tulkuns return (lemon chapter)
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(Redo poll at end of chapter)
Y/n was standing a few feet from Kiri, sitting close to the cliffside. She looked at the sea and the Navi working below as y/n took a few more steps toward her.
Her head perked up a bit as her ear flicked a bit. She glanced over her shoulder, seeing y/n just a few feet away.
She had a soft but warm smile, but it changed to a sad one as she turned her head to look back below.
He sighed a bit as he walked over and sat beside her. She was hugging her knees close to her chest,
He places his hands on her knee as her eyes stare at it momentarily.
Y/n: hey, what's wrong, Kiri?
She didn't respond; she kept quiet before leaning slightly onto him, resting her head on his shoulder.
Y/n: did I do something?
She suddenly perks up after what he just said.
Kiri: W-What, of course not y/n it just.... there is something I need to think about.
Y/n: Is that why you disappeared this morning?
She nodded before resting her head back onto his shoulder.
Kiri: I just needed some time to myself that's all.
y/n: so you're saying you don't want me here? Okay, I see how it is.
He started to get up, but before he could, she grabbed his wrist.
Kiri: No, of course, I want you here with me. I... feel like I can think better with you around me.
Y/n: haha I know I was just joking. Well, I'm always here for you if you want to discuss what's on your mind.
Kiri: You sure? It might sound crazy.
He placed his hand on her cheek making her look at him.
Y/n: nothing you say sounds crazy.
Kiri: "Deep breath" Well it was just when I was connected to the tree of souls I....I saw my mother. She was there before me. I had some many questions I wanted to ask her but suddenly it was all pulled away from me teasing me.
Y/n: which part were you thinking about?
Kiri: My mother it was just she was there living breathing talking to me. I know it sounds crazy but I never have been able to see her especially there. I sound crazy, don't I?
She felt y/n hands on her knees tightening. She looked at y/n who had a more serious look almost like he was fighting with himself about something.
He took a deep breath before turning to her.
Y/n: I believe you Kiri because I had something like that happen to me as well.
Kiri: You did?
Y/n: it happened a while back when me and tuk fell deeper into the cave. I don't know how to explain it. It felt so real like I was experiencing what was happening in that very moment.
Kiri: What did you see?
Y/n: I....I saw..... something that would happen that I didn't like.
She wasn't sure why y/n wasn't telling her the full truth but she trusted that he kept it from her for a good reason.
Y/n wrapped his arm around her shoulder rubbing her arm. She leaned her head closer to his neck as her tail wrapped around his waist.
Kiri: I'm so happy to have met you y/n. I will always be there for you as you would do the same.
Y/n:...... of course
Y/n: So what was it like seeing your mother?
Kiri: I was so happy to see my mother with the all-mother.
Y/n: was she using her normal body?
Kiri: it was a mix she was human and when I blink she was an avatar body.
Y/n: well I'm happy you gotta see her even if it was for only a little.
Kiri: me too.
Y/n laid back to look at the clouds sky as Kiri did the same. She snuggled up against him. She rested her head on his arm.
Y/n: I'm sorry about not seeing you yesterday.
Kiri: don't worry about it y/n all that matters is we are together again.
He turned his head towards her before planting a kiss on her forehead.
Kiri had a slight reddish tint on her face before smiling.
Y/n: so that eywa celebration is tomorrow. Any possible hints you want to give me?
She placed a finger on his lips.
Kiri: can't go ruining the surprise after all it was a lot of hard work.
Y/n: I'm not sure if my main present will be done on time so I will have to give you some small presents till it is done.
Kiri: I will love it no matter what it is.
He smiled as he planted his lips on her head making her blush as she snuggled in closer to him.
He wrapped his arms around her and landed his head on hers. Her tail wrapped around his stomach trying to keep him as close as possible.
Y/n: oh I almost forgot to tell you. Since I did say if I was to have another mate I would let you know.
Kiri: Who is it this time?
Y/n: Ronal asked me to fuck her.
Kiri stared at him for a moment before opening her eyes wide and almost covering her mouth with her hand.
She was taken aback; she would have never thought that Ronal would be into y/n as well.
