is that a mother fucking whale

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The last couple of days had gone by pretty fast. y/n spent the last couple of days talking to Ronal. But this time y/n was walking with Neteyam. He came by the day before to tell him that Loak wanted them to all meet for something.

Y/n: So what do you think loak wants?

Neteyam: not sure all he said to me was something happened when Aonung took him outside the reef last week and he wanted to talk about it but we were gone so he waited for us to come back.

Y/n: Hmm strange but alright anyway how is your leg doing now that you're walking again?

He lifted his leg and put some pressure on it.

Neteyam: almost as good as new. Anyways, did you hear that there is going to be a celebration for Tonowari for him becoming one with eywa?

Y/n: yeah ronal told me about it.

Neteyam: You've been spending a lot of time with her.

Y/n: yeah after getting to know her a lot more it felt like she was not as bad as I thought. I think she is starting to warm up to me as well.

Neteyam: Well hey that's good then. I know she hasn't liked us because of our blood and you not a lot more because of your avatar.

Y/n: I mean yeah at first she was a bitch but she is better now than before.

Neteyam: Well, no point in talking about it now. Since it is in the past now.

y/n nodded his head agreeing with Neteyam that there was no point in worrying about something that didn't matter anymore.

Y/n: well anyways we better not keep the others waiting.

Neteyam: yeah..... The last one there Is a prolemuris!

Neteyam took off running. y/n shook his head as he ran after him. The two were running neck and neck trying to beat the others. After a bit of running and jumping on rocks. They made it to the place.

They stopped a couple of feet away from the others. The two were trying to catch their breath after running for a while

Y/n: I "huff," told you "huff" I would win. Take that Neteyam.

Neteyam: As "huff" if you won "huff" that. It is quite obvious that I won.

As the two talked loak and aonung walked over to the both of them.

Aonung: it took you both long enough

Neteyam: Hey don't blame me I was stuck waiting for this guy.

He pointed over his shoulder towards y/n.

Y/n: woah hey now wait a minute you were the one who wanted to take the long way to this place. "Sigh' well anyways we're here now.

y/n looked around the place noticing that someone was missing.

Y/n: Hey where is Kiri at?

Loak: she went into the water she seemed like she was thinking about something.

Y/n: All alright well I'll go get her then be back in a few guys.

y/n went jogging over to the beach. He hasn't seen Kiri since Tonowari's funeral. He was sure she would have come to visit him. He took a couple of steps into the water before he dived down into the water.

He looked around and saw her a couple of feet away looking around at the fish that were swimming around peacefully. He starts swimming over to her.

It was good that she got more used to this place. She just fit in so naturally with the Metkayina clan. As he got closer, Kiri noticed him and smiled at him. She went to stand up and y/n went and did the same.

As he stood up he quickly shook off his hair to dry it a bit so it wouldn't be in his eyes. He walked over to Kiri.

Kiri: y/n! It's so good to see you.

She walked towards him before she jumped at him wrapping her arms around his neck. He swung her around before he slipped and fell back causing them both to fall into the water.

y/n submerged back up from the water looking around as Kiri jumped up from the water splashing onto him.

Y/n: hey Kiri it's good to see you as well I'm sorry for making you worry and not opening the door for you.

Kiri: It's alright y/n I get it. I'm just happy that you're out here with us again.

y/n: So what were you doing with the fish?

Kiri: I was just watching it. Seeing how they lived peacefully with each other.... I wish that we would have gotten to live normal lives and not worry about getting killed by the rda.

Y/n: I wish you would have gotten to as well but hey at least you ended up meeting me right? Plus don't worry as long as I'm around I will protect you.

Kiri: aw y/n.

She put her back towards him and kinda rubbed herself on him trying to make herself appealing to him. Before she turns around to him and kisses him.

As they pulled away y/n chuckled as he cupped his hand on her face and pushed his lips against hers again. He pulled away, looking back at the land and seeing the others waiting for them.

