

Y/n: oh sure tuk how about when we have time alright?

Tuk: Yay!

She was hugging his head with her tail wrapping around his neck. That the one thing about his body that can't control his tail has a mind of its own. Now he knows what it's like to have one.

He could see the others were crouching down, others were lying under to look into a hut. He saw this one a couple of times: it was Jake and Neytiri.

Walking behind them, tuk called out to the three.

Tuk: Guys, Guys, Y/n back!

The first person to get up was lo'ak he turned back to see y/n there.

Loak: Y/n it good to se-

He gets pushed forward falling face-first by Kiri who ran over. She was grabbing at y/n face checking it over.

Kiri: Y/n alright! You had me so worried.

Y/n: hey I'm here aren't I?

He could tell that she was scared by how quick she was to look him over and her hands were tumbling. She finally noticed Tuk on him and tried to pull her off.

Kiri: come on tuk you should not be up there.

Tuk: No

Kiri: Tuk! Get down now.

She stuck her tongue out at her

It looked as if Kiri was jealous about Tuk sitting on him. While they were going at it he turned to Neteyam who was still trying to listen to what was going on.

Y/n: why were you guys trying to spy on your parents?

Neteyam looks at him.

Neteyam: Father wants us to leave the clan.

Everyone stopped talking for a moment tuk hopped off and lay down to listen so did everyone else. Y/n stood there surprised he was not expecting that.

They each got up and looked at each other not sure what to say.

Y/n sits down close by looking at them.

Y/n I guess it's for the best.

Lo'ak: Y/n this is our home.

Y/n: I know loak but you have to think about it from their view they want their kids safe what would you do?

Lo'ak: But stil-

Neteyam: He rIght lo'ak this is for the best.

Neteyam was looking at Y/n they were both thinking of the same thing.

Kiri: what is it? Why are you guys looking at each other like that?

Neteyam: That would mean that Y/n would be left alone here.

Kiri: What! But we can't leave him they would come after him, won't they?

Neteyam: what can we do I don't think Father would be fine with it.

Kiri: well he would have to listen to us if not we have secret weapons.

Y/n what is that?

He looked at her confused for a moment. She pulled out the tuk.

Kiri: we use the favorite child technique.
Neteyam: that could work.

Loak: come on then let's wait for them to come out.

After a while of waiting outside the door for them, they walk out and see them sitting close by. He found it slightly strange but did not say anything as he only wanted them to focus on what he wanted to say.

Jake: Y/n could you give us a minute to talk?

He gets up and walks a couple feet away giving them space. Now he was not sure what he would even do if they couldn't convince Jake to let him come with them.

Looking at Neytiri he could tell she was crying before this as she had tear marks under her eyes. From what y/n could remember she told him that her father trusted her to keep the clan safe.

Yet her leaving it must be a big heartbreaker for her.

After they talk a bit. They all looked like they understood then Neteyam looked up at y/n walking over and bringing him to the group

Neteyam: what about y/n?

Jake: What about him?

Neteyam: sir we can't leave him they would be looking for him.

Jake: so?

Kiri: We just can't leave him!

Everyone looked at Kiri as she seemed to say that in a louder and meantone

Kiri: we each have grown to love him like he family we just can't leave him here where they could get him. Not only that they would come looking for him here as he would be a target for them.

Jake hasn't thought about that so he looks over at him seeing that he is taking this quite seriously.

Jake: I'm just not sure it is a good idea.

Y/n: if I may I just want to say that I have done everything I could for your family Jake. As of right now, I have lost a lot, especially what I lost a couple of hours ago. Jake if you don't want me to come it's fine I get it you're looking out for your family I can understand.

He took a moment to think about it with Kiri having her hand on Tuk ready to send her to do what she does best.

Jake: very well y/n you can come with us.

Kiri let out a sigh of relief she did not lose someone close to her... especially y/n.

Jake: We will be heading out as soon as the passing of the clan leader is over. Be ready we will be heading to The Metkayina clan....

Jake and Neytiri left to talk it over with the soon-to-be clan leader.

Y/n was heading over to his hut the only place he has to his name seeing the bed that was made for Navi people he felt slightly happy since it would be big enough for his body.

So much to do tomorrow.... At least he can have some peaceful sleep now and he will wake up alone tomorrow to meet up with the others.

Feeling his bed he felt so tired when his body landed on it. His body can finally relax.

*somewhere else time unknown *

An RDA helicopter landed in front of a cave walking out was a group of soldiers with one human who wore clothes of a Navi with their skin color on him.

???: Your friend killed a lot of my soldiers here.

???: he is not my friend. I hate his living being and no matter what I do he always comes back somehow

???: he also has an RDA base set here or what is left of it. Walking inside with the rest of the troops guarding the entrance

The ruin of what remains of the base was before them with the tent to the side burning down.

???: shouldn't you know he is from your side?

???: really now. How interesting.

They walk into the ash and fallen pieces. The person with the avatar body bends down and grabs something from the rubble.

???: what the hell is this

He held up a burn book. It was hard to read but he was able to make out what it said.

???: * Chuckle* what the fuck is a book about feline traits that is the most fucking stupid book I ever heard. Come on, let's get out of here.

The human looked at the place one last time with a smile on his face happy that y/n lost this place.

Word count 3647

Hope you guys are happy with this surprise chapter. I kinda felt like writing so I just did it. Most likely it was because we finally made it to the movie arc.

I was wondering if there is anything you would like to see going from fun moments to things. Got to find some way to make somewhat couple events during the skip in avatar way of water

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