Old history sites

Opening my eyes looking around the ceiling. Feeling the pain in my head after last night's event. Putting my hand on the spot feeling the bandage.

I'm most likely going to need to change them out.
Closing my eyes I sighed and tried getting up.... I can't move.

Looking down at my chest, I see a Navi sleeping on me. I forgot Kiri slept with me. Even though this is nice I need to get up.

I went and shook her body. After a few minutes, she opens her eyes and looks around then it lands on me.

Y/n: morning *smile*

Kiri: m-m-morning

Her face started to have a blush on it but she shook it off and went and saddled me. Her body was on full display but sadly it was being covered by tree roots or whatever it was.

She looked like she was wanting something from the way her body movements.

Y/n: as much as I would love to do it with you, probably not a good idea with how my head is right now.

Kiri: yeah you're right you'll need to heal. From my training and what I have been taught, you will not be at your best.

She gets up from the bed. Doing the same Kiri had back towards me and since I'm not going to leave her hanging.

Walking closer to her I went and grabbed her ass making her moan. She turns her head to look at me.

Kiri: you're such a tease y/n.

Y/n: What? I'm not going to leave you hanging after how much you're making yourself look sexual.

Backing away I go and clean myself up and change the bandages. The old bandages had blood on them.

Walking to the main lab I put the mask on the recharging system so there would be new air in it. Kiri was just sitting around in the lab.

Going over, I sat next to her.

Kiri: not going to use the avatar?

Y/n: not sure if it is a good idea to use it.

Kiri: I see. So what are you going to do today?

Y/n: probably do some exploration.

Kiri: Sounds fun, mind if me, Lo'ak, and Neteyam join you?

Y/n: Yea it's fine if you guys join.

Timeskip of netayam rubbing Lo'ak head

Been walking around for a while taking samples and just looking at the plans as well as animals.

Neteyam: you know I don't think we've ever been this way before

Y/n: what makes you think that?

This was weird as I had to look up at him.

Neteyam: usually we will have marks on the tree and that helps identify if we have been here but I do not see any.

Lo'ak: we'll you know what they say

Neteyam: And what is that baby brother?

Lo'ak: exploring for fun.

Neteyam:.... That stupid.

Looking over to Kiri she was just looking at the two brothers and stuck her tongue out her way of saying they are stupid.

Neteyam: So y/n what happened to your head?

Y/n: oh that.

Kiri: spider attacked him last night.

She said that with a hint of hate behind her voice. I go over to her and pat her back.

Kiri: Thank you y/n.

Lo'ak: weird it is not like him to do that.

Neteyam: Do you know why he did it?

Y/n: if I had to say it was because he was jealous of me talking to Kiri.

We kept walking with occasional talks.

Y/n: hold on.

Kiri: What's wrong?

My breathing had become faster and harder to get air. Putting my fingers up signaling one minute. I put down my backpack I had with me and pulled out a canister.

Taking one last big breath of air I take my mask off and connect it to the canister.

It was getting harder to hold my breath in. A beep came from the canister and unplugged the mask and put it back on.

I start to catch my breath.

Y/n: sorry I needed more air.

Neteyam: I forgot that you're not using your avatar body.

Y/n: it's fine just need some air

Lo'ak: yo anyone see where Kiri went?

I and Neteyam look at each other and shake our heads.

Y/n: I'll find her.

Looking at the ground I see her footsteps and just follow them with the other two following me. After a couple of seconds, we found her staring off at something.

Y/n: Kiri you Alright?

She doesn't move I tap on her shoulder which seems to break her out of a trance

Kiri: hmm oh sorry guys I did it again didn't I?

Lo'ak: yes you did but y/n was able to find you

Kiri: oh thank you y/n

Y/n: no problem

Looking forward I see a run-down lab building and some kind of Mech on the ground with an arrow through the glass part

Hopping over the tree trunk and starting to walk over the building.

Neteyam: wait y/n I'm not sure that a good ideas

Lo'ak: come on it would be fun.

He gets up and hops over as well and starts to look around. Turning back to Neteyam.

Y/n: you know what they say Neteyam

He signed at the thought of it being another bad joke most likely.

Y/n: the wilderness needs the explore

I start to run to the building.

Neteyam: oh eywa please be with me.

Kiri: hey that's my thing

She hit his arm. They both start to laugh. Looking forward at the building I push the door open with the glass falling off it.

Going inside to the left was a window emergency mask table, and the machine connects to your avatar on the other side as well.

Going to the left side first. On the table was a nameplate dusting it off. The name surprised me.

The name was sully. On the other side of it was Jake. So this must be where they went to hide away from RDA.

There is a computer as well. However, with the power being out there is no way to access it. Going to the other side had a name plate as well and wiping the dust away the name on it was norm.

Heading down the hallway there were two more rooms one had another one of the mechanics the other had some kind of kitchen.

Not interested in the kitchen so I head over to the other desk. It had a name on it Grace on the back of it had Augustine.