Y/n: hey we should head over and see what loak wants.

Kiri: alright fine.

The two were making their way back over to the other y/n behind Kiri he noticed that as they walked Kiri was moving her his with each step her tail swinging around Sexually before she glanced back at him with a lewd look in her eyes as she licked her lip.

The two rejoin the others in the weird rocky area y/n walks around before he crouches down next to loak and Tsireya. He looked at Tsireya with a smile and waved his hand at her. She looked away blushing.

Neteyam: we are all here now loak tell us what happened

Aonung: I'm even interested in what took you so long to get back.

Loak: I barely even made it back. I was just as surprised as you. So this is what happened.

Loak explains that after Aonung left him, he was almost killed by Akula. Which y/n was surprised because he also fought one as well. But it made more sense when loak explained that he got saved by some kinda whale-like creature.

Kiri: I wish I could have been there to see it. Loak brother you were blessed by the ocean.

Aonung: from what you said, it sounds like Tulkun saved you but they have yet to return. And not only that tulkun never travels alone.

Loak: Well this one was.

Y/n: what was it like?

Loak: it was very strong and it was missing a fin kinda like your IIu so it had a stump on its left side.

Tuk looked down sad about what she heard.

Tuk: poor tulkun

Even y/n agreed that it was sad to hear that it was missing a fin. Tsireya put her hand on y/n shoulder using it to look at loak.

Tsireya: payakan

Loak and Kiri had the same answer to what Tsireya said about what or who a payakan is. That's when Rotxo spoke up. y/n forgot he was here as he was mostly quiet about the whole thing.

Rotxo: a young bull who went rogue. He is an outcast alone. He fits everything you said.

Tsireya: they say he is a killer

Y/n thought about what they were saying. A small smile was on y/n face as payakan reminded him of him. Alone with no friends, or family to be judged because of something that happens.

Aonung: No, no he killed navi and other tulkun. Not here but fat to the south.

Y/n: if he is that dangerous why haven't we killed it?

Aonung: because father wanted to hold it off as it was farther south.

Loak: well he no killer

Tsireya: loak you are lucky to be alive

Loak: I'm telling you guys. He is no killer. He is my friend.

Y/n thought about what Loak was saying and what he had been hearing. He is alive because of his friendship with this tulkun. Just one thing was going through his mind when he thought about it. He was saved by the power of friendship.

That is when he noticed Neteyam getting up and walking over to loak.

Neteyam: the mighty warrior who went and faced off against the killer tulkun and lived to tell about it.

He pushes Neteyam off his shoulder getting up.

Loak: you guys aren't listening to me.

y/n looked around for a moment when he said that. He hadn't even said anything to make him not believe he didn't believe in what he was saying.

Tuk: I'm listening loak.

He just shook his head as he walked off. Everyone was telling him to come back. y/n let out a sigh before standing up and looking at Neteyam.

Y/n: Nice job Neteyam

Neteyam: What all I was trying to do was a bit of teasing. I didn't expect him to get so mad about it.

Y/n got up and started walking after loak.

Kiri: y/n Where are you going!?

Y/n: I'm going to go and see this killer myself.

He went jogging after loak. He saw him riding his IIu out into the sea. y/n walked over to the water and patted it. After a few seconds, his IIu head popped out of the water.

y/n quickly got onto it, connected his queue to it, and went after loak. After a couple of minutes, Loak slowed down noticing y/n was chasing him.

Loak: Did Neteyam send you after me to get me back over there with you guys? Because I know you guys are close so he would ask you.

Y/n: no you left before I got to say anything I believe that you were saved by this tulkun. So I want to see it with my own eyes.

Loak: So you believed me?

Y/n: yeah why not.

Loak: oh well thanks come on just yell his name and let me try to calm him down before you two meet alright?

Y/n: fine by me.