Kiri already had an idea of why y/n accepted her as she looked at her chest and tapped her hands there.
Y/n: yeah even I'm surprised she asked me though it might have something to do with what happened at the festival.
Kiri: What happened?
Y/n: when fucking you and Neytiri someone was watching and I got a glimpse of their tail. I'm pretty sure it was Ronal watching.
Kiri: being a real player huh y/n.
Y/n was taken aback by her comment not because of what she said but a word she used.
Y/n: how do you know what player means?
Kiri: y/n remember I have a human father and I'm surrounded by humans.... I also might have seen a book about that.
*flashback to a younger Kiri.*
She was sneaking around the camp as she held onto something in her hands. She looked out from her cover as she ran to her hut and made sure to close the door behind herself.
Once she made sure the coast was clear she walked over to her bed and planted a book that she stole from one of the scientist's quarters.
She opened it and started reading. Many different words were inside but some more interesting ones were mating press, boob job, blow job, and sex.
She has never heard those words but she found what they are used for fascinating. She wanted to try doing it but she was...too young. She looked at the stars.
Her ears flickered back as she heard footsteps approaching her hut. She quickly hid the book from any preying eyes.
Suddenly without knocking the door to her hut open Neytiri poked her head in.
Neytiri: Is something wrong Kiri? I heard some kind of noise in here.
Kiri: I-I'm fine Mom I just needed to look for something.
Neytiri: well just make sure you head to sleep soon your father is taking you out in the morning with your brother.
Kiri: O-okay Mom.
*back to present *
Y/n: "sarcastic gasp" Kiri being such a devious navi.
She looked away trying to cover her face that was bright red. Y/n had a soft but warm smile as he watched her.
Y/n: wait a minute are you telling me the reason why you are one of the horniest Navi I have ever met was because you were looking at a sex book.
She buried her head into his chest embarrassed by him saying that out loud.
Kiri: " quietly" yes
Y/n smirked at her response as he wrapped his arms around her holding her close to himself.
Y/n: there is nothing to be embarrassed about. I love you no matter, whether you look at those books or not. Because I'm sure you're not the only one.
Yeah, he was sure she wasn't the only one to read that type of book because who in their right mind would read a book about Navi's sex...............
While they were embracing each other there was a sudden loud horn sound in the distance. The two looked at each other before standing up.
While y/n was getting up he put some pressure on his left arm before suddenly feeling a sharp pain in his shoulder.
He grabbed his shoulder feeling slight discomfort. While that happened Kiri took notice of him.
Kiri: Are you alright y/n?
Y/n: yeah it's fine, just some slight pain nothing else.
Kiri: You sure? I can try taking a look at your shoulder for you.
Y/n: it's fine, really don't worry about it.
Kiri: If you say so, just let me know if there is anything I could do for you.
Y/n: just having you around and acting like your normal self is all I need.
She smirked as she walked over to him and grabbed his hand. Slipping it right underneath her chest piece.
His hand cupped onto her breast feeling her soft but firm breast.
She was on her tippy toes as her tail curved almost like a circle.
Y/n couldn't help but smirk a little and see her trying to act like the dominant one in the relationship.
Y/n placed his free hand on her back waist before sliding it down to her ass. She felt a shiver run up her spine along with a moan before a small grin was on her face.
Kiri: Just wait till tomorrow you're going to like what I have in store for your gift.
Y/n: can't wait to see what you have planned. Now I think it's about time we head down and see what that horn was about.
She nodded but before stepping away from him she planted her lips on his cheeks and then took a few steps back.
She started running away back the way y/n came from.
Kiri: the last one there owns the other a special surprise
Y/n: Hey, wait, that is not fair.
Y/n started running after her trying to beat her before she could reach the clan entrance from the forest.
Y/n looked around for anyways he could beat her to the bottom. That's when he got a risky idea.
He ran to the cliff side quickly looking along the trees down the mountain. Was he crazy enough to do something like that?
He shook his head before walking back into the forest......he suddenly ran and jumped off the cliff while grabbing a vine and using the momentum to swing as far as he could.
