mother and daughter fight for dominance

This chapter will be experimenting with a different writing style. Let me know what you think of it.


Opening my eyes as they get used to the light looking around. I see that I was in the science building on what seemed to be an operating table. Getting off the table hea-

I slip on the floor falling forward. I'm a failure, sorry Rick. Man, I sure am falling for a while.

When I noticed that someone was holding onto me, I looked behind me and I saw Jake. He helps me stand up.

Jake: calm down there Y/n what the rush you need to recover from yesterday

Y/n: oh Jake I didn't even see you there. "Sigh"
You're right, I need to recover.

Jake: That's good to hear, Neytiri will take care of you since she is one of the medical personnel.

Y/n: oh alright then. I will head over to my tent then.

Jake: Good idea now, take care and relax.

Y/n: alright thanks Jake

I get up and start to walk back to my tent. I was feeling light-headed most likely from the blood loss. It's weird how I got used to the blue skin and it's weird to see blood on the avatar.

Took a bit but I made it to the hut going inside. I lay down on the bed. I lay down for a good amount of time till I hear a knock on the door.

Y/n: The door is open, come in!

The door opens see Kiri  there with a wooden tray she walks over to me and gets on her knee

Kiri: how are you feeling you did lose a lot of blood yesterday.

Y/n I'll live, I just need time to recover.

She made a fist with her hand and put it on her chest and puffed her chest out. As if proud of what she is doing.

Kiri: I have decided to come and take care of you till you recover.

I give her a smile

Y/n: hmm well thank you, Kiri

She grabs a bowl on the tray.

Kiri: I thought that you were probably hungry so I brought you some food.

She gets a spoon and gets a spoonful of soup. She blows on it and brings it close to my mouth.

Kiri: say ahhhh

I open my mouth and chomp down on the spoon. It was pretty good. It was beef stew. While eating I realized that it was just us two. This would be a good moment to do something with her.

I move my hand onto her thigh and she yelps. She looks down at where my hand is at. Looking back up at me. She had something I have never seen before. She had hearty eyes and a blushing face.

Kiri: You know Y/n if you ever want to do something together you could just ask.

She puts the bowl down and then moves her hand onto my chest and brings her face close to mine.

Neytiri: Hello Y/n how are you?

Kiri jumps back as the door starts to open revealingNeytiri. She walks into the hut and closes the door.

Kiri makes a pouting face. Most likely because she got interrupted.

Neytiri: Oh Kiri, what are you doing here?

Kiri: I came to take care of Y/n while he recovers.

Neytiri: That is sweet of you to do Kiri but I have come to take care of him. You can leave now.

Looking at Kiri I feel as if I can see a tick mark on her head.

Kirk: Why would I leave him mother when I already said that I would take care of him?

Neytiri: As one of the healers of the clan I would know best for him and the clan leader as well as your mother I would expect you to do what I say, Kiri.

They were both having an intense stare down with kiri having her hands both straight down and her tail pointing out and Neytiri having her hand crossed under her breast.

Sparks were coming in between them from where their eyes were meeting up at.

Kiri: Maybe so, however, I may be a healer in training but it would be better for someone of his age to do so.

Geez, all of this is just for me but why? Let's see, maybe there was something from the book. Come on try to remember hmmm.

That is if they have feline DNA then maybe they are fighting for dominance. However, it may also be because of Kiri talking back toNeytiri.

Not wanting to get pulled into this I try to get out of the tent but I feel something grabbing onto both of my shoulders looking back I feel a menacing aura from both of them.

Kiri&Neytiri: if you want to go for a walk you could have asked.

They both look at each other. both giving a stare at each other. Neytiri walks over and out one of my arms around her shoulder. Kiri was shocked by this and quickly walks up and does the same thing.

As we walked around I feel the stare of the other people and nv'ie around. As for how I have two girl bodies on both sides of my body.

I felt as if Neytiri's breast kept hit into the side of my chest however as for Kiri I felt nothing

Well, walking we meet some of the others.

Spider: Kiri what are you doing?

She looked to the side as spider approached us. He had an attitude when he asked that question.

Kiri: oh spider I'm taking care of y/n since he got hurt.

Spider: but he can't take care of himself.

Kiri: No

She look at him with depended face and just a straight answer

Kiri: Now can you tell mother that I can take care of him without her?

She was giving a smile however it was not a smile that you feel happy about almost scary. He looked at Neytiri and she gave him a serious face.

Spider: I feel that Neytiri can take care of him without.

She just looks at him and then tugs my arm with hers.
Walking for a while I felt something collide with my back.

Nearly dropping to the floor from the pain. I hear a voice of concern

???: Oh I'm sorry Y/n I shouldn't have done that. Just after what happened.

Tuk heads pop up from my back.

Y/n it's alright just be careful. My body hurts.

Tuk: Mhm I will be next time. My body hurts as well. It's all sore.

Just as I hope this would be a perfect excuse for the plan with her. Just need to set it up.

Neytiri: honey you need to get off his back. He is hurt there.

Tuk: alright Mom.

We spent more time walking with tuk coming along as well now. As for her, I hugged my back even though Neytiri told her not to. Her breast made up for Kiri not having any.

After a while, we decided to head back to the hut. Neytiri asked tuk to go and get food for me as night was approaching soon.

Y/n: you two should leave. I need to clean myself if you would mind.

Kiri: no can do y/n I said I will take care of you and I plan to.

Neytiri: Kiri I can't leave you with a boy all alone and cleaning together. I will help clean y/n you should head outside.

Things started to heat up between the two of them again.

Kiri: I insist mother you have a husband. What would Jake think?

Neytiri: he would be happy knowing that I'm not leaving you with a boy alone.

Neytiri: come y/n let's get you all washed up.

She grabs me by the arm and helps me up. She leads me to the area where I take a shower.

Word count 1459

Hey everyone sorry for not having this finish faster. I have just been feeling not motivated to write. I'm not saying that I'm stopping.

I just maybe need a break soon to not get burned out or maybe work on a different story for a bit.

If I were to work on a different here are some story I have in mind

South Park self-insert will have 18+ chapters

Dead space self insert no sex sadly

omori book self insert

Please vote as I will also be trying to figure out what to do when I'm done with this book.

Thank you, my reader also one more chapter Until we hit 18+ chapter

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