They spent the next couple of hours just yelling payakan in hopes of finding the tulkun. It was already midday. They had decided to head near the outside of the reef.

Loak yelled out its name again after a few seconds there was a bubbling noise coming from the water.

Y/n: is that it?

Loak: I think so remember let me talk to it first.

y/n nodded as loak got off his Ilu. Swimming over to the tulkun

y/n watched as loak was talking to the creature. The creature seemed to speak and somehow knew what it was saying. y/n guessed he needed to work on his tulkun language.

He turned to y/n waving him over. y/n quickly patted his ilu before getting off and swimming over to loak.

Loak: This here is a friend you can trust because I trust him.

Payakan let out a sound that seemed like it was fine with him. y/n places his hand on the creature feeling its tough skin. Completely different feeling compared to an ilu which was more soft if anything.

Loak: Y/n grab onto payakan he is going to take us on a ride.

Y/n: oh uh alright.

He grabbed onto it fin. Loak did the same as the creature started swimming around in a circle before it started moving faster swimming all over the place. The speed it was going at was fast but they were still able to hold on.

Payakan moved its fins so that they could stand up on the fins while it was swimming. After loak did it he looked back at y/n watching as he pulled himself up, put his foot down, and stood up.

Then it started making it away upwards as it headed for the surface. y/n got ready as it made a jump out of the water y/n quickly did a backfoot jump as the land when Payakan hit the water making it.

Afterward, a couple of hours passed as he stayed with loak. They both did a couple of tricks while with Payakan. Afterward, though he was making his way to his hut tried by the day with the racing Neteyam and loak telling them about Payakan even though most didn't believe loak.

y/n decides to see for himself before deciding what to think about the tulkun. He can say though that he had quite a fun day after going after loak.

y/n made it to his hut, opening the door he was surprised to see Kiri there, she was sitting on the bed giving off a bad feeling.

Y/n: hey Kiri everything alright?

Kiri: There is something I want to talk about but first how was loak?

Y/n: he's doing fine, why you ask?

Kiri: just because of how mad he got when we didn't believe what he was saying

Y/n: I don't blame them for not believing in what he said. But what do you want to talk about?

Y/n sat down next to her placing his hands onto hers. Looked at her with a bit of concern.

She took a deep breath before looking at him.

Kiri: Why was Neytiri over here a few nights ago?

He saw where this was going and he knew what she was hinting at. But it now made sense she was the one there that night.

This also explains why Loak said she seemed to be deep in thought about something because of that.

But from what he remembered there was a small puddle from where she was so maybe she is not as sad as she seems.

He decided he was not going to hide it; he was going to be straightforward with her.

Y/n: Neytiri came over a couple of nights ago because she wanted to cheer me up.

Kiri: So what did she do to cheer you up?

Y/n: we..." sighs" had sex.

She let out a sigh and got up. He couldn't see her face. It was making him nervous.

After all, things are much different than when they first met Kiri was in heat and he got marked in an accident causing her to be head over heels for him but now.

She would do anything to be with him but since she wasn't anymore she would most likely start to think more rationally about stuff.

He was nervous about what would happen next. Was she going to say something about how horrible he is or how she never wants to see him again?

He let out a sigh before getting up. He placed his hand on her shoulder.

Y/n: hey talk to me Kiri I know you agree to this but I want to know what you're sad about.

She mumbled something that he couldn't hear at first but after a minute she said it again.

Kiri: I'm not sad y/n I'm not even mad either

Y/n was left there dumbfounded.

He placed his hand on her chin and lifted it to see what she looked like.

Y/n: then what is wrong Kiri tell me. If you don't want me to do it with her that's fine I won't.

Kiri: It's not that either.

Y/n: then what is it?

Kiri: I-it's why didn't you tell me that you found another person to mate with and didn't invite me when you did it?

Y/n: y-your not mad that I had fuck neytiri your mother?