He repeated the swinging motion and used different vines as he eventually reached the bottom. He landed on the dirt ground.
He looked around for Kiri not seeing her anywhere he assumed he must have gotten there before she had.
He looked back up from where he came from not believing he swung down.
He heard the footsteps behind him and the heavy breathing.
Kiri: what? How did you get down here before me?!.
He let out a chuckle as he turned to look at her.
Y/n: I was just faster than all.
Kiri: I don't believe that.
Y/n: So what is my special surprise?
Kiri had a small smile on her face before making a thinking mention.
Kiri: Whatever could it be just give me a bit. I'm sure I can come up with something that you would like~
Y/n: well I'm sure whatever it is it will be good.
Kiri walked forward a few feet and did a sway motion with her hips as her tail swung with her hip movement.
She took a glance back at him with her lustful stare. Which y/n responded by walking to her warping his arm around her waist and resting his hand on her hip.
However, before continuing something felt off to him. He looked around trying to find something.
Kiri: Is something wrong?
Y/n: do you hear a skipping-like running noise?
She tilted her head in a confused manner.
Kiri: No I don't.
Suddenly y/n felt a shiver run up his spine. He felt like his spine was endangered. He started to slowly turn his head to look at what was behind them.
He slowly took his hand off of her hips leaving Kiri sad by the sudden loss of his warmth from that place his hand was at.
Suddenly y/n started running away heading towards the sea. Before Kiri could look back at what y/n saw. She saw a quick flash of blue running past her.
Kiri tried jogging after them only to see the small blue blur hit into y/n back sending him and the blue blur into the water.
She walked over to the edge of the path looking for y/n just to see him as he came up to the surface.
He quickly swam back over to Kiri and tried climbing up as Kiri tried helping him out however before he could he felt something grab his legs.
He took a look back seeing blue hands around his ankles. He slowly looked to Kiri as he got pulled back into the water.
Kiri: Y/n!
She jumped into the water after him. As soon as she got used to the cold water against her skin she opened her eyes seeing y/n getting pulled around by tuk.
She swam over and pulled them apart. As y/n and Kiri swam back to the surface.
As y/n reached the surface he took a few deep breaths.
Y/n: That "huff" no kid "huff" that was a gremlin" huff"
Suddenly tuk popped up and was clinging to y/n back.
Tuk: That was fun, we should do that again y/n!
Y/n: please no
Tuk: aw....
He sighed as he looked back at her.
*that's what I'm talking about brought it back one more time*
Kiri: tuk what are you doing here?
Tuk: oh that's right mother told me to come get you both you have to see this come on.
Tuk climbed onto the walkway waiting for the two.
Y/n looked at Kiri who was looking at him. He responded with a shrug and started climbing up with Kiri behind him.
Tuk: come on, come on you slow pokes you have to see this.
Y/n: we are right behind you, don't worry, lead the way.
She started running a bit but would look back making sure they were following her.
It took y/n a moment to realize that something was off. Where was everyone?
As they reached the sully home y/n could hear many people talking and cheering about something.
Tuk led the two to the front of the sully home that had a good view of the ocean and in that moment y/n was amazed by what he was watching. Navi was riding IIu alongside many tulkun. There were even those flying swordfish creatures.
He looked over at Kiri. She had a smile on her face and looked amazed at the sight. It was almost like a 180 from how she was this morning.
Y/n turned to look behind himself after hearing footsteps.
He saw Loak and Neteyam walking over.
Neteyam: This is something else isn't it?
Y/n: it makes for a great view for sure.
Loak: well what are we waiting for letting go take a look for ourselves.
Neteyam: Bro haven't you already been seeing one?
Loak: Besides the point, Tsireya told me a bit more about them they are like family to them each being a sister or brother in a spiritual sense.
Y/n: huh interesting, that's pretty cool.
Loak: I'm going to go check them out.
Loak jumps into the water as he comes back up with an IIu.
Neteyam shakes his head as he does the same but before leaving to chase after him he looks back at y/n.
Neteyam: watch for my sisters, would you? I have to make sure this idiot doesn't do anything stupid.
Y/n: yeah don't worry about it.
He nodded before chasing off after Loak.
Y/n: well you guys up for seeing these guys up close.
Kiri nodded her head like a kid who got asked if they wanted McDonald's.
Y/n walked over and tapped the water as his IIu came up and she made a couple of chirping noises.
Y/n: I know girl sorry for leaving you come on let's go check out all the fun that is happening.
Y/n got on his IIu and made sure to connect his queue. Suddenly someone got on behind him and wrapped their arms around his waist before resting their chin on his shoulder.
He looked over and saw it was Kiri. He smiled slightly as he tapped his hands on hers.
Suddenly his IIu sunk even deeper as there was now even more weight and even Kiri seemed surprised.
Tuk: Come on let's go!
Y/n sighs a bit. Of course, it was tuk who hopped on.
Y/n: alright let's start checking things out.
He patted his IIu who whimpered a bit.
Y/n(mind): I know girls just hold on for me would you? Show me who the strong IIu is around here.
It let out a chirp before swimming over to the many other tulkun. After a couple of minutes, they made it to the big crowd.
The group looked around at everyone seeing them either playing with their spirit, sister or brother having a great time together.
Y/n took a glance back trying to see what Kiri and tuk faces looked like while they were seeing the creature swimming around.
Tuk: Kiri, Kiri look over there, look there is a baby!!!!!
Kiri: I know tuk I can see from here
Y/n smiled a little while watching the sisters spending some time together.
Many of the Navi and tulkun started to dive down into the water to the group's amazement. Tsireya, who was riding her IIu, came over to the three.
Tsireya: Y/n, Kiri, and tuk would you like to meet my spirit sister?!
Y/n: yeah of course we would.
Kiri nodded as tuk was just happy to be there.
Tsireya: Come follow me then.
She dived down deeper into the water as y/n had his IIu following hers. They swam past the many Navi who were swimming or talking to the tulkuns.
Y/n kept his eyes out as he watched everything that was happening. Eventually, they made it to one tulkun.
The tulkun turned to its side to look at the group.
Tsireya: sister it's so good to see you again and meet some of my new friends
It looked at each of them as its eyes lingered on y/n longer than the others before looking back at Tsireya.
It lets out some noise almost like it was responding or asking a question.
Tsireya seemed to blush for a moment before shaking off whatever the creature said.
Tsireya: maybe but I think I have the answer to his question.
Y/n got off his IIu as he swam over to the two.
Y/n: you can understand the tulkun?
Tsireya: huh oh it takes a bit but we can understand them. If you want I could help you learn sometime.
Y/n: sounds interesting so what did she say?
Tsireya: Oh it's nothing.
The tulkun made some more sounds as Tsireya listened to it.
Tsireya: she wants to know if you guys want to play a bit.
Y/n: what kind of play?
Tsireya: try your best to not fall off while she swims around. Wait where are Loak and Neteyam?
Y/n: they are somewhere around not sure where though.
Tsireya: It's fine if we see them. Let's ask if they want to try this game as well.
Y/n nodded as Kiri and tuk came over.
Tsireya: Okay so how you play is simple. You just need to hold onto her fin and she will try swimming around trying to get you to fall off if you do fall off then you lose.
Y/n: sounds simple enough but I think we should take a breath of air kinda running out.
Tuk was already swimming up to the surface as he said that. Tsireya nodded at them while Kiri tugged on y/n.
Kiri and y/n started swimming back up to the surface after reaching they had a moment where they were just catching their breaths.
Kiri: "Huff" y/n I meant "huff" to ask where is your ikran.
Y/n: "Huff" good question "Huff" I feel like she should have been here by now. But why do you ask?
Kiri: It's just I'm sure you would have used her to beat me during the race but I didn't see her anywhere.
Y/n: I didn't ride her when we came back here. I only told her to come back to her but do it at her own pace. After all, we were only there for about two or three days.
Kiri: Oh okay, just checking.
Y/n: you know it's kinda quiet where tuk?
Y/n scans the area from left to right not seeing her anywhere. He only saw the Navi talking to each other and playing with their spirit, sisters, or brothers.
Kiri: she's behind you just swimming.
He turned his body to look at tuk.
*don't worry about the sidebar or what tuk is saying just imagine she is swimming like that*
He saw tuk doing the doggy paddle as she came over to the two.
Tuk: come on let's go play with the tulkun!
y/n couldn't help but pet her head as she reminded him of a small wet dog. Tuk blushed a little from the sudden pet.
Tuk: W-why are you suddenly petting me?
Y/n: sorry it's just you looked really cute like that.
Tuk: really you think I'm cute!?
Y/n: of course you are.
Tuk had a smile on her face as she tried to lean into his hand as he rubbed her head.
She reminded him of a cat who would put their heads into your hand when they liked it.
Kiri let out a small noise which y/n looked over at her he could tell she was feeling jealous about the whole thing. He let out a small sigh before petting her head.
She tried not to look at him so that he would focus more on her but her tail was exposing her true feelings as it was wagging like a dog.
Her tail was making small splashing noises with each smack of the water.
Y/n: alright how about we just head back down and play with the big tulkun.
Tuk: Yeah!
They started making their way back down and as they did y/n noticed a few other people around he saw Ronal talking to one of the tulkuns that had a baby one next to it.
He got a glimpse of Loak behind one of the other tulkun.
He even saw Jake and Neytiri riding a IIu looking at all the tulkun but something popped out to him about that.
Neytiri and Jake were riding separately.
Eventually, they made it back to Tsireya and her spirit sister.
Tsireya: You guys made it back that great. I talked to my sister here and she has agreed to every now and then ride up to the surface to get you guys air since I know your lungs are not very much like mine.
Tuk: Tsireya I have a question
Tsireya: yes tuk?
Tuk: What is your sister's name?
Tsireya looked back at the tulkun before looking back at the group.
Tsireya: Her name is Teylu'ite and she is the same age as me.
Tuk: That's such a pretty name.
While y/n couldn't tell exactly what emotion was on the tulkun face from how it looked it looked happy.
It made some noise as Tsireya turned back to the group.
Tsireya: she says thank you and she wants to know your full name tuk.
Tuk swam a bit closer so Teylu'ite could see what tuk was trying to say.
Tuk: my full name is Tuk Tuktirey te Suli Neytiri'ite
Y/n looked over at Kiri.
Y/n: is that really her full name?
Kiri: Yeah, I know it's quite long.
Y/n: wait what is your full name?
Kiri: me? It Kiri te Suli Kìreysì'ite
Y/n: huh well that interesting
Tsireya waved her hands at the two as they noticed her.
Tsireya: We are about to play. So you better hurry before she starts.
Y/n: Okay, you want to hold on together Kiri?
Kiri: yes.
The two swam on the other side of the tulkun. Y/n noticed that the tulkun eyes were still watching him.
He just shook it off as he grabbed onto her fin. Kiri was right beside him.
After a moment the creature started slowly but steadily flapping her fine as she started moving around.
At first, it was not so bad as he held onto the fin. Y/n decided to flex a bit by taking one of his hands off the fin.
The tulkun watched him as she suddenly sped up moving even faster than before.
He felt the pressure from the speed that the tulkun was going at. He wrapped his other arm back around the fin.
He looked over at Kiri who was smiling and having fun. He was happy to see her looking so much better than before.
Y/n snapped back onto what was happening realizing his grip was almost failing him at that moment.
He tried swinging his arm to get a better lock around the fin.
He quickly looked around only now realizing that he had no idea where tuk and Tsireya were at.
He assumed they must be on the other side of the tulkun.
The creature did a quick spin before heading straight for the surface.
If anything what they were doing reminded him of those old-school roller coasters that got outlawed back in 2025
They bursted out of the water for a moment; they were almost floating from the speed. So that's what she meant when she said it would give us air.
They splashed back down into the water. The tulkun started to slowly slow down before coming to a complete stop.
He took his arms off the fin taking a moment to chill after all that happened.
Kiri: That was fun.
Y/n: yeah it wasn't that bad let's head over to the other.
Kiri nodded as they started swimming back around the tulkun however they only saw Tsireya.
Y/n: hey Tsireya where is tuk?
Tsireya: she fell off a while back. I'm not too sure where she is.
He should have expected that tuk wouldn't have been able to hold on during that whole thing.
He felt a warm sensation on his shoulder along with the cold water.
He looked and saw Kiri with her hand on his shoulder.
Kiri: don't worry, I will go looking for her.
Y/n: I want to come with you but I should go see Ronal.
Kiri: That's fine, don't worry about me. I actually want to talk to Neteyam while I'm looking for her.
Y/n: what about?
Kiri: Nothing too important, he lives with you doesn't he?
Y/n: yeah he does.
Kiri: alright well I better start looking for tuk it kinda hard with everyone being here right now.
Y/n: well stay safe okay?
Kiri: Of course you as well.
And just like that Kiri left him with Tsireya and Teylu'ite.
Y/n: well I should leave as well. There is something I need to talk to your mother about.
Tsireya: oh okay well thanks for meeting my sister here.
Y/n: of course.
Tsireya: oh and y/n.
Y/n: yeah?
Tsireya: could you see me earlier tomorrow morning
Y/n: yeah sure I can but how come?
Tsireya: Well with the eywa celebration tomorrow I don't believe we will see each other because you would be with Kiri.
Y/n: oh well yeah I can see you tomorrow but don't worry about such a thing if you want to see me you can at any time.
Tsireya: oh alright.... I will also be giving you my answer.
Y/n: oh well then that makes it more important don't worry whatever it is I hope we can still be friends.
She simply nodded. Y/n turned away from her and started swimming away and kept his eyes open for Ronal.
He saw her a while ago but she wasn't in the same spot as before.
He spent some time looking for her. Eventually, he thought the best way to find her would be to get a bigger view of everyone so he swam higher up.
He was oblivious to the fact that a dark shadow was just above him.
Suddenly he heard a loud splash as some kind of claws grabbed both of his arms lifting him above the sea and into the air.
He quickly looked up and got ready to fight whatever grabbed him but he stopped once he realized it was his ikran.
It did a quick spin and let go of its claws launching him up before falling back down and landing on his ikran.
Y/n took a few deep breaths after the surprise as he was not expecting this to happen. He unconsciously rubbed its neck as it let out a roaring sound.
Y/n: y-yeah good to see you as well girl. Had me worried since it had been a few days since I last saw you.
It let out a small purring noise as it tried showing affection to him.
Y/n: as much as it is great to see you my friend I was in the middle of something.
It let out a small roar almost like it was trying to sound sad about what it did.
Y/n: hey don't worry I'll stop by tomorrow with some presents for you okay my sweet baby ikran?
Ikran: ROAR!
Y/n smiled as he petted its head. While he was up there he decided to see if he could find Ronal anywhere.
After looking a bit he saw her not too far out. She was half in the water as she was talking to her tulkun which had a small baby close by.
He patted the neck of his ikran as he pointed over to where she was.
Y/n: come on girl let's do some flying at least.
It started moving in the direction of Ronal and the tulkun.
As they got closer the tulkun noticed him and made a loud sound. Ronal took a look over to see him.
As he got closer he had his ikran fly low to the water so that he could simply jump in.
Y/n: go get yourself some fish you deserve.
He could tell even though they were not connected by the queue. Simply by his ikran body language, she was happy about the praise that he gave it.
He gave one last pet on its neck as he jumped down going slightly deep into the water before popping back up.
He looked around for a moment before turning and seeing Ronal. He swam over to her as she simply watched.
Ronal: Hello y/n what brought you here?
Y/n: a few different things but for later is this your spirit sister?
Ronal: yes this tulkun here is my spirit sister.
The baby tulkun that he saw before came swimming over to him. It looks at him before pushing his face against his body.
Y/n simply just patted the baby's head.
Y/n: she has a cute kid.
Ronal: yes she spent many seasons trying to get a child.
Y/n: where is the father?
Ronal: Once they mate they go their separate ways which is why now more than ever my spirit sisters are connected in more ways than others.
Y/n felt he should place his hand on her shoulder but chose not to as he felt it was not right for him.
Y/n: you know he would be here for you no matter what.
Ronal: I know and I'm thankful that he is with eywa now.
Y/n: I actually came over because I thought I should answer your request.
Ronal: Have you decided?
Y/n: yes I will do it.
Ronal: thank you for doing this and I know how I treated you in the past and I want to say I'm sorry about that.
Y/n: it's no problem really I get it from your perspective we could bring trouble to your tribe and you were only looking out for them.
Ronal: So when would you be available to help me?
Y/n: how about Tomorrow?
Ronal: You really asked me to do such an activity on the day of eywa.
Y/n: yes? Wouldn't it be better to take care of your needs as soon as possible since your tsahìk?
He said the yes part very sarcastically. Ronal takes a moment to think about what he is saying.
Ronal: y-You are right it would be better.
Y/n: well don't you worry just stay at your hut and I'll come by and make sure you're satisfied.
Ronal wasn't sure if she should be nervous or excited about what he was saying.
Ronal: I see
Y/n: I should be off then I have to find my friends in this crowd of Navi and tulkun.
Ronal: stay safe and may eywa watch over you.
Y/n: you as well.
Y/n started swimming away from Ronal leaving her to think about what was going to happen.
She really couldn't believe she was doing something like this. She just had to get through the pregnancy and she will be back to her normal self.
*sometime later*
Y/n was walking back to his home. He felt like he was going to pass out from all the swimming he did today.
He opened his pouch and took out a notebook and started writing in it as he walked.
While walking he heard footsteps behind him. He turned hoping for the love of god that it wasn't tuk trying to take out his spine for the six times.
But to his surprise it was Kiri.
Kiri: tiring day?
Y/n: yeah I just want to sleep already. Especially because there are a lot of things I need to do for tomorrow.
Kiri: I just want to say thanks again for talking with me earlier.
Y/n: what kind of person would I be if I saw my mate looking sad and not trying to see what's up with her?
Kiri: Haha yeah you're right ...thanks.
Y/n: it's no problem really I will always be there for you no matter what.
Kiri: Hey, what's with the book?
Y/n: oh it's just something I've been working on. But it's nothing important so don't worry about it.
Kiri: If you say so.
They walked alongside each other as they made their way to y/n place. He opened his hut door and let her inside.
Y/n stretched a bit before taking his stuff off Kiri watched him quite intensely.
Y/n: you don't have to look so intensely Kiri you have already seen everything underneath.
Kiri: haha sorry can't help it. You just look so hot while only wearing your loincloth.
Y/n: thanks and you look beautiful and sexy looking yourself.
Y/n sat at the edge of his bed and closed his eyes for a moment. While he was resting his eyes he heard some stuff hit the floor from the direction of Kiri.
He opened his eyes and looked over to see Kiri taking her chest piece off and dropping it to the floor.
Nothing blocked the view of Kiri's blue breast as with every breath she took in her chest would rise and go back down.
Y/n: well what a surprise.
Kiri: I think it's time to give you your special surprise for winning the race earlier~
Y/n: oh and what may that be hmm~
Kiri: how about a sneak peek at what I got planned for tomorrow just a small glimpse~
Y/n: as appetizing as that seems, what about your brother he is supposed to come back later to sleep.
Kiri: don't worry, I took care of that so it's just me and you~
Y/n: well I trust you then why don't you show me this sneak peek for tomorrow?
Kiri: gladly~
She got on all fours and slowly crawled towards him. Her tail slumped low to the ground like a lion about to pounce on her prey.
As she got closer she placed her hands on his thighs and moved his loincloth piece to the side as his member rose a shadow looming down on her face.
She looked at it for a moment before grabbing it at the base of his shaft.
Her lips parted as her tongue came out and she started licking the shaft of his friend.
Her tail wrapped around his left leg almost like she was begging to stay close to him. She kept moving her tongue along the shaft. Her ears shifted back in a submissive way.
She slowly started moving her hand along the shaft in a rhythm. The saliva from her mouth made it easier to move her hand along his dick.
Kiri places her other hand on her stomach before sliding it down below her loincloth. Y/n watched in amazement as she took charge of the situation.
