Not exactly how I thought day would go

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Y/n was making his way to meet up with the other. The plan that they had was to collect anything that they needed for their clothes.

Y/n was tagging along for two reasons: one was to get something he could use for a date tomorrow.

Mostly spices for the meat that he was able to get from Tonowari yesterday.

It arrived early in the day and was supposedly wrapped in some kind of leaf to help keep the meat good.

But the second reason why he came was to see how Neytiri was doing and to mess around with the highly futuristic sex toy(for plot reasons if you remember what I said about them)

Y/n heard footsteps approaching fast it sounded so familiar, almost like a small Navi girl......wait a small Navi girl? That was when his dodging sense kicked in.

He moved to the left just in time to see tuk who was jumping to where he was just at.

With no one there she falls into the water.

Y/n: hehe almost got me this time

That is when he feels two hands on his back pushing him into the water.

He swam quickly back up and turned to look to see who pushed him. Kiri was looking at him trying to cover her mouth from letting a chuckle out.

Kiri: should have watched out where you were walking.

Y/n: yeah my bad I fell into the water. What is that?

Kiri: hm?

Y/n made a motion with his arm pushing some of the water out and hitting Kiri.

Kiri: cold AW!

She backed away from the edge of the floor so that he could not get her again.

Y/n swan to a spot where he could pull himself up. Getting up Neteyam walked over and helped pull him up.

Y/n: thanks.

Neteyam: yeah no problem.

He walked over and helped tuk out of the water. She looked like a cat. ( feels like I used a cat as a reference so much in this story)

Loak who was watching ran and jumped into the water.

Neteyam: what Loak come on man come over he-

Loak came over and pulled on Neteyam's leg making him fall into the water. He quickly reappeared from the water.

Neteyam: Loak man come on.

Loak: what? Come on, live a little. life is too short to not be having some fun.

Neteyam: that sounds pretty wise for you Loak

Loak: Are you saying I'm not smart huh?

Neteyam: yes

Y/n & kiri: yes

Loak: Man will there ever be a day you guys don't gang up on me?

Neteyam: who knows now come on we got to do some looking around to see what we can use

That is when a flash of blue slashes in front of the two buys a couple of seconds before it popped back out of the water it was tuk.

Neteyam: come on tuk now it going to take more time for us to get out of here

Kiri walked to the edge of the little platform looking off the edge. Y/n walked over and pushed her off the platform falling into the water.

When she came up she looked around at the group.

Loak: first time?

While they were talking it gave y/n a moment to talk to the Navi milf ( ;) ) who was watching everything.

She looked a little tired, almost like she had not been able to sleep well. He could see the small strap right where he left it on her.

Y/n: what's wrong neytiri you're not looking so well.

He just gave her a small snug look on his face.

Neytiri: I have no idea what you're talking about.

She was taking deep breaths every time she took to him.

(Not going to lie yall her outfit from Avatar 2 fucking sucks man the one from when she has the Water tribe clothes. Nothing is interesting about it)

Y/n: So you're saying your body is not hot?

Her body was heating up and was very sensitive to everything right now, even a simple touch. She knew she could not say anything about it.

Y/n and her could tell that even though she told herself that she found her body was a different story.

She kept panting, her legs trembling almost wanting to collapse. Y/n walked over put a couple of fingers on things and moved them along her waist

Her body trembling under his fingers.

Y/n: you know you don't look like you got much sleep last night.

Neytiri: It was because of this cursed machine.

Y/n: strange, I never said you had to wear it when you went to sleep.

She was glaring at him. But he was right; he never said she had to. Then why did she not take it out was she more into this than she thinks?

Y/n took a look at the other to see what they were doing. They were arguing about who got to go up first.

A smirk showed on y/n face as an idea formed in his head.

As Neytiri was thinking about this whole thing. She was taken by surprise when y/n lifted one of her legs.

With her leg up she held onto y/n for support but he smacked his lips with hers catching her surprised by this. Her loincloth, the only thing covering her wet pussy, was now out and exposed.

Being lifted when her lag was lifted. If anyone was to come by they would be able to see her exposed area.

Even more so with how their bodies are she could feel something poking her below just enough to be teasing her body.

Y/n moves his hand feeling her body. Going upwards his hand slid below her chest clothed part. He could feel how soft her breast was but at the same time, her nipples were hard.

Her womb wanted contact with something that she had never felt.

When her mother taught her about herbs what to watch out for in both males and females and all the different things about the bodies.

She said that when a woman finds a strong man their body will want to have that person's seeds.

But with her and Jake her womb never craved for his dick like her body is right now. Another thing that she found out was that Jake was on the lower side of sizes.

She felt something every time they did it but was always left kinda unsatisfied. The only reason she liked it when they were younger was because she was just a horny teen at the time....... What has her life come to?

Y/n noticed that she was crying and confused her back away from the embrace that he was doing.

Y/n: woah wait did I do something wrong?

He never saw her like this emotionally; it was a sight he never saw her like. She simply shook her head.

It would be a bad idea if they saw their mother like this as he looked over and they seemed to finally figure out who would get up first.

He looked at the group of teens and back at Neytiri finally concluding. He walked over to the group of teens.

Y/n: hey uh neytiri just remembered she had to do something for Ronal and asked me for help. So we are going to head out right.

Neteyam: really? Alright wait up I'll come and help.

Y/n: no she said just me because I can help she wants you guys to go and finish your looking for new clothes parts.

Kiri: she was not wrong, she wanted us to get the last of the stuff for ourselves.