Kiri: y/n she is only an adopted mother to me so I'm not too mad about that. I just wish you would have told me that you were thinking about taking her in. You could have at least told me that.

Y/n: oh uh well yeah you're right I should have and that is my fault. I'll make sure to tell you next time if I'm going after someone.

Kiri placed her hand on his and moved it to her hip then placed her hand on his face.

Kiri: if I was mad at you like that then I wouldn't have acted how I did earlier at the beach.

Y/n: well I guess you're right.

Kiri: also as I said before I chose to be your mate knowing you would go after others as long as you give me some love now and then I'll be happy.

Y/n: Man you're the best you know that.

Kiri: haha yeah I know and you tame the best didn't you?

Y/n: so I wanted to ask because it was hard not to notice did you...masturbate while me and her were fucking

She looked down blushing hard and embarrassed by hearing what she had done. She nodded while not looking at him.

Y/n place his hand a bit lower onto her hip side almost between her hip and ass.

Y/n: well then my little Navi how about we make up for not inviting you?

Kiri: What do you mean?

Her ears slicked back almost trying to say how interested in what he was saying.

Y/n: so you know about the celebration in a couple of days from now how about us....

He moved his mouth closer to her ear sending shivers down her spine. As she listened to what he had planned she was almost shocked but intrigued by his little plan.

Kiri: we could get exposed if you do it there.

Y/n: it is not the first time I did something to her in public.

He pushed his leg in between her legs and put one of his arms over her, pinning her to the wall.

Y/n: plus why not try experimenting don't you want to know how it would feel?

Her heart started beating faster as she looked up at him with a lewd look in her eyes.

Kiri: o-ok let's do it.

He backed away from her with a smile on his face. He nodded at her before he went and laid down on the bed.

He felt some shuffling next to him as he looked he saw Kiri there clinging to his side. It reminds him of when they used to sleep together in the cave.

He wrapped his arm around her, bringing her closer to him and feeling her body squished up next to him.

y/n: I should tell you that there is something between me and Tsireya.

Kiri opened her eyes to look into y/n eyes before she let out a small chuckle.

Kiri: That's not so surprising after all the amount of times she was looking at you.

Y/n: haha yeah I guess so. I'll talk to her in a few days about our things and see what she thinks about it.

Kiri: All alright I'll leave her to you then.

Y/n nodded before remembering something.

Y/n: By the way, Kiri, I'll be leaving this place for a couple of days.

She quickly sat herself up to look down at him.

Kiri: What do you mean you're leaving this place?

Y/n: I plan to make my way back to the Omaticaya for a few days. There is something I want to get that is only over there.

Kiri: Then I'll go with you.

y/n: no Kiri I want you to stay over here.

Kiri: Why? I could help you out there.

Y/n: I know but there are two reasons one is I want you somewhere safe and the second is if you were to leave Jake would come and get you. You know he wouldn't let you go.

Kiri: You're right but still I don't want you going out there alone.

y/n thought of something that would maybe get her to back off. He may hate him but it is what will help him get her to stay here.

Y/n: I will be fine Kiri. I know my track record hasn't been good but I'll be fine if you stay here. I'll try and see what happens with Spider.

Kiri: you would do that?

Y/n: yeah I promise I will after all I know you still care about him.

Kiri: if you can do it safely then do it but I don't want you to if it is dangerous.

Y/n: it's a promise here another promise before I leave let's go on another date.

Kiri: Really it's a promise then!

She snuggled her face into his neck.

He looked up at the ceiling thinking about what just had happened. She was most likely still in heat right he was sure she would have cut ties with him for fucking neytiri if she wasn't right?

It only matters of time before she loses that feeling after all it is in cats and they don't care much about their mate.

He had already seen some traits carry over into the Navi plus as he said before if something were to happen to him she would move on he was sure of it.

She wouldn't continue to care about him if he died.....right?

Word count 3635

big thanks to
Charles Linder

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