She kept licking away as she let out a few moans as she played with herself at the same time.
She pulled back for a moment and wiped away any saliva on her face.
Kiri: I know I don't exactly have breasts like Ronal but I still want to be your first to give you this.
Y/n watched as she spit out saliva that fell onto her chest. She pushed her boobs together, getting it all wet before placing his dick in between her breasts.
Y/n: don't compare yourself to others, everyone has their traits, just do what you want, and you look sexy in your own way.
She blushed as she squeezed her boob around his dick as best as she could.
She kisses the tip of his dick feeling the heat against her lips before she starts rubbing her breast together.
Y/n let out a moan from the feeling of her soft chest. She got more excited as she listened to him and felt the pluses in his dick.
She brought her mouth closer to the tip before putting his dick into her mouth. Her tongue explored every inch of his dick while she kept rubbing her breast against it.
Y/n placed both of his hands on top of her head. She watched with curiosity as he started moving her head for her.
She felt his dick going deeper into her throat. She almost started gagging but kept herself back as he kept moving her head faster.
He could feel her nipples rubbing against his dick with each thrust. The only sound that could be heard from the room was a wet smacking noise.
Extra saliva starts coming out of her mouth covering her chin. Kiri was rubbing her legs together trying to scratch that itch that she felt from her pussy that was leaking onto the floor.
With every thrust that y/n made into her mouth. Her womb below craves to feel the same thing.
She felt his dick getting hard and her pulse became faster she could tell he was close however without any word.
He pulled his dick out of her mouth seeing his dick completely covered in her saliva.
Y/n: up for a bit of cream pie?
Kiri: "huff" yes~💙
She stood up and walked over to the wall. She placed one hand on the wall and pushed her ass out. She placed her free hand on her ass and pulled it away showing her pussy love juice leaking out.
Y/n walked over and placed his hand on her waist and the other around her tail as it wrapped around his hand and sent pleasure straight into her mind.
Kiri: Come on y/n feel up this blue Navi pussy~💙
Y/n: don't even need to say.
He lined his dick with her pussy and plunged it into her. There wasn't much resistance. From her wall, his juices helped.
He started moving his hips back and forth into her with each thrust his tip was like giving a kiss to her womb.
He tightened his grip around her tail as she let out a moan with each thrust.
Y/n: you like that don't you!
Kiri: yyess~
Her words slowly became more gibberish as she was overwhelmed by the pleasure she was feeling.
He moved himself closer to her as their bodies were basically against each other. He turned her head as she opened her mouth with her tongue sticking out.
He cupped her mouth with his own as their tongues mixed together.
He moved his hand around to her chest grabbing her breast giving a few squeezes and playing with her nipple.
In their kiss, a few moans escaped from her mouth.
He started moving his hips faster as he was almost there. Kiri felt him as he started speeding up and she was almost there as well.
Kiri: Come on fill me up Y/n with all your cum~💙
Y/n: hate to disappoint you.
He did one final thrust all the way into her as he released his seeds deep into her womb.
As he released his seeds into her Kiri also started to climax as she squirted all over the floor.
Y/n pulled his dick out of her as she was panting. She almost fell forward but y/n caught her just in time.
She looked exhausted just as much as he was as well.
He carried her to his bed and placed her down as she curled up. He took a moment to sigh as he was close to just passing out right there and then.
He walked around to get on his side of the bed and while he was walking he saw his seeds leaking out of her.
Y/n: * quietly*That right a nice cream pie
He got over to his side and laid down on his bedside then looked up at the roof. He felt Kiri grabbing his arm while she was half asleep.
Kiri: I love you💙
Y/n: I love you as well, sleep well my sweet little Navi.
He kissed her on her forehead and even while sleeping. She still felt his love as she smiled.
Word count 7396
Since I closed my patron I thought I should move the poll here.
So who should have the last lemon of the movie arc?
Tsireya(won't receive one otherwise not till Avatar 3 plot)
Neytiri & Ronal
Don't worry if you did the Patreon one then you get to do a double vote yes that's right every bit from Patreon would also be counted.
But that is all from me see you guys in the next chapter
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