Neteyam: What about tuk then?

Y/n: she said for Loak to pick out her stuff?

Y/n just took a moment to think about what he said.

Loak: wait for me?

Neteyam: Yeah, is she sure about that?

That's when Neytiri walked up next to y/n looking at the group. He could tell that she was trying to hide the tears.

Neytiri: I know I think it was time for Loak to maybe help take responsibility for tuk and pick her stuff she needs. Neteyam helps him if he needs help.

Neteyam: uh sure thing Mom.

Tuk: I'm going to look like a boy.

Tuk looked like she had lost hope about her new clothes

Loak: well then don't you worry tuk you be the best-looking girl on the block.

Kiri gave him a look that said really?

Neteyam: Well don't worry Mother, I'll make sure that everything goes fine.

Y/n: Neteyam I need that information tomorrow morning about what we talked about before.

Neteyam: Don't worry about it I see what I can find out.

Kiri looked at the two trying to figure out what they were talking about she had a feeling they talking about something related to her

Y/n walked away from the group with Neytiri following closely behind; she was not focused on the moment.

Y/n had turned the device off as it did not feel like the right moment to be doing something with it.

He is a villain, not a monster.

He headed over to the sully home hoping that like any other day Jake was not there and he was right he had not seen him for such a long time besides when he went looking for tonowari. But he should be focused on Neytiri.

He looks around for anywhere to sit. He saw some wood slabs brought them over and had her sit across from him.

Y/n: look I know I am in no way a good person but if I did something besides all the other stuff I did to make you cry then I'm sorry

Neytiri: "chuckle" No it was not what you were doing but it..... was the most exciting thing I have done in such a long time. But I was just thinking back to when my father was alive and what would her father think if she saw her now.

Neytiri: leaving the clan that he died for his daughter, not even standing up for her clan.

Neytiri: My family stepped down as the leader of the clan.

Y/n just let her talk about what she needed to get out and let's just say that she seems to have some serious issues.

These seemed to go deep into her past.

Neytiri: to even add if my father was to see what I have been doing, what I'm forced to do. I should only be loyal to one partner but I've been doing these acts behind his back.

Y/n looked around for a moment now that he thought he had nothing to force her to be doing these things. She was doing it from her own will.

Y/n: look neytiri I may not know what your father would say if he was here, yes he may not like what I was "forcing" you to do. He would probably want to kill me.

Y/n: but you are doing this to protect your family if we did not leave then your clan would have been in trouble. Thanks to this they have no idea where we are and your family is safe which is the most important part.

Neytiri: bu-

Y/n: no but if he were to see why you had to do what you did he would be happy to know that it was for your family to protect them.

Y/n: as for the last part of what you said I may not know why you did not kill me when I started this whole thing with you but I'm sure you would have.

Neytiri: It was because of my daughters I have not seen them this happy about meeting someone even if it seemed to go in a different direction than I thought it would.

Y/n: yeah even I'm surprised with Kiri agreeing with what I want to do.

Neytiri: hmm what do you mean?

Y/n: oh Kiri is fine with me sleeping around with other girls.

Neytiri: what but you are to only have one mate for life.

Y/n: yeah well fuck it I'm not like you guys if I see a hot woman then I got to try to make some moves. Just like I did for you well expect the whole cheating thing.... Hopefully.

Neytiri: flattery will not get you far with your words.

She moved her head to the side. Looking away from his eyes. She was not expecting someone to consider her hot, especially with her being 32 years old.

A slight blush was on her face; she did not want him to see it.

Y/n: well then I guess you can go back to your old life.

Neytiri: Huh, what are you talking about?

Y/n: well after this talk and for me not having a reason to be doing this anymore I'm just not going to be doing the thing I do to you anymore.

She looked confused by what he was saying. She was not expecting this to happen.

He started to get up and leave her.

Neytiri: what but wait.

Y/n: yeah don't worry we can go back to how things were not talking to each other just like you wanted. You can keep or destroy that thing on your leg by the way I don't want it anymore.

Y/n: see you around.

Just like that, Neytiri was alone by herself thinking about what just happened. She got what she wanted. She can go back to how things were.

She was left with a strange feeling. Almost like emptiness and coldness.

Just then Jake entered the place. He looked around for a quick second not noticing his mate was crying.

She quickly wiped away the tears on her face before he could notice them.

Jake: hey I saw y/n on the way out and I thought you were helping the kids get their stuff.

Neytiri: uh yeah something came up so I needed his help.

Jake: oh well then good I just needed to pick something up real quick.

Neytiri: yeah that won't be a problem everything is fine.... Yeah, it's good.

Go back to having just her Jake together again with nothing getting into the way of things..... but is that what she wanted there were feelings in her chest.

Y/n walked away from their hit. He was going to meet up with the others and see if there was anything he could do to help but there was probably nothing.

He thought back to what happened just now. He gave her up for two reasons: one was he felt bad.

Now he did not feel much when he was doing things to her before but after what he heard it left a feeling. But there was another reason as to why he did it.

He thought it was time to see what she would do on her own if she were to come to him then that shows he gained leverage on her. If not then well he would lose nothing.

He let out a small laugh thinking about how easy things were back then. Before they left it just seemed so much easier to get things his way.

But he should probably get going if he wanted to help and get the last of the stuff he needed for tomorrow

Word count 2694.

Sorry for the time it took to be both busy and just did not feel like writing too much last well.

I've been thinking about making a schedule to make it easier and less stressful for me.

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Till next time readers

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