Y/n: Kiri's mother

Kiri: yes y/n?

Y/n: ah what the heck Kiri where did you come from

Kiri: I came in here a couple of seconds ago. I saw you head this away from the door. So what did you need?

Y/n: this is Jake's lab when he was still human.

Kiri: What makes you think that?

Y/n: on one of the desks it had his name and this right here.

Moving to the side so she can see. She walks to the desk and stops in her tracks.

Looking at her hand trembling and she moves to grab the nameplate moves it closer to her and she hugs it.

Kiri: mom

I give her a pat on her shoulder.

Kiri: Thank you for finding this y/n you don't know how much it means to have something new from her. Especially something that I can keep with me at all times

Y/n: I want to try and power the build back up to see if there is anything on the computer, maybe something from your mom.

Kiri: please do it if possible. I want to collect all my mom's things.

Heading outside where Lo'ak and Neteyam were just chatting with each other.

Neteyam: oh y/n what is it like there?

Y/n: it's your dad's place.

Lo'ak: that's awesome.

Y/n: do you guys mind if you can try looking inside for any removable panels with power? I'm checking outside.

Neteyam: Are you trying to turn the power back on?

Y/n: Yea we found Kiri's mother's computer and your dad's as well.

Lo'ak: leave it to us. I also want to see how cool Father was back then.

Walking around the building I didn't find anything that could turn the power back so I headed back inside

Y/n: you guys find anything here?

The two Navi boys were standing above a panel on the ground

Lo'ak: is this the one you were looking for?

Y/n: maybe

Walking to the panel crouching down I grabbed my knife from my side Holster. Put it in between the spaces with the decayed material so it is easy to open it.

Putting some pressure on the knife, the panel opens. Opening the panel electrical sign. Flipping some switches nothing happens. Taking off the other panel. Seeing wire cutting them I reconnected them to a different one.

Flipping the switch again sends sparks at me quickly covering my face from its light coming on with some breaking and other flickering.

Heading over to Jake's computer first clicked on some of the videos.

Jake: So what I'm thinking is putting battle makeup from my forehead to my nose and from my mouth cheek here to here and the same on the other side.

Jake: Now if I don't come back from this then this will be my last recording and if so then my final words are. I did this for you brother. I won't let you down Jake out.

Looking back at the brothers Neteyam seems to be focused on what the video said and Lo'ak was using two of his fingers and copying the layout of what Jake said for face paint.

Y/n: I'm going to go and help Kiri now.

Neteyam: hmm oh yea you go do that we will keep looking around on this computer.

Walking over to the other room. Kiri was huddled up. Next to the computer.

Y/n: how is it going with this computer?

Kiri: I can't access it.

She slumped down into the chair.

Y/n: why what is wrong?

Kiri: There is a password on the account and I can't figure out what it is. There is nothing here.

Y/n: Let me try to open it.

She gets up from the broken chair. Sitting down in the chair I take a quick look around not seeing much.

Opening the account it asks for a password. I tried a couple of different passwords going from her name to numbers.

I tried to think hard about what it could be looking around till my eyes landed on Kiri. There was no possible way it could be.

Clicking on the password bar I typed Kiri's name into it and it opened. Strange from what I know she was born in her mother's avatar and nobody knows about it back then and her name?

Kiri: Wait, how did you get in?

Y/n: I just typed your name in and it opened.

Kiri: really? That's weird, why was my name the password?

Y/n: your guess is good as mine is.

Looking through the computer it was full of files and some video. Kiri was interested in the video with her mother.

However, there was one that caught my attention, one named Kiri. Password protection as well.

Y/n: looks like your one special girl Kiri

Kiri: why what happened?

Y/n: you have a file with your name on it.

Her tail and ears flick up at the information she was told.

Kiri: Really what does it say about me?

Y/n: I'm not sure there is another password on it. Did you get any ideas?

She closes her eyes and just goes quiet. Wait a couple of minutes she looks like she was in a trance. She starts to walk to the chair. Getting off of it she sits down and pulls the keyboard out.

She typed in a word eywa the file opened. Took a couple of seconds before she shook her head and looked around.

Kiri: What happened?

Y/n: you don't remember what you just did?

Kiri: No, I just blacked out for a moment.

Y/n: you open the file.

With a surprised expression covering her face.

Kiri: What was the password?

Y/n: you typed in eywa into the computer

She looks down and then does a small praying motion with her hands.

Kiri: thank you eywa for helping me to open the file in my name.

She looks back up and gets out of the chair and motions for me to sit. Sitting down I was about to start looking when Kiri sat on my lap.

She looked at me with a cheeky smile and looked back at the computer. I swear this girl.

Focusing back on the computer looking around the file there were three papers one and two videos.

The paper talked about if an avatar could be pregnant and what the consequence for the kid will be.

Another had different names and Kiri's name was one of them. Next to it were some words. They said that this name keeps showing up in her dreams.

Another was a bit weird as it talks about Eywa coming to her in her dreams.

Next was the video clicking on the first one. It shows a room with what I'm assuming is Kiri's mother.

???: This is Grace Augustine. I'm recording this on August 23rd.

Grace: I'm making this video after what happened last night. I had some kind of vision of what I'm assuming is eywa.

Grace: she was telling me about how my avatar was going to have a kid. I'm not sure how that works out or what would happen to the kid.

Grace: But what I do know is that sadly I would not be around for that kid's life.

Grace: even though this information would terrify normal people. It just tells me that I want to do more. My life right now is not the best.

Grace: We are doing things that are destroying this planet and I can't fight them alone. But if Eywa has come to me and my life has meaning then I'm willing to die for her.

Grace: this would be the conclusion of this video.

The video stopped after she said that. Looking at Kiri she was shedding a tear as she went to touch the video with her mother's face.

Her tail wrapped around me as if it was trying to feel support. I wrapped my arm around her. So that she could feel that there was someone there for her.

Clicking the next video. It shows the room that we were in right now. You were able to see the sky however and something was moving around.

Norm: you need to lie down.

Grace: no norm I need to make this before I'm not able to.

Norm: Grace....

Grace: please norm.

He nodded his head and left the room.

Looking at Grace she was not looking so well. She was pale skin color and looking around her shirt had what seemed to be blood.

Grace: this will be my final log to this file and most likely any other files. I had some more dreams but some of them had two things in common.

Grace: they each had a name Kiri and my avatar was in it. So I'm assuming that my daughter's name will end up being that.

She coughs a bit and her hand ends up with some blood on them.

Grace: So I want to make a video for you. Kiri, if you find this video, I want to tell you something. I'm sorry that I'm not around with you when you're growing up.

Grace: I wish I could be there. I can see now that you're going to be a beautiful person when you grow up. I'm going to watch over you even if I'm not there.

Grace: You know I'm been checking my avatar recently and I can see something. Something is growing in her stomach that you Kiri.

Grace: I love you Kiri always remember that. Final log Kiri.

The video ends shortly after that. Looking back at Kiri I could see her crying. I move to hold her as she cries into my shoulder.

Y/n: it's alright Kiri lets It out.

We end up being like that for a while. After some time she looks up at me.

Kiri: thank you y/n I appreciate how much you do for me.

She goes and gives me a peck on my cheek.

After a bit longer we try to get up from the chair but it ends up breaking with us still in it falling back to the ground.

Hearing footsteps heading are way looking up with Neteyam and Lo'ak looking down at us.

Neteyam breaks out laughing and tries to cover Lo'ak eyes

Neteyam: Come little brother, let's not disturb these two lovebirds.

Quickly getting up and helping Kiri up as well.

Y/n: wait wait it is not like Neteyam.

Lo'ak and Neteyam make jokes about it. With Kiri blushing behind us.

We start to head out. Heading inside I start to feel light-headed. Not sure why when I realized I have not put new air in a while.

I try to pull the air canister out of my backpack. However, I fell to the ground dropping the canister.

Looking up I see Kiri panicking and the two brothers come up.

Kiri picks up the canister and looks down. Put the opening to the air canister into her mouth and pull the lever so that the air releases.

She takes in some air and closes it. She gets down and takes my mask off.

Feeling the difficulty of trying to grasp air. She gives the canister to lo'ak.

Kiri: Look, feel it up with air from the canister.

Lo'ak: a-alright

Neteyam: Why did you take some air though?

Kiri: for this.

She gets down and pushes her lips onto my mouth feeling her open my mouth and blowing air from the canister that she took into my mouth.

She backs up after doing it and walks over to Lo'ak and grabs the masks she brings to me. I use the air that gave me to put the mask on just in time.

The mama locks onto my face and I start to breathe the air in with heavy breathing. Falling back to the ground.

Y/n: that... that was too close.

Kiri hit my cheats a couple of times.

Kiri: don't do that again remember to check your air y/n.

Y/n: sorry I forgot I'm not in my avatar body.

Neteyam walks over and puts a hand down towards me. Taking his hand he pulls me up.

Y/n: I think we should head back. Not safe to stay out here.

They all agreed that we should head back.

However, before leaving I went to a tree and grabbed a device out of my bag. I climbed the tree and stuck it with the device.

Climbing down and heading back to the other.

Kiri: What is that?

Y/n: oh that is a motion capture in camera. If it sees anything that moves in front of it, let me know.

Kiri: I see what it is.

Y/n: Yea I have a couple of those around.

We started to head out along the way Neteyam and Lo'ak left. They said something about how this was fun.

I and Kiri head back for the day. Nothing eventful happened. As I went to bed Kiri went to sleep with me again. I feel like Tomorrow will be a fun day for me and Kiri.

Word count 3377

So a new chapter is out and it is the biggest one ever that I have made. It was fun to write this one with character development. I hope you guys look forward to another lemon chapter with someone hopefully